Suggestion: The only reason someone would suggest gifting varium in a mission is because varium equipment is more powerful than credit equipment and that the person is free-2-play, correct? Well this would not be a problem if credit equipment had the same amount of power as varium equipment and the only difference would be that credit equipment needs TIME to obtain and varium equipment needs MONEY to obtain. Yet another reason for this suggestion of mine. And to clarify, varium equipment would no longer costs credits, both types would have individual costs. FOR EXAMPLE: Super Awesome Firing My Laser Gun = 1400 varium Super Awesome Gun = 22, 500 credits They have the same stats except one weapon just needs hours of gameplay and the other at about $6, give or take a few dollars. The gap is closed!
< Message edited by Depressed Void -- 4/28/2012 13:24:18 >