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RE: (DF) The Hounds of God- Discussion

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11/26/2011 21:38:08   

uhhhhhhhhhhhh, so, will you ever draw one?
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 301
11/26/2011 21:39:48   

I don't think a cloud of gas and smoke with a small orb in the middle warrants for a visual depiction, but I'll probably do one in the future since I'm going to make a bestiary in the future.
DF MQ  Post #: 302
11/26/2011 21:43:16   

I was just about to suggest that you made a bestiary, and how do they reproduce? Can they reproduce with other species?
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 303
11/26/2011 21:44:55   


They are artificial creatures. Think of them as magical probes.
DF MQ  Post #: 304
11/26/2011 21:47:03   

uhhhhhh that's intresting but if they

are magical constructs, could a part of them be implanted on other people?
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 305
11/26/2011 21:51:01   

Why would anyone do that in the first place?


It's the reverse actually. The 2nd Grand Inquisitor was a soul weaver and the Sanctus Oculus were her creations. She had implanted, or you could say 'weaved' the souls of dead Inquisitor magi into these gaseous constructs to give them some psuedo-consciousness. After all, 'Even in Death I Still Serve' right?

< Message edited by lordkaho -- 11/26/2011 21:52:09 >
DF MQ  Post #: 306
11/26/2011 21:53:16   

hmmm intresting, but if you ask why anyone would want to do that, well think that it will make you more agile, and useful for exploration. Another quick question, can they make more of the Sanctus Oculus?
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 307
11/26/2011 22:00:53   

By what logic would it make you more agile? It's a mass of smoke attached to an Orb.
I can't quite understand how binding that to a human=more agile. It makes no sense that doing that would give you magic smoke powers....and then there's still the matter of the Orb, which seems to be the main entity...
DF MQ  Post #: 308
11/26/2011 22:04:29   

Interesting concept, but I dont think you can simply transplant a corpereal being into a person. Unless we are talking about magic of course. Ever since her death, no more Oculi were made due to the complexity of the procedure. There are still many roaming around though.
DF MQ  Post #: 309
11/26/2011 22:04:40   

well glai, if you don't have mu h weight you can walk/run faster, and the orb could be implanted in the chest, or it woudn't be needed at all, as the one to receive the implants would have a mind
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 310
11/26/2011 22:09:24   

That's not what I meant.
Implanting the "smoke" into another human, or other species, would simply add more weight and matter, though a tiny amount of it. Mainly, it doesn't make since that transplanting the "smoke" would turn you into smoke.
Though...this is magic....

As the smoke is part of the "Orb" organism, it seems the Orb would be needed as it almost generates the "smoke."
DF MQ  Post #: 311
11/27/2011 5:17:05   

I had a review going, but my brother DELETED it.

So, yeah. I'll probably write a new one but it's going to take some time. Be patient. Very very patient.

Bro: But but I accidentally deleted it
Me: So your finger on the restart button was TOTALLY accidental, hmm?
DF  Post #: 312
11/27/2011 5:32:56   

Haha, no worries. I was really anticapating your review the most though.
DF MQ  Post #: 313
11/28/2011 10:06:14   

I'm greatly honoured then if you think so. On with the review.

Chapter 1 was fast paced and straight to the point. Nicely descriptive but not too focused on appearances, which is something I like when it comes to stories. I'm sure you too have encountered authors that seem to get too carried away with their characters. I mean seriously, no one needs to know if Sarah wears frilly undergarments every Tuesday.

Though I have one qualm about Sephulcure. While I'm sure that the Sephulcure of that time was still a beginner being the evil overlord and whatnot, why is he standing on a cliff? In the middle of nowhere? You'd expect that he would at least have his own evil lair. Or a horse. A black bony one, because food isn't exactly bountiful in the middle of nowhere.
Chapter 2 began with action. And lots of it. Also, I found out that Jeanne's sword was either built like a match or someone resupplied a kerosene layer after each use.

Whoops... NOW it's chapter 1. My bad.

Apparently, Jeanne's quite the looker. It's not every day your enemy decides that you're so beautiful it nullifies his own execution.

Chapter 2

If I have concluded anything from this chapter, it is that the Inquisition has quite the bank account.

Pushing that aside, The Inquisition has character. And when I mean character, I mean flaws. I find it nice that you didn't make Jeanne's superiors a rendition of Disneyland's black and white sense of nobility. Instead, you showed that the Inquisition can be ruthless, which pretty much explained Jeanne's apathy to killing. Like the good old days when people executed 'witches' under false assumptions.
Chapter 3 More flaws. I'm loving Jeanne already.

I realise that it sounds odd that I'm not finding her fighting prowess attractive, instead opting for her poor battle stategies. Perfection is boring. Any normal Joe could come up with a super powerful being, with great looks, superior confidence and an omniscient mind. Flaws make a character.

Because people read to relate. They don't read to find out the author's fantasies.
Chapter 4
Noir didn't sparkle. Jeanne didn't fall immediately to Noir's vampire charm. Two things I'm immensely grateful for.

Chapter 5

I think I know where "frustrated" come from. And you were right, it was an understatement.

I like how you had Jeanne act her age. Her reaction to Noir was blatantly hilarious- like a twisted form of sibling rivalry.

Plus, the sundial alarm was a nice touch.

Chapter 6

Either Noir was just REALLY forgiving or she has an ulterior motive for defending Jeanne. Regardless of chivalry, it's not exactly beneficial for Noir to help someone that swore to kill her.

Though the judge was right. Honour over tactics makes a terrible leader. I suspect that his judgement would become an important plot bunny in the future

Chapter 7

I'm suspicious of Olaus. Heck, I'm even suspicious of Sir Vice at this point; I think he might even die further down the plot.

And the plot thickens!
Chapter 8

The Inquisitorial Librarium reminds me of Harry Potter. A tad unecessary with all the magic whoo-hah, but then again the Inquisition DOES have humongous pockets, so I guess that's understandable.


Everything felt alive and aware of her presence. Books would suddenly fly out and open for her in an attempt to show her the knowledge she seeked, but knowledge she didn't need. She needed information about the Inquisition and the Library gave her random trivial facts instead

As soon as this line came up, I immediately knew that the librarian can read minds. Fantasy stories are just predictable like that.

P/s: Have you looked up Arabian for the spells? Cos' I swear, I recognize some of the words.
Chapter 9-10

I have decided. Lawrence is my favourite character.

Know why?

It's because she knew exactly when to run. She understood her own limits and just RAN. In some ways, I think it takes more guts to do that than to stay and fight. Plus, if I'd was in her position, I would just freeze.

It just occured to me that Jeanne's anti-magic properties might be couterproductive. If she relied on healing abilities so much, then isn't that another type of magic? Furthermore, wouldn't the Putrefying monster way back would just crumble away after being in contact with her? So many theories...

I think I'm seeing a trend here. Most characters seem to be female. They also all seem to be beautiful and insanely powerful. Perhaps a little variation, hmm?
Chapter 11

Noir laughs weird. Don't get me wrong. It MIGHT have sounded sophisticated in real life..... or something.

It must be difficult to laugh with fangs.

Call me paranoid, but I think I see slash. *shudder*

Chapter 12

Ladies and gentlemen.... We have a new character. And it's not female.

We already had a alarm sundial, so why is the order's communication's system so primitive? No flying hawk swooping in? Or some sort of magical floo?

On to the final chapter! (in my case at least...)
Chapter 13

So there was a conspiracy within the order. And apparently, with Jeanne's at the centre of it all.

I'm guessing that Noir would be one of the liutenants, no? Then Sir Rator would be her underling and question her abilities and make her life difficult, while Lawrence.....

Bah, I'll let YOU write the rest of the stories. I'll just ruin your plot if I speculate any further.

_the End_

< Message edited by Formorri -- 11/28/2011 10:07:58 >


DF  Post #: 314
11/28/2011 20:11:49   

*closes curtains*

And let's give Formorri a round of applause for that wonderful review! Much laughter was indeed had.

And on to the response:


why is he standing on a cliff? In the middle of nowhere?

He was running away from the Inquisition just after he committed an act of betrayal against King Alteon. Let's just say he attempted a Coup D'Etat, it failed and now the Order is after him.


Also, I found out that Jeanne's sword was either built like a match or someone resupplied a kerosene layer after each use.

It's both. It is made of a durable metal that ignites with friction like magnesium, but to a higher degree and is coated with animal fat.


Apparently, Jeanne's quite the looker. It's not every day your enemy decides that you're so beautiful it nullifies his own execution.

Ahem...To be honest, Jeanne is the amalgamation of my fantasies (Saber, Hisui, Clare, etc) and my..*cough* unhealthy obsession with her real life counterpart. You're free to get disgusted now.


it is that the Inquisition has quite the bank account.

Lorch, the Gnome inventor, even comments that his salary is enough to buy a kingdom if he so ever decides to quit.


Either Noir was just REALLY forgiving or she has an ulterior motive for defending Jeanne. Regardless of chivalry, it's not exactly beneficial for Noir to help someone that swore to kill her.

It's the former. There's just something about Jeanne that draws her in.


Though the judge was right. Honour over tactics makes a terrible leader. I suspect that his judgement would become an important plot bunny in the future

Oh will it ever. Cue Heroic BSOD. And lots of it.


I'm suspicious of Olaus. Heck, I'm even suspicious of Sir Vice at this point; I think he might even die further down the plot.

*points to the prologue*

Any of those guys seem familiar to you?


P/s: Have you looked up Arabian for the spells? Cos' I swear, I recognize some of the words.

Al-Azif, and the spells it contain ARE Arabic. Though in a twisted form, and by twisted I mean translating some English words into Arabic in Google Translate, then converting the Arabic characters into its Phonetic form and then the result is that ominous abomination of a language.


I have decided. Lawrence is my favourite character.

Cue Lawrence gloating over a crying Noir and Jeanne on how she will always top popularity contests.


It just occured to me that Jeanne's anti-magic properties might be couterproductive. If she relied on healing abilities so much, then isn't that another type of magic? Furthermore, wouldn't the Putrefying monster way back would just crumble away after being in contact with her? So many theories...

Her anti-magic properties is a passive ability that is activated at all times. I won't reveal much as it would be too spoilerefic.


I think I'm seeing a trend here. Most characters seem to be female. They also all seem to be beautiful and insanely powerful. Perhaps a little variation, hmm?

Rule of the Nasuverse. If she's cute, beautiful and somewhat aloof, she's an overpowered h4x. Isn't that right, Argeus?


Noir laughs weird. Don't get me wrong. It MIGHT have sounded sophisticated in real life..... or something.

It must be difficult to laugh with fangs.

You mean the "Ufufufufu" one? It's a character trait. Like how Jeanne will go "F~waaaaahhh...." when she plays with her Pridelord plushie.


so why is the order's communication's system so primitive? No flying hawk swooping in? Or some sort of magical floo?

Err, I haven't thought of that part out. Let's just say that the messenger was a Sanctus Oculus taking the form of a man, hence why it pinpointed Sir Berus' location in the middle of Lymcrest...

Okay that was quite a lame explanation.


I'm guessing that Noir would be one of the liutenants, no? Then Sir Rator would be her underling and question her abilities and make her life difficult, while Lawrence.....

Noir is not part of the Knight Divisions. She's a Venator class Inquisitor, similar to a commando unit. And well, Lawrence is the Chief Librarian; The 3rd highest in the Inquisitorial heirarchy.


Thanks again Formorri, may you become a regular in these here parts.

DF MQ  Post #: 315
11/28/2011 20:23:12   


Ahem...To be honest, Jeanne is the amalgamation of my fantasies (Saber, Hisui, Clare, etc) and my..*cough* unhealthy obsession with her real life counterpart. You're free to get disgusted now.

I KNEW IT!...Wait...why would I even suspect that >_> what does that say about me...

And yeah nice review Formorri, I don't think I noticed most of, if any, of those things...I'll need to be more observant in the future...

< Message edited by glaisaurus_x -- 11/28/2011 20:25:57 >
DF MQ  Post #: 316
11/28/2011 20:29:54   


DON'T LOOK AT ME! *cowers in shame*

Ah forget it. It's been obvious anyway that I had an extreme obsession with France's most holy maiden.

Anyway, there will be a double chapter update this week. And hopefully, after that I can now start on the first part of the 'main' story.

Chapters 1-15 are just the introductory phase. (Wow I suck at pacing)
DF MQ  Post #: 317
11/29/2011 1:00:15   

Chapter 14 is up!

Time to trim down the cast.
DF MQ  Post #: 318
11/29/2011 1:22:49   


"Very well. Our glorious God King will never worry of having to face any sort of antagonism very soon."

Except for, in a year, like Hrolteus said, heh.

I had expected more people to die, but not that particular character, and just one death....hm.
Too bad there no spoilers as to what Honorius is planning...
DF MQ  Post #: 319
11/29/2011 1:43:35   

I originally wanted to kill off Zammler and all of his men as well, but now that would be stupid. Besides, Zammler will serve his purpose in the story.

Hrolteus was aggravating though. I'm sure you think so as well. Reading through this chapter and chapter 5, his character was too "annoying". He was like an anti-version of Olaus, and his lines were mostly a chore to read.

I had no choice but to bring down the axe. He was supposed to serve a minor role in the end, but meh. I can't stand him.
DF MQ  Post #: 320
11/29/2011 1:47:21   


Hrolteus was aggravating though. I'm sure you think so as well.

Actually, I don't. I never saw him as anything more than a plot device to serve Jeanne's sentence. He just seemed like a high ranking pompous judge, I never gave him much thought since I didn't even expect him to appear again.

Zammler on the other hand, definitely seems like someone who will appear again, which...he will as was just confirmed.
DF MQ  Post #: 321
11/29/2011 1:56:29   

Well, glad that's taken care of.


Zammler on the other hand, definitely seems like someone who will appear again, which...he will as was just confirmed.

Well, yes he's going appear again. In fact, I've decided right now to make him a reoccurring character. He has too long and detailed a name to be easily killed off, lol.
DF MQ  Post #: 322
11/29/2011 1:59:12   

The name was the main thing, but once you described his Green Edward Elric hair, I figured it meant he was/would be significant.
DF MQ  Post #: 323
11/29/2011 2:06:38   

It's decided then.

A toast to Zammler Ohrtenweiss! May his lightning shooting, machine driven power axe do us much amusement!

Lawrence: *gulp* Why am I having this awful feeling this guy was made to counter my rising popularity?
DF MQ  Post #: 324
11/29/2011 2:29:27   

But he doessn't seem as cool as Lawrence....wait, did you say a LIGHTNING Axe? Machine Driven?
. . .
So that makes it like, one step away from being a ROBOT.LIGHTNING.AXE.

To others this would mean nothing, but...I like Robots, and Lightning....hm, he may very well be a Lawrence counter, to me anyways.
DF MQ  Post #: 325
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