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RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33

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12/8/2013 16:00:57   
Sir Nicholas

ACC: Got contacted by the local pharmacy, Walgreens, asking about an application I had filled out.

DIS: I said I wasn't available for overnight shifts, which is a big shut-off for them, it seems. I'm not a morning person.

ACC: At least this has made me hopeful.

ACC: When I returned to my previous Kroger to pick up my final paycheck, the other employees I had worked with were happy to see me.

ACC/DIS: I don't hold a grudge against Kroger for the termination of my employment. However, I am still bitter about the fact I can no longer help my family. Never hold grudges my friends - it only hurts.

DIS: I feel like I'm the dutiful son. The one that's never left the farm, so now I'm the one that can't seem to get out there into the real world. I'm trying to start my own life, but I can't seem to do so.

DIS: Did some more reading into George Martin's Game of Thrones book series. And I'm starting to notice a pattern here - everytime there's a likable, well-respected, honorable character, they end up dying and that makes the whole setting (which is in pretty terrible shape) entirely worse as a result!
AQ  Post #: 326
12/9/2013 2:43:31   

ACC: Downloaded a couple extensions for Chrome that solved almost all of my issues with it.
DIS: Still can't close individual tabs while in fullscreen mode.
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 327
12/9/2013 21:36:15   
Snake XZ

SuperduperultralifechangingimportantACC: Got my first acceptance letter from a college!!! YAAAAY!
Acc: I can rest a bit easier knowing that I'm accepted SOMEWHERE!
AQ MQ AQW  Post #: 328
12/11/2013 22:21:30   
thunder avenger

ACC: got a program that works nice and easy, though flash cs[versions] are probably better
ACC: made my first piece of work :O http://i880.photobucket.com/albums/ac10/pipiny2/Dragonair2_zpsfd5513cf.png
DF AQW  Post #: 329
12/15/2013 3:02:07   
The fanciest of moustaches

Acc: Semester over and I'm back home
Acc: Lowest grade was a B in Calc 2, which is one of the top 3 most failed courses at my school. I'd say that's a win.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 330
12/15/2013 19:26:10   
Sir Nicholas

ACC: Good news everyone! I've returned to the realm of sanity as a result of continued self-therapy. Though I'm still a little eccentric, I've recovered from a recent lapse with depression and I'm back in a stable state of mind.

(Note - listening to comforting music when you're feeling down should be listed as a good way to treat the blues. I recommend You Are Loved, You Raise Me Up, and Fireflies to those looking for happy songs)

ACC: Been re-trying my Roleplay skills, and I've found I'm better than I was before. My creative drive and inspiration are returning.

ACC/DIS: The Blue Exorcist Manga has released another new chapter, though now I have to wait until Febuary until the next one is out.

ACC: Speaking of Febuary, that is when I will be moving out with my father, or possibly with my GF. And also, it is when Castlevania - Lords of Shadow 2 will be released.

DIS: Now if I could only find myself a job.

ACC: Still looking, and I've found several more places that might be hiring.

ACC: Checking out the game, Demon's Souls. Looks like it's right up my alley. I love anything to do with destroying undead, demons, eldritch abominations or evil things.
AQ  Post #: 331
12/18/2013 8:02:22   
Seth Hydra
How We Roll Winner

ACC: Midterms over!

ACC: Playtime back... got AQs war, Pokemon X, FIFA 14 tournaments, PS4!! all lined up for the next month.

ACC: Gonna go back to Dubai for the winter break! <3

ACC: Finally someplace warm!

ACC: Cant believe my first semester's already over...
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 332
12/21/2013 15:55:47   

DIS: Been feeling little moody lately this past month due to family problems. I hope it will all work out soon.
ACC: Did Christmas shopping earlier this week. Now it's time to wrap them up.
DIS: My chest keeps hurting a lot, too... I'm concerned that I will get a heart attack soon.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 333
12/21/2013 21:31:18   

Dis: Flu weather is here... keeps flipping between hot and cold. It's not friendly on the arm I broke a few years ago also.

Dis: Came down with a head-cold. Thought it was just some dehydration or allergies at first (pain was in the sinuses), but I typically don't have a dry cough and runny nose accompanying an allergy related headache.

Acc: I like practical things. Consider it somewhat thoughtless...but I bought everybody back-scratchers for Christmas. And since father smokes, a 3-in-1 tool kit. Has a cork remover, a lighter, and something else I couldn't really see.

Dis: As much as all I do is groan and whine about things I generally mean well. But my sisters living with me now.... lemmie just say that she and my mother do not get along. At all.

Dis: 3 times already and its only been a week, they've tried pulling me into an argument. I don't need this...
DF AQW  Post #: 334
12/23/2013 22:10:00   

My breath is trembling out of my throat, such is my excitement ACC: Whenever I've talked about something like this, it's been 'when they make it in 20 years.' But it exists now. I've never had a problem with how I see the world, but I've always been curious how the rest of you do, and having the option to switch between the two simply by peering over my rims has me literally shaking in excitement.
Acc: and I've always wondered how I'd look with glasses =P
AQ DF  Post #: 335
12/23/2013 22:41:20   

DIS: Feel guilty that I haven't gotten my Dad enough for Christmas. I don't see him much these days but still, it'd be nice to give him something more :P.
AQ Epic  Post #: 336
12/28/2013 6:47:02   
Digital X
Beep Beep!

ACC: Buying an Oculus Rift in a few months :D
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 337
12/28/2013 13:04:17   

ACC: I finally decided to work on the manuscript of my novel (hopefully it will sell).
ACC/DIS: After Christmas I came down with a bad case of upset stomach for two days. Today my insides are back to normal.
ACC: Got more video games for presents (Wii U, PSP, and PS3).
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 338
1/2/2014 12:14:19   
Digital X
Beep Beep!

ACC: Bought the Corsair AX760 80+ Platinum Fully Modular Power Supply ^.^
DIS: Little on the pricey side.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 339
1/3/2014 4:50:48   

Acc: Den got a scarf.
Acc: Den looks good in a scarf.
ACC: Den looks even better wearing it with a tunic and a sword.
AQ DF  Post #: 340
1/3/2014 10:30:24   

Nice! I'll buy a similar one off of eBay soon...
DIS: Because it's ridiculously cold and snowing. I dislike snow. :(
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 341
1/3/2014 23:07:43   

DIS: Looks like my grandma's water is going to freeze... and I am currently at her house.
ACC?: almost certain that we will get our first "snow" day on monday.
ACC if the above is not true: I will have a ride on monday/tuesday instead of a 15 minute walk in very cold temps.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 342
1/3/2014 23:36:07   
knight slayer

yo this is a disaccomplishment i came back to this forum to dirty up my hands see what i could find
just to see it's dead LOL

< Message edited by Corvus Corax -- 1/4/2014 10:07:32 >
Post #: 343
1/6/2014 15:04:21   

DIS: School started again...why u end so fast holiday Q_Q
DIS: Made one of my friends quite mad and he deleted me on skype, steam and LoL...
AQ DF MQ Epic  Post #: 344
1/6/2014 15:20:06   

ACC: Two snow days in a row! And as a senior I don't have to make up any school days! Yay! 4 day weekends are great.

DIS: It is still extremely cold.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 345
1/8/2014 21:37:42   
Lord Noonien Soong

DIS: starting to become a little less social at school
???: surprisingly, I dont really care
Got some pretty cool stuff in general :)
AQ DF  Post #: 346
1/11/2014 2:38:40   

DIS: i got some highly unwanted neighbors living below me. also as if to warn of their evil, all the windows in this apartment got coated in so many wasps upon their arrival that theres no longer need for curtains. all of the windows are still coated with them except my rooms windows. the wasps on them got eaten by wild crow that i feed bread crumbs to that i've been calling nevermore. he seemed strangely happy to eat them...
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 347
1/13/2014 0:37:50   
Hollow Knight

DIS: 6.5 Earthquake
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 348
1/15/2014 9:10:38   
Digital X
Beep Beep!

ACC: Bought this from Overclockers UK this morning, £20 off! :D Yay cheap RAM.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 349
1/15/2014 13:07:08   

ACC: Have been working of my manuscript of my book. I'm almost through with Chapter 1.
DIS: Have an appointment later this week.
ACC: Took my dog Tiny for a walk yesterday. She enjoyed it.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 350
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