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RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33

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8/18/2013 16:36:12   
Lord Noonien Soong

[color:#FF0000]ACC:School started, time to get to work
DIS:Thanks to summer, my minds just a walnut
AQ DF  Post #: 201
8/19/2013 4:30:53   
Hells Elder Brother

ULTRADIS: My Year 12 Graduation is a month away......this brings up the sad moment that my high school life will end
DIS: The actual HSC Exams will be a bit of a pain
ACC: At least I get to go for the big day out before that day.
ACC: My 18th Birthday is 3 months away....wow, time flies so fast.
ACC: I've been around in the forums for 3 years and 4 months.
AQ AQW  Post #: 202
8/19/2013 21:46:08   

UBERDIS: In Philmont they will tell you about the dreaded butt-pee. They will laugh, and you will, too. However, you must fear and respect the butt-pee, for it is a formidable opponent.

ACC: Today I had Thai food! It was delicious!
DF MQ  Post #: 203
8/21/2013 6:36:12   


Dis: I smell like cat pee because one of ours is too good to go in the litter box when it's half full >___> It's no wonder I couldn't get the smell out of the carpet. I didn't even touch it and I can't get the smell off me >_<

Acc: Makes me so happy my cats actually tell me when they need to go potty outside because the litter box needs to be... refreshed.

Dis: I just wish they'd stop biting me to get me to let them out while I'm trying to sleep.

Dis: Having weirdness going on with the GED... my classes are done but all of this scheduling is weird... I assume the people behind all this are very well aware that mass confusion happens when you try to get as many people to pass it before the end of December.

Dis: Worried about Prince... she's very old now and getting sick from the age. Doubting she'll make it past next year.
DF AQW  Post #: 204
8/21/2013 6:45:05   

DIS: Philippines was ravaged by typhoon Maring.
AQW  Post #: 205
8/21/2013 20:35:02   

Acc: I am going to pre-order Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag Friday!

Dis: School starts Monday. v-v

Acc: I finally got a person to do my drawing I have been looking for FOREVER.

Acc: Hit the jackpot on Programming Logic books at the library!

< Message edited by Optional Geek -- 8/22/2013 17:02:16 >
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 206
8/23/2013 13:27:25   

Acc/Dis: Fell in love with a girl 4 years younger.

Acc: In September I'm starting my last year of university.
Dis: I feel old v_v
Dis: I'm also going bald.
DF  Post #: 207
8/24/2013 12:16:01   

DIS: My mom and aunt are now officially total spazzes. My aunt is not gonna take me to my grandmother's until I'm finished with my clothes, and my mom refuses to let me do them the fast and easy way. -_______________-
DIS: Feeling suicidal, homicidal, and deeply ticked off...
DIS: School this Monday.
DIS: Need money for snack machine when I go back.
DIS: I'm hungry and there isn't anything (good) to eat at my house.
DIS: Out of milk for my Nesquik.
DIS: Running out of popsicles. I'm getting veeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrryyyyyyyyy hungry... X_X

ACC: Finally got time to watch MLP:FiM.
ACC: Might be able to sneek in an episode of Tiger & Bunny as well!

DIS: Only 2 accomplishments...
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 208
8/24/2013 14:09:05   

ACC:Just got an adorable Crested Gecko today at Repticon. He's sitting on my desk now.
AQ DF  Post #: 209
8/24/2013 22:08:19   
Chaosweaver Amon

ACC: I've become addicted to listening to Green Day.
DF  Post #: 210
8/25/2013 2:45:14   

ACC: Been playing Blurred lines over and over again. This song rocks!
AQW  Post #: 211
8/25/2013 22:39:07   

ACC: For once, I finally have inspiration!
ACC: Gonna make a voicebank.
DIS: Not a great singer, might not turn out well
DIS: Probably won't be downloaded
DIS: OHMYGOSH I have to go through all 48 sound files individually and edit each one just to make it work? This will take a couple days just to make it functioning, let alone decent.
ACC: Eh, whatever, at least I'm doing something productive for once.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 212
8/26/2013 16:25:14   
Roaming the Web

Dis: Just blew over $300 on 3 text books and I'm not even done yet.
Acc: My book expenditure is definitely less than in previous years.
AQ AQW  Post #: 213
8/27/2013 16:11:05   

ACC: 19/20 people agree I'm not terrible, the one who thinks I am terrible, is just mad at me because I refuse to tell him something.

ACC: Apparently I am "Def. awesome" as said, out loud to me.

ACC: Got TF2 a week ago (It's why I've been so quiet on the forums).
DF AQW Epic  Post #: 214
8/28/2013 12:33:14   

ACC: School is really fun! ^_^
DIS: I don't know anyone in my new class... :/
ACC: My asian friend is making awesome food! ^_^
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 215
8/28/2013 13:22:40   
Seth Hydra
How We Roll Winner

ACC: Already 1 month since I started my university
ACC: Its awesome!!

Massive DIS: Tests next week!

ACC: Got new phone, the One finally!!
ACC: Got new Skullcandies!

DIS: Still no new friends, those that share my interests that is
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 216
8/29/2013 12:35:24   
Master K

Dis: School starting soon...
Acc: Got my forum name changed. I'm no longer mrbk, I'm Master K. I'm trying to keep my names consistent across the internet.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 217
8/29/2013 14:09:13   

Dis: He didn't change his name to Mister Bik D:
Acc: Delivering a speech today on how utterly rubbish Silent Hill Revelations was =D
AQ DF  Post #: 218
8/29/2013 21:30:24   
My life for Aiur

Acc: Best. Job. Ever. Been working as a promoter for a government funded campaign aimed at young adults now for a while, and I ♥ it so much. After I've worked my shift (usually 2 or so hours of work before the main headliner comes on) at a gig or something, I always have the option of hanging around and checking out the main acts and such! So lucky :D
Post #: 219
8/29/2013 21:38:05   
Lord Noonien Soong

Dis: have 1 friend
ACc: being his girlfriends friend i get free food :)
DIS: thankfully i have high metab :)
ACC: saw my dad after 2 yrs
AQ DF  Post #: 220
8/29/2013 23:26:46   
Master K


Dis: He didn't change his name to Mister Bik D:

"Mister Bik"
It was meant to be said as Mister Bee Kay, but many others felt otherwise, heh.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 221
8/30/2013 14:02:34   
Sir Nicholas

ACC: Going to get a nice, juicy paycheck for the 30 hours I worked last week.

MAJOR DIS: I accidentally agreed to merge my Youtube account with Google+ and now, I'm unable to access my old channel, no matter what I try. All my efforts have failed. My account does still exist, but I'm unable to get to it, as Google+ has thwarted every one of my efforts so far.

All my comments, everything I've ever done on Youtube - everything, is still there, but I'm unable to restore it.

ACC/DIS: Completed AC3. Now I'm bored. Nothing left to do on it but randomly kill Redcoats.
AQ  Post #: 222
8/30/2013 20:48:40   

ACC: After a year of radio silence that started with a big, hateful fight...an old friend has gotten a hold of me again. 'Once bitten, twice shy,' but I appreciate the chance to own up for my faults in the matter. Right now, that's good enough.
AQ DF  Post #: 223
8/30/2013 22:43:34   

ACC: My life in general. I feel happy again, after About 4 weeks of annoyance and anger ( Well to be fair, about 1 week in the middle was good), I am happy again.

???: My happiness is directly correlated to how much time I spend with people that aren't my immidiate family. That's sad I guess, because I love them, but I get so mad at them :(

ACC: School stated about a week ago.
DIS: School started about a week ago.

I think we all know what I mean.

And I wish I could say more, but theoretically, people I know IRL might read this, and they'd know it was me. I need some anonymity to say the next ACC/DIS without thinking hard.
DF AQW Epic  Post #: 224
8/30/2013 23:05:47   
G Man

Acc: Job is going pretty well.
Best thing I could ever hear Acc: The owner/boss said "We like having you around, *Insert my name here*"
???: Planing on buying a router to see if that is the problem behind stuff being rather slow, cause my phone has a 10x faster download speed, and researching, my computer should be able to handle what I do pretty well...
???: Am actually considering getting an Alienware. Not now, but later... I would kinda like a heavy duty computer that can handle whatever I throw at it...
Diss: Am. I. Mad. That is a lot of money...

< Message edited by G Man -- 8/30/2013 23:06:02 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 225
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