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RE: =ED= July 6th Design Notes

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7/6/2012 19:37:43   

Ok so. Firstly, I'm on the phone now.
And more importantly my laptop's just went for its fix today and in a day or two I will be able to fight for Exile! ^^
I got a few ideas for some builds againts the vault and g'luck Legion! ;)
AQW Epic  Post #: 26
7/6/2012 19:38:54   


I got a few ideas for some builds againts the vault and g'luck Legion! ;)

If you're referring to the Stage I of the Vault, Legion has already won that and Exile only has like 1.9M HP left.
Post #: 27
7/6/2012 19:44:55   

Ummm yeah, stage I Vault. Who knows what the other one will need.
AQW Epic  Post #: 28
7/6/2012 20:03:47   

Well Legion has already beat Stage I. Ya, wondering what will be strong against Stage II.
Post #: 29
7/6/2012 20:07:45   
One Winged Angel1357

Im gonna miss stage 2 because I have a Game Development camp to go to all next week I hope i dont miss anything good or that I get some free time to spend on the war
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 30
7/6/2012 20:36:09   
Lord Nub

So it's better to be on the losing side? That seems to be the just of it considering both sides get everything in the end but the losing side is able to gain more personal influence because of the vault. That's cool, glad Legion could win and get the shaft.
AQ AQW Epic  Post #: 31
7/6/2012 20:39:11   
ND Mallet
Legendary AK!!!

@nub How does the losing side get more influence? The winning side gets the same amount of influence as the other side, they just get through it faster.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 32
7/6/2012 20:48:45   

Both sides get/got the same amount of Influence, but us Legions 'used all of ours up' earlier then Exile did. If you get how I'm explaining this.
Post #: 33
7/6/2012 20:53:45   
Lord Nub

@ Moosey Moose,

Personal influence, that thing where the active Exile players are able to get much more of than active Legion players.

One example, Legion was winning the daily influence and the faction that contributed the most was up for the World Domination, when they decided to make Legion wait for the losing side that still gets everything the winning side gets, Legions top faction will no longer obtain that WD and players like myself who would like to be hitting the vault and gaining personal influence can not.

Player A from Legion plays 100 hours obtaining 100k influence while Player B from Exile plays 100 hours obtaining 150k influence. Same game time, less influence because of the fact that Player A is on the "Winning" side? Fix this...

< Message edited by Lord Nub -- 7/6/2012 20:55:05 >
AQ AQW Epic  Post #: 34
7/6/2012 20:55:27   

Someone has suggested they disable Exile from being able to gain Influence for Stage I, which is a great idea.
Post #: 35
7/6/2012 21:34:37   
King FrostLich

If stage II doesn't have war npc's, still won't join the war.
Epic  Post #: 36
7/6/2012 22:15:35   

Love the new animation for critical strikes with the new promo!
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 37
7/6/2012 23:28:21   
Silver Sky Magician

I think that the winning side should get some extra benefits. Else, there doesn't seem to be much point in racing until the final stage, since the win at the final stage will ostensibly be the only one that affects the storyline.
Post #: 38
7/6/2012 23:33:00   
Mr. Black OP

Not only are they winning but they also get an armor to help them win more by giving them more defense against the vault, if anything they have too much.
@Lord Nub
We actually have LESS influence lets say every player has 20k when the vault falls, they now can gain even more, now when exile's vault falls they have 20k while legion used their time and got 22k. If anything you got the better deal.

< Message edited by Mr. Black OP -- 7/6/2012 23:35:15 >
Epic  Post #: 39
7/6/2012 23:34:36   
ND Mallet
Legendary AK!!!

The problem with giving non-storyline rewards out for winning wars is that it causes disloyalty. No one would join Exile if Legion kept winning and getting all the awesome gear(or vice versa with Exile winning all the time).
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 40
7/7/2012 0:07:49   
Silver Sky Magician

The extra benefits need not be non-storyline rewards. It could manifest in many ways, such as allowing Legion to start on the next vault earlier, or decreasing the next vault's HP according to the difference between the two vaults' HP at the time of one's defeat. Point being, if the layer system were to work out, the winning side for each layer should have some sort of benefit, else each side might as well take their time until the final layer. Or it could be a considerably insignificant non-storyline reward (not gear, definitely, and as has never been the case), such as extra achievements, which appear to be the case.

@Mr Black Op

Exiles will be able to purchase the armour once they get through the first Vault door as well, so I don't see why Legion's ability to purchase the armour is a benefit in any way. Furthermore Legion aren't 'winning', as you claim, because all their progress over Exile for this first stage is nullified by an equal start for the second stage. Presumably this will continue for subsequent stages until the final stage, which is seemingly the only stage that actually matters. Not only that, everyone who has used varium for the first stage has essentially wasted it.

On a side note, I hope the level cap increase comes during, not after, the war :P
Post #: 41
7/7/2012 0:41:40   

So we must wait for Exiles?C'mooon,we support you now to move faster.

< Message edited by NEOCROM -- 7/7/2012 0:56:25 >
AQ  Post #: 42
7/7/2012 0:45:11   

@^: Exiles just broke through as well.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 43
7/7/2012 0:46:07   

yeah. so what's next now??
DF Epic  Post #: 44
7/7/2012 0:58:46   

Legion may have won the battle But they sure as hell haven't won the War yet!!

AQW Epic  Post #: 45
7/7/2012 2:14:13   

give a reason to credit only players of supporting the war pls i was rlly disappointed to c an only var lvl cap armor (tht anyone will buy cuz it s much weacker then delta knight armor)
Epic  Post #: 46
7/7/2012 7:55:46   
SouL Prisoner


Legion may have won the battle But they sure as hell haven't won the War yet!!

LOL, the famous old saying , but doesn't help :P

LEGION, will win once again :D

After all, winning is must, and not just a habit :D

Though, i feel sorry for the exiles, coz, they are not getting the cheevo.... but if everyone gets the cheevo, then whats the difference in winning and losing :)

Best of luck, exile :)


AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 47
7/7/2012 8:18:19   

Legion will brake the II vault like they broke the I vault Legion FTW!
@Soul hehe nice saying

< Message edited by AztecFighter -- 7/7/2012 8:35:20 >


DF Epic  Post #: 48
7/7/2012 8:20:44   
Kati kat

^ acccccccccceeeeeee

On topic: wish the release would come already
AQW Epic  Post #: 49
7/7/2012 11:49:20   
One Winged Angel1357

I have to agree with ND on this because I fought a good number of people with BeastRider armor and as we all know an Exile like me can only fight Legion members and bugs
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 50
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