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RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33

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10/10/2013 1:02:58   
Snake XZ

Dis: I want to PR again! 3 weeks in a row of running right up against my best time and I want a new PR!
Acc: Said PR is still 16:41.
DIS: I'm seriously #8 for the team. Which means I'm not varsity unless I do better or someone gets injured and I don't want it to be the injury.
AQ MQ AQW  Post #: 276
10/10/2013 13:10:40   

DIS: School has been hectic. So much to do so little time

ACC: Finally back in the forums after a long leave of absence
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 277
10/10/2013 20:51:19   
Chaosweaver Amon

ACC: New computer!
DF  Post #: 278
10/11/2013 0:19:17   
Omega Ace

-Acc: Wednesday was my birthday
-Acc: Just finished online drivers ed.
-Dis: I haven't a clue what to do next...

-Acc: I'm back-ish!


DF MQ  Post #: 279
10/13/2013 18:40:07   
Sir Nicholas

ACC: A very inspiring song by my favorite singer, Josh Groban - has helped me out of a funk. The song is Don't Give Up (You Are Loved) - to those curious.

ACC: Been working hard on the sequel. It now stretches to 37 pages and has over 16,000 words. Nearly halfway completed.

DIS: Got rejected for a job interview.

ACC/DIS: Our water has been turned back on. But its still ridiculously expensive.
AQ  Post #: 280
10/13/2013 21:43:00   
Chaosweaver Amon

DIS: Despise my school.
DIS: I'm a tad worried I'm going to do something I'll regret if I don't get out of my current situation.
DF  Post #: 281
10/14/2013 2:48:07   
Hells Elder Brother

ACC: First English exam complete
ACC: Exam was better than the trials
ACC: 1 exam down, 5 to go
DIS: Since this week is more intense than the rest, I have English Modules tomorrow and Legal Studies on Thursday <_<
AQ AQW  Post #: 282
10/19/2013 6:14:45   

Dis: As my mother so well put it the other day... I've really got to figure out how I'm going to "get out of this funk" that I've been in for too long now...

Acc: Sorta have a quote I've been using sometimes since I get so nervous about things. "Courage is the magic, that turns dreams into reality." From Richter in Tales of Symphonia. Not a particularly great game... had some well written characters and scripts though.

Acc: Got some grocery shopping done.

Acc: People are concerned about me (I appreciate that).

Dis: People tell me I should see a shrink (noun)... I probably should.

Acc: There's an albino deer in the woods. It's really beautiful.

Acc: They're very, very, very rare. But I've seen it multiple times so I know its home is the surrounding area currently...pretty quiet bunch of neighborhoods.

< Message edited by Womba -- 10/19/2013 6:15:04 >
DF AQW  Post #: 283
10/19/2013 17:23:44   

Acc: Made alot of money today. It is easy when you have two part-time jobs. ^^
Diss: Having two part-time jobs is tiresome!
Acc: Getting better in math. Taking extra lessons.
Diss: Math is boring... Really boring...
Acc: Gave my application to the teacher, he is gonna fix some work for me in week 46.
Acc: Gonna work very hard for it!
Diss: I am lazy, so it is kind of... Weird to work... Much...
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 284
10/29/2013 10:20:58   

ACC: I was sitting at the Chick Fil A drive thru waiting to pay for my breakfast. I pulled up to the window to pay, had my money ready, but the woman inside told me that the lady in the car in front of me paid for my meal. The kindness of some people in this world astounds me. I will definitely be repaying the favor for someone else.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 285
10/31/2013 21:01:20   
Roaming the Web

Biggest Dis ever in life: I managed to really really screw up my schedule this semester, and now there's no way I'm going to graduate from college on time.
Dis: My parents believe the fact that I play a lot of video games to be contributing to screwing up my life, so they banned my from playing anymore this semester (about another month so not too bad)
AQ AQW  Post #: 286
11/3/2013 7:03:18   
Corvus Corax
♥ Senpai ♥

^ouch... It'll go by quick!

Acc: Lost 100 lbs since February of this year.
Dis: People are saying I'm way too skinny and are accusing me of having an eating disorder. :/
AQ AQW  Post #: 287
11/3/2013 12:50:00   
The fanciest of moustaches

Acc: Went to the Streetlight Manifesto concert in San Antonio. Even if it was a 10 hour drive (EACH WAY), it was sooooo worth it.
Dis: I split my lip completely through in one of the mosh pits. I learned an important lesson: Skull > squishy face. Ouch.
Acc: Finished up the pit before I went to go take a look at how bad it is (and it's pretty nasty looking).
Acc: Best concert of my life. Crowd surfed twice and we had like 4 or 5 people crowd surfing simultaneously at different points.
Dis: Not as much skanking as during the last Streetlight concert I went to. A shame, as the skank pits were a blast.
Acc: Crowd was so much more intense though. Pretty much the entire first five songs had the front half of the room as a giant mosh pit.

Beautiful concert.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 288
11/4/2013 1:23:06   
The Extinguisher

I'm going to count this a as a DIS:
I was reading through the OOC rules, and found out we can talk about dragons again. What a bummer.

On a positive note:
I found some old pictures on my hard drive an spent the last half an hour laughing myself into a coma.
Post #: 289
11/4/2013 2:05:17   

ACC: Learnt CSS =D
ACC: I'm sorta back
ACC: Got a 3DS for getting good grades!
DIS: I would love to spend more time designing things with CSS, but mom doesn't allow much... =/


Falcon's Nest: Dragonfable Discord Server
DragonsGrasp: Dragonfable Discord Server
Post #: 290
11/5/2013 14:50:12   
Digital X
Beep Beep!

ACC: Finally settled on a very nice Motherboard, it has voice recognition to turn the pc on/off, overclock etc. I'm speechless.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 291
11/6/2013 11:39:03   

ACC: Aced the German test without studying
DIS: Studied for days before the math test, managed to do 55% of the questions correctly...
AQ  Post #: 292
11/6/2013 13:12:42   

Diss: Got my first really bad grade... 2+... (Our grade system = 1 is the worst you can get, and 6 is the best.)
Acc: Just need to fix something and then I will get an 3- instead.
Acc: Had an english test that was really important and managed to get an 5-! O_O (WutWut?!?)
Acc: Had another oral test were I got an 5! (Wutwut?!?)
Acc: It was in Norwegian, so I didn't have that much to worry about. :D
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 293
11/6/2013 13:19:11   
Seth Hydra
How We Roll Winner

ACC: Ace'd three of my core engineering subjects with 95 percentile!
DISS: Got average percentiles in the other three!
ACC: i can make up for those three with a score improvement test!

DIS: Semester exams approach! :(

AQ DF AQW  Post #: 294
11/7/2013 6:17:37   
Digital X
Beep Beep!

ACC: Finally arrived.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 295
11/7/2013 7:32:05   
Warmonger DragonJax

DIS:My final goodbye to this awesome place which entertained me so much THANK YOU GUYS !
Post #: 296
11/9/2013 9:42:04   

ACC: New job is going well.
ACC: New friends at the new job, as I'm apparently the type of guy who has something in common with everyone.
DIS: My dad blew up at me over something that would take no more than 2 hours to change back. I'm an adult. He should let me make my own mistakes, rather than blowing up at me for what he perceives as a mistake.
DIS: It's becoming more and more evident that my direct family has no real concern for me. To them, I'm just an example of how to mess up.
ACC: I learned long ago exactly how much stock I should put in the opinions of those who are against me. Family or not, I don't make exceptions to that rule. I'm not about to change who I am to appease others. I like who I am. If they don't, that's their problem.
ACC: Finally managed to put together the money for something I've been looking forward to for quite a while. Now I just need to commit to it.
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 297
11/10/2013 5:56:02   

Dis: Panic attacks aren't getting better... I really need to see a doctor for a temporary solution until I get over this or I find a distraction that works. Medication would only dilute the problem. I don't care if I can't stop them altogether... just learn to make them more tolerable.

Acc: Got LOZ: Skyward Sword back. Hopefully I can remember all the dungeons puzzles.

Dis: Cats are being VERY frustrating lately...

Dis: Brother finally caught on to what my anxiety is over... told me to "get over it" in typical (less forum friendly) fashion... and everybody in my family wonders why I absolutely refuse to be around him. AND my sister for that matter. Sure they're family but I have my rights.... I won't tolerate being treated like that EVER. Especially when I've entered turtle mode. (sorta like a metaphorical safety bubble during an episode)

Acc: House is now clean.....er.

< Message edited by Womba -- 11/10/2013 5:57:06 >
DF AQW  Post #: 298
11/10/2013 6:13:25   

DIS: 2 of my cats are being frustrating as well. i'm glad all the 3ed one dose is just lay about all day.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 299
11/12/2013 19:45:56   
Sir Nicholas

ACC: Went to a job fair at a grocery store called "Aldi's". If I do get it, I'll be paid $10.00 an hour to sit on my rump, check out customers and restock the shelves.

DIS: Massive cold front has come in. It's freezing outside and the wind cuts to the bone.

ACC: It's my birthday tomorrow. And my Aunt Ann's as well.

ACC: Going to Medieval Times to celebrate. I've always wanted to go there.

DIS: I've got Rhinorrhea as a result of the weather's adverse effect on my sinuses.
AQ  Post #: 300
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