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RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33

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6/29/2014 4:14:30   

5 words: The Fault in Our Stars

DIS: I never cry in movies, but this one made me break down for some reason...

I'll remind myself to never be dragged to cinemas to see films like this again.


Thank you for 1K subs! <3

AQ Epic  Post #: 526
6/29/2014 17:22:21   

@flashbang:You are arabian too?I am.

Dis: It was too hot today that I wanted to drink the oceans.
Acc: Visited my old friend,we had a great time.
DF AQW  Post #: 527
6/30/2014 15:14:44   

@Hidan Not Arabian. I'm Pakistani. But I am a Muslim.

ACC: I survived the first fast in Ramadan. It gets easier from here on out.
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 528
7/1/2014 4:50:35   
Seth Hydra
How We Roll Winner

ACC: Finals are over!!
ACC: Vacations!!!
ACC: Going back to Dubai!!
ACC: Holy month!
DIS: 15hr fasts...not pretty!
DIS: Hot... and not even the good kind!
???: Have to put up a facade!

AQ DF AQW  Post #: 529
7/5/2014 20:43:41   
Sir Nicholas

Major DIS: My Dad's been sued and now he's got a reduced pay for the next 6 months. We were having financial difficulties before, and now this!?

ACC: Got a job interview at Pizza Hut at least. Also going to apply to Publix, and to Walmart.

ACC: Fortunately as well, my brother's working and making about $400.00 a week. If I can get a job of my own, we'll at least have some extra money.

ACC: My book's editing is going well. I've much improved the grammar and the flow of the story. I might even add a few more chapters.

???: Really tired lately. Not sure why, but I've been sleeping a whole lot more.
AQ  Post #: 530
7/6/2014 2:22:20   

ACC: Got a new job.
ACC: Heck of a story behind my newfound employment.
Two months back, I put in an application at a call center (due to past experience and that they're one of the better-paying jobs in my area), then got called to set up an interview the next day. Interview came, I did well, and I was essentially told that all they didn't know was when the next training class would start, then they told me to wait for their call and call them in two weeks. Two weeks came without a call, which led to a month of getting jerked around, only to find out that, apparently, they were only hiring bilingual, and that they would let me know if any English-only openings came up.
Fast forward to a week ago, I put in an application with a staffing agency, then get called immediately on Monday for an interview the next week, only to get called on Thursday to let me know they had a client starting a training class for a job they thought would be perfect for me, so they needed to bump up the interview to an hour from when the call was. I got to the interview, and found out it was for the company I was jerked around by for a month. So, once that was over, not even an hour after the interview, I get a call from the staffing agency, letting me know I got the spot in the training class.
It seems that sometimes, the main road isn't the best option.
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 531
7/8/2014 20:14:00   

ACC: AP scores are in. I got a 5 in Calculus AB and Comparative Government and a 4 in United States Government and Chemistry!

DF AQW Epic  Post #: 532
7/9/2014 21:45:11   

ACC: Had an MRI and there was no brain tumour.
ACC: Even though I felt like I had hearing loss, I had it checked and apparently I don't.
ACC: Hoping to apply to Law School in the UK for 2015 entry and I feel like I have a strong chance of getting into a top university.
ACC: Discovered the wonderful world of sitcoms and 90s movies :D.
ACC: Started to get the hang of how to work out properly and I am slowly and steadily gaining muscle and weight.

DIS: Still have no proper friends, only acquaintances. 6 years of horrible loneliness and counting :(.
DIS: Wish I could speak to someone that actually likes me :(((.
DIS: A year till I get my 'fresh start' on the other side of the world, and I hope it really does mean a change for the better.
DIS: I can't even find a menial job, I got rejected after an interview at McDonald's. Makes me feel even more deflated.

< Message edited by T.600 -- 7/9/2014 21:58:26 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 533
7/9/2014 22:30:26   

DIS: The Oranje lost to Argentina on penalties because Louis van Gaal couldn't save a substitution to use on Tim Krul...
ACC: Oh well, they still have a chance to humiliate Brazil even more by winning the Third Place Play-off on Saturday.
ACC: I hope that Germany trounce Argentina as well in the Final on Sunday.
AQW Epic  Post #: 534
7/9/2014 22:52:15   

???:I feel like I am the only one here who is on Argentina side...
ACC:Argentina won against Netherland,yeeeeaaaah!
DF AQW  Post #: 535
7/10/2014 19:24:24   

ACC: Finally decided to end a "friendship" I had with a guy I found quite annoying.
DIS: Too many talking about WC, and I show no interest in it :|
???: My parents Silver weeding is happening this month, gonna be a huge party!
AQ DF MQ Epic  Post #: 536
7/10/2014 20:50:27   
Lord Noonien Soong

DIS: Summer pretty much went down the Wrecker

ACC: recently got some new books

???: Been having Vertigo, though thankfully it lasts only about ten seconds and only when I get up or stretch

???: so bored with life...
AQ DF  Post #: 537
7/14/2014 23:23:23   

ACC: Managed to get tickets to a fanmeeting with my favourite idols, was great :D
DISS: Managed to miss their departure from the airport AGAIN (two years in a row now) D:
AQ  Post #: 538
7/23/2014 10:16:21   

ACC: Graduated. Moving from home town. All good.
DIS (sort of): An eye infection that warrants surgery. Sigh.
DF AQW  Post #: 539
7/23/2014 17:40:36   

DIS and ACC:It was a night like every other night,I was sleeping.....sleeping.....then I felt something touching my hand,I opened my eyes.....to find a HUGE cockroach crawling on the wall,I was frightened....But then I stood up,searched for "the weapon",but the bug has disappeared,my sister also woke up,I told her what happened,she searched for her "weapon".And then we declared a war against the cockroach:We searched the entire room,and yet no sign of the bug.Suddenly I saw it running toward the door,I tried to squich it,but I failed,and it escaped the room,and in a blink my sister ran toward it and threw her "weapon" at the bug with so much force the cockroach was destroyed completely.We both started laughing at my sister's devastating attack.
DF AQW  Post #: 540
7/25/2014 18:22:06   
Seth Hydra
How We Roll Winner

MEGA ACC: Passed my first year of Engineering!!!!!! I cant believe its already been a year!
ACC: Got a pretty great avg of A for the year :D
DIS: My entire holiday passed away, conflicting with a religious month.. kinda raging with the fact that well, nothing good really came out of it!
DIS: Ok now Im sad that I said that...
DIS: Got into a real foul mood today..

ACC/DIS: College starts again in a weeks time :D?:(
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 541
7/26/2014 21:57:13   
Lord Noonien Soong

MegaDIS: Back to School, with the drama, meaness, and the pressure of my future breathing down my neck >.<

ACC: Mom's been going to a friends house a few hours after work, which has been bliss!

< Message edited by Lord Noonien Soong -- 7/26/2014 21:58:18 >
AQ DF  Post #: 542
7/28/2014 0:28:11   

SUPERULTRAMEGAACC: Eid Mubarak everyone! End of Ramadan!
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 543
7/29/2014 21:54:44   

DIS: And I'm feeling sad for apparently no reason again lately.
DF AQW Epic  Post #: 544
7/29/2014 21:58:50   
Seth Hydra
How We Roll Winner

DIS: Vacation almost over...
DIS: Was so hungover, that I barely did any drawing! Bummer :(
ACC: Got the entire Game of Thrones novels series... gonna check out whats so great
DIS: Need to replace my Laptop! The fan doesnt work, besides the horrible RAM makes even playing AQ a chore!
ACC: Got a new high speed WIFI connection... with 33% more data
ACC: Football season starts soon... We go again!
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 545
8/2/2014 2:42:10   

DIS/ACC: Took acceleration program in school
???: Two years of full education-stuff
DIS: That means I will be less active in the forum and in-game :(
AQW  Post #: 546
8/2/2014 13:23:04   
301st Legion

ACC: Finally saved up enough money to get me a new pair of kicks.
ACC: Nike Roshe Run (Sportswear)
Post #: 547
8/3/2014 0:00:11   

DIS: I'm really sick of how the people who most vocally oppose feminism are the ones who know absolutely nothing about it.
DIS: But if I took the time to refute every single terrible strawman argument I ran across, I'd never leave my house =/
AQ DF  Post #: 548
8/4/2014 13:35:24   
Seth Hydra
How We Roll Winner

DIS: Just realized how it feels when you're on someone's hook, and when it falls over..
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 549
8/6/2014 0:24:05   

ACC: Not dead.
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 550
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