@Labyth You bring up good points and as an intellectual of outside thinking, I will counter your argument with mine. As such it is seen in many games during phases that once a phase is over in that game a prize will be given to all of the participants that logged in to play the phase. Now as a person who is a hardcore gamer in my standards I don't see anything wrong with this, but as such it is very and I mean very easy to get the reward by just logging in. The same process indeed is directed to the stress test phase of OS, but the thing was that the stress test was up for 3 different days at certain times and up certain times whereas phases or tests would have been up for long amounts of time. The one thing I noticed that Nulgath is going for with these phases are getting you to actually work to get your reward instead of just logging on and stating that you played the phase. Skexis was the best example and also the most unique way I've seen in an MMO with their phase rewards in getting the player to work for their prize for that phase. Beta had 3 perma rare characters that can be said to be the rewards since: 1. Revontheus had to be captured in a span of 3 days. 2. Xmas Fiend was to be obtained in a span of 2 to 3 weeks in the season also required to log in and get the character. 3. Rainbow Rev's prize is the same as #2 In a sense I don't mind if they do give a beta character, but the players I believe should work for it instead of just logging on and just be there digitally. For now I feel that they have 3 perma rares already to be considered Beta rewards and all of them were free. @daichi The starters have free Legendaries, but they are not unique so it wouldn't really make anyone happy in the least since there were plans for them anyways. *Late on the response, but oh well.
< Message edited by Mondez -- 5/28/2013 14:48:21 >