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Changeable seasonal Skill cores.

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2/16/2013 0:50:42   

If and when skill cores become inter-changeable between weapons. ( They really need to consider this change as the number of skill cores become large)

It would be really cool if seasonal skill cores become changeable with weapons of the same season only.

For example you can change frostbite, from a frost destroyer weapon to frost-bane for example.

The restrictions being that you can only switch a primary skill core with another primary of the same season, or a sidearm skill core with a sidearm of the same season.

What this means is you are not limited to a certain weapon if you want a skill core limited to a certain seasonal item.

But it also doesn't tarnish the authenticity of the seasonal skill core since you can only change the between the same seasons weapons.

It also means it will make more seance if they were interchangeable only between seasonals since for example frostbite would not make seance being on any other type of weapon that wasn't from the Christmas seasonals.

What do you guys think?

Also I think they need to speed the process of making a skill core inventory with free of charge equipping and unequipping of cores you already own.

And to avoid confusion all seasonal should be given a further classification of the season they are from.

For example all valentines seasonal rares would be given the classification "Heartbreaker Seasonal rare" Rather then just "seasonal rare"

Thanks for reading :)

-Remorse Less.

Epic  Post #: 1
2/16/2013 8:13:15   


Also I think they need to speed the process of making a skill core inventory with free of charge equipping and unequipping of cores you already own.

This I agree.

Also I think they need to speed the process of making a skill core inventory with free of charge equipping and unequipping of cores you already own.

This I agree more.

Also I think they need to speed the process of making a skill core inventory with free of charge equipping and unequipping of cores you already own.

This I agree the most.
AQW Epic  Post #: 2
2/16/2013 13:04:32   

^ LOL, ok

But what about seasonal skill cores being able to switch with other weapons from the same season.

Do you like that idea?

Epic  Post #: 3
2/16/2013 17:42:16   
Blitzex/Sr. Zeph

I find it outrages that i need to constantly buy the same core over and over again for each aux/gun/primary.
Make the cores a one time buy maybe?
Epic  Post #: 4
2/16/2013 17:47:37   

Supported. I seriously want to be able to move around my cores into other weps. It ridiculous.
DF AQW Epic  Post #: 5
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