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RE: =AQ= Xov's Assault stories and poetry Commentary

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7/28/2013 22:36:30   


Yes, this is the real war. I knew all along that my story wouldn't match up with the actual in-game events. It's the inevitable consequence of writing before the events are released.

Up to this point, it seems like everyone has just been building up until the actual war starts. I, however, have grown tired of build-up, and decided to create my own ending. Let me explain why:

I had a plan for how I wanted this story to go. However, that plan counted on the war having already started, which unfortunately isn't the case. Dragging things out only lowers the overall quality of my story, so I decided to make my own finale instead.

AQ  Post #: 426
7/28/2013 22:48:00   

@battlemaster25 I see, it is a good point. It's original and cool, I think you'll come up with something good.
AQ  Post #: 427
7/29/2013 0:37:35   

@ss2195 I just read your story I have to say nice build up there. I'm looking forward for what's to come in the next chapter mainly because of some of the unintentional spoilers you gave about the Hydra Seal. Although I do have to say that some of the ideas you had for the Hydra Seal were kind of the same as what I wanted to use as powers of the immortal. Oh well I can probably think of something else. I'm probably going to get on that as soon as someone else votes for the top 3 favorite characters.

@Battlemaster First of all, YOLO. Really? Was that necessary? You know what know I'm not even going to do this now. Aside from that though nice build up. I'm looking forward to the epic battle that I'm expecting to come up soon.

< Message edited by hict98 -- 7/29/2013 0:40:07 >


AQ AQW  Post #: 428
7/29/2013 1:40:47   


@Battlemaster First of all, YOLO. Really? Was that necessary? You know what know I'm not even going to do this now. Aside from that though nice build up. I'm looking forward to the epic battle that I'm expecting to come up soon.

Were you not paying attention? Wyrm is part of that group. Of course it was necessary, for the sake of representing his character accurately.

Believe me, I only wrote it because I'm a stickler for accuracy, and "YOLO" is, unfortunately, accurate in this context.

< Message edited by battlemaster25 -- 7/29/2013 1:45:14 >
AQ  Post #: 429
7/29/2013 1:45:59   

Oh so Wyrm was the one who send that then. I wasn't sure because you didn't really show who said what so it got a bit confusing. In that case I think I need to send someone a personal pm about some of their habits that they should break lol. Anyways nice story.
AQ AQW  Post #: 430
7/29/2013 3:54:46   

Looks like the next Part is going to be waiting for quite the while... spent too long tryingto fix my computer that I have just given up for the night and hope it fixes itself.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 431
7/29/2013 5:46:53   
Seth Hydra
How We Roll Winner

I need a few more chars, for the final few (5) chapters of my story!

Anyone interested, please PM me your char's name, ability and personality!
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 432
7/29/2013 12:33:37   

Custodian (DF)

I keep proofreading in unorthodox manners of writing style to what can be effectively CnCed so you needn't worry about that. I am aware that not everyone is here to learn or to improve their writing style in the aim of making more full fledged stories.

Either way, due to my current business, it is unlikely I will get around to doing much of that for the time being I am afraid. If some expected it to come around, I apologize; you may always ask and I shall try but otherwise, it is unlikely that I will get around to much much less the entire slew of stories. *chuckles* You lot write a fair bit.
AQ  Post #: 433
7/29/2013 14:54:47   

You can say that again Elryn XD At the moment (in Microsoft Word) my whole story is 51 pages long
AQ  Post #: 434
7/29/2013 15:02:37   

@tommy o.O


I need to send someone a personal pm about some of their habits that they should break


@Battlemaster if you want to be accurate: #Y0105W46
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 435
7/29/2013 15:10:45   

@Flashbang One day you will change *looks off into distance* One day. lol

AQ AQW  Post #: 436
7/29/2013 15:38:18   

@hict What part of 'Nevar!' do you not understand?
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 437
7/29/2013 15:44:04   

@flashbang Sorry I only understand actual English words. For example I understand the word never, but not Nevar
AQ AQW  Post #: 438
7/29/2013 15:54:26   

@hict in that case, Never!
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 439
7/29/2013 16:04:48   

@flashbang You say you will never change, but you just changed nevar to never. This a small change, but a change nevertheless.

< Message edited by hict98 -- 7/29/2013 20:24:32 >
AQ AQW  Post #: 440
7/29/2013 22:42:52   


@Battlemaster if you want to be accurate: #Y0105W46

I have standards. I skipped the swag part because it exceeds my one-meme-per-line rule, and I ignored the numbers because they don't really work when spoken aloud.

Accuracy.... within reason.

< Message edited by battlemaster25 -- 7/29/2013 22:44:01 >
AQ  Post #: 441
7/29/2013 23:02:47   

My fifth chapter is up.....what do you guys think?
AQ  Post #: 442
7/29/2013 23:04:24   

Or you could hang a lampshade on Wrym's ability to speak impossiblities. Good for a laugh and keeps him in character! (I really need to break this addiction... )
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 443
7/29/2013 23:39:11   

Hey, if in the Assassin quests Shii can speak smiley faces, I think flashbang can speak numbers.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 444
7/30/2013 1:45:38   

@0Neo Well the story started out slow until you got to the chase. After that it really started to pick up to a pace where if I stopped reading it would haunt me in a way to finish this chapter. Now there are so many questions I have, the biggest one being what Hikari was chasing? Amazing job where you combined Hikari's and Seth's dialogue and brought in the new twitter announcement. When you talked about the letter in the story I was thinking that maybe you wrote your own, then I saw the twitter link and thought that maybe there was another new announcement that maybe I haven't seen. I was a bit disappointed when it was just the announcement saying the date of the war, but that's not your fault. I was just hoping for something a little for epic/new. Anyways now that you put this in your story I think it might be a good idea for me to do the same. I know exactly where to put it in too. All I need is someone else to vote and I can start.
AQ AQW  Post #: 445
7/30/2013 6:28:48   

Awesome chapter 0Neo! I'm glad that it was as long as it was too :D

The real life idea that there are very few members in each clan left really conveys a sort of hopelessness. Without the numbers of previous years is there any way to protect Paxia against the Truphma? I love those kind of thoughts because it will keep readers on their feet for the war.

I too am curious about this ghost that HY was chasing. A previous member of Glacius, or someone murdered at the hands of the Truphma? I suppose we will find out later on :L

And I am also curious as to why 0Neo has not returned. He met with Salem but will he be returning by the next chapter, I wonder...

@Hict Have you counted your own vote? I'm sure the vote of the writer is just as important :P

< Message edited by tommy2468 -- 7/30/2013 8:24:06 >
AQ  Post #: 446
7/30/2013 12:10:41   

@hict98 and tommy2468 I thank you for your words...I really tried to create a chapter that would build up enough tension and wonder in readers and it seems I succeeded. I really needed to make something good to keep competing against kors and tommy2468 :P

@hict98 I didn't thought of creating a letter by myself. Even if the idea would've been great, I thought the single announcement that war had been scheduled would be enough for Paxia to hold its breath, awaiting the dreaded day.

@tommy2468 regarding the ghost, I can't reveal who it was right now (neither will it appear on my next chapter) but I just wanted to inform you I have an idea for my final battle and in order to make it work, I need to do a severe bunnying of Hikari Yume's story (sorry about that). Regarding 0Neo, I'll let him remain on the mainland for a while since now I'm going to try something a bit more refreshing some of you might find familiar: GoT writing style. Now I'm trying to make a short chapter focused on a single character, give it a cliffhanger ending and troll everyone by switching to another character. Just know my next chapter will be another teaser fight like the one in chapter 2.

< Message edited by 0Neo -- 7/30/2013 12:15:13 >
AQ  Post #: 447
7/30/2013 15:22:28   

@tommy o.o You... You have no idea how much you helped. Now I can finally start writing. Well now I just have to try to chose which one's are my favorites. This might be harder than I thought. Oh I know! I could pick the ones that I could think would be best for the future of my story. So then I just would have to make a bunch of synopses of the next few chapters of my story and see which one would work best.

< Message edited by hict98 -- 7/30/2013 15:47:20 >
AQ AQW  Post #: 448
7/30/2013 17:45:44   

Glad I could help Hict XD I'm surprised you didn't take your own thoughts into account.

And 0Neo you can use HY whatever way you feel fit. So feel free to do some god moulding and bunnying :P

And does anyone know of any Nauticans who would be interested in being in my war story? I am gonna send a request up on the Paxia forum page anyway
AQ  Post #: 449
7/30/2013 17:49:40   

@tommy I believe Kilvakar would like to. I used Salem, but you already have him as clanless in your story so I guess you can't do the same.

< Message edited by hict98 -- 7/30/2013 17:50:07 >
AQ AQW  Post #: 450
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