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Make ultra rares not take up inventory space

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2/16/2013 3:30:24   

It is just as to topic says. Many people I know have ultra rare items but in the past some of them could be sold. However since omega started they made it so ultra rares can't be sold and some players can't afford to buy varium for inventory space.
Epic  Post #: 1
2/16/2013 4:49:46   

I may not be a Varium player , but i definitely support this !
AQW Epic  Post #: 2
2/16/2013 7:05:48   

I had noticed that and thought about it seems a good idea BUT better one would be you could sell those items beause you can still use them but you must have an option to sell them!
Post #: 3
2/16/2013 7:12:37   

@ epic

They made it so all ultra rare items can't be sold anymore since omega. In delta you could sell some of your ultra rares such as the bounty pistol or the old delta weapons. But now you can't so this was why I came up with this suggestion.
Epic  Post #: 4
2/16/2013 7:31:57   

I will say yes if Ultra Rare items are Varium. For example, Bounty Pistol is Ultra Rare but you could get it via a Code, not use Varium to purchase it. So if there was to be an Ultra Rare item that is purchased with Credits, it would count towards the inventory slots. Those purchased with Varium would not.

Why is that? Server space. AQW and DF do the same; unlimited storage for AC/DC items and limited for Gold (obviously).
AQ Epic  Post #: 5
2/16/2013 8:11:26   

AQW Epic  Post #: 6
2/16/2013 9:44:34   

Supported.. I hate my two sets of Omega
AQW Epic  Post #: 7
2/16/2013 12:00:42   
Blitzex/Sr. Zeph

Yes, but i also want them to be sell-able.
I want to get rid if the ten year titan and 2 delta knights
Epic  Post #: 8
2/17/2013 16:09:46   
My Name is Jake

Supported. they take up space you might need if your not a rare hunter
AQW Epic  Post #: 9
2/17/2013 16:19:49   

I dont really see the point of making an item unsellable because even if you sell it for 0 credits to not take up inventory space it is fair but if you make it unsselable it is unfair so i support in general.
My idea was that you could sell them for low amounts of credits/var because you can still use the item so it shuld take up inventory space but it shuld also be sellable because it FORCES people to buy varium which it SHULDN'T.
Post #: 10
2/17/2013 16:25:52   

Supported! Not everyone wants to buy Varium just to get more space due to unsellables taking up some.
AQ DF MQ Epic  Post #: 11
2/17/2013 23:52:49   
SouL Prisoner

I think they could make ultra rare items to not count towards the the inventory ... Like boosters , items ..

That's wat mother said, right ??
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 12
2/17/2013 23:57:17   

@ soul

Yes that is what I am suggesting. Every so often an event or code may come that give us ultra rare items such as the bounty pistol or ten year titan. However since we can't see them since they are ultra rare they could at least not make it take up inventory space. Especially if non variums end up getting them since they can't buy inventory space.
Epic  Post #: 13
2/18/2013 0:05:23   

I agree with trans,

This idea has a better chance of being considered if it only includes varium purchased ultra rares.

But still great idea mother, especially considering you cannot sell ultra rares anymore.
Epic  Post #: 14
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