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RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II

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10/3/2012 14:30:55   

On topic: I also have an idea for a good creature, I'm not limited to evil.

Character: Avenging spirit
Allignment: Good 30
Element: Light
Description: A half coporeal warrior from beyond this world, he has returned to earth to keep evil at bay.
Phase 1: Just a ghostly warrior, resembling the young paladin and an Aqw crusader.
Phase 2: The spirit gains heavier armor and weapons.
Phase 3: The spirit has a glow around him, and his armor has runic symbols.

Special cards
Strike from beyond: Strike the enemy with a phantom blade. Deals 4 unblockable damage.
Siphon: Make yourself more coporeal using the enemy's body. Deal 3 damage and heal 3
Bulwark: Increase your own defenses. Gain 8 sheild.

Character: Wraith
Allignment: Evil -30
Element: Darkness
Description: A ghost from another world, the wraith comes in search of souls in it's eternal hunger. A master of fear and stealth, a wraith is a good thing to avoid.
Phase 1: A skeletoid body hovering in the air, dressed in torn black robes, somewhat resembling the frostwraith from Aq.
Phase 2: The skeleton has an extended spinal cord in lieu of legs hanging under the robes like a tail, and it gains a pair of bone wings on it's back.
Phase 3: All the wraith's bones turn ashen black, and it has darkness swirling around it's body.

Special cards
Life drain: Steal a portion of your opponent's soul from them. Heal 5 and deal 5 damage.
Nonentity: Your ghostly form allows you to bypass obstacles. Deal 5 unblockable damage.
Master of the Dark: You touch your opponent's shadow and have limited control over him/her. Opponent skips next turn.

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< Message edited by Mritha -- 10/4/2012 15:56:15 >


Clever, witty, and slightly Daemonic.
AQW Epic  Post #: 276
10/3/2012 15:10:09   
How We Roll Winner

@Castleman29 We sure do xD
@Stronius You're not limited to evil eh? Neither am I xD

Character: Angel of Shadow
Alignment: +50 Good
Element: Shadow
Description: As revenge against the Demon of Light, this Angel has decided to use the powers of Shadow to counter the Demon!
Phase 1: A normal angel, but because of shadow, the wings are slightly scaly, and there's some "evil" characteristics in him/her/it.
Phase 2: More knightly than Phase 1, the angel has armor, a heavenly sword tainted with shadow, and the wings are larger. "Evil" characteristics are more.
Phase 3: Ultimate ArchAngel, now the "evil" characteristics are extreme, kinda like Drakath's chaos armor but it's shadow aligned. Has a red halo!
Shadow Strike: Unblockable attack, enemy's shadow attacks itself at the same time (stronger than Inferno)
Shadow Heal: Young Knight's heal, but the glow is red.
Good Shadow: Shadow attacks enemy for the good of all! Like Mark of Death.

Oh wait, I forgot to add this:
Character: Soulsucker
Alignment: -45 Shadow
Element: Shadow
Description: http://twitpic.com/9w4ry3 The one that says "Soulsucker," but do not have the second guy riding on top, and add arms.
The Soulsucker is a malevolent beast, formed by Shadow to suck the souls of innocent beings out and leave their lifeless bodies warm and "alive", but without souls.
Phase 1: Gray, small, eyes are orange-ish. Claws are also small, tail not quite so long.
Phase 2: Blacker, roughly the size of Young Knight, eyes are more red. Claws are longer now, tail is also longer.
Phase 3: Totally black, needles on the back are raised, eyes are blazing and the eye tattoos are visible. Claws really long, and tail is also really long. The size is about, say, Blood Void.

C'mon, feedback! (Should I apply all the other guys in the picture that come with Soulsucker to Oversoul too?)

< Message edited by ChaosRipjaw -- 10/3/2012 15:18:08 >


AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 277
10/3/2012 15:26:38   

Nice drawings, wish I was as good an artist, all I can draw are dragons and ghosts. One thing to remember though: the more good (or evil) a character is, the stronger they should be in theory. So a -50 evil dragon would have more powerful cards then a -30 vampire. Not to say they totally outclass them, just that the same effects are more powerful.
AQW Epic  Post #: 278
10/3/2012 15:44:09   
How We Roll Winner

You thought that was good? I didn't think it was that good but thanks too :D

I guess I will be suggesting all the characters in those drawings as characters in Oversoul :D
1st one:
Character: Pure Terror
Alignment: -50 Evil
Element: Shadow
Description: http://twitpic.com/9w4ry3 The one that says "Pure Terror."
Terror has manifested into this horrific being. Taking the shape of a hooded skeleton connected to the spine of an undead dragon, Pure Terror spreads . . . terror wherever IT goes.
Phase 1: No hood yet, dragon is a baby dragon.
Phase 2: Hood, but not quite ragged, dragon is longer and its horns are longer.
Phase 3: Exactly as I drew :D
Terror: Enemy is eneveloped in terror, making him/her/it hallucinate, so enemy attacks with less damage
Poison: The slime that helps the limbs stick together is spat out the Dragon's mouth, causing a DoT
Empower: Skeletal man on top transfers power to Dragon, empowering the attack.
Dual Attack: The skeletal man AND the Dragon attack at the same time, doubling the damage.

Feedback feedback feedback!
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 279
10/3/2012 15:54:44   

Well, I have many more character ideas, but I'm sure people will get mad and accuse me of infringement. In short, I'd like to see something derived from the tyranids, that emphaszes their hive mind and swarm mentality. Something as simple as a few big insects, or even a giant 4 armed half reptillian half insect monster, with weapon symbiotes and skills that let you call in reinforcements. After all, who wouldn't want to attack an enemy by calling in 20 minions at once? ^^

Yes, you draw well, I just suck at drawing people and realistic creatures, unlike you. Something about proportians I just suck at, ha.

< Message edited by Stronius -- 10/3/2012 15:55:53 >
AQW Epic  Post #: 280
10/3/2012 15:59:24   

Nice chars ChaosRipjaw^_^

now let me see if mine can compare

Description: Avon is the last of his kind wiped out by raiders and invaders.After countless years of watching his friends die avon has fused himself with the blood of dragon and archifiend to stop the raiders.But with this new power came a price.Avon is now unstable and cannot control his thoughts or movements..All he has now is a lust for the blood of the invaders

Evil: 40

He would(if possible) have a auto control attack pattern
Because he is unstable(read above)
At this cost his attack cards would have a bit more power than normal
If possible he could have both archfiend and dragon cards to his availebility

Stage 1: a dragon with extra eyes
Stage 2: a dragon with large bear like hands and a demonic flame around him
Stage 3: a humongous dragon/archfiend with strong arms and a crystal in the center of his body

Cards: demon stomp:
Next move does 5 extra damage at the cost of blood(hp)
Dragon Doom: the foe is hit with avon's dragon breath doing extra damage and adding a burn
Hell gate: avon summons all his demonic and draconic power and hits the foe with damage scaling from 1-10 times the damage from his last move


Description: The cryotax is a clan of warriors who were trapped in ice hundreds of years ago..but due to recent attacks one member cryax has been freed..Now he will continue his work to vanquish the abyss and save his clans pride he has only been seen by the rightous and has only been recorded in a sighting only 3 times in history

Good 50
Stage 1: a knight in snow covered armor

Stage 2: a knight with snow like armor and a large ice armor around him

Stage 3: a knight with a eternal blizzard around him

Ice Freeze: he would summon his blizzard blade attack which summons a snow storm that creates a blade which slashes your opponent taking away anywhere from 25% hp to 50% at the cost of his next attacks(which are halfed in power)
True Justice: the foe if evil is hit with extra damage if good this move does 0 damage

Kiath:The Millenium Knight

50 good

Description:Kiath was among the first knight of unity He was valiant and strong
though one day some odd being had brought a army of shadows who had alreadu killed all of Kiaths allies...Alone Kiath charged and challenged the army he fought bravely and was able to kill the army and the stranger
But he had used up his life force and turned into stone
After the recent raise of the abyss army Kiath was brought back to life after his millenium long rest..By most he is now called the millenium knight and fights for all

Stage 1: a heavily armored knight
Stage 2: a knight with angelic features and light beats following him
Stage 3: a Angelic knight with a blade and shield that shine out darkness

Light throught the darkness:

if the foe is evil this card does extra damage and applies Holy Flame
causing a small dot

absorb light:
Kiath absorbs all light around him and uses it to hit the foe with immense damage but skipping his next turn

Angelic runes: orbs from the gods come and black the foes next attack randomly from 1-5 turns

Eochos the Hydra

good 30
Description: Eochos was a knight who served the Hydra Clan..but betrayed them at a important moment..In doing so the clan vowed revenge on him
Later while he was out slaying a demonic dragon they caught him and brought him to their lair..They had found the blod of a hydra and fused it with his blood..then they made a ritual circle and began the merging procees..slowly eochos was dying and he could see scales growing out of him..
Just then he had transformed and became..A hydra himself..he killed the Hydra clan members then swam off to redeme himself..on the way he met the Archfiend Nulgath who cursed him and gave him nearly infinite power..he now serves him in exchange for more power

Stage 1: a lake hydra
Stage 2: a hydra with nulgaths language written on him
Stage 3: a hydra with wings of darkness and runes following him
Added on with dark armor from the abyss

Doom tide:the foe is hit with a demonic wave stunning them for 1-2 turns
Abyysal Demise: the foe is hit with a dark shadow from the abyss which also injures Eochos
Abyss shield: Eochos summons many homunculu to guard him

But if Nulgath can make any character...from other games....
I would easily say...
I already got it

Neutral 5

Description: Normally frail beasts the chickencows have risen in numbers and are ready with help to start all out war
Stage 1: A normal chickencow
Stage 2: a chickencow with extra armor
Stage 3: a chickencow knight with swords as wings and such

Edge peck:
Normal peck

Bacon Slash:
bacon is used to do a burn dot

: many chickencalfs come and hit the foe many times again and again

< Message edited by Zeuster -- 10/3/2012 16:09:23 >
DF  Post #: 281
10/3/2012 21:40:22   
How We Roll Winner

@Stronius You sure know a lot about Warhammer 40k xD And btw, you want a Tyranid-like character? Here it is:
Character: Hadenos
Alignment: Neutral
Element: Neutral/Earth
Phase 1: Kinda like a Tyranid warrior, but slimmer, and make the colors red and black :D
Phase 2: Scythe blades are longer, dual claw hands are sharped and longer, more buff. (Oh, the "hoof" feet should be changed to paw like feet)
Phase 3: Ultimate, the scythe blades reach the ground, claw hands are massive, and really muscular. It's nearly half the size of a dragon xD
Corrosive Spit: Same as poison, but it spits from its mouth :D
Call of the Swarm: Hadenos calls for its lesser brothers, and a rampage of little lizard like things kinda like the Hadenos itself rush forward, an unblockable attack.

Feedback anyone!
P.S. Tomorrow, I post suggestion for Phantom in http://twitpic.com/9w4ry3
P.P.S. Forgot to mention. EVERYONE TAKE A LOOK AT THIS!!! DUN DUN DUN DUN!!! http://twitpic.com/86h3p1 (kinda fady, sorry people)

< Message edited by ChaosRipjaw -- 10/3/2012 21:52:55 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 282
10/3/2012 22:33:29   

Yes, I do, seeing as Dawn of war 2 Retribution is my favorite game. Your creature sounds wicked, but I can do better.

Character: Swarm master
Elements: Earth, Lightning
Allignment: Neutral
Description: The master of the insectile beasts plaguing the world, the master of swarms leads his brethren into war against the beings of flesh.
Phase 1: A large 6 armed insect creature, resembling the tyranid warrior but with clawed feet and a smaller head with mandibles.
Phase 2: The master of swarms grows rows of spikes on it's arms and back, and it's claws grow longer.
Phase 3: The master of swarms grows larger in size, and it's second pair of arms grow into 2 more scything talons.

Special cards
Talon slash: The Master of swarms attacks with it's razor sharp blades, damaging the toughest of foes. Deal 5 unblockable damage.
Terror scream: Emit a bellowous shriek, destabalizing the opponent and taking them off guard. Stuns the opponent for 1 turn and reducing their highest charge to 1.
Call to arms: Summon minions to assist a losing battle. Must be at or below 50% Hp, calls in a phase 1 version of the swarm master, and for the next 2 turns deal double damage with all attacks.
AQW Epic  Post #: 283
10/3/2012 22:53:02   
How We Roll Winner

Apparently, you like Warhammer 40k as much as I do xD (Guy riding Soulsucker was inspired by Warhammer Daemon Princes lol)

Okay, for the http://twitpic.com/86h3p1 which is

Pumpkin Juggernaut

Alignment: Neutral
Element: Earth/Fire
Description: http://twitpic.com/86h3p1
Phase 1: Pumpkin head but only vines as limbs.
Phase 2: http://twitpic.com/85txos
Phase 3: Description.
Cards: Same as Pumpkin Lord, but more pumpkins than vines ^_^

Take a look also :D
http://twitpic.com/83ktjd (Epic fail xD)
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 284
10/4/2012 0:06:55   

@ChaosRipjaw, sorry man... I'm not able to support this one. :/ I LOVE our conjoined efforts for Pumpkin Lord, but this seems a bit.. too bulky for my taste.
Post #: 285
10/4/2012 9:59:13   

Hmmm.. how about we get to edit our character's message(the stuff they say before you battle).
AQ AQW  Post #: 286
10/4/2012 11:01:57   
How We Roll Winner

ohhey! nulgath!!! today is taco day! make a tacomancer possessable character! plzzzzzz

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< Message edited by Mritha -- 10/4/2012 15:59:16 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 287
10/4/2012 15:00:36   

Feedback on my post pwease :P
DF  Post #: 288
10/4/2012 15:46:30   
How We Roll Winner

@Zeuster You come up with some cool and weird names xD
I like chickencow best :D
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 289
10/4/2012 18:22:13   

Given other people feedback but not me? Dat ain't cool bro.

As for all y'all posts up yonder^^^ I think they are a tiny bit redundant, but that's just my opinion
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 290
10/4/2012 18:39:54   

From Poodle

Character: Lord of Destruction
Description: Once an Agent, the Lord of Destruction fell from grace and now warps the power of creation to the volatile impulses of destruction. He has named himself the god of destruction, and antithesis of the Creator, while this may not be true, he is still a horribly powerful adversary.

Phase one: Similar in appearance to a stage three agent, though all that was once lime green is now a tangerine hue.

Stage two: His wings have been resided into his armor, which has changed hues to a darker, yet less "bronze" color.

Stage three: He has traded in his previous armaments for a kite shield and a spear similar in appearance to the blade of awe, though the color is light silver and there are runes of a bright orange glow on the spear-head. His armor is completely silver and he has a very large orange cape, with some of it hanging on the front part of his armor. He has a large hood and no eyes or glow are visible below this shroud.

Concept cards:
Black heart: Cost:5 Effect: Deal 7 damage and heal for 4
Eventide: Cost:5 Effect: After 4 turns heal 9 HP
Remorseless: Cost:9 Effect: Ignore shields for 15 turns

Ok time to see..everything but the cards check out for now
The 15 turn shield ignore is VERY overpowered even at a little higher level
Characters like this could EASILY use this to bypass shield and end the fight without any force
Barbarian and other characters who rely on shield to win would become obselete
And the black heart move right now can end a battle fast
5 damage is 4 energy
10 damage is 8 energy not so bad right?
Wrong with the heal it would add up to 11 which seems pretty bad
overall it seems good just nerf the effect by a tiny bit just so the moves can balance

< Message edited by Zeuster -- 10/4/2012 20:05:33 >
DF  Post #: 291
10/4/2012 20:01:39   

Well quote some of your more favorite suggestions and I'll critique them for ya, lol.

Your Agent of Destruction indeed sounds Op'ed, but pretty fun to play. Although that delayed heal seems both redundant and weak...most characters can easily kill you in 4 turns without a sheild.

< Message edited by Stronius -- 10/4/2012 20:13:47 >
AQW Epic  Post #: 292
10/4/2012 20:05:21   

@Stronius this is NOT mine..this was poodle's..i was just checking it out and giving a opinion
DF  Post #: 293
10/4/2012 22:32:42   
How We Roll Winner

As promised, Phantom character from http://twitpic.com/9w4ry3
Character: Phantom
Alignment: Neutral
Element: Shadow
Description: The Phantom is a strange being who rides a beast composed of entirely Wraith matter. He spreads fear and horror wherever he goes.
Phase 1: Beast thingy looks like a cute and scary little ghost thing xD Phantom is a teenager
Phase 2: Beast now wolf size, Phantom growing older
Phase 3: Exactly like I drew it :)
Wraith Bite: Wraith beast attacks enemy, unblockable, as it is a ghost
Wraith Strike: Phantom man strikes enemy, same as Wraith Bite
Wraith Dual Strike: A combo of Wraith bite and strike in one attack (may be uneccessary)
Empower: Phantom man transfers power to beast, empowering the attacks
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 294
10/4/2012 22:42:07   

As always, Numbers are subject to change, I suck at balancing things out, so I just give rough card designs with random numbers. I really do not expect them to go in-game as is.
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 295
10/4/2012 22:57:19   
Noremak Soothsayer

(If these were already suggested, please pardon me.)

Templar (an anti-magic knight like in Dragon Age) I'm not trying to encourage copying but something that can block magic on the good side would be awesome.

Blood mage (Lose health for more damage. Theoretically, this theory could work for all classes. A warrior version would a Beserker and a rogue version could be someone who inflicts his or herself with poison for strength.)

There's a bunch of different warriors with different equips to go through. Imagine a Scottish style warrior with a targe and short sword or a Roman styled with a spear and shield. Go through history and pick 'em all.

Seidr (Also called seidh, seidr, seithr, or seith. It's a Norse shaman associated with Odin and Freyda. Generally a woman but some men did were.)

Martial Artist (Could be leveled by belt/rank and could come in different variants.)

Pixie > Sprite > Fury

Fire Ball > Blaze > Blue Flame of Lag
Post #: 296
10/5/2012 0:22:14   
Sir Xander

Dude, I would love for there to be a spectral Warden. Faceless, Horns, Sort of a mix of heavy and light armor and a Masamune katana
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 297
10/5/2012 3:22:58   
Remnant the Unknown

Here's 2 inspirations, one for Taco Day and one for Halloween.

Character: Taco Dude
Alignment: Good
Element: Nature

Description: Nothing can stay safe from the Taco Dude! Lettuce and meat included!

Phase 1: Just a regular taco. with legs.
Phase 2: Now the taco is bigger, but with arms and legs.
Phase 3: A yellow dude with a taco head and taco undies.

Vitamins: For 4 energy, heal 5 damage by regenerating your vitamins.
Salad Dressing: Blast your opponent with salad dressing and use up 5 energy to do 6 damage, plus stun them.
Taco Shell: Use a Vitamins card(s) to generate a shield. Uses up the same energy as the Vitamins card x how many Vitamins cards you use.
Salsa: For 8 energy, prepare a spicy salsa that will rain on your enemy and will deal 10 damage after 2 turns.

Next one.

Character: Pumpkinlord
Alignment: Neutral
Element: Fire

Description: Prepare to be a butternut with the Pumpkinlord! A Halloween seasonal character!

Phase 1: Normal PLord from AQW but with less armor.
Phase 2: Exact replica of the Pumpkinlord armor from AQW.
Phase 3: Like Phase 2, but now grows vines from it's back, the pumpkin head has an evil smile and is also on fire, plus wields a huge blade.

Butternut: For 6 energy, use butternut pumpkins to stun your opponent for 2 turns.
Flaming Pumpkin: Fire a flaming pumpkin at your opponent and deal a 3 damage DoT over 4 turns.
Pumpkinlord Combo: For 8 energy, attack with your sword and a flamethrower from the mouth. Sword does 4 damage, while the flamethrower does 2 attacks for 3 damage each.
Ultimate Pumpkinmorph: (Only used during phase 3) Transform into the PumpkinGod for 3 turns. Uses up 12 energy.

PumpkinGod Cards:
Vine Tangle: For 9 energy, tangle your opponent in vines that stun them for 3 turns.
Pumpkin Swarm: Summon 10 pumpkins that hit the opponent. Pumpkins deal 1 damage each. Random chances of doing: Energy Drain, Normal Damage, or Unblockable Damage. Uses up 10 energy.
Seed Blast: For 6 energy, fire 8 seeds that can either do normal or unblockable damage. All do 1 damage each.. Unblocked seeds deal a 1 turn DoT that does damage depending on how many unblocked seeds that have hit. Eg. 4 unblocked seeds do a 4 damage DoT.
Post #: 298
10/5/2012 7:48:18   

@above, ChaosRipjaw and I already suggested pumpkinlord and Nulgath took our idea a few pages back.

< Message edited by Castleman29 -- 10/5/2012 7:49:29 >
Post #: 299
10/5/2012 10:06:21   
How We Roll Winner

@Remnant the Unknown
See, Pumpkin Lord is already taken.

It should have large attacks like spiky pumpkin vines reaching out the ground. Everything a REAL PUMPKIN LORD SHALL HAVE!

I like it! The Pumpkin Lord with real Pumpkin Lord Powers! You can be sure I'll make that for Oversoul!


Pumpkin Lord suggestion by Castleman29 and ChaosRipjaw xD
Alignment: Neutral
Element: Fire, since the Pumpkin head is usually on fire, and Earth, since Pumpkins come from the ground :D
Description: The Pumpkin Lord is the master of all Pumpkins. He uses the power of Pumpkins and . . . . more Pumpkins to spread horror during Mogloween! :D
Phase 1: Looks like original Pumpkin Lord, but less bulky and less pumpkins.
Phase 2: Full Pumpkin Lord set, pretty much like AQW's Pumpkin Lord.
Phase 3: Like Evo Pumpkin Lord, but set in Oversoul style :D
Cards:"Vine Whip": Idk what to call it, so I just call it Vine Whip xD. Vines streak out from Pumpkin Lord's back and latch on Enemy, causing a DoT, like Poison, but uses Earth energy instead.
Thorns: A massive thorny vine with jack-o-lanterns streak up from the ground and cause moderate damage (unblockable attack, like Witch's Inferno)
Blow Fire: Firey Pumpkin Head blows fire at the enemy, with a chance to apply a DoT, like Poison, but uses Fire energy instead.
Wall of Pumpkins: Just like Barbarian's Ice Wall, but a batch of Pumpkins appear in front of you to block attacks ^_^
Vine Wrap: Like Barbarian's Freeze, but Vines wrap around enemy, rendering it/he/she immobile

< Message edited by ChaosRipjaw -- 10/8/2012 16:27:43 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 300
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