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RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 123 - READ THE FIRST POST

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5/16/2013 16:52:53   

I dont see why some people are complaining about sacrifice i would suggest that nulgath gives us a characters with only 5 sacrifice and no other cards *sarcasm* You're basically killing yourself when you use sacrifice.
AQW  Post #: 351
5/16/2013 17:16:03   

Well, the thing is that since it's costless, and any character can use it, anyone can use it a cheap source of damage to augment their attacks.

Like how neutral has powerful cards that limit their choices because of high costs? They can just easily circumvent that problem with sacrifice. Or perhaps if Ice is out of energy and has full shields, they could deal quite a bit of damage with a large health pool, backed by their icy walls.
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 352
5/16/2013 17:26:19   

Sacrifice is good. It costs 4 health instead of 4 mana. And since mana is generally worth more than health or the same as health (4 mana cost for 5 damage, e.t.c) sacrifice is pretty good IMO. If you use sacrifice and a shield, you have blocked 500, self harmed 400, and done 500 damage. So you have 600 positive points in simple terms, at the cost of 3 mana, decent. This works very well with VI.

Just make sure you don't get mauled by unblockables after doing this.
AQW  Post #: 353
5/16/2013 17:30:00   

Sacrifice is a big double edge sword and since Shadow characters only way to heal is LD then using it wisely than just using it makes it strategetic. I've faced ice characters that put up huge shields and in those circumstances I refuse to use Sacrifice to whittle down the shields. Some people can complain its OP because it literally has no cost, but let's face it, being 400 HP less can make a difference and be lucky to those that have problems with Sacrifice that it can't be damage boosted.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 354
5/16/2013 17:57:49   

I find sacrifice to be UP and OP at the same time, UP because you are actually killing yourself while using it, and OP because you can use it without charging up.

......Like a necromancer! :D *smarty-pants rascal*

< Message edited by Little Rascal -- 5/16/2013 17:58:45 >
Post #: 355
5/16/2013 18:11:45   
necro rouge

i actually almost always find sacrifice worth using as long as i can still use my energy. i look at it like this: if you could put a DoT on yourself and the enemy that hurt them for 5 and you for 4, of course you would do it. sacrifice works the same way.
AQW  Post #: 356
5/16/2013 18:11:54   

@Rascal you just gave me a idea we should have a necromancer as a character in OS but with 2 cards that drain life ( i love risky characters)
AQW  Post #: 357
5/16/2013 19:03:17   

For those who keep up with AQW And OS

Just something I found.(this can help people from aqw come over to OS if you also already noticed the population of Os(seen the numbers difference from recent thing that have happened) then you know what I am talking about)

@below Np Pm received. Also if you know how observant I am and how well I analyze thing you cannot really say that you thought you are the only one that notices that I notice Many thing if not all thing I do

[Labyth: perspective is what rules everyone life.]

< Message edited by Labyth -- 5/16/2013 19:30:40 >
Post #: 358
5/16/2013 19:15:53   

@Lab i taught i was the only one that saw that and did you get my pm
AQW  Post #: 359
5/16/2013 19:52:26   

umm wth?
Post #: 360
5/16/2013 20:59:30   


@DeathGuard: Okay, a limit of 5 per card. Then what, once you hit a the limit new cards should start rolling in? I think not. It would defeat the purpose of booster packs because then the amount of purchases required to obtain each card would seem rather fixed.

Honestly, it is your fault and your fault only if you waste all your hard earned currency on booster packs. I was smart about it and made a limit to how much I would spend on booster packs and kept on refilling everything I lost. I ended up getting every single card bar 5 star 5 damage card LONG AGO. Just saying though, no need to complain. Just be smart about it. Its like real life Yu-Gi-Oh/Pokemon, you don't constantly buy packs until you get all the cards right?!?

EDIT: Even if it is just for normal cards. It would make the other, more rarer cards seem much less rare

Remember the random yugioh card packs that brought 5 cards? Well, it is just as bad as ice packs right now. They stopped selling those in my country and brought the original decks which attract everyone and made them pay less than they originally did, giving them a better service.

Since you're talking about the 5 limit per card isn't a viable option, what about offering the normal ice packs but also the complete deck for a set price(making it somewhat 165k-200k gold).
Lets take treasure chests in AQW as example, the item you get is random but you can only get once the item you receive, and you don't get it twice due to not being able to do it and that it isn't fair for the amount of acs you use to open those chests. Ice Packs should be fair in that aspect too, effort either in getting gold or getting money to buy SGs should not go to waste into useless cards.


@DeathGuard : the point of having hard to get card is so that people keep getting the packs and keep trying. If you could get all the cards easily then there would be no point in having some harder to get then others. Play a CCG like Magic the Gathering and you will be buying lots of packs trying to get at least 1 of every card and end up with dozens of common cards when you are only limited to 4 (non-land cards) of the same card per deck.
The point of offering a good service is not making the customer waste their money. I just want fairness in this type of things. Please understand my position.
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 361
5/16/2013 21:07:59   

Sorry, but I'll have to disagree with you on the subject. As much as you want fairness in the card buying system, it is not possible. You have to remember that Oversoul is a business and before you retort that you know that it's a business, I am again reminding you that having a lower rate for gold is a viable answer. You want complete decks for gold? How can OS make money that way when players could just farm to get the whole set. The current system we have now I have to admit is a fair system and can be seen with most MMO card games.

If you want a full deck then it would probably priced at SGs. I know you know that as a customer you don't want money to be wasted, but the chances are higher in the SG packs and it depends on the player on their rate. Is it fair? In my perspective yes because you are not forced to buy the SG packs and there is the alternative route to get cards which in fact is the gold packs.

Again, please remember that the point of booster packs were to draw cards randomly from a single pack so the chances of drawing rare cards is 1/100.

< Message edited by Mondez -- 5/16/2013 21:22:32 >


AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 362
5/16/2013 21:24:34   

@Mondez: Epicduel has the same system. The weapons and bots are sold at two currencies: varium and credits. Buying it with varium is paying less for it while paying credits for them is a big amount. Sadly, gold in OS isn't easy to get if you don't have 20 X boosts or farm every day.

We are already being hit by the amount of SGs that new masters and legendaries cost: 7-10 SGs. Do you think it is fair when Card Customization is being unfair too? No one is oblige to buy the packs I know but doesn't mean OS should offer a bad service because of it. If OS thinks incoming > player's benefit, it is going through the wrong path, because the few loyal players will stop playing because of this type of issue.
I'm suggesting this type of ideas because ED already gone through it and it lost half its player base from BETA and GAMMA due to this thought.
OS can easily implement this and make a strategic move, offer packages of SGs with special promo characters and that will attract people, such packages shouldn't be changing that much, maybe 1 per 3 months meaning 4 promos in 1 year which isn't that big.
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 363
5/16/2013 21:26:56   

I just bought one card pack with gold got 3 515 attack 1 515 defense and 1 ice orb didn't buy anymore after that lol
Post #: 364
5/16/2013 21:33:14   

@mondez and Deathguard(I told myself I was goanna ignore this topic but it looks like I mustn't)OR ANYONE WHO CARES>>>|?
I hate using quotes but each one of you know what each side says or plays out in this action.
My option in all this is that the cards should only go up to 5 WHY cause lets see why do you need 6 shields. You can only equip 5 cards. That a waste of data,But at the same time the purpose of the Sg pack will not be meet so I must also disagree on this. Now in concerning the purpose of the cards to be random and everything well I would say that itself can be made to fit the criteria.?

(NOTE; if you will continue reading after this part READ IT ALL I don't want an answer or quote back or even your opinion if you don't have the full story of what I am saying.(also if you wish to argue use PM that way we don't get in the way of the thread)

Tip for those who get thing on CC...(thank you from labyth secret Lab...Also I shall be sending info to my Team later about what I found with my secret Lab and rats)
Now let see if the problem is Money and Not getting the money worth that because(If I remember correctly I was working with the CC cards draws (more like monitoring whatever everyone got and what my tester(people who will remain unnamed, not talking about my awesome team either)that sticking into on currency helps your chances of getting more cards that diverse. If you can switching between your more likely to reset the RNG to begin giving you variation of cards you already had. I have bought 4 decks and I gotten so far already 5 attack 2 6 shields 1 ice(snow not ice)orb 4 unblock able 3attack 5(v1) and 1 attack 5(v2).Now considering I only use one currency the diversity of the cards so far has come out well.

Solution 1)
Now I understand CC is young but in consideration to good service it would be appropriate that at least 1 card out of the SG package is required to be rank 4 and up on stars ,Not just be random as well cause then you are getting the same chance as the gold deck even if you say you have better chance then Gold I think that I gotten better cards then you guys have in all those deck then I would say in overall you all have wasted a lot of SG which is money and have not gotten your money worth.\

solution 2) you increase the number of cards to 7.Instead 4sg would get you 7 cards and 15,000 gold get you only 5 cards this woul allow more cards to be taken in on sg and money wouldn't be wasted.(also gives good service and better chance to sg or people who support and gives a fair chance for those with gold).

solution 3)you lower the cost of the gold and sg to 3sg and 10000gold that should make people a bit happier ....Yeah I know what this means all those who already bought sg for 4 and also bought gold will have lost that extra amount but I believe that can be compensated for.I mean considering how many cards you got and since I believe their should be record for those who wasted sg on cards, then we can say that depending on how much wasted it depends on how much gold you will get back......You guys also realize this has already happened before with the x-boost yeah some people had really trained their character to lvl 20 and after the X-boost came out all that time and work they put in became useless. But this time I propose that for every package one bought they should get 1 extra card that should compensate for that extra amount you wasted.

Now let me tell you I KNOW EVERY Consequence people will have or act if this solution happened so don't try to tell me what will happened if each of my solution occur I know what will happened. For the record so far I have loved every card I gotten

@below you should try reading it all.(cause for some reason I fell your not understanding my full position)

< Message edited by Labyth -- 5/16/2013 21:49:50 >
Post #: 365
5/16/2013 21:38:07   

I understand that, but how do you suppose OS can make money? Nulgath has stated that to make up for the SG character evolution tree the availability of cards would be free to everyone and that's what is happening now. ED is ten times different than OS and why you ask? Here are my reasons:

1. Farming for gold is easier compared to ED.
2. The gold rate isn't as influxed as it is in ED.
3. Gold can reach up to 500 to 1k and the gold packs costs 15k which doesn't take long to get.

Promo characters can entice people, but many people don't have money to continuously buy the promo characters so relying on the promo characters isn't beneficial for OS.

So far OS has thought of the players and suggestions are listened to and are fixed if need be.

I'm sorry, but your suggestion does lead forward to favor free players which is understandable, but the hierarchy of power between SG and free players are balanced at this point.

You prove valid points, but limiting it to 5 isn't the answer and by standards I'll stand by it because it doesn't benefit the servers in any other way and also it defeats the purpose of buying SG packs if the players would max out the 5 and they could get the new cards. It's Business 101 and I know business because I work in the field.

Now CC is young and I know Labyth that you understand it so trying to limit something that is still in progress still won't fix anything for that matter. Leave everything alone as it is and if you want further input then please throw a note to Nulgath to see his issue on the matter.

< Message edited by Mondez -- 5/16/2013 21:43:30 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 366
5/16/2013 21:42:55   

@labyth: First of of all, thanks for talking about this topic, the more perspectives, the better.
Going back to the topic of CC
I see you agree with me in that having 5 limit cards is fair and that it shouldn't be done this way.
Into the solutions, I had think those solutions would really be helpful
Either making the SGs have a rank 4-5 star card and the other randoms, and the gold normal as it is. I like the idea of lowering costs, because it would make people have more access to packs, and less effort would be wasted if you get repeated cards.
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 367
5/16/2013 21:48:23   

They fixed the gold rate and they cut the price in half. What more is there to make it fair? Limiting the cards to 5 would have defeated the purpose of the SG packs. Limiting cards to SG isn't the answer also seeing it would have backlashes Nulgaths word on "making all cards available to all players" quote if I read your statement correctly.

The system works like regular booster cards as I have stated and it is purely based on your luck. Again I stated that most MMO card games follow the same formula and it is a fair system to all the players that I have talked to.

< Message edited by Mondez -- 5/16/2013 21:51:04 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 368
5/16/2013 21:52:51   

I reedited my view cause i believe I might have cause a misunderstanding(I am an indifferent person)I see both side and I know what your talking about if I agreed only with 5 cards I wouldn't have given a solutions. But I also agree not wasting SG on thing that aren't fit on their price)
I gave solution and I think I made sure everything was clear and not misunderstanding was on my post now you can mention me.

And on Fixed GOld rate that never changed mondez now the price in Half I am happy about.
Now going back to booster Packs if ire member correctly each booster pack in stores have different covers but all had cards and each cards was on the same full deck but they only had some repeat and on the purpose of LUCK. I always picked packs that were related to each other and had different looks that way I never got cards that were repeated.(I am always on step ahead of the GAME: for the record I used to play Pokémon when I was 4)

< Message edited by Labyth -- 5/16/2013 21:55:38 >
Post #: 369
5/16/2013 22:00:46   
AQW Designer of All Things


Solution 1)
Now I understand CC is young but in consideration to good service it would be appropriate that at least 1 card out of the SG package is required to be rank 4 and up on stars ,Not just be random as well cause then you are getting the same chance as the gold deck even if you say you have better chance then Gold I think that I gotten better cards then you guys have in all those deck then I would say in overall you all have wasted a lot of SG which is money and have not gotten your money worth.\

solution 2) you increase the number of cards to 7.Instead 4sg would get you 7 cards and 15,000 gold get you only 5 cards this woul allow more cards to be taken in on sg and money wouldn't be wasted.(also gives good service and better chance to sg or people who support and gives a fair chance for those with gold).

solution 3)you lower the cost of the gold and sg to 3sg and 10000gold that should make people a bit happier ....Yeah I know what this means all those who already bought sg for 4 and also bought gold will have lost that extra amount but I believe that can be compensated for.I mean considering how many cards you got and since I believe their should be record for those who wasted sg on cards, then we can say that depending on how much wasted it depends on how much gold you will get back......You guys also realize this has already happened before with the x-boost yeah some people had really trained their character to lvl 20 and after the X-boost came out all that time and work they put in became useless. But this time I propose that for every package one bought they should get 1 extra card that should compensate for that extra amount you wasted.

1) We wanted everyone to have access to cards. That's the beauty of CC, that gold can give you a chance to get good cards, but SG helps that chance
2) Won't happen. As of right now, 7 would be too much. 5 is good.
3) The prices are fair. Won't be changing.


DF AQW Epic  Post #: 370
5/16/2013 22:02:56   

Thank you! I've tried hard to explain it, but you simplified it so easily.

Well I'm done with this issue so what's next for OS?

It's harder for me when I constantly lose and go through battles that have less to do with strategy and more to do with luck in ED.

I can get that much in half an hour and that's without the boosts in OS.

I can be wrong, but it's different for every person so in my view I'm not wrong because I have stated the valid points that proves legitimately that I'm not wrong.

< Message edited by Mondez -- 5/16/2013 22:07:10 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 371
5/16/2013 22:03:38   

@Mondez: I know gold rate has been increased but gold varies so it not always gives 500-1k, I have receive 3 gold from monsters with a lvl 20 character, so it really depends plus we shouldn't be including higher amounts than 500 gold since the ones that get more than that normally have +10 exp boosts or more.
I will not limit cards to SGs, instead we will give more quantity of cards per packs, instead of 5, it will give 7 cards per pack. I'm not one to limit such things.

Also you're wrong Mondez, ED has an easier system to get credits. I normally get 3k-4k in an hour without hesitating plus it has power hours which double that amount.

Having promos in OS won't be bad, and as you said, no one is oblige to get all promos. Is your choice to do it.
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 372
5/16/2013 22:06:42   

@asuka good comeback I understand your view and yes I did know that ..I understand how my Opinion were wrong (meaning my solutions)They are solution I am alright with the present CC after all Os isn't meant to be a custom game for one person Likes.

@mondez The shadow series cards iw as wondering which cards should be capped like freeze

@Below amen and also below the same answer but more in details answer I gave asuka. Sometime you just have too let people see what they want to see the opinion are their aren't valid solution but just Opinion I never said I agreed with them I mention them cause people would agree with them. I was indifferent I see both side as equal.And also Just like My P.S notes says.(also good job at getting warlic or whoever does it apart from warlic fix those things I pmed you<right now I am making another list to send you.)


Now let me tell you I KNOW EVERY Consequence people will have or act if this solution happened so don't try to tell me what will happened if each of my solution occur I know what will happened. For the record so far I have loved every card I gotten

I know exactly why this wasn't done and I know what each mean .

< Message edited by Labyth -- 5/16/2013 22:17:52 >
Post #: 373
5/16/2013 22:08:01   

A) If we limited the cards to cap at 5, there would be no "rare" cards, and people would have no need to keep buying packs.
B) If we caped all the cards at 1, there would be no "rare" cards and 3 packs would get you all of them.
C) SG packs already guarantee at least 1 3* card or higher with a chance to get all 5 cards 4* or 5* while the gold has a drastically less of a chance.
D) SG sales keep this game running if everything could be gotten easily with gold then the game would get scrapped and taken offline because it cant keep paying for itself to stay online.

Edit : man i type to slow, Asuka ninja-ed me ><

< Message edited by TheSage -- 5/16/2013 22:09:01 >


AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 374
5/16/2013 22:09:37   

Most probably Sacrifice, but that card is a double edged sword. 50% chance Poison, and 50% chance MoD.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 375
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