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3/2/2012 10:28:16   

Here you may comment upon my tale of grief- the story of my life, unadulterated and pure.

Here you may read it: http://forums2.battleon.com/f/tm.asp?m=20126026&mpage=1&key=?

I bid you good day, and good reading.
~This thread is mine, and this is my page.~

< Message edited by Drakkoniss -- 3/2/2012 10:38:43 >


DF  Post #: 1
3/2/2012 19:09:08   

<.< >.>
Me gusta...

Good story so far, not I demand that you WRITE MORE.

Please. ^^

~Lady Zafara


Check out my 3D anime art!
Check out my deviantart to follow me!
AQW  Post #: 2
3/2/2012 19:27:26   


Oh, and yes, I do intend to write more. Probably not today, but meh. I'll have an irratic writing schedual.

DF  Post #: 3
3/2/2012 20:31:38   

Drakkoniss: Me Gusta means "I Like" in spanish. A rough translation however.
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 4
3/2/2012 23:40:35   

I shall read eth!

Hmm I have read chap 1, and am I right in thinking he was a lawyer? Also I thought you stated somewhere that Drackonic Evil killed you`r parents.

Now onto part deux! Hmm interesting set of powers, makes me wonder who/what that voice is and just how and why did it give him those powers.

Now onto part Trios. That fortes just sounds plane epic! Hmm the voice wonder let him go to sleep? I wonder if it knew of his alter ego. Aww poor Greyhaven.

Now onto part 4. Wait unborn child? Wow that makes it even more said. The thing about his body not letting him drown makes me wonder if he is inmortal in some sense. Ohh a creepy prophecy form Death himself. I wonder what he meant by he can`t touche you. Who is higher up then Death himself? Ohh so his real name is Alex interesting.

This story is both awesome and depressing.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 5
3/3/2012 1:09:19   
Jessa K

Aright, gonna comment as I go...

5 days after the sacrifice of Pandora? When exactly was that?

You seem to still use too many '...', as I recal somebody once saying. Although some is good, you have too many. It makes for slow reading, and takes away from the story.

He pretty much punched the guy to death? I find it a little bit unlikely that he was able to do so before anybody could pull him off. Also, he seems to be mostly unprovoked. I can get that he'd be angry about the deaths of innocent people, but enough to kill the guy? Reminds me of Gray, and not nescisarly in a good way.

His dad just happens to have a gun with him? I assume he has a concealed weapons permit, but even then that seems a bit strange.

So some random (or maybe not-so-random) pyromaniac comes in and murders his family, thus sparking a hatred of criminals and a yearning for revenge. I must say, that's not exactly original.

Ah, mysterious voice promising power... Because most people would totally agree without considering the consequences.

And now to Part Two... I find no reasoning behind the French number, though.

Oh, dear, '...' overload!


I was... as some might say... freaked out.


I'm sorry, Drak, but the '...'s everywhere are really disorienting and quite unnescisary.

Again with the French. Not a bad thing, but certainly an interesting choice.


it also doubles for a tv/videogame room

Haha, awesome. Whatever world this is, it'd better have MW3.

Hm. Somebody else's pain should never be an enjoyable thing, no matter who they are.

*mutters* Guy needs to learn how to control his emotions. I mean, if looks really can kill, then...

Unborn child? How sad. :( Just another thing to add to the tradgedy.

Aw, and now I'm feeling sorry for the poor guy.

Aaaaand now it's turning into a pity overload. I really shouldn't talk, since I do the same thing in my story, though.

You're pretty good at conveying emotion, Drak. *nods in aproval*

Synthetic white tiger fur bathrobe? *laughs*

Aaaaand back again to the pity.

Alex, huh? Interesting. Very interesting...

And so we wait for the next chapter.

Hmm. Perhaps it's just because I had high hopes, but this isn't exactly what I had expected. Your style is like you are speaking a story outloud, like you are telling somebody your story. When it comes to writing, you need to show, not tell. This way, your 'telling' way, lacks proper details. It's nice enough, but like I said, not really a traditional writing format. Not saying you have to do it that way, but the current way only shows what you feel and what you choose to describe, nothing more. As far as I can tell, though, that's just your style, and it's nearly impossible to change a writer's style.

And, on another note, I think your character might be a Mary-Sue. You can take a Mary-Sue test here to find out.

I enjoyed it, nonetheless, and can't wait for more!
AQW  Post #: 6
3/3/2012 21:42:36   

Good to know, SL9K. Thank you.

Yes, a lawyer, as were the Evil's first victims my parents and my first wife.

Thank you for the complement, Kinz.

Her sacrifice would be... 8 years before C&T? Seems about right.

Yes; Too many elipses. I fixed that problem, as you may have noticed when reading part 4.

That was both an expression of super strength and fire creation/manipultion, Jessa. Not too unlikely, when you think about it. It was not so unprovoked as you might think, as it was both done out of a sense of... justice, and in self preservation. Adrenaline can effect one's judgement, and the decision was split second. He needed to be stopped, regardless, and it was his first expression of powers. That means he had little to no control over the degree of usage.

*shrugs at the gun comment*

It's not some random pyromaniac. As I said previously in this post, that was Drakkonic Evil at work, and he had absolutely no control of his actions. I felt that was in fact quite original, and it was supposed to add a sense of mystery at the time. Got Clown guessing, at least.

You must realize his house was just burned down, his entire family other than his sister (who was not present, and he has an emotional schism between himself and), including his unborn child were just killed, and that he was helpless to stop it. That stirs up deep emotions in someone, and made him not quite pensive, so to speak.

Whims, with regards to language.

Yes, yes, more elipses.

I would like to state that currently my abode is much more complex and extravagant than it was then.

Note that this was years ago, and that MW3 wouldn't have been invented, even if the videogame community's train of thought (among other things) happened to follow the exact same line as it does in this one.

[quote*mutters* Guy needs to learn how to control his emotions. I mean, if looks really can kill, then...][/quote]
Note that I currently wear black shades. Also that emotions being what they are, and with so little time between the tragedy concerning his family and that moment, considering that fights bring out emotions significantly, and with the fact that the man was using fire.
Fire had not been only his weapon of choice within that last week.

It is a biography, Jessa; An autobiography, at that. Perhaps it is that you are more used to the norms of story writing, but regardless, I have very little experience in writing.

Do normal stories not leave a significant deal of detail for the reader to fill in? Regardless of that, I understand what you mean. It may be the earlier chapters that altered your perception of the story as a whole, as the last one had quite a bit of detail, mon cheri. I shall take that into mind, however. I was concious of the relative lack of detail in the early chapters, going in to this, anyway. I hope that is/shall be improved.

I thought there was a masculine version of Mary-Sue... But whatever. I shall look at that link shortly.

This keyboard makes it uncomfortable and difficult to type. lol (I'm typing this from a cousin's house; ;))

Sorry to have seemed to have your high hopes dashed, darling. I shall do my best to make you look back on that comment and laugh, later.

< Message edited by Drakkoniss -- 3/3/2012 21:45:35 >
DF  Post #: 7
3/3/2012 22:07:43   
delta blitz

Nice story so far Drakkoniss, I'm sad that the others got to finish reading before I did but still, you know how I love tragedy and how morbid I think(you seem to play the part fairly well). I enjoy your writing style though as I can fill in a few blanks myself and it is easy to read.

On another note can you guys comment on my story /\_(T_T)_/\....plz

~Chaos of Loneliness

Do not demean others writing skills on their C&C thread. That part of your comment has been removed. ~Helixi

< Message edited by Helixi -- 5/6/2012 17:49:42 >
AQ AQW Epic  Post #: 8
3/4/2012 14:29:05   

Oh, I don't know about that, David. I have only just begun, and even now, the award for most morbid and tragedy-filled story is up for grabs, as is the question as to who's story is best at portrayng it. We shall see, my good man; We shall see. *pseudo-devilish grin* MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Glad to hear you like it, though.
DF  Post #: 9
3/4/2012 16:31:22   

First time reading an HS story, as I'm not a fan, but you've always seemed to have good insight so...anyways.

Sacrifice of Pandora? Feeling a bit alienated already o_O

Alright so read the first three chapters. Not bad,mbut I can't help but feel it's jumping around a lot. As it is I can't even understand WHY he is doing these things other than "a voice told me to bro" and such. It mentions "To fight evil, as per the agreement" or something, which is a bit...strange as far as wording goes. And as Arachnid said, you did overkill ellipses in that one paragraph, heh.

@Delta:Just wondering, morbid as far as your HS stories (That I've not read) or the standalone one I did read?
DF MQ  Post #: 10
3/4/2012 16:55:29   

Alienated by the sacrifice of Pandora? Sorry, but that's an important part of history, in this universe. ;)

It is not Pandora as in the box, as you might think, but a great heroine, who used to protect the world, and so forth, before the HS storyline begins.
DF  Post #: 11
3/4/2012 16:56:59   

Ah alright, plot device. I had thought it was someone from HS, which obviously I would have no idea of.
DF MQ  Post #: 12
3/4/2012 19:52:26   

*shrugs* It was supposed to take place quite a bit before the game, and I felt that was probably the best place to start.
DF  Post #: 13
4/18/2012 17:28:05   

LOVE the new addition to this story! Very excellent way of protraying your character Drakkoniss - you have such a unique way of putting things that I so do enjoy :3

The chapter on Death...very gripping and puts many questions into my mind. I've no doubt they will be answered as the plot progresses but still I can't but wonder...


My life would be that of a killer, destroying others, and what they have, supposedly for the greater good, all the while empty.

Such a simple statement but I thought it was very profound; I see there is much truth in it.


"SILENCE!!!" the sound boomed, a scream of banshies, and a roar of ten thousand dragons. The lightning burst forth with renewed vigor. "You... You will not have such an easy fate. You will suffer pain the likes of no man who has ever lived, and you shall die many times, but Death shall not have you;- You will break, mortal. You shall reave destruction and pain unto your enemies, and you shall bring me no end of annoyance, but I shall not touch you! ...I cannot."

I always had a vague idea of your encounters with Death up til now; He seems to know many things about you, more than what you probably realize about yourself (at least during this stage of your life). That leads to more questions that I shall keep to myself for the moment^^

Poor Sonia...that is, such a cruelty...

Me likees very much...please continue! Please? Please? Please? :D
AQW  Post #: 14
4/28/2012 5:39:48   

Oh wow, you finally updated. ITS THE END OF THE WORLD!


My dead father, who I'd seen engulfed in flame. who I've heard nothing from in three months.

The Smarterest.


So much so that many "Smashers", as they are called, now, shy away from the cameras, fearing the what the extra attention might bring.

And yet many go running around in brightly colored underwear now. Strange how things work.

In a way that I cannot explain and you could not possibly hope to understand, the name "Alex" is hilarious to me.
Odd how you gave the the fake feelings, you know it'll just backfire. Or really were you just that naive?
What kind of Monsterwould even try to create something like that? You always knew it was just a fake, why did you even try to convince yourself otherwise? 

Geez, do you really need that much junk? I mean a few armors I understand, but this?


Walking into it, I turn my visage past multiple layers of racks with rifles, machine guns, shotguns, and specialty weapons, untill I get to a little pistol rack with two unassuming beauties placed in dead center.

Makes me want to start a zombie apocalypse, just to see those glorious guns in use.

Quite a few ttimes when you hit a key mmore then oncce. Just pointing that out.

I would think that impromptu weaponry would be more to your powers.


Besides, I was curious as to just what was going on...

Because you totally don't have a TV or anything.

Also --- looks better then ... for separating parts a bit.



No, flying.


I knew I had been detected.

That's why you always check the portal first.
I never commented on the first 4 parts, oh well.
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 15
4/28/2012 11:22:40   

And I feel fine, my friend. ;)

Interesting that you quoted that indirectly, instead of putting what I typed in there, with regards to my father.


What kind of Monsterwould even try to create something like that? You always knew it was just a fake, why did you even try to convince yourself otherwise?

For one, I needed some kind of "human" companionship. It is quite... unnerving, living totally without it. Secondly, I had relatively little experience forming realistic AI, and I figured I could make it work as a coping mechanism. Depression messes with your thoughts, sometimes. Gives you hopes that are unrealistic... As a first venture into actually creating programing with the capacity for cognative thought, it was quite the success. It led to future endeavors in that field, and much less... harmful company.

On the matter of the armors and/or other equipment, you must understand I had quite a bit of spare time. It was a hobby. Quite a bit of it was weaponry that already existed, but I made quite a few designs and slight augmentations, myself.


That's why you always check the portal first.

Learned to do that later. One of my very first uses of the system, anyway. I was much too anxious, and stopped looking once I found one that actually led to somewhere in D.C. in our universe. A complex mess in there...

On a final note, in response to you saying, "Because you totally don't have a TV or anything," I meant behind the scenes. I explained that earlier, during the foreshadowing involved in the section with the android.
DF  Post #: 16
4/29/2012 3:25:19   


And I feel fine, my friend. ;)

A real shame.


Interesting that you quoted that indirectly, instead of putting what I typed in there, with regards to my father.

Made it flow easier for what I had to say.


For one, I needed some kind of "human" companionship.

And you couldn't go out and talk to people because....?


Secondly, I had relatively little experience forming realistic AI, and I figured I could make it work as a coping mechanism.

Character-wise, you've always seemed too high and mighty/intelligent to even think about something like that. 


Depression messes with your thoughts, sometimes. Gives you hopes that are unrealistic...

And it's important to keep a level head and get over it, well in my experience at least.


you must understand I had quite a bit of spare time. It was a hobby.

And that time could have been better spent honestly.
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 17
4/29/2012 12:28:44   

You have a lot of run-on-sentences that would be better separated with periods rather than four or five commas. If need be I'll point out what I'm referring to, but you seem like you'd find it on your own pretty easily.

Bacon is always fun.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 18
4/29/2012 17:48:52   


Character-wise, you've always seemed too high and mighty/intelligent to even think about something like that.

Yes, well, alot has happened since then. I was not the same person, and I have learned from my past mistakes.

Yes, it probably could've been potentially been used better. It was bordering obsession, really. I hadn't gotten a handle of the intellectual "boost" that came from the sight and the understanding thereof, at the time. I on occasion became carried away and overly engrossed in my work, during the production of such things. It was much easier due to the nature of my base and what it allowed me to do with the formation of various objects and structures. Lots of variations on similar concepts, multiple reproductions of the same thing, and much ammunition.

I was much less... stable, then. Not thinking things through all the way. Overly distracted by what my sight pointed out. Willing and able to go off on tangents of thought and action that would not seem rational to many people if they knew of them. I include such quirky things in the story when they serve a purpose, and for the sake of honesty.

On the matter of going out and talking to people, from my point of view it seemed logical that I would either currently or soon have an outstanding warrant for my arrest for the matters of the possible killing of my family (the fact that a fire which had no chemical substance/traces that most forms of arson would leave behind, and apparent start from no discernible single point of begining in conjunction with my ability to produce fire implicates me as a plausible killer; there would've been witnesses to the fact that I had survived) and that of the man in the court. Possibly also what had happened in the area beyond the mountain of which I spoke of, though that would be a Federal case, and not a local one. I still had a legally oriented mind, and believed that it was relatively likely that I was a wanted man because of my experience and knowledge of how the legal system worked. The disappearances of Smashers at the time and afterwords gave me further reason to be wary.
DF  Post #: 19
5/2/2012 18:14:06   
Clown the Jester

Heh heh heh heh heh. Love your story Drakkoniss.

Excelent writing style as well.

SO much tragedy in your life. SO MUCH! And with all your might...all your powers...all your capabilities...it's the ones you hold the closest to yourself that pay the price.

Your fault they are dead. Heh heh heh. Thats the real joke. How do you live with the guilt? Must drive you mad.

I wonder...would you forget your sorrow if you had the chance? As you know....I don't get the luxury of knowing what made my head...SNAP!

If you had the possibility to forget your pain...would you?

Never stop the fun Drakkoniss.

AQW Epic  Post #: 20
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