ND Mallet
Legendary AK!!!
Do Not Do: Trading: This can be abused if you get hacked. Instead of losing your items to a shopkeeper, your scammer is now running around with the items you bought with money while he paid nothing for them. This would also lead to increased scamming because they would want your stuff even more. Large amounts of free varium: Look at AQ. Huge prices of Z-Token items. Why? Because you can get 1-9 after a battle and up to 100 from Ballyhoo if you're lucky. Plus you get huge amounts of them from the Housing System. I got an easy 50$ of tokens for doing nothing. Do you want to pay Z-Token prices in ED? 3vs3 or any larger amount of players in a battle: Lag is one problem but the main problem is that 3 guys teaming up on one player means he's dead before he gets a turn. So which ever team goes first is most likely to win. Also, might want to encourage posting reasons as to why they shouldn't implement some of these ideas or this may get locked for being a list.