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=AQ= The Fall of the Fisherman War Stories and Poems

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9/14/2012 14:17:47   

Custodian (DF)

Here is where you may post your War Stories. Have fun and please remember to follow the rules in both AE forums and the L&L rules.

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1) One post per person. If you have an ongoing story, please just edit your post to continue it. Do not make a new post to add to your story. New major events in AQ will receive a new thread.

2) Please do not comment on the stories in this thread. If you wish to comment on the stories, please go to =AQ= The Fall of the Fisherman War Stories and Poems Commentary
AQ  Post #: 1
9/18/2012 19:29:29   

Custodian (DF)


Chapter 1 - A bit of humour goes along way...

A guardian jumped off the side of the boat. His regalia showed both age and the endurance of many battles and the careful care of many long hours of polishing. His demeanour inspired respect and command.

''Everyone off and deploy!''

Various ships lined the shore. All at once their bows opened. One warrior stepped out and revealed himself to the light of day. Tall, lanky, his long hair crimson contrasting sharply with his pale skin. The warrior gave Paxia a stern look for a moment then started. Others followed, mages, rangers, warriors of all sorts. The contingent gathered and, not too far off, the clan leaders waited for them.

Elryn sighed.

The mood was not a pleasant one. Many of the warmongers were part of a clan and a number of those they would face in this war would be fellow clan members convinced of their own friend’s betrayal. What more, Jacques madness dampened spirits. He was a good friend.

The clan leaders and the defenders of Battleon remained silent. Then, Igneox, a few low coughs clearing his voice, confirmed the fears of many:

''As you are quite likely aware, I bear ill news.'' Igneox frowned and closed his eyes for a moment, as though he was seemingly angry with himself, then continued, ''Our good friend, Jacques, has fallen to madness.'' Igneox spoke in a grim tone. The words left him reluctantly and he hid a grimace, as though the words themselves tasted bitter in his mouth. ''He believes himself betrayed by you and now us for our relations. He sees us as threat to Paxia. He will not listen to reason. His forces are no better.'' Igneox let out a sigh. ''I believe you know what this means.''

''War.'' One of the warmonger had spoken plainly, echoing our thoughts. Igneox’s grim demeanour had found kinship in ours. In all normality, we would be thrilled at the knowledge of a war. Warring against friends however was a different matter. The defenders remained in a gloomy daze.


The guardians snapped out of their reverie.

''Shenanigans! I still don’t get why you people are so upset over the war.'' A fellow with rather long hair, shifty eyes and big grin. His tone had a hint of sarcasm.

''I mean it’s not like we’re explicitly killing everything we’re fighting. Not our fault they’re paranoid, crazy and stupid.''

The guardians stood dumbly, still silent after Rai Spellfang’s discourse. There was general sense of oddity with numerous scratching of the back of one’s head, a few whistling a gay tune and a number still suddenly taking a keen interested in their weapons.

''Yeeeeee Haaa!'' A chimera sprung from the hill just behind the warmongers. With a mighty leap, it flew over the guardians that immediately took a dive for the ground. Nearly tossing some others aside as it took a sharp turn on the left corner of the contingent, it charged for the disorganized mess that would undoubtedly be Jacques militia. Half crouch on the saddle, as if ready to spring, lied Death’s Kidd, a cold scythe that could only be The Harvenger in hand.

''Dun know about yew lot, but Rai’s right.'' said he in a heavy Scottish accent. ''Dun stand there like a bunch of swithers. Let’s have at it men! First one ta find Jacques and smack sum sense into him wins the race!''

And with that he sped off, ready to smack some Paxian head senseless. He was followed by heavy thumps which the ground echoed somewhat. Passing by on his golden Ursus Omega mount and equally as golden, Golden Emperor exclaimed:

''I am with him! Mopping around here will not do any good. If Jacques has fallen, we shall raise him on his feet again. For Battleon! To war!''

Golden Emperor raised his Trident of honour and, as fast a lumbering bear of gold could, sped off after Death’s Kid. Again there was an odd silence amongst the guardians.

''You know… with a few more animals, we could make a circus.'' said one Guardian amongst three.

''…Terrible. Just terrible.'' said the second one.

''Someone else needs to make the witty remarks.'' said the third.

‘''Who?'' said the first.

They all turned to Rai.

''What are you looking at me for?!''

They all laughed.

Chapter 2 - Veterans

Elryn chuckled.

The warmongers are a peculiar bunch…One never knows how they shall turn about.

Indeed, things had changed drastically from the previous sullen mood that affected the contingent. The guardians that had gone about joking about the mounts further pursed the jest into making a mounted regiment within the warmongers. After what seemed like an eternity of poor jokes and teeth grating puns, the threesome finally ran out and stood in an awkward silence for a moment. All of sudden, apparently decided to tame some of the Two-bears defenders and create ''The Unbearables'', the bear riding regiment of the warmongers, they scurried off. A few others emboldened by Death’s Kid and Golden Emperor proceeded to charge willynilly into the fray, screaming at the top of their lungs and swinging their weapons around wildly. Yet others had taken a liking to the idea of smacking some sense into Jacques and his army... quite literally. They took to making or finding any hammer or mace type weapons they could find or already had on hand and decided on a whack-a-mole like contest. Points were given for each enemy whacked on the noggin, more if they went out cold, bonus points for Jacques.

At the very least, they are spirited now. I need not worry about the outcome of this war.

Elryn mused in his mind and was comforted. Yet still, an unease lied upon the horizon. The war bore good omens, but something else was a foot.

''Hey Elryn! You coming?''

The Mage snapped out of his reverie and turned to his beckoner. It was a young mage of average height although rather better built than your typical mage. Thin, frail were certainly not apt descriptive. His stocky build showed that he was fit for the frontline and, although young, some experience and command had already begun to embody his demeanour. Killa waved from amongst a small group of adventurers with jolly grin. Elryn sighed and replied in turn.

''I am afraid not. It seems I have other dealings to attend to that cannot be ignored.''

''Aww...'' said Killa none too pleased. ''Oh well, I guess that means more sillies to whack for me. Have fun Elryn! Hope to see you soon!'' With that, the group turned and headed for the battlefield. Elryn followed them with his eyes until they disappeared.

''I would very much like to join them.'' said Elryn outloud. ''I would.'' There was a pause. All was silent. ''But I have other obligations.'' Again, he paused for some moments. ''Is that not right?''

Elryn turned and looked down. Where there was nothing but bare ground before lied an ornate and ancient book. Great skill and care had quite evidently been used in its creation for the book was bound in leather, reinforced and decorated with iron. It had been made to last. A strange feeling came from the book. Rather than inanimate, it felt alive though it was a book. It also felt like an old man, older than time itself. It was wrapped in a silver chain though silver was not quite descriptive enough. The colour seemed to flow through the chain. It did not move of course, but it almost seemed as if it did. Like the mesmerizing colour of a creek at night charmed by the moonlight's glow and....

Elryn shook his head. Now was not the time for daydreaming.

''Did I not tell you not to follow me?'' said Elryn as he picked up the book. It was heavier than it seemed at a glance. Taking his satchel out from under his cloak, he opened it. He held the book in his outstretched palm for a moment. Then the winds blew the book away. Not the book itself, but rather its physical form. The book disappeared. Closing and storing away his satchel, Elryn started for another direction.

Chatper 3 - Death's Kid

The first thing I am aware of is the cold and utter darkness. A world apart, alone in its void. Then, in an instant, molten steel rushes through my veins setting every fiber of my being on fire. My teeth clench, they too burning with fire that courses through my form. A weapon draws itself into my hand, the pen of a legendary creator, a scythe. Though cold to the touch, it burns in my hand, as with everything else. Suddenly, I am also aware that I am sitting on another form, legs arched to each side. Another object draws itself in my hand, a sort of rope. It wraps itself around several times. Instinctively, I yank the rope hard. Then for a moment, I feel as though I am floating. A yell escapes my lips, a bellow from my lungs.

And then I crash hard. All at once, my eyes open, the scent of the Paxian soil wrapped in the fog of early morning invades my senses. Time slows as the chimera I mount land from another bound and takes a sharp to the right, nearly toppling over other soldiers in the process. I see every moment, every action, every bit of will. I see the road to war. The landing marks the beginning, the subsequent jump is the rush into the fray, the chimera's strength used in the accomplishment of the sharp turn is the will to stand strong, to overcome, to give the fight one's uttermost. For a moment, I was in flames. A monstrous fiery knight and upon a monstrous steed. Then it passed, I was rushing towards the fray scythe in one hand, crouch upon the saddle ready to pounced. I turned and bellowed something to kin, one half of my mind seemingly aware of the entire ordeal. The other half still burned.

Speeding through the battlefield, the horizon first rushing at me than leaving me behind, I begin to see this war's foes. The Defenders of Paxia lead astray. An odd aura appeared around each of them. The aura was a midnight black, extended from their bodies like tendrils of darkness, the night darkness itself leaking from their bodies to feed a growing shadow.

Death's Kid grinned.

The death auras showed that none here would die, at least, not soon. Death's Kid eyed an Aerodu clan member quickly approaching on his right, he leapt from his Chimera.

This was going to be a fun whacking fest.

Chapter 4 - Old Memories

Some days later...

Elryn looked at the battlefield and grinned.

It seems this war went by fairly easily after all *chuckles*. We fret about too many things sometimes I suppose.

A bitter wind blew and Elryn felt it.

Yet still something is not right...

Elryn recalled the moment he left before the war started. After leaving Killa, he had crossed Mystical Warrior, himself heading the other way towards the fight. As they crossed, they each made a small, silent nod, an old warmonger's greeting, and continued. It had occurred to Elryn at this point how many things had changed in a more than a year and a half.

''Many have come and some have gone.'' thought he absently.

Elryn paused.

''I wonder where Necrolich, where Liuba are.''

And continued. He remembered an old meeting with kith and kin...

The tenth day of the war was quite eventful with Mystical Warrior going berserk however with the help of Elryn's sealing spell the situation was handled and the war raged on with Mystical Warrior returning to his senses. After slaying more monsters BlackAces returns to camp as night falls to rest for another day of the war. While at camp BlackAces begins to think to himself:

"I wonder how long I can keep battling I've been through so many wars I've lost count of how many monsters I've slain. I wonder if a day will come where I am no longer needed and Lore no longer needs protecting although it may never come it is always nice to hope. My body has been through so much and even though I've been healed countless times and sustained injuries countless times I fear the day where my body can no longer handle it anymore and I will no longer be here to help protect Lore from threats.

BlackAces sat and continued to wonder about the future and how many more wars there are to come and if there will ever come a day he may no longer be present on the battlefield.

Not too long after Mystical Warrior shows up back at camp and the two begin to talk about what happened today and the future.

Mystical Warrior: "Greetings BlackAces."

BlackAces: "Greetings Mystical Warrior."

Mystical Warrior: "After what happened to me earlier...I was kinda thinking...once we are gone...I wonder if anyone will be able to replace us or take on our legacy."

BlackAces: "As of now, we can't be sure but there are many candidates to replace us...Although they may need more training."

Mystical Warrior: "True...Although we are not asking for just 1 person to replace one of us...so as long as those heroes combine their efforts to win the upcoming wars then we can leave our legacy at their hand."

At this moment Elryn arrives back at camp with some news:

Elryn: "After this war is over I will be leaving BattleOn as I believe I will need to travel outside of my hometown in order to progress myself as an ArchMagi there is only so much I can learn here. I do not know how long I will be gone for but I will surely return one day more powerful than the day I left."

BlackAces: "I see well it is understandable there is only so much one can learn from one place you need to move and travel to learn new things in order to become more powerful, I went on a trip like this once a few years ago I was gone approximately a year and I learnt quite a bit so I believe it will do you good.

Mystical Warrior: "You are embarking on quite the journey Elryn I wish you luck and hope that you remain safe on your travels and return safely whenever that may be."

Elryn: "Thank you both for your kinds words but I feel like I interrupted something as I arrived, did I?"

BlackAces: "Mystical Warrior and I were discussing the future about what would happen when we are no longer able to participate in wars, as I myself feel the toll of these wars taking their toll on my body with each passing day."

Elryn: "I see so you were discussing the new age of heroes that will have to replace the legacy left behind well there are lots of capable heroes out there that can carry on in our absence."

Mystical Warrior: "That's what we were just discussing before but I think we should discuss that more in detail once the war is over and focus on what we need to do now."

Elryn: "I'm glad I wasn't the only one thinking about this on my way back to camp but I see your point we should discuss matters like this once the war is done with."

BlackAces: "I also agree we should leave this talk for when we are done with the war, and I'm also glad I wasn't the only one thinking about the future either it makes me feel better somewhat."

The three continue to talk about their plans on the final day of the war...

Chapter 5 - War well, BlackAces.

The war had reached its climax. The Paxian Defenders had been defeated, and smacked sense into, and only Jacques remained, defiant and weary of any advance. Elryn stood, with other warmongers, in front of him, ready to stop Jacques even if this meant fighting him.

''Jacques! Please...'' said a guardian. This was the fellow who commanded the guardian regiment dispatched to Paxia. The first off the ships. ''Stop this madness. People and monsters are getting hurt! Are we not friends? You know we mean no harm. The power of the elements are driving you mad.''

Jacques flinched. Madness glowed in his eyes. His body quaked and his visage showed a grimace, all steaming from primordial fear. He muttered incoherently.


Jacques let out a maddening howl. In an instant, the elemental energies that suffused his body burst forth from his being, sending a shock wave around him. We braced ourselves, enduring the shockwave. Elryn cursed the powers that had driven Jacques mad.

''Careful everyone.'' cautioned he. ''Jacques has been bestowed the power of Earth, Water and Darkness by the clans. He is no foe to trifle with...''

Everyone took up there ready stance and guard. This was not going to be an easy fight. Karuna had been sent for with the hopes of finding an item that could neutralize Jacques, but so far, she had not come back. Taking down Jacques without it and hurting him too much would be an ordeal.

Suddenly, Jacques randomly unleashed a torrent of Water and Earth energies. The devastating power shot towards one of our members.

''Watch out, Killa!''

In a split second, Mystical warrior, with his blazing speed, had grabbed Killa and narrowly avoided the blast. The energies unleashed had left a large trench like gap in the earth where Killa stood only moments ago. It seems power combined with the unpredictability of his madness made him a most dangerous foe.

Primal Earth: Stone Prison

Walls of earth sprung from the ground on both sides of Jacques and and locked him into place. More blocks of stone jutted from the ground and held fast other parts of his body, immobilizing him.

''We shall give you one more chance, Jacques. Cease this madness immediately!''

''NEVER!!!'' yelled Jacques in a craze.

In an instant, another shockwave burst outwards from The Fisherman, breaking the stone prison that held him. Before we recovered, the green engravings on his body began to glow fiercely. Jacques let out a howl as a blinding green light covered him. In a moment, it faded, but was was seen after was another thing altogether.

''What... is this madness?!'' inquired a guardian warrior, flabbergasted.

Where a moment ago lied Jacques now lied three of him. Three identical, indistinguishable copies of Jacques.

''Multiplying is 'e now? A gewd darn scunner aint 'e?'' exclamed Death's Kid in his usual Scottish accent.

''...Not helping.'' said a long, red haired warrior.

''This is bad...'' said Pesmerga, clad in his dark green knight plate.

A roar came from the Jacques three. This time, all three released a bolt of Earth/Water energy. They converge, about to strike Pesmerga...

''Pesmerga!!'' echoed the warmongers.

Pesmerga cringed, he had not the time to prepare for the sudden attack. It would strike him. He could not resist it...

His eyes were closed and for a moment, he believed it would be his last. Moments passed and nothing happened. Pesmerga opened his eyes...

Right before him lied a gear portal. It had absorbed the energy of the Jacques' triple blast.

A Gear Portal absorbing the blast? I know of only one person capable of doing this...

''Did anyone miss me?''

The guardians turned. Just behind them were the A.C.E.S., Kaminari Ryu, the Lightning Dragon , Hikariken, wielder of Light, and of course, BlackAces.

''BlackAces!'' exclamed the guardians in gleeful surprise.

''As much as I like reunions and camaraderie, there is no time! Everyone fall back. I can handle this.''

Quick to execute BlackAces, the warmongers retreated to safer grounds and continued observing the developments. BlackAces stood alone, facing the three Jacques. Battle was eminent. In the same moment, Karuna arrived with her special collar and beckoned the guardians.

''I've got it! Here is the collar as asked. No idea if it is going to work though... Wait, what?! What's this?''

''Jacques in his frenzy somehow managed to seperate or multiply himself.'' explained Elryn in a grim tone. ''I would be inclined to say multiply, since each of the three Jacques seems to be as powerful as the first. It has been causing us a world of trouble... But it seems BlackAces now has things under control.''

''Under control?'' Karuna raised an eyebrow. ''He's outnumbered three to one and if Jacques wasn't a pushover with all of you guys, I am not seeing this one making it alone.''

Kaminari Ryu grinned knowingly. ''Hmpht... Evidently, you don't know him.''

Karuna turned to the Lightning Dragon quite evidently peeved about this one's remark.

''He is right, Karuna.'' added Elryn. ''It may not look like it, but it is a wise tactical maneuver. BlackAces saw that the randomness of Jacques attack made him an unpredictable enemy which was only amplified by our numerous numbers. We shot ourselves in the foot since not being able to predict his attacks, we could not properly protect ourselves and much less fight. No, our advantage here lies in fewer numbers. The fewer people facing Jacques, the easier it is to predict his attacks.''

''That's all well and done,'' replied Karuna. ''but that does not change the fact that BlackAces is outnumbered. Powerful as he may be, he can't fend off three foes of this caliber by himself.''

Elryn grinned, a knowing one, a similar knowing animated the faces of the other warmongers.

''That... is where you are mistaken, Karuna.'' Elryn grinned, and waited for the fight that was to start.

Down at the battlefield, BlackAces faced the Jacques. BlackAces was calm, not a word he spoke, his usual taciturn demeanour, his long, shredded black cape dangled on the winds behind him along with his long, raven black hair. His thin form stands tall, head slightly inclined, his sight does not cross Jacques as though he is not worth looking at. For himself, the Jacques trembled maddeningly, their crazed fury threatening to burst at any moment.

From their position, the guardians saw BlackAces unsheathing his sword. However, none of them had seen this type of blade before. A long black katana with an explosive red current running through it. Just seeing it sent chills down their spines.

''The truth of the matter is, when is comes to chronomancy, his skill is unmatched.'' continued Elryn.

Karuna raised an eyebrow. ''What do you mean?''

Tears drops of pure azure rise from the ground around BlackAces, like rains drop dropping from a cloud in reversed gravity.

''He possesses an ability no other chronomancer has. The Ace up his sleeve. Why he is feared.''

Elryn eyes glow brightly. An azure blue glow fills BlackAces's eyes.

Elryn & BlackAces: Time Paradox

A gear portal opened in front of BlackAces and he entered, slowly engulfed by the portal. Another portal opened a meter behind the first and he exited. Then, both to his left and right, gear portals opened and out of them came BlackAces. The battle that had previously been outnumbered three to one now faced equal numbers.

''Now is your chance, Karuna! BlackAces will fight off the Jacques. Get the collar on him!'' yelled Elryn.

''On it!'' And with that, Karuna dashed off for the battleground of the two fighters.

The BlackAces three kept the Jacques well in check. With an avid display of his skills as a BladeLord, the Jacques had taken the defensive. A flurry of blows, child's play to the BladeLord, preventing The Fisherman from doing anyting other than parrying blows.


In a moment, Karuna had successfully wrangled the collar on the middle Jacques. A bright green light again blinded all in the vicinity...

The moment after, Jacques was under control and there was only one BlackAces to be had. Things were not over just yet however.


''BlackAces?'' inquired Elryn.


The last remaining issues had been cleared up. Jacques would go in exile, the Paxian Defenders had been straightened up. All that was left now was to board the ships and go home. Something felt different however. The last battle had been terrific, that was sure, but now the guardians were ready to board the ship and, somehow, BlackAces was not. Kaminari Ryu and Hikariken as well.

''Coming for the ride back to Battleon?''

BlackAces remained silent. For a moment, his taciturn demeanour seemed to show a sign of sadness, and then that disappeared.

''I'm afraid not.''

A silence. Neither spoke.

''The best way to say it is that my warring days have come to a close.''

Another silence. This one lasted for several moments.

''Like that time we spoke during Mostly Harmful?'' inquired Elryn.

BlackAces nodded. Elryn nodded in turn. For a time, the winds blew, neither spoke. The sun had peeked above the horizon and was dispersing the fog. The sweet smells of flowers filled the air as those opened and greeted the morning sunshine.

''Is it only you?'' asked Elryn.

''Kaminari Ryu and Hikariken are coming along as well. The last of the A.C.E.S.''

Another silence. BlackAces scratched his head.

''I am not very good with this goodbye stuff.''

Elryn grabbed BlackAces and crushed him in a bearhug.

''Gah!! My spine!'' yelled BlackAces.

''Eh, stop pretending. I know that is not enough to phase you.'' retorted Elryn.

'Heh.'' BlackAces smirked, the way he usually does.

Tear drops of brilliant azure left the ground around the A.C.E.S. This time though, Gear Portals appeared and began to engulf the A.C.E.S. without them moving. BlackAces was abouts half gone.

''War well, Elryn.''

And the last of their forms disappeared within the Gear Portals, they disappearing in turn.

Elryn stood watching where the A.C.E.S. had been moments before.

''War well, BlackAces.''

He turned and headed for Battleon.

I would like to kindly thank those who have let me borrowed and work with their characters during the story and a kind thank you to those who corrected the typoes.~Elryn

< Message edited by Elryn -- 9/26/2012 10:27:21 >
AQ  Post #: 2
10/16/2012 10:12:37   

Custodian (DF)

Warmonger Log for the EbilCorp Takeover! War

Welcome to the War Effort

These characters recorded their first war wins in this war:

Anaal Nathrakh (Equilibrium82), Spidergirl (tyloki), Alex (alexcyr115), killa (jakedude25), The Decimator (AQisFuN), The Ascendant (The Ranger Protector), RememberCelestia (remembercelestia), Nate Rivers (Death snake1), Brontis (Brontis), Misery (Trans), Trans (Trans), Necromencer (necromencer), Mahavar (djgenxcide), Hades (Metal Health), kolos (killor5), Azreal Demonheart (Necro_Fire), Death Of Lewarharntz (souldeath), Legacy of Zeruel (LegacyZeruel), Xabu (Xabu1), Kirya (Kirya), Kazumi (klaus), AVA (AVA), Magnus Caesar Augustus (Magnus Caesar Augustus), TEMPEST360 (TEMPEST360), Enigma (Paradoxical Enigma), Barthlemont (Mister Stone), Rawr (Tha Killa), HaVoC (*Annihilator*), Drakonnas (Drakonnas), Rheannon (Rheannon), Terrible Shadow (ShadowShifty), DeathByHammer (heydude111), Hict the Immortal (hict98), CursedRaijin (AQKINGOFDAHILL), Noctis (KlawdStrife), Calm Wind (No0b),


These characters were promoted to the rank indicated during this war:

Marshal - Kalle (Kalle29)
Major - Valthonis (Ominith)
Captain - Tessitura (Sephirothken), Zephyr Windsor (Jughead), Samius (samius88)
Lieutenant - Genocidal Tendency (Komou ), Asana (theosenia), SIGMUND (SIGMUND), Rai Basiltan (Rai Spellfang), Golden Emperor (Golden Emperor), BexnDan (BexnDan), Hikariken Aces (BlackAces)
Sergeant - Alex the Gilded Mage (Keno Chao), Greenlegend07 (Greenlegend), Rayn (blackelemental), Praitor viper (zephyr4325), Amy (Thatrandomguy231 )
Corporal - Mester (kenneth_danish), StormRaiser (stormraiser), Gold (gold), Langste Nacht (Langste Nacht), Senshuken (diduknowpillowsrsof), MagnaDraconis (Darius), Sin Carnation (Sin Carnation), Jake (My Name Is Jake), Clayve (bladeofflame), Imperishable Star of Khu (Loss of Many)
Warrant - Alpha (Rauank5), Mighty Fluffy the Wonder Cat (Fluffinator)
Private - Zaxkex (Snake XZ)
Squire - Hagman (SIGMUND), Ika Musume (gn3ranger)
AQ  Post #: 3
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