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RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony

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7/21/2020 18:54:43   

Thanks a lot! <3

There's not much of it right now because I'm still taking pictures of items which I'm almost done with. The descriptions are a big piece of work for me, thanks to my OCD, and I'm gonna need help with them. At least they can be saved and long as they're eligible.


If anyone wants to help me with the wiki or has any information about any of the expired Special Shop items, please lend a hoof! Thank you, and good NEIGH!
Post #: 576
8/23/2020 16:17:56   


So I spent a bit of time trying to figure out how to lower my cupcake level on purpose until I realized that it had to do with some par formula involving you and your opponent matching a number of orbs by the end of the battle. This might not be entirely accurate since it's such a strange mechanic, but if you beat your opponent with as little orbs as possible and/or your opponent matches a lot of them, your cupcake level will go down. It's very easy to perform the former with an Attack-100% MagiPet. The par may be sensitive to your XP level and cupcake level with your opponents'.

So I had my pony, at XP level 20 and cupcake level 120, battle XP level 1 ponies with the lowest cupcake levels, who are my befriended alts. I fought them with an Attack-100% MagiPet while they had none. My high health and their useless candy orbs would make the battle last so long that I'd be going far under the par. As I mentioned, my cupcake level was at 120, and with it dropping 1 level at a time, I had to do this A LOT to reach the lowest levels, except the first few times before my falling level came more into play, forcing me to do them as long as possible. With enough patience, I was actually able to reach all the way to the bottom (level 0) and see the rankings you can't normally see. The low rankings have been revealed!!


Oh, and your cupcake level will allow you to battle other ponies around that same level. Since no other ponies had levels that low...


But that's not all! I continued underparing to see if my cupcake level would go below 0, and it actually puts it in the negative!


With the ranking changing every 14 cupcake levels, I kept going until I reached when the next (well, previous) ranking would change (at -8). And then this happened:


I literally broke the game. Several texts have vanished and none of the buttons can be clicked or will appear different when you place your cursor over them, except "Get More Sparkle Gems!" and its pop-up's buttons. So you're basically stuck on that broken screen, but that can be fixed easily. If you have a negative cupcake level and refresh the game, it will reset that level back to 0. If it wasn't for that, my pony profile would've been bricked! Of all the bugs I've seen in this game, this is at a new level, so to speak.

Also, did you know that you can select and copy your XP level number on most of the game's screens? On that broken hub screen, although it shows nothing, you can still select where the number of your level was and even copy it. What does it say when you paste it? "999". Wow. If only I could see what the battle screen looks like. I can guess that you need your "Level Up!" button to detour you to a boss for that, but I doubt that'll work either. I really don't want to go through all that again just to find out. The way I had to lower my cupcake level was to finish off my opponent before they finished me, and keeping my eye on the game most of the time was not fun. I probably will since I'm collecting everything I can in the game for my wiki, but I'll do that later before the game shuts down. This whole experience was most of my weekend.

Well, that's all the cupcake level ranks, as well as "Corruptcake"! Here's an accurate cheat sheet featuring all of them!

-8 – (Hub menu breaks)
-7–6 – Vanilla
7–20 – Cherry
21–34 – Lemon
35–48 – Banana Split
49–62 – Coconut
63–76 – Peanut Butter
77–90 – Strawberry
91–104 – Marshmallow
105–118 – Red Velvet
119–120 – Chocolate
??? – Vanilla Cupcake (Shown on loading Pony Page)

See you later, and good NEIGH!!
Post #: 577
11/7/2020 10:59:17   

Hey SuKanzoo
Did you figure out xp levels?
Post #: 578
11/14/2020 21:22:02   

Yes, I have: https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/pony_vs_pony/images/b/b6/Pony_Vs_Pony_-_Experience_Required_-_All_Levels.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/2746?cb=20201009200516 (If that's what you meant)
I got them with help from my brother, HyperHimes, for helping me collect them. Plus, he got me into the game in the first place.

Now that I'm talking, I mind as well write my update, starting with: I also went out of my way to figure what happens when you trigger Corruptcake with the "Level Up!" button: https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/pony_vs_pony/images/8/86/Pony_Vs_Pony_-_Game_-_Pony_Hub_Screen_%28Broken_with_Level_Up_Button%29.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/1313?cb=20201008035605
You can actually click the button, and the result was quite surprising: https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/pony_vs_pony/images/7/7b/Pony_Vs_Pony_-_Game_-_Pony_Hub_Screen_%28Broken_After_Clicking_Level_Up_Button%29.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/1313?cb=20201008035628

I call that glitch "Corruptcake Corer". What I did to do that was complete sludge even though it wasn't. I discovered a totally different glitch when I reached cupcake level -8 with the "Level Up!" button. That other glitch triggers like this: You must reach enough XP to level up, then enter the boss selection screen, exit it while it's showing the boss you just unlocked, then beat a non-boss pony. Doing this will suddenly level you up. https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/pony_vs_pony/images/6/60/Pony_Vs_Pony_-_Battle_Board_-_Level_Up_%28After_Beating_a_Non-Boss%29.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/1313?cb=20201115013933 It stored the level-up mechanic from the selected boss you must beat to level up and will trigger on the next opponent you beat. I discovered that glitch in the worst possible way. Happening on the last beaten opponent before I entered the broken the hub menu, I couldn't see what it looks like with that button since I just leveled up to make it go away. I assumed that the game wouldn't let you see the broken screen with that button as long as it was out, so I thought of triggering Corruptcake again, but also while I got enough XP to level up while I lowered my cupcake level down to -8 at the same time. Though I was satisfied with the results, when I later learned that what happened before was actually because of "Level Up Storage" just ticked me off. Knowing that all that careful mathing to trigger Corruptcake Corer was unnecessary made me want to punch, or should I say buck, something. But with that all sorted out and recorded, I won't have to go through all that again.

With all that I've hoarded, I have a few things left to get. Sadly, I'm so exhausted and slacking on them since they're just notes to write, and by now, I've written loads of other notes throughout my hoarding. I've still got time left and I'll get them done. I'm just so burned out for doing this for the past 10 months. It's not like I'll be able to collect every little thing in this game, thanks to the now unobtainable Special Shop items, but still, collecting everything I can before the game potentially dies has been my goal, and it's right in front of me.

Not to mention, the game's starting to break. The play page (the screen with the pony holding the big "Play!" button) is now gone. Going to that link will now redirect you to the game page. The Facebook bar on the game page is gone as well. There's a month and a half of this game, and every other Flash game, left before they potentially vanish completely.

Oh, and if you want to play this game before then and want to level up faster, here's the friend code for my main pony account: 259987-A8F1
Sorry for not adding that a while ago.

< Message edited by SuKanzoo -- 8/24/2021 0:10:21 >
Post #: 579
11/18/2020 8:46:15   
Digital X
Beep Beep!

It has been a long time since I played this, love to see people still involved! :)
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 580
12/1/2020 19:42:53   

Okay, I just got a friend in the game who's pony wears now unobtainable Special Shop items: The Spider/Witch Hat and Dress, and Druid Hood.

Can that person, and any other people with items like those if you have any, please do me a favor and send me the largest pictures of all of the unobtainable Special Shop items they have, both on their own and equipped on their pony (with nothing else on), along with their names and descriptions? Please make sure that you use the 'Print Screen' button on your keyboard, and get the pictures enlarged by zooming in with your browser and don't stretch them out. I'm sorry for this demand, but the game's likely gonna die next month and that would really help support it. Thank you! <3

< Message edited by SuKanzoo -- 12/1/2020 19:45:45 >
Post #: 581
12/25/2020 17:02:04   


Pony Vs Pony will very likely die after this week due to Flash's End of Life! This is your last chance to play it!
Post #: 582
12/31/2020 12:02:43   


It's almost over for Pony Vs Pony and all of Flash.
Post #: 583
1/18/2021 9:50:28   

Hey, SuKanzoo good news still a way to play PVP!

Download this:
"click" open
copy and paste this URL
and, away you go!
of course, you have to re-enter your login details (seems to save afterward)
but you should be fine unless you're doing weird stuff online
Post #: 584
1/30/2021 21:44:59   

SWEET!! Thank you so much for telling me this! It works!!

Nevertheless, I've been hoarding the game on the off chance that it couldn't be played anymore. I've saved so much material for the past 10 months and I really need a break from it all. There are still some things left to note, like on that Flash Player, you can stretch the screen out horizontally and vertically, and discover features hidden outside game's boundaries, including an unpressable "Blast" button on the battle screen. But I'm all out of gas, so they're just gonna have to wait till later.

I've saved all the pictures, notes, and music and sound rips from the game into my shared drive folder. There may be a few extra pictures that I've thrown in as well. Enjoy the museum! https://1drv.ms/u/s!AiFbkYs2HK6UwUOu0mIFF1qnyXY8?e=3Qigyn

Thanks again for telling me how to bring the game back, Icetex! I have credited you for that on my shared PVP notebook. <3 <3 <3
And yes: When I first got the game to work on that player, it still had my saved login information just the same.
Can you do me a favor and see if you can also bring back the game's play page and Pony Pages too? I'd like to know if they can still be accessed.
Post #: 585
1/31/2021 20:14:53   


Thanks again for telling me how to bring the game back, Icetex! I have credited you for that on my shared PVP notebook. <3 <3 <3
And yes: When I first got the game to work on that player, it still had my saved login information just the same.
Can you do me a favor and see if you can also bring back the game's play page and Pony Pages too? I'd like to know if they can still be accessed.

Unfortunately, Pony Play Page could be lost to the sands of time
you could try https://archive.org/web/ if you have the URL if isn't there it's probably was never properly archived
As for Pony Page, they could be also lost to the sands of time because it's the reliance on player data
But there seems to be to http://ponyvsponycdn.artix.com/Characterpage4.swf in the page source code but the problem with the adobe debug tool that this makes the file default to id 0 pony
and i have no idea how to make it see other pages (yet)
I'm glad to help
Post #: 586
2/1/2021 22:31:35   

Ah, nice! At least one of the pony pages is good enough for me. I can't expect all of them (100,000s) to be saved, but if something else about them gets unearthed, let me know.

As for the play page, it has been archived on the Wayback Machine, but I don't know how to enter the link in the drive correctly to make it run. Can you help me if you can? Here's the latest archived link: https://web.archive.org/web/20200922154909/http://www.ponyvspony.com/

Thank you!! <3
Post #: 587
2/4/2021 15:19:19   


Ah, nice! At least one of the pony pages is good enough for me. I can't expect all of them (100,000s) to be saved, but if something else about them gets unearthed, let me know.

As for the play page, it has been archived on the Wayback Machine, but I don't know how to enter the link in the drive correctly to make it run. Can you help me if you can? Here's the latest archived link: https://web.archive.org/web/20200922154909/http://www.ponyvspony.com/

Thank you!! <3

I don't think you know how the Wayback machine works
it's basically a snapshot that is interacted with but can't be login or modified
so doesn't work as you can do with a live page
Post #: 588
2/5/2021 0:26:31   

I do know how it works. I was saying that, although the play page can be accessed with it, you can't see the majority of it because the screen with the big "Play" button on it also runs on Flash, so that got wiped too.
Post #: 589
2/8/2021 22:45:26   


you can't see the majority of it because the screen with the big "Play" button on it also runs on Flash, so that got wiped too.

it seems when AE retired the PVP domain they might have deleted the play page along with it
so I'm unsure how i would access the .swf for PVP play page on the domain without redirecting
or like i said AE could have deleted everything related to the play page when they the changed PVP domain to redirect the domain
it may be still accessible from the web archive but the .swf file might have been deleted from the server

< Message edited by Icetex -- 2/8/2021 22:46:22 >
Post #: 590
2/10/2021 20:15:51   

That's a shame.

Good thing I've saved everything from it including the button graphics. I've also recorded 30 minutes of pony facts, though I haven't made it public yet.

< Message edited by SuKanzoo -- 2/16/2021 16:34:47 >
Post #: 591
2/25/2021 14:19:06   

2/25/2021 Important UPDATE!

They Have "almost" Removed all mentions to PVP on the portal.battleon.com website
"almost" https://portal.battleon.com/store/packages/ponyvspony.asp the payment method can still be accessed
but for foreseeable future, they have removed the mentions
you can't manage your PVP account anymore their
but the good news is auth server is still up for it (for now)
i just don't know for how long
It can for now still managed here
(ID number)
But it seems the end is near for the old game

< Message edited by Icetex -- 2/25/2021 19:03:33 >
Post #: 592
2/27/2021 15:30:59   

It is truly a tragedy. At least I've also saved pictures of the site's PVP traces in my shared folder prior to their removal. That looked like an optional thing to hoard, but now I'm glad I did that.

To pay further tribute to this game, I want to bring up that 2021 is its 10th year, and I want to celebrate it by making more plushies of characters from it. Yes, "more". For the past few years, I've ordered Budsies of a number of MagiPets and my MagiPonies (as I call them), and I've made homemade plushies of a few pets myself. I was that dedicated to PVP, and me trying to imagine a crossover series of that and MLP for years is to blame for that. It didn't work out, but it still left a strong impact on me, which is why I decided to hoard this game when Flash announced its final year in the first place. To be fair though, I've actually planned to make more PVP plushies this year for a while, so that kinda worked out better.

After recently hearing about the game now vanishing even more, I don't want to sound like I'm stepping on it with my dedication, so I'll stop right here for now.
Post #: 593
3/29/2021 18:40:13   

So I apologize if my last post sounded kinda flexy after the game disappeared from Artix's website. It's true though. I have made PVP plushies years ago and I've been wanting to make more really soon. It was just bad timing for the game to get officially removed for me to want to tell you that. Oh, and this whole post isn't about my apology. It's mainly about what I've wanted to share since it's now a better time to do so.
But before I go there, I would like to point out that Artix, which knew some of its games, like PVP, ran on Flash, may have decided to keep PVP up for people to play until Flash died. It doesn't seem like a coincidence that they removed the game from their website after Flash shut down over a month prior.

Anyway, it's time to show you what I've created and collected with Pony Vs Pony! I never got to share them here, so here you go! https://ponyvspony.fandom.com/wiki/User:SuKanzoo#Gallery This link leads to my profile page in the new Pony Vs Pony wiki. In its gallery, you'll find all of my PVP plushies, both custom-ordered by Budsies and homemade by me; as well as mostly fanart for my scrapped project. Let's focus on the plushies for now. Clicking them will link you to their DeviantART posts where I originally uploaded them. The posts of their pictures there are bigger, since I had to upload them small on Fandom due to size limitations, and includes descriptions of them, although at least some of them may be old.
Budsies has done a good job with a lot of these plushies even when I didn't send them a lot of template details at first since I was new with ordering from them, but sometimes, even with plenty of details given, they miss their mark on at least some of them. Cosmic Starlight Wander was my first Budsie and I was very pleased with it! It's face wasn't made to be looked at directly since I only sent a side view, but I'm not upset by that. Lord Mr. Knight, however, was made so badly, but they redeemed themselves when I had them remake it (only charging me $50). Others have lied somewhere in the middle or next to the bullseye. As a whole, I'm mostly satisfied with what they made me. If you want to order characters as Budsies, expect them to be hit or miss, and if you don't like what they made you, I won't blame you since it does feel like a gimmick to make you pay extra for the Sneak Peek feature. To help with that, I'll post my referral link so you'll get 10% off the Budsie you'll order. Just make sure you're on Budsies' website after getting directed there from the link:
As for the plushies I've made, when I was new with plush making, creating simple character designs like MagiPets was the perfect way to go. Very simple, no torsos, lots of different designs, and of course, adorable! Cutesy Cupcake was a struggle for me since she was the third plush I've made, the first plush I used a sewing machine to help me make, and that there were a lot of round shapes to put together which made it much harder. Of course, I got better at sewing as time went on, but it can still be a nightmare when you want to make them perfectly. I have yet to make any MagiPony plushies, but as proven by some advanced character designs I've made, like a different kind of pony that's nearly 40 inches tall, I'm now ready!
There's at least one other MagiPony OC I've been wanting to have. For the pets, this time, I'm going to make two of my OCs. Yup. If you don't know, unless you haven't clicked the link yet, my gallery includes a sheet of MagiPets that I made myself (except the faces) and I'm going to create a couple of them as plushies! I'll dive more into them and which ones I'll make... next time.

PS: I know, I misspelled "Template" in some of the Budsie blueprints.

< Message edited by SuKanzoo -- 4/14/2021 20:00:04 >
Post #: 594
4/14/2021 21:44:57   

Alright, let's talk about my OC MagiPets and which ones I'll make!


I've made all of these years ago and looking back at them, I'm proud of most of these designs and names! I could've given Stinky a brighter shade of black and been more creative with some of the names since they're too simple, but granted, the game had some of its pets have simple names like Sweet Strawberry, Purple Java, and Lemon and Lime Ice Pops. I might go back and fix these pointers later. After all, I do have at least a few more ideas for pets. I will point out that I gave each head for the Cherry Twins and Grape-tuplets names. The Cherries are Sweetie and Treaty, and the Grapes are Fruity, Chewy, Gooey, Oozy, Juicy, and Punch.
So, which two pets will I make into plushies? There are some that are simple whilst others are too complex to make for my standards, but I know who I've chosen. Along with the rest, here they are!


As simple as they are, Sweetie and Treaty have been included. Actually, wouldn't that be 3 MegiPet plushies? Anyway, it also includes a MagiPony version of Fluttershy because in my failed story series, My Little MagiPony, there was an episode where the Mane Six got turned into MagiPonies. So since I love Fluttershy the most and as a little memorial of a series that I've spent a long time imagining, I've been wanting to make something to remember it by. Of course, there's the elephant in the room and semi-mascot for PVP, Nyan Pony. This one will simply be the most complex one to make. It won't be supersized like Pretty Pink Pony, whom I mentioned in my last post, but it must be done by September for PVP's 10th birthday. And there's Potato as a snuggly toy from the Netflix kids show, Chip and Potato. That show has been my next big thing as of late and I really wanted a plush of what's actually a mouse in disguise.
And those are who I'll make this year! I'll post my creations here for each small and big half I complete since I don't want to go overboard with the number of posts about them. Wish me luck!

< Message edited by SuKanzoo -- 8/24/2021 0:00:59 >
Post #: 595
5/23/2021 10:58:35   

that all pretty neat
best of luck
MAY 25TH 2021 UPDATE!:

On another side of the pond, the Herosmash authentication server shutdown (Only the login/select screen works now)
I think PVP days are numbered who knows how long AE will keep up the PVP authentication server online
anyways i had fond memories of this game from long ago
(depends) it's what got me to watch the MLP FIM show
its why i have personal attachments to this game because of the friends i made with it

< Message edited by Icetex -- 5/23/2021 10:59:45 >
Post #: 596
5/29/2021 10:26:46   

Thanks a lot!! <3

Also, darn. If the servers from PVP are in jeopardy, then I mind as well do this now: Look for any hidden objects outside the boundaries of the game now that I can stretch the screen on Flash Player. Just note that I'm not going to pay mind to every little detail. This may be my last discovery in the game. https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/pony_vs_pony/images/c/c6/Pony_Vs_Pony_-_OB_Buttons_and_Screens.png
The Personalize Pony and hub menu screens aren't that interesting compared to the rest of them. Clicking "Return to Menu!" just makes your pony poof, and you can see the name lists without having to open them.
Now let's jump into the nitty-gritty! These are things in the game that were either scrapped or planned to be worked in it before it got abandoned.
On the battle screen, there's a "Blast" button that doesn't work. This would've been a feature to unleash your special attack on your opponent, and on the game's trailers, it appeared blatantly on your board.
On the Pony Up Package pop-up, there are additional payment options shown as well as a "Click Here" button far below. Clicking the button will make a never-ending loading screen appear, but you can cancel it by clicking "Cancel!".
Lastly, the shop selection screen has a "Sell Items" button, designed like the rest of the shop buttons. It's self-explanatory, but sadly, the button doesn't work.

And that's about it. As for my plush progress, I have two in the works and one of them is near completion, and it looks really good! That's all I can say right now.
Also, Icetex, you made this game?

< Message edited by SuKanzoo -- 8/23/2021 23:40:59 >
Post #: 597
5/29/2021 22:21:23   


Also, Icetex, you made this game?

No, AE Did. I'm not associated with AE
It just Given AE track record
I'm Just a computer nerd that tests things
I just know ins and outs of how servers and other things work because of my experience with such a thing
(Minecraft server hosting) and my own web domain

< Message edited by Icetex -- 5/29/2021 22:24:10 >
Post #: 598
5/30/2021 23:47:00   

Gotcha. Sorry for the misunderstanding.
Post #: 599
8/23/2021 23:34:36   

10 neighs left!!

So, a while back, I said that I would make four PVP plushies before PVP's 10th birthday. Sadly, I didn't have the desire to do so and I was not happy with plush making because of my severe OCD. Nevertheless, I was able to get one of them done before then: My OC MagiPet, the Cherry Twins (Sweetie and Treaty)! https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/pony_vs_pony/images/b/b8/Cherry_Twins_Plush.png The faces made me procrastinate the most, but I pushed through and got it all done! I do still plan to make the rest of the characters I've listed as plushies on later dates.

I didn't wait to share this on the big day because there is something else I have ready by then. I'll show you in 10 days!

< Message edited by SuKanzoo -- 8/23/2021 23:35:54 >
Post #: 600
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