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RE: 'Some Call it Fate' Discussion

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2/19/2012 14:35:54   

I have to say, you're a better writer than some books that I've read.
You should think of getting a book published. Seriously. You could get a decent amount of money from it.
You're a very good writer.

In the nicest way, I consider you my writing nemesis, along with Davy, since there's almost no way I could get as good as Gray or Clown, but I view my writing near equal to yours and his.
It seems that in my stories, I have a bunch of details, but you have a good storyline.
If we worked together, maybe we could write a story even better than Clown and Gray's.

Either way, I'm proud to call you my friend and fellow writer.

~Lady Zafara


< Message edited by Arachnid -- 2/20/2012 16:42:22 >
AQW  Post #: 51
2/20/2012 22:08:38   
Jessa K

Thank you, Zafara! I haven't met you in person yet, but you're writing is amazing, and I'm really grateful for your comment/compliment!

Yes, I wrote a novel a few months ago. It would need a LOT of work to get published though, and even then, I don't think I would want to publish it. It's almost childish compared to this simple fanfic. But perhaps someday, I'll write something worth publishing.

Your writing nemsis? XD You have no idea how much that means to me. The fact that you consider me to be near equal to you... Wow.

You know, I think someday a colab would be really cool.

Again, thanks so much!

And to anybody who actually is waiting for another chapter... I must apologize. I had completely forgotten that I had left it at a huge cliffhanger, and recently I'm not feeling very good, so a new update might not come for a week or so. Hopefully sooner. *shrug*
AQW  Post #: 52
2/21/2012 9:54:53   
delta blitz

Keep writing jessa x3, soon i'll have more time to read your wonderful story and I can't wait for the ending. Oh and thx arachid I had forgotten how my writing stacked up to yours. /\_(+_+)_/\.
Epic new chapter, I enjoy the carnage you are putting your character through. Personally I do the same for certain characters I have (or rather I tried to) so that they can grow from the trial and also prove their unbreakable will (or lack there of)

~Chaos of loneliness

< Message edited by delta blitz -- 2/21/2012 19:00:00 >
AQ AQW Epic  Post #: 53
2/21/2012 19:24:39   
Jessa K

@David: I've said this in every single post in this topic, and I'll say it a million times more if needed. Thank you! I'm glad that I'm up to your standards. Not sure I would call it carnage, but oh well XD.

@Everybody: I apologize for the lack of picture in this chapter, couldn't decide. Perhaps I'll make up for it in the next chapter. And I rrrreeeeaaaaallllyyyyy wanted to call this chapter Peaches, but I couldn't find a song, lol.

< Message edited by Jessa K -- 2/23/2012 0:40:32 >
AQW  Post #: 54
2/21/2012 19:29:43   
delta blitz


I'm glad that I'm up to your standards

^ your selling your skills short, you(and every other writer on the forums) far exceed any standard that I could compare them to.

~Chaos of Lonliness
AQ AQW Epic  Post #: 55
2/21/2012 19:42:58   
Jessa K

It makes me happy that you say that. :)
AQW  Post #: 56
3/24/2012 13:00:49   

Now.. I think I will follow my whims, in this case, and read your story. It's been quite some time. XP

Hmm... This makes me realize that I had been commenting on your new chapter before, but that the commentary was somehow lost... That may have been why I stopped commentin on it, now that I think of it.

I dislike that man's point of view about what is actually his, and what isn't. Also, given the fact that this specific store has been hit multiple times before, it makes me wonder if the police won't be monitering it more closely than other locations, and if they couldn't have been letting it be targeted again as specifically so that they could catch the culprits (a stakeout leads to calling in backup, in other words, especially considering the apparent Smasher activity; likewise, his actions could lead to such a thing happening later, and/or the police acknowledging your little group, which would lead to their future demise, so to speak; while the police are almost certainly short-handed, and most likely targeting smasher-related threats more than others, there is still that possibility, especially with cases involving repeated events/offences). Something to think of for later, perhaps. Makes me somewhat sad/disappointed to hear/read that such a criminal would be stupid enough to target the same place so many apparent times. (oh, and while the police would take Smasher threats more seriously, there is a very good chance that they would not take all of them, do to the smashers cobating them, as well; there is also the factor of the police emergency response policy; quite alot of things probably go into their actual actions, and they would be somewhat different than in any other city specifically because of the Smasher populus [est. 1000, but with the majority of them inactive, at that time, I would think; this would include villains and those that are either neutral to the intactions between heroes and villains, or choose not to use their powers for non-mundane purposes; thusly, probably 100-200 or so on either side that are actually deeply involved in the crime/fighting thereof of the city])


“Well, looks like we picked the wrong night for a raid. Some other gang came, and apparently they were hoping to raid this store instead,” Will explained.

Whoops. And what are the chances of that happening, in one of the largest and most crime-filled cities in the country (apparently)? XD

On a more serious note, nice choice of events. I hadn't thought of something like that. Livens up the story, and gives it more depth overall. Shows that unexpected things with seemingly no precedence can and will happen.

Arg... I'm still not at my best, concentration-wise/intellectually, having just gotten up, eaten, and taken my pills. Ah well, though. I suppose I'm well enough off for the purpose at hand. Unfortunately, though, it's making the story not sink in as much as I would like. :/


but if any of them are Smashers, he could be in trouble.

Or if they have guns and are coordinated in any way. By this, I mean that things could get quite problematic, with ranged weapons involved, unless all targets are taken out at once, or if you have sufficient cover, and the environment doesn't interfere... which makes me wonder just what things are in this drug store, and what its catching on fire could lead to, potentially. It also reminds me that if guns are heated enough the bullets will explode inside of them. (you don't have to include that in the story in any way, though; most people ignore that principle, anyway, as it provides for a certain level of uncertainty and weakness in their characters that tends to lead to the story not being quite so straightforeward as they'd like) That principle is why you don't throw bullets into camp fires, people! lol

/me imagines them getting across the aisles just soon enough to be engulfed in flame from a loose burst, having come out on the wrong side; That would also give the problem of being too close to the opposition's people for other reasons, such as potential hostage situations. That could provide a big problem. I know that's not going to happen (at least from what I read; it might... I wasn't at the end of the chapter), but still. Makes for a good point to take into account, later. Might help with the crafting of your story in general, to take such things into account. Plots being what they are, they have to follow certain paths to both be realistic and go the way you want them, but regardless...


The flames were a bright blue-white color

I love the realistic useage of color, there. Usually, people don't actually keep what color flames are in real life into account with such things, and either explain it away or allow it to be just whatever they want for the purpose of the story, and drama.

WOOT!!! THE POLICE ARE ACTUALLY COMPETANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (enough for story purposes)


“The cops,” Mila muttered. “How convenient of them to show up, now that everybody’s out of danger.”

Don't you just love that? Then again, in such a confrontation, it would make sense. Protocol would dictate that a couple of people that were on stakeout would wait for backup, if there actually were any, beforehand, and they weren't just reacting to the silent alarm.

No, it probably wouldn't look too good if they did... and that's without even taking into account the actual consequences to their little community. XD

I wonder if the surveilance in other parts of the city (there is quite a bit of public surveilance, mind you) will be used in any way to stop you and/or your group, considering they have fingerprint evidence, most likely. The reason they might not would be search for higher priority targets. A little gang might be annoying, and something that would need stopping eventually, but not that dangerous to society.
That being said, and considering the group's previous adventures, now that there are charred bodies involved, that threat level increases significantly, especially with the fact that his teenagehood would be taken into account. That could get both the police and the smashers (on both sides) to acknowledge you more, which is not something you want for such a group. The fact that the surveilance went out at such a convenient time also might get at least some to be suspicious that there is a second smasher among you. Problems, worries, and threats. *dramatic chord*


Jessa nodded. “Just… give me a couple minutes? I could have some useful stuff in there.”

... This makes me remeber that that is still most likely a crime scene recent enough to have yellow police line. It will probably have the place somewhat disheveled, and definitely searched, and then there is the off chance that there would be police personel actually still in the building... Also the possibility of certain devices placed by somewhat shady government agencies due to the fact that she was a Smasher, and with the thought that she's a teenager and there is a good chance she'd return to her house for resources, as she was wont to (especially if they noted she didn't take much, but whether they would or not is questionable; I wonder if they utilize Smashers in such searches, now... they could be quite useful, with such things; psychometrics, among others, might be of particular use...).

Hmm... No police lines at the door/s. Interesting. Somewhat suprising to me that it was unlocked too, but I won't go about arguing about that. Meh. Scratch that, as it is an apartment complex; for some reason I thought she was immediately entering her specific living space.

The fact that it's an apartment complex both makes me curious about how people would react to seeing her, and- ugh... Hunger Games advertisement on my Pandora station. -.- (I hate adds, not what it was advertising)-but anyway... it also makes me wonder how the likely camera footage of her within the complex would effect things, potentially, especially considering the date, and that she had just left the scene of a crime she was involved in. That might just bring you onto their metaphorical radar/RADAR (radio detection and randging; don't ask me how I know these things are acronyms; I just know things in many different categories; I don't remember how I find the majority of it out)... Sooo many things that could cause it to all go wrong... so many potential problems... *eye twitches* (I worry for her character, and how the Law will look upon her in the future, even if certain characters look at her differently... :/)

NOW I am feeling a bit odd about the fact that the yellow police tape was not still there, apparently. The key under the mat is understandable, though. *blames the police for not being attentative enough, unless some government agency claimed juristiction* Oh, and have you talked with Jae recently? Just wondering if you still haven't had the chance, or not... ._.


Jessa thought of school with a pain. Her friends, her teachers, her entire education, would be left behind.

At least she was as old as she was at the time. Good to see that she actually values education, btw. Alot of people these days don't... Thousands of people drop out of school each day. :/

I actually wonder if they would be able to sell the jewelry without potential repercussions, but that's something for another time, and it was a good thought, at least. (oh, and it makes me wonder if actually going somewhere and buying something would be safe for any of them, but meh; By this, I mean eventually there could possibly be problems caused by that, especially if the law enforcement actually puts forth a coordinated effort to stop you guys; also, I wonder if APBs stay in stores, on occasion; that could be very interesting, especially considering they could potentially have the entirety of the Super City criminal database at their disposal, along with potentially a list of federal criminals; There is also the possibility they'd have fatial recognition programs to allow them to know if you are the secret identity of a villain [or anyone, frankly], which disturbs me...)

I'm posting this in case of bluescreens or internet problems, now, which I have been having a resurgence of, lately.


Jessa knew she wouldn’t need it.

It would also cost money and allow her to be tracked by law enforcement, along with the electrical drain it would require to be able to make use of.


She would share with the other girls, of course.

Makes me wonder about size problems, and whether or not some of her father's things would've fit some of the older boys.


From there, Jessa moved to the pantry. She found another bag and placed all the non-perishable food inside.

That makes me crave Goldfish crackers, for some reason.


A single tear escaped and ran down the side of her check before Jessa brushed it away.

I can understand that, especially given the time gap between her entry in the room and that time, but mentioning her crying so soon afterwords has a weird (negative) effect on the story. Just saying.


Luke raised his eyebrows. “Wasn’t it you who stopped that gun from firing and saved me?”

Hmm... Possibly, though a bit questionable. Regardless, it's your story, and she hasn't gained control of her powers, yet, so it's plausible, and likely.

I see the seeds of relationships being sewn. Makes me wonder just how you shall have it go, later, with regards to specifics, as I already know much of how this arc flows, obviously (to us [assuming you didn't change it]). ;)


He poured the cans into the crate, and Jessa followed suit.

Pouring them might not have been the best idea... XD

Compensation... interesting. Any particular reason for peaches in particular? *raises eyebrow*


thinking of the past and future.

I didn't know she was a precog... lol

Nice chapter, I'd say. Raises interesting questions, both from the point of what should've happened/been, but didn't, and for what shall indeed happen in the future, and how prepared their little band of teenagers is for what may be to come.

< Message edited by Drakkoniss -- 3/24/2012 13:23:51 >
DF  Post #: 57
3/25/2012 1:26:30   
Jessa K

As always, thanks so much for commenting. It really helps a lot.

Sorry, no new chapter today. I got home a lot later than I was planning on. A lot later, actually, so sorry if not all that I saw makes sense.

I don't recall ever saying this store had been hit before, you know. I think I can see how you would interpret that, though. Then again, I could've written that and then just not remember.

Huh, bullets and fire. Didn't think of that. Hm. Guess they just got lucky ( ;) ).

I actually was originally planning on it being a bit if a hostage situation, where the man pointing the gun at Jessa's back takes her hostage, but for some reason it didn't turn out that way when I wrote it. *shrug*

Yup, flames that are the right color. Fire manipulators can control the heat if their flames, and Luke made it really hot (but well controlled). Besides, blue-white flames are beautiful.

Fingerprints samples from the store would be pointless, as none of the teens have their prints in the database. But it is true that there could be cameras. That wouldn't be good, would it now? And yeah, a gang of orphans isn't exactly a high priority in Super City. In fact, if they were able to identify the bodies, they would realize they were criminals. The police would probably think some smasher just went a bit overboard taking out some thugs.

You must remember, Drak, the apartment is not a crime scene. No crime took place there, and besides, her parents were in a car accident. No reason for the apartment to be a crime scene.

No, I haven't talked to Jae in a while. I should probably do that soon.

Even if buying/selling things wasn't an option for Jessa or Luke, there are plenty of other teens who could do it.

I put the crying in because, well, for this story I pretty much just thought of what I would do in that situation. And I would cry, so that's what I put.

They're a couple of teens, they digit always have the best ideas, XD. Pouring cans is just do much easier.

He was joking about it actually being compensation, just in case you didn't pick up on that. And yes, there actually is a reason for choosing peaches. Happy memories ascotiated with them, and I just absolutely love canned peaches. Like, really really love them. It's my favorite canned food.

I'm glad you liked the chapter. I think this story will be a complex one.

< Message edited by Jessa K -- 3/25/2012 1:28:47 >
AQW  Post #: 58
3/25/2012 11:12:15   


As always, thanks so much for commenting. It really helps a lot.

I try. :P

It's fine. I understand; You are a human, afterall, and have a schedual independant of my whims. lol

My claim is due to the fact that the other gang claimed it as their own, and said noone robs that store but them, implying previous activity. That of course could be a false assumption, but regardless, that is what I was thinking, and why.

Most people don't think of bullets and fire that way anyway, so meh.

That happens to me, too, sometimes. Things one might intend don't always make it to the paper (or web, in this case), mostly as a result of the artist's making their work in a way where it is difficult to put it in without seeming too much for the scene, or because it flows well enough without that bit in, anyway.


Besides, blue-white flames are beautiful.
Tell that to the people who get retinal damage from staring at them too long. XD (at this point I would like to mention the fact that I am wondering whether that place is burning down/was/did)


as none of the teens have their prints in the database.

That almost makes me thing the parents were irresponsible, but I suppose not everyone records them in-case of their child getting lost. *shrugs* (I've had mine done twice, so far as I can remember, and I have no criminal record past very, very, very minor things that I have not been punished for; For example, jaywalking, which I dislike doing but had to, at one time [it isn't really enforced here, anyway... for some reason, an abnormally high ammount of people do it, which I don't understand; :/]).

Ah, but you forget that it would seem that at least some people suspect that she has Smasher powers, and there is a good chance the place would be investigated eventually for various reasons. Her disappearance could potentially cause the arrousal of enough suspicion to check the place out, even if it's for evidence of kidnapping, or something. That in mind, I can understand your point. I suppose the situation there is different than in every other city, with the Smasher threat in mind, but it would be difficult to definitely say one way or another, whether that would cause investigation in such a case, at least that quickly. ( I did say my comments in some part could have falacies of logic, due to it being somewhat early in the morning)

I miss Jae. I haven't seen her much, either. :/


Even if buying/selling things wasn't an option for Jessa or Luke, there are plenty of other teens who could do it.

I had that in mind, commenting; I also wonder how many of them have been exposed to such raids, but regardless, I do admit that they most likely would for the moment. It is in the future that would have me somewhat worried about that. Eventually, with so much in the way of potential evidence, I wonder if things will not build up into a negative situation. Also, there will be an investigation into the burglary of their home, possibly, now, and the fact that Jessa's fingerprints aren't in the database leads to the fact that it could not be put up to her panicking and taking things after hearing her parents were dead. That could potentially lead to her eventually being tracked down, but I will not get into how tht might be done, as it would be difficult, at least with current CSI tech, irl.

I understand why you put it there. It's just that you had just had that happen one or two paragraphs above it, so it struck me as odd that you'd remention it.


Pouring cans is just so much easier.

Yes, I suppose, but I might've thought they'd have had a can break one of the many times that they've done that over the years... no matter. That is really inconsequencial.

Yes, I cought that he was joking.

Good to know, with regards to the peaches. We have peach trees here. Also a fig tree, but that one had to be trimmed quite a bit, so it might not make fruit this year.

That reminds me that I keep thinking our Redbud trees are Sakuras, but I am almost completely certain that Sakura trees have bigger pettals on their blossoms...
DF  Post #: 59
3/25/2012 12:14:13   
Jessa K

Like I said, I can see how you would interpret it that way. I'll probably go back and fix it.

Huh, I actually forgot that Luke pretty much set the whole place on fire... I'll just go back and say that he put out any remaining flames.

Maybe it's different in your state... I've never had my prints in any sort of system, and as far as I know, none of my friends have. only one of my friends have, and she's got obvious reasons for doing so. And, honestly, I don't think anybody hardly cares about jaywalking, lol.

True, but the police have more important things to do. I doubt they would investigate for a Smasher, when the cause of death for her parents was so obvious. Besides, the men who tried to chase her down probably went back to her apartment, checked the place out, found nothing significate (and nothing to indicate a Smasher) and left.

Peach trees? Lucky. Here, webe got oriental cherry and plum, and the neighbors have an apple orchard.

AQW  Post #: 60
3/25/2012 12:36:47   

Go back and fix an offhand comment made by thugs that apparently have little overall intelligence? Why? More importantly, who cares, and why would that be something big enough for you to go back and fix?

/me worries about whether or not he would actually think to put them out, would have that ability, and would actually waste (point of view, but whatever) the time doing that, with the police right there.

I don't believe that it was as a result of a mandate, but rather that it was the result of my mother being careful and wishing to ensure my safety.

To be fair, it would probably not be the police, but S.C.I.F., the Super City Investigative Force, which specifically deals with such things. Intelligence agencies tend to be rather paranoid and deep into speculative investigations of that sort. They employ Smashers amongst their personel, so it is relatively likely that they would have ones with special powers for finding things out normal investigation would not be able to produce. They also make use of advanced technology, both in weaponry and in other areas.
DF  Post #: 61
3/25/2012 12:46:01   
Jessa K

Alright, I won't change it, lol.

Luke could extinguish any fires relatively easily, as long as they weren't too big. He doesn't have to be touching the fire or anything like that to manipulate it, and he's fairly quick.

Alright, well, now I've got another idea for my story, lol. I might get to writing today, maybe.
AQW  Post #: 62
3/25/2012 22:38:39   

Well, seems you didn't write enough to make a chapter, today. I shall be on tomorow, as well, so I suppose you could see me then, if I am not AFK, and you decide to go in-game.
DF  Post #: 63
3/26/2012 0:32:55   
Jessa K

I'm working again tomorrow, probably won't be on until 8 or so my time, and the rest of the week I'm VERY busy. Thursday I leave to be in Arizona for 12 days or so, and I don't know how much time I'll have there. Then I've got a pretty full week where I won't be home until 5 or later each day, and on the 13th I'm leaving for a few days in Eastern Washington. Sooo busy. I might not have time to write for a while.
AQW  Post #: 64
3/26/2012 11:10:02   

I suppose that's fine; Real life comes first. I very much look foreward to reading a new chapter of yours, when it comes out, though, either in this story, or that one (though I'm not sure when you'd be able to fit that in, with the way the others are posting chapters...).
DF  Post #: 65
3/27/2012 0:02:00   
Jessa K

I've got a long plane ride, so I'll be able to get some writing done then, if I am able to bring my laptop. In fact, if I am able to bring my laptop to Arizona, I could probably get a lot of writing done. *imagines self sitting beside pool with laptop in the sun* Maybe.

Oh, and ideas for the next picture's chapter?

Edit: Added a picture to the last chapter. Jessa's bedroom!

< Message edited by Jessa K -- 3/27/2012 0:34:45 >
AQW  Post #: 66
3/27/2012 9:43:51   

O.o Japanese-esque flower motiff... My computer keeps either freezing or bluescreening, annoyingly, so I had to attempt to make this comment twice... I'd have to know what you actually want to pictured in the next chapter, but I suppose I could go find one of steriotypical government agents, or something. I think I'll post this, now.

Wait a minute... You said next picture's chapter? That makes it sound like you already have a picture in mind, but you want me to suggest ideas for a chapter, after this. Hmm... *goes off to find a pic, anyway*

< Message edited by Drakkoniss -- 3/27/2012 11:48:19 >
DF  Post #: 67
3/27/2012 20:18:16   
Jessa K

And that is why I shouldn't comment late at night when I'm exhausted, lol. Of course, I meant next chapter's picture. The sad thing is that I read that comment several times and didn't notice anything amiss, XD.

The next chapter is going to include action and fire. Should be exciting.

< Message edited by Jessa K -- 3/27/2012 20:52:26 >
AQW  Post #: 68
3/28/2012 10:42:39   

I enjoy violence involving fire. :)
DF  Post #: 69
3/31/2012 12:37:41   
Jessa K

Facing a bit of a dilemma... The current chapter is long enough, but just talking and planning, with other subtle thing, but no action. I could make the chapter longer and put in the action, but the chapter wouldn't be out until Wednesday or so.
AQW  Post #: 70
3/31/2012 13:13:15   
Eukara Vox
Legendary AdventureGuide!

Sometimes, a chapter used only to move the story along without action is necessary to a healthy novel. Sometimes, you have no choice. If you think that this is necessary, I wouldn't go inserting action merely to insert action. It will be forced and may throw off your flow, your rhythm and your story over all. Don't be afraid to have a chapter here or there that is for the enjoyment of the story and progression.

< Message edited by Eukara Vox -- 3/31/2012 13:53:08 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 71
3/31/2012 14:28:40   
Jessa K

Well, I've got a lot if action planned out, for sure. Originally this chapter was supposed to have a bit of an argument in the beginning, and then go and (attpt to) kick some butt, only that conversation is a bit longer than I planned. I've had longer chapters, though.
AQW  Post #: 72
4/4/2012 17:25:13   
Sir Night

Luke: I have a great idea!

Jessa: What is it?

Luke: Let's go kill some robbers and make this town a better place!

Jessa: Ooh, sounds like fun! What do you want to do after that?

Luke: Oh, the usual, find a store and steal some food...
Post #: 73
4/4/2012 17:39:37   
Jessa K

Lol, that's pretty much it. Hope you enjoyed it, this is my first time writing a fight scene and I'm not sure if I did it right. And again, no picture, which I apologize for.
AQW  Post #: 74
4/4/2012 17:51:33   
Sir Night

Yeah, I enjoyed it. Very well written. I just thought that one point was pretty funny.
Post #: 75
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