Legendary AdventureGuide!
Firstly, all people who hacked Varium, were perma-banned, they were severely punished for what they did, and rightly so. Secondly this topic, once again, if not one to discuss publicly, please forward any issues like this on to myself, The Lawman or Ashari via PM, instead of publicly discussing it. Thirdly, I haven't been too much involved in this side of things and haven't been personally involved in investigating the Faction issues. I am now looking in to this quite a bit more, and I would like to ask anyone who has any Evidence (Screen Shots of flags, faction pages, chats where players may have admitted it) anything you feel may help - It's fine saying 'it's obvious, they just need punishing, just look', but that does not help. We can and will do something about it if we can get the evidence in SS's etc. for it. So if you have anything on any faction you know has cheated using tokens like this, please send everything straight to me as soon as possible. I will assure you it will be dealt with right away if we get enough! Thank you, ~Lycus