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RE: =HS= Clans/Clubs/Guilds Discussion IV

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3/13/2012 19:43:21   
Chuck the Awesome

I'm looking to join a new clan. Does anyone have any suggestions?
~Chuck Awesome
Post #: 276
3/14/2012 5:05:23   

You could always check the Chaos Carnival by clicking my sig below.

*Le sig magically poofs and appears below post*


AQW Epic  Post #: 277
3/15/2012 17:40:57   
Chuck the Awesome

I don't know if I should because I'm a hero.
Post #: 278
3/15/2012 18:01:02   

You could join the Drakkonian Alliance.

Unfortunately, we are not too organized, but we are one of the biggest and most well known clans that is actually devoted to good out there, currently.

Far too many either choose the path of evil because they think that makes them cool, for they have no understanding of the world, and would not believe as such if the things they do were done equally to them.

Many have become disillusioned with fighting what appears to be a losing battle, and have given up the path of righteousness, choosing to fall to the dark, or leave the struggle altogether. Much of these people have defected to the blight that is the Chaos Carnival, believing that none of it matters, anymore,and choosing to follow the ways of moral bankruptcy and slaughter, not caring what they do, or who they are, other than that it entertains them.

All of there things, we stand against, the vanguard of society and hope for a better future. We are those who remain devoted to fighting the forces of evil in the world, should they admit it, or should they don the mask of chaos.

If you likewise believe in such things, and wish to aid the cause of good, I offer you a place in my clan.
DF  Post #: 279
3/15/2012 18:08:37   
delta blitz

Or you can follow your own path as my character X prime is doing. Though he is chaotic, he is truly chaotic (random chaotic not darker evil chaotic). My character does great feats of good and evil all for his own reason of creating balance. So...yeah give that a thought.
AQ AQW Epic  Post #: 280
3/15/2012 22:35:31   

You still haven't attained perfect chaos, with him.

With that in mind, yes, you could, but considering you are good, it may well be more advantageous to be among the ranks of a well-known group, such as my own, especially if it branches out more, and becomes big in-game.

< Message edited by Drakkoniss -- 3/15/2012 22:36:40 >
DF  Post #: 281
3/15/2012 22:39:18   
Question Mark?

Wasting your time, bro.
The Soft Parade is where it's at.
No rules, no authority breathing down your neck, just superpowers and eternal playtime.
Take what you want, do what you want, and BE what you want, every day of the week.
I'll hook you up with someone if you're interested.
Just call Blackwing. They'll know what you mean.
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 282
3/15/2012 22:43:48   
Chuck the Awesome

@Drak where do I sign up!?
Post #: 283
3/15/2012 22:49:08   
Question Mark?

What? You're seriously wasting your time with this jerk?
Drakkoniss doesn't care about you, or the people. He's barely even a hero!
Not three days ago, he went on a destructive rampage* and killed countless innocent people. now, he's enticing you to join his little gang, where he'll make you do whatever he feels like, and your opinion will count for jack squat!
Last chance bro. You're either in with my crew, or you're out.
The deceptive maniac or the honest party-dudes.
Your choice.
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 284
3/16/2012 5:58:53   


The Chaos Carnival accepts ANYONE! who isn't an enemy of the carnival for no particular reason besides having FUN.

Well, Just saying...

Make up your mind Chuck.. clocks ticking...
AQW Epic  Post #: 285
3/16/2012 11:41:09   

You do not have to sign up anywhere. You meerly state that you wish to join, and your name shall be scrawled down on a list that I have to the right of me in real life.

Contrary to what he says, at this moment we have little organisation, comparable to many, and all I ask of you is that you strive to support the cause of good.

Eventually, perhaps, as a clan leader, I may ask something of you, such as help in a specific war, but that is natural to the very existance of clans in general.

Also, while as the leader of the clan, I will obviously have a somewhat higher level of authority than those under me, which is necessary for more effective work, I understand you and all the rest of my members have your own oppinions on such things, and will not force you to do things, in stead debating with the marits of your stance, should the matter be significant enough to have your involvement absolutely necessary at the time, or extremely beneficial, in my oppinion.

@QM?: What do you mean by that massacre? I don't remember anything three days ago that could be considered as such...
DF  Post #: 286
3/16/2012 16:23:20   
delta blitz

Chaotic good
Chaotic neutral
Chaotic evil

^All three of these apply to my character
AQ AQW Epic  Post #: 287
3/16/2012 16:27:09   

Why was Question Mark on my blocked list...?
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 288
3/16/2012 19:04:28   

Hello ,holla ,Meeow(for those who speak cat)
name is the same as u guys know me Labyth (Leviathan)
i go were the fun is at and i hold people as the highest weapon this thread seen fun i thought i might enjoy hanging here but someone should make a list of all the clans out their and their links connected to them that could help so much for any person looking to join clan it would be so nice also for the other clan to know their competition and could also start some clan wars some of u guys know me drakkoniss antithesis clown linky and some other i have a thought for myself but creating website were clan information should go i could create one using forumotion this could help lost people who want to be part of group and see what u have to offer them instead of using sweet words after all using words is an art it can make people do many things also it will be fun making stories and memories of people who have tendency of staring fun cause fun has great atmosphere ^.T someone should take the idea at least and create an area were name of clan their webpage link and other info can be found

oh yeah for the sake of correct info once a person those create one plz post it because we only need one not more then one then the thing losses its meaning

T.^ ^.T

well i came up with a plan
1st just get the name of the clans
2nd talk to the clan and get their website link attach that to them
3rd make categories for each clan and groups for each clan
4th give each clan leader special right over their territory in the area so they can post their what u wish
5th adjust the website so guest can see info but not change it
6th then after getting some clans make this public
7th put at least 7 watch dogs of the website in case anything bad would happens
8th set up chat box so clans can talk
9th set up clan war system were one can record the results of clan wars all clan haves
10th have 7 searcher look for new clans that have been made
11th every week if something new happens have 7 updater list events
12th make this an active website if someone can;t do something out of the clan system replacement be prepare that way the clans website can always operate

< Message edited by Labyth -- 3/17/2012 12:56:07 >
Post #: 289
3/17/2012 7:38:42   

@Labyth : I like what you said there..

I will be willing to do this site thingy XD with all fairness to the other clans and to the carnival as well.

all I will need is support and detail XD.

AQW Epic  Post #: 290
3/17/2012 16:50:55   

i will like to inform that i will be creating the website and clown remember if u create the website it will be property of chaos since i am the only one who in not in clan here i will create the website i when i am done i will post a link n this edited post

clown i have not yet update the info on chaos carnival so far i am only on step 2 of the project

< Message edited by Labyth -- 3/18/2012 14:44:07 >
Post #: 291
3/17/2012 23:12:29   

@Labyth : awwwwww... I started making the template nah nvm. *Deletes*

anyhow you might have mistakenly wronged my identity as The Ringmaster(ClownTheJester).

I am just a member of the Carnival.

Oh you can take information about the carnival in our Project!
AQW Epic  Post #: 292
3/24/2012 10:26:35   

This sounds interesting.

I would like to join any who would be willing to accept me.

My character page is seen below this text.


Protege (HeroSmash)
AQ AQW Epic  Post #: 293
3/24/2012 23:04:54   

@CrownedPrince : Almost all will be willing to accept you... It is you who will be deciding which you will join..
AQW Epic  Post #: 294
3/24/2012 23:28:43   

@CrownedPrince Are you evil? Wanna make money? Have a good time? Be a sophisticated villein, and not a manic? THEN JOIN OMNICORP! The only neutral evil, business based clan in all of Super City! Simply PM Megekyle777 and he will send you on you`r way!
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 295
3/25/2012 8:32:53   

i wold like to invite all New as well as old CLans to join the clan notebook the only requirement are
1.u have to be clan group or guild
2.u have to exist
3.u need to pm me the clan name so i can set up an area
4.u have to join the website so i can set ur clan group up
that basicly all u need then if u wan tu can post info
Join the phone book here

< Message edited by Labyth -- 3/25/2012 8:36:22 >
Post #: 296
3/25/2012 9:54:01   

@Monster116: I've seen Clown The Jester fight over for his faction. I'll consider it one of the best choices. Your web page is awesomely creepy by the way.

@Kinzville: Do I really make money? lol. And to answer your question, yes sir, I am Evil. I would like to see more information on your guild if possible.


Protege (HeroSmash)
AQ AQW Epic  Post #: 297
3/25/2012 10:02:45   

Well not in real life I'm afraid. That's what's called false advertising. But it IS true that while relativly inactive, we are pretty much the only netural evil clan. For some knowledge on the matter, Ommicorp is a company that seels items of questionable legality to people of questionable morality. We have made many advances in the feild of evil weapons and whatnot, such as city destrying lasers that can be focused on a single target that only hurts that target, The Hero Trap and our patented Maze of Torment, which comes with a moneyback garenetee should heroes get past it. In fact we have just created a new super soilder serum that is widely regarded to be the best on the market. If you wish to be in the place making allthe new items for evil then Ommicorp is the pklace to be.

Just to let you know however, backstabbin g The dealer or any Ommicorp member will be dealt with harshly. But you get paid well enough that you won't want to anyway.
DF  Post #: 298
3/25/2012 10:12:35   

@CrownedPrince : Why thank you.
AQW Epic  Post #: 299
3/28/2012 13:31:50   

If anyone has a PvP guild. Please do inform me.

< Message edited by CrownedPrince -- 3/28/2012 13:40:37 >


Protege (HeroSmash)
AQ AQW Epic  Post #: 300
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