My theory is this: So many people are buying var, that they are able to NPC faster and more efficently due to better equipment, and are able to level up faster. Therefore, most Non-Vars level ~30 are facing many, many, many level 33-34 fully geared fully enhanced second-tier classes. Because of this disconnect between what nonvars level 30-31 can beat, and what they face ~every time they click "1v1", it gives us the impression that ED is basically a Pay to Win, instead of Pay to Advantage. Sure, I beat a level 34 fully geared Tac Merc recently (3 days ago), but it was pure, pure, PURE luck. 2 blocks, 2 criticals for me, 1 deflection for me. She took it well, saying good job, but we both knew it was completely luck. This is the disconnect, I have to resort to NPC to gain sure EXP and Credits, instead of 1v1 or the blasted arcade. (After about 500+ wins, finally got an Assault Bot a couple months ago)