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RE: Solution to a big problem!!!!

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2/17/2013 1:42:16   
Blitzex/Sr. Zeph


but thats alreasy happened

Not entirely true, only thing we lost is our advantage.
We still got our var perks

< Message edited by Blitzex/Sr. Zeph -- 2/17/2013 1:43:20 >
Epic  Post #: 26
2/17/2013 1:49:13   
the final hour

^ ill have to agree to disagree their the only perk ive seen since omega is the azrael weps i dnt class speed as a perc even if credits were harder to get i wouldnt . but right now you can get a core with credits in 2 hours farming easily . class change is the only thing that takes awhile and thts doable in 2 days . and to me the azrael set is not worth $50 . so thats why i disagree
Post #: 27
2/17/2013 1:56:19   
Blitzex/Sr. Zeph


the only perk ive seen since omega is the azrael weps


-House items
-Name change
-Token boost
-Credit Boost
-Exp Boost
-Inventory slots (10)
-Buddy slots (10)
Epic  Post #: 28
2/17/2013 2:02:39   
the final hour

^ i dnt class any of that houses great got 4 when they came out . wasnt really worth it big regret pretty worthless

house items same as houses.and you have credit options for thoose

name change something your not likely to do often did it once for the cheevo personally never again . pretty pointless again

token boost not going to waste real cash on that

credit boost and xp boost used em once or twice not often dont see the point in the xp boost rushing to the cap in a game with very lil content your just asking for boredom . the credit boost is a lil more useful not used much tho cause it aint worth real $$ and i certainly wouldnt buy varium solely for any item on your list.

buddy slots . naw again why would i waste real cash on that some might the majority wont .

i could see a point in a huge inventory i have 50 slots myselve ( most full now ) will i buy more no as of omega most gear being the same their not as needed now tbh.
Post #: 29
2/17/2013 2:06:10   
Blitzex/Sr. Zeph

^ Just because you dont use them or dont want to spent your money in it does not mean it arent var-only perks. ;)
Epic  Post #: 30
2/17/2013 2:08:55   
the final hour

i doubt its just me with thoose opinions though all im saying far more people spent money on enhancements and weapons then nything else i would be suprised if more then 5% of any1s entire varium purchased in their entire characters life went to anything off that list.
Post #: 31
2/17/2013 5:54:19   

I give up this idea right now.
Too many haters as usual instead of problem solvers.

You who were with the beta period,
Maybe remember a idee that I had in another nick.
It was to make it possible to buy unique skills,
This way to make unique builds.
Even then, you ruined my thread with that it was wrong and problems.
The OP players and varium players would focus just buying OP skills,
Then no one would buy them other skillsen only OP skills.
See now a few years later? Maybe not quite what I was saying.
Then my idee where they develop the skill three more.
But still you can see how you could have what we have today,
already a few years ago if people had honed Ideen instead of saying no no no.

All I can say that you hook you up to see the problem.
Instead of the solution. Instead of VIP you can get another came with advice tip changes?
For right now, you say no people will not buy so the game will die?
Should you give an answer on an idee came up with a solution to the problem.
Because if you think it is right as it is now? Then you are just ignorant.

All I had to say,
Post #: 32
2/17/2013 6:26:32   

I prefer the idea of the MEMBERSHIP.
Post #: 33
2/17/2013 7:00:01   

I don't. That's why I hate AQW, not mentioning it's full on dress-up whilst ED remains with a bit more PvP, bigger variety and strategy here and there. Not everyone have money to keep buying Membership AND Varium yet they may have enough for one.
AQ Epic  Post #: 34
2/17/2013 8:26:15   

I saw that someone posted in the thread,
If the Could buy with credits so you get double exp tokens etc.. So was the idea that it would go away.
So you can only get it through being a VIP silver ore VIP GOLD.
So it pays to buy them bigger packages,
then get the usual players sure to be inside at happy houer to get double stuff an hour.

Now the advantage of Buy large packages right now is,
Get unique weapon that no one else can.
= Creates an imbalance = players get tired of it = quit = lower gaming bass.

Varium players = gods
But how much fun is it to be god among gods if nobody worships you?

Plus you have varium that is completely unnecessary for you ?

Well you can buy a house and other things, but it's not really a status symbol,
For how many looks at one's house?

What gives most status are extra tokens, for fac flags player stars, etc..
Sure you can buy with your varium so you get this when you are online.
However, the total cost price would be more varium to get them status items.
then 10.000 varium for a month.

What I offer is the following.

All players will have the opportunity to buy all new weapons and new singels cores etc coming into the game.
= More balance when more players will have one or more new weapons.

What do paid players get for a large package then?
A lot of credits that will take alot of time to farm.
Plus status symbols that are visible.
= extra tokens influence and exp if They raise the lvl cap.
As other players can only get at happy hour.
But of course get VIP players double as well :)
On the happy houer.

This gives them status symbols that appear as multiple stars?
A fac with several like that players will easily be able to take over the flags.
So get them more status visible.

For right now, it is about houses?
Honestly I can not run around and look at all the houses hahaha.

But there in the you often see the stars on players, flags around about who has them.
Which fac that have the most influence. etc.

Though without any battels unbalanced. Then everyone can buy weapons that come out.

/ / The Priest

Post #: 35
2/17/2013 8:30:15   
i like bounty hunter

Support Varium is pretty much useless now
Only thing is Varium players who bought like 10k Varium should immediately get 500k when this happens
DF AQW Epic  Post #: 36
2/17/2013 15:16:37   


I give up this idea right now.
Too many haters as usual instead of problem solvers.

You can't just say that anyone who doesn't agree with you is a hater. This would solve problems, I don't argue with that, but what you can't see is the large amount of problems it would create. I do want problems solved, that is why I don't support this idea.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 37
2/17/2013 15:50:32   


I saw that someone posted in the thread,
If the Could buy with credits so you get double exp tokens etc.. So was the idea that it would go away.
So you can only get it through being a VIP silver ore VIP GOLD.
So it pays to buy them bigger packages,
then get the usual players sure to be inside at happy houer to get double stuff an hour.

nope, no memberships, the devs said that its never going to happen, the thing i like about varium is that you can use it when-ever you like and not being restricted to a specific amount of time.


Now the advantage of Buy large packages right now is,
Get unique weapon that no one else can.
= Creates an imbalance = players get tired of it = quit = lower gaming bass.

that's the point, it makes you stand out from the normal ordinary players, tell me, how does it cause imbalance? i haven't had any problems with players that has the new promos, again i think you are referring to delta phase which is already over, you can't get tired of playing in omega because everyone has 50/50 chance of winning each other, unless of course you play 24/7 and completed everything there is to complete.


Varium players = gods
But how much fun is it to be god among gods if nobody worships you?

how exactly? gods are untouchable, how come people with the new promo still lose to non variums? i seriously advise you to observe the game, giving accurate info and not exaggerate.


Well you can buy a house and other things, but it's not really a status symbol,
For how many looks at one's house?

What gives most status are extra tokens, for fac flags player stars, etc..
Sure you can buy with your varium so you get this when you are online.
However, the total cost price would be more varium to get them status items.
then 10.000 varium for a month.

the promo items is a useful status symbol, and i buy houses, most of the varium players buy them because it offers a cheevo and gives you a comfortable place to hangout with your in-game friends.


What I offer is the following.

All players will have the opportunity to buy all new weapons and new singels cores etc coming into the game.
= More balance when more players will have one or more new weapons.

balance doesn't come from making weapon available for everyone, again this is not delta phase, have you even played omega yet? seriously.
nightwraith or titan doesn't do charity work, they need to make money to keep the game up and for their own life, you can't expect them to work for hours and hours just for that item to be free(everything thats able to be bought with credits is basically free) in-game.
what you offer is the death of a great game.


What do paid players get for a large package then?
A lot of credits that will take alot of time to farm.
Plus status symbols that are visible.
= extra tokens influence and exp if They raise the lvl cap.
As other players can only get at happy hour.
But of course get VIP players double as well :)
On the happy houer.

again that status is limited by time, a few varium is better than a lot of credits, and i prefer getting EXP/credit boost when i want it not be forced into it when it just wastes away in a month.


This gives them status symbols that appear as multiple stars?
A fac with several like that players will easily be able to take over the flags.
So get them more status visible.

you want balance and you create imbalance, it is not fair for F2P factions, they won't stand a chance if this happens, you would make them angry, again no membership or any VIP status.\


For right now, it is about houses?
Honestly I can not run around and look at all the houses hahaha.

nope, its about much more things.
well keep it to yourself if you can't look at all the houses.


But there in the you often see the stars on players, flags around about who has them.
Which fac that have the most influence. etc.

useless, creates lag.....


Though without any battels unbalanced. Then everyone can buy weapons that come out.

I'm really starting to wonder if you played omega phase or not........
and no, you are having your countless attempts at destroying the game again.

< Message edited by TRizZzCENTRINO -- 2/17/2013 15:53:20 >
MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 38
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