Dwelling Dragonlord
ArchKnight AQ / OOC / L&L
The sentry standing guard there were bored, half asleep, and in no mood to be protecting anything. sentries (plural), were/sentry, was quote:
It was almost as if Duncan Montana <> never existed. had quote:
Waving goodbye to the armorer, Shadow departed for the Weaver Headquarters to report on her discoveries. weaponsmith quote:
The journey was not a long one, but people from all over came and greeted her as she walked from Cysero’s armory to the Chronoweaver hub. Although it was no melancholy day; everyone was in bright spirits, Shadow couldn’t help but shake <> the feeling of a big event about to arrive. shop (if this is a shed like his garden in a different place, please elaborate further), off(?) quote:
As they nodded in understanding, Shadow took her leave to the Librasium and left Oscuras to his toys. Libraseum quote:
The source of the rustling that was following Shadow made itself apparent; it was a Chronoweaver Scout, one of those who could use time magic to more efficiently relay information to their superiors. one of those who could use time magic more efficiently to relay information to their superiors. quote:
The settlers who have left the mainland of Lore to discover what lied beyond the great oceans have long since established a community. The mainland of Lore is Battleonia, the biggest continent you'll find on the map, that which is home to the city of Swordhaven. quote:
Clans who’ve clashed for generations have ended hostilities and joined in arms. had quote:
“But my Lady, there is only one man in the entire Chronoweaver Tower that has mastery of the storm, and let’s just say he’s an... ah... difficult person to work with.<> " quote:
If not, you class is three doors down, to the right (there were a couple of people laughing followed by two people sheepishly getting up to go to the other class). your quote:
He was almost finished the drawing. with quote:
When using regular chronomancy to freeze someone, the opposite occurs; their mind is frozen but their body isn’t. While they can’t think, their body still tries to go through with whatever it is that it was attempting to do. This doesn't really make much sense to me, personally. Time affects both mind and body. Furthermore, isn't that a psion-like ability the way you describe it? quote:
Erosion have a wary glance, then raised his head to speak with his students. had/gave her Okay, I am not sure of how I am to place the Chronoweavers into Dragonfable. I could see this order being founded and existing after the fall or during the reign of the Rose, but not before that. The main point on that is that a guild of chronomancers could have effectively uncreated the Rose from being in the first place. The Rose would hunt them down. 1180, 1225, 1321 for years are not feasible. Like I mentioned before, Battleonia is the main continent and to make matters worse the Guardian Towers were founded nearly a thousand years ago. The kingdoms of Battleonia are easily thousands of years old.