 Mail Moogle of AdventureQuest
Right now O: quote:
So here's a new contest idea. Like PUC in the past, the contest works by calculating the positive variation of clan scores. For every *INSERT APPROPRIATE BIG NUMBER HERE* points, the clans get forward one step. What are the steps? Building a statue to display how awesome you are. Like in this example picture below, which by the way should be what the statues should look like at the end. Enjoy viewing this example picture. How do these steps work? Easily. Step 1: The base of the statue. Step 2: The middle part of the statue, where the actual statue is attached to. Step 3: The big fancy imaginative statue, which in this case is a big 1. Because that's what Dynami is. Step 4: A big shiny plaque at the base of the statue. Step 5: Words that will sum up and immortalize your clan and your success. And that's it. "But Mr. Idea Man, why didn't you give us easier pieces to cut&paste in the example pic so we can make the statue?" Ha ha ha, silly Timmy, that was just an example! In reality, the clan members will be making the statue pic by themselves. By whatever painting program they have available. And to spice it up, a clan member can only add a drawn piece of the statue once, so more than one or two per clan can participate. Don't worry about being a bad artist, so am I and I still drew you that picture! Just have fun with it, for once, sheesh. In case a clan wants to participate but VERY SADLY does not have 5 different clan members to split the statue pieces between each other, exceptions can be made so people would be able to have fun, which right now in Paxia is in critically low quantity. CURSE YOU DYNAMI STOP BEING SUCH JERKS The goal of this new contest, in any case, is to be the first clan to finish their drawing of the statue. The score fluctuations will be checked by the same system as the PUC checks right now to update the scoreboard/conquest map, but there is a slight difference between "having farmed enough points for all 5 pieces" and "having farmed enough points for all 5 pieces and drew every single one of them". Only the latter is an eligible winner. The first clan to finish their drawing of the statue after they have gotten all the required points for them is the winning clan, not the clan that gets all the points first but never draws all the pieces between the clan members. Sabotage is allowed, Clan Defense is what nets you points, but Attacking other clans to hinder their statue building is perfectly fine. However, it will only count towards the score fluctuation to NOT finish a statue piece before you do, if you should attack a clan for 500 points and bring them down 5499 points to 4999 after they had finished one statue piece, they will still have that piece. The clan simply has to get back the point to the "checkpoint" they were last at before they can start building the next statue piece. Sounds simple enough? Or complex enough?
< Message edited by Ultrapowerpie -- 3/20/2013 13:50:12 >