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What's wrong with mid-level players?

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2/1/2013 20:09:01   

Well, on my level 24, 90% of the time I would come across players with a scattered and ridiculous build, and are under-equipped. Most of the time I would kill them in three turns, or let them kill me. Usually I would offer to help them, but due to stubbornness, they would call me a noob, then leave. Not to suggest anything, but I personally think the ED tutorial should be improved to give tips on build-making and strategy.
Post #: 1
2/1/2013 20:14:37   

This should actually go into the sugestions part of the site as it is a good idea IMO.

It is also around this time when they start facing Juggernauts and with scattered builds like this and being under equipped many of them are complaining that it is unfair as well.

But I digress in omega there won't be any such thing as this since they will be able to upgrade their gear so if they want to keep the old level 1 gear they can.
Epic  Post #: 2
2/1/2013 22:47:22   

I agree with this helping noobs. I hate it when someone has like a maxed out energy shield and then use that against people who only have physical attacks, even though you told them to do something else. Easily accessible help would be very helpful to players who have trouble getting good builds and for people who end up with them as partners.
AQW Epic  Post #: 3
2/1/2013 22:59:48   
Blaze The Aion Ender

My alt had a over 90% win rate at level 24-ish
He was 11th on daily once, and I wasn't playing hard

It is very true, mid levels have generally no idea what's goin' on, so a guide couldn't hurt

AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 4
2/2/2013 8:39:45   

And nice and clear tutorial is always welcome and i agree pretty much with this! Supported.
AQ AQW Epic  Post #: 5
2/2/2013 8:41:03   

Isn't learning how to make their builds better a part of ED?

However, they do need a more clear tutoral....
AQW Epic  Post #: 6
2/2/2013 8:45:00   

Click on Guard.
Challenge Guard
Kill Guard
Click on missions/ other features
Click on 1v1 or 2v2

End of tutorial
AQW Epic  Post #: 7
2/2/2013 14:55:12   

Well when I first started, I thought

More Skills = Better

I didn't know you should invest in one.

Also, DM and ES are both shields.

Shields = Blocks incoming damage

The have no idea what Physical or Energy is.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 8
2/2/2013 15:20:48   

@above. Which is why we should help them :P
AQW Epic  Post #: 9
2/3/2013 14:56:13   
Legendary AdventureGuide!

This should certainly be improved with the release of Omega, and possibly even further through the course of Omega. Part of Omega is to make things clearer for all levels and new players aswell as making everything much easier to understand and the game generally easier to play.
AQ AQW Epic  Post #: 10
2/16/2013 14:42:18   

Sorry about the bump, but new issues with mid-level players:
-Judging by how little stat and damage bonuses that their weapons have, I could tell that they don't upgrade their weapons.
-Again, scattered/ridiculous builds.
-Yet again, stubborn players not accepting help.
-For some strange reason, now that omega is out, players are trash talking MUCH more.
-All physical/energy attacks.
-Does stupid moves (I.E putting up energy shield on a physical attacker)

That's pretty much all I can find.
Post #: 11
2/16/2013 16:57:24   
King Oranges

AQW Epic  Post #: 12
2/16/2013 17:30:39   

I have got to agree with FishNoobCrack, on how many players don't have hardly any weapon or armor upgrades. This could be resolved by making a short mission chain, that introduces the player on the benefits of upgrading.

Another problem I find a lot is that a lot of Non-Varium players want to go straight for a class change into the one of the three newer classes. This means that once they reach level 22-25 they will have 50k credits and will change without any thought. A possible way of resolving this might be to limit class change till a higher level, maybe 28 and above. This would exclude Varium players.
Epic  Post #: 13
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