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RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33

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7/29/2013 15:07:00   

DIS: I got Simmer's Ear, without swimming. :(

DIS: That was one baaaaad Vacation. Scary Cousin almost beat up my little sister. Needless to say I'm never speaking to her again. Nor will I go a night without having nightmares about it. EDIT: Forgot to mention the worst part, she's 40+ so she should know better, she's an alcoholic and she has a concealed carry liscence. My goodness I was scared.
DIS: I was this close to stabbing the scary cousin, and I pretty much lost myself.
DIS: Mountain Roads + Motion Sickness + living in a flat area + 7 people in one car + 15 hours of Driving in one day alone = I wanna barf! (Thank goodness scary cousin wasn't in the car)

My one ACC: I got the Streetpass update, bought the New Games and so many 3DS Tags in one vacation.

< Message edited by Dragonman -- 7/29/2013 15:10:26 >
DF AQW Epic  Post #: 176
7/29/2013 16:06:12   

ACC: Saw Pacific Rim. It was all the mecha-on-kaiju action I could've hoped for, along with a heaping helping of raw emotion and character development I hadn't thought to expect.
ACC: My friend put me together a Yugioh deck for my birthday so that I can finally attack him with something. I've never been a huge fan of fire-types, but so far I actually love this <3
ACC: Threw myself a big birthday party, invited as many people as I could think of. For the first time in quite a while, I feel like there's a large group of people I can be unconditionally comfortable with, who I can trust and be myself around and spend time with, playing games inside or outside and talking about whatever. I feel loved. All because of a birthday party where we played a couple of silly little card games.
ACC: Speaking of. Munchkin rocks \m/

EDIT: Also ACC: Dysfunctional Systems Episode 1: Learning to Manage Chaos is a wonderful visual novel and I just got it today.
ACC: For two and a half bucks.

ACC: And delicious birthday party leftovers. My friends are all such amazing cooks @___@

< Message edited by Densoro -- 7/29/2013 23:07:56 >
AQ DF  Post #: 177
7/29/2013 23:57:16   
Hells Elder Brother

DIS: Trial High School Certificate (HSC) is next week -.-
ACC: But at least I have a good timetable
AQ AQW  Post #: 178
7/30/2013 1:36:22   

ACC: Tried my hand on making a Visual Novel using a program called Novelty.
ACC: Been at it for a week now, and it's looking rather nice since I've got the basics done. I could see a lot of potential in this.
DIS: I realized I probably can't do it alone. Coding and making beautiful background CGs isn't just my forte. Of course, I could just take pictures of my school (the setting is modern anyway) and use a Photoshop filter, but currently too lazy to do it.
DF MQ  Post #: 179
7/30/2013 22:03:08   
Twighlight Sky

ACC: Back to volunteering at the local public library.
ACC: Back to helping kids!
DIS: I had no idea helping a child write a paragraph could take so long.
ACC: The feeling of pushing through to the finish and helping a child understand the concepts they have been struggling with is one of the most rewarding things I have ever done.
DIS: I really suck at chess.
DIS: And checkers too, apparently.

< Message edited by Twighlight Sky -- 7/30/2013 22:04:32 >
DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 180
8/1/2013 15:40:55   

Mega-ACC: Placed an order for a custom Sebenza. Will have stainless damascus steel, with a raindrop pattern handle and blue space and thumb lug. Can't wait to get my hands on it!

Dis: Will take 9-12 months and cost $650. Ouch.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 181
8/1/2013 21:05:25   
Edgemaster Scion

Dis: 4-page essay due tomorrow. It's about 9PM. I have the introductory paragraph done. Challenge... *sigh* accepted.
AQ DF Epic  Post #: 182
8/1/2013 22:24:05   

ACC: There was a rock sitting over part of a sidewalk in the city, and I managed to flip it over out of the way! \o/ Big rock, but it was sandstone, though.

Super DIS: I did something really stupid with a knife. There was no reason for me to do it, and it just made no sense but I did it. :/
AQ Epic  Post #: 183
8/2/2013 19:53:30   

DIS: got stung by a wasp today, for the first time ever. Not fun.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 184
8/4/2013 0:44:40   
Hells Elder Brother

DIS: English Exam is tomorrow, then the day after for modules, Wednesday is Maths, and Thursday is Timber.
ACC: Got a week off to study for Legal Studies and Visual Arts after Timber exam is done.
AQ AQW  Post #: 185
8/4/2013 1:31:46   
Heroes of the Scape

ACC: Finished placing lights along our pool deck.
DIS: It took us three years to do it.
AQ  Post #: 186
8/4/2013 1:45:50   

Dis: I just finished playing with the cats, hopped to my feet...and bounced headfirst off my little sister's butt as she walked by. I'm...not sure what to make of it all.
Acc: but it was funny XD
AQ DF  Post #: 187
8/8/2013 21:51:50   
Sir Nicholas

ACC: So far, I've managed to keep my job at Kroger. It's long and the pay is bad, but at the very least, I can count on an employee discount for foodstuffs.

ACC: Going to ask about the possibility of being a cashier, which is a higher pay for less work.

DIS: My brother lost his job.

DIS: Haven't been on the Forums for a long, long time. Primarily because my laptop has been acting really weird.

DIS: Possible computer virus on it, causing all these troubles. Hearing ads even when I don't have a page up, having things go super slow, unexpected shutdowns...yeah. It's a real problem.

ACC: I'm home. I've returned to the BattleOn Forums by using my dad's computer, or as I call it, "The Dinosaur" because of its advanced age.

AQ  Post #: 188
8/9/2013 3:52:22   

ACC: new fire fox skin
ACC: got rid of a couple racoons that been stealing my outside cats food
DIS/ACC: my neighbor are not gonna be happy when he drives off to work in a couple hours
???:good thing he works for animal control

< Message edited by ShadowMoon -- 8/9/2013 3:53:14 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 189
8/10/2013 23:25:59   
The fanciest of moustaches

Acc: Another pair of hurling matches today.
Acc: Did a much better job covering the guy (same guy as before, one of the best in the Northwest region).
Acc: Got off a few shots in the second game, though no points, and made some assists.
Dis: I now have a not-so-awesome limp. Took hurls to both of my right ankles, simultaneously.
Dis: My last time until December with the team, since I'm going off to college soon.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 190
8/11/2013 7:57:25   

DIS: Haven't been to fencing in months.
DIS: Was gonna go to sleep early to wake up in time to finally rejoin my fellow fencers, but my body had other plans.
AQ DF  Post #: 191
8/11/2013 13:14:57   

???: School starting tomorrow...
DIS: A little nervous...I'm going to a new class and so far only 2 from my old class will be with me in this class...
ACC: Atleast those 2 are some of my good friends...

AQ DF MQ Epic  Post #: 192
8/11/2013 18:27:38   
Digital X
Beep Beep!

ACC: Started to work out and eat a lot healither, replacing fizzy drinks with water etc.
DIS: Can only lift 8kg in 20 reps each time (quite skinny but hey) it's a start.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 193
8/12/2013 15:53:42   
Lord Noonien Soong

ACC: got The latest superior spider-man!
ACC:It really kicked butt ;)
DIS:Thankful I'm going to school because my Mom's been driving me bonkers, lol O.o
ACC:Cool shirts!


AQ DF  Post #: 194
8/12/2013 22:32:44   
Chosen 0ne

ACC: Got accepted into one of the best honor bands in california. Can I get a woot woot!?


DF AQW Epic  Post #: 195
8/13/2013 14:33:15   
The fanciest of moustaches

Acc: Leave for college tomorrow. It'll be a place where I know absolutely nobody there.
Dis: I'm also leaving my hurling team. Gonna have to try and start up a new team down there. Maybe I can get a team for the school started...
Dis: It's a 22 hour drive down. I will be driving 22 hours. Blah.
Dis: My father is accompanying me down. He cannot sing if our lives depended on it. I mourn for my ears.
Acc: Going to make a new ska CD with some of the guys I've been listening to a lot lately so I'll have some brilliant variety at least.
Acc/Dis: New beginnings, I suppose. Leaving most everyone I know, but I'll be meeting new people, and lots of them.
Dis: Hurling is going to be awful boring going it alone at first, but I'm sure that I'll be able to get some people into it.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 196
8/13/2013 17:30:50   

ACC: Got a call today from one of the places I put in an app.
ACC: With literally any luck, I should have the job.
ACC: As soon as I get the job, I can put in my two week's notice at my current place.
ACC: I'm trading a job I hate for a job I only might hate.
DIS: They'll likely miss me at work. I am one of the best people we have in my section.
ACC/DIS: I really don't care that they'll miss me, even though I know I should.
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 197
8/15/2013 13:48:29   
Reaper Sigma

Dis: Need to put in applications for colleges.
Dis: Too lazy to bring myself to do so.
Dis: The deadline for applications is closing in for some colleges.
Dis: The back of my knee has been tense for some reason.
Dis: I don't want to go driving because of it, so I won't be going to where I was going to go today.
Post #: 198
8/18/2013 4:44:56   

DIS: /hugs demo
Acc: Awesome day with the fencers today at the park. It's been so long since I've been so active (/shakes fist at summer) and it feels great to get back to it. And on top of it all, I've finally stopped feeling sorry for myself and realized that they all care about me.
ACC: ...enough to promote me to the rank of corporal within the guild, making me one of our commanding officers \m/
Dis: I smell like cat pee because one of ours is too good to go in the litter box when it's half full >___> It's no wonder I couldn't get the smell out of the carpet. I didn't even touch it and I can't get the smell off me >_<
AQ DF  Post #: 199
8/18/2013 6:11:35   

ACC:^my cats don't do that, their to scared of what i'd do to them if them do it.
DIS: my hairs getting long again, you'd think with how much hair i lose i'd be bald... i swear everytime i lose a hair off my head 3 more sprout in its place...
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 200
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