 Mail Moogle of AdventureQuest
Alright, the new newsletter came out, Euky's war isn't mentioned in coming soon, so that means we have a bit of time before we can expect/get excited for it. so for now we can take it easier a bit with the reogranizing and whatnot. At least pace wise. I will get that FAQ updated today |: New Edit, very important please Read: The FAQ is updated, for the most part: http://forums2.battleon.com/f/tm.asp?m=6338926 Oliver, Theosenia, please update sections I indicated about your clan. The rest of you, let me know hwat you think, and tell me what else is needed. Goverment status section is updated as well. But I'll post stuff here too to respond to posts and whatnot. Nautica: I am glad at least ONE older Nautican is active, I thought all y'all drifted away. DethHollow has exactly 24 hours to respond to the PM since he posted today. He either returns and resumes his duties as Clan Head or he is outed... and hiddenfire will take over as Clan Head. dragonfire is more then welcome to join Nautica as a diplomat, but that's up to y'all. I do think dethhollow has effectively left Paxia unforunately due to his goodbye post but I am always willing to give one more chance to a veteran who was active during the dead years. Igneus: Sacchi is stepping down... uhh, I think Hollow Knight may take over but y'all are taking care of that so you're being bumped up from Dead to "restructuring" since some older members popped up. Note that you do not have a description for government, because your current system is... well I'm giving y'all the chance to change things a bit. I don't want any major overhauls like a new dictatorship or something that completely violates y'all's constitution, but if you want to remove/add a sub-council or position then that's more then reasonable. Let me know when y'all are settled in, and how you like your descriptions in the Paxia FAQ Glacius: You are in the process of upheaval right now. As the deadest of the clans all old members are kicked out and I'm allowing the most leniency with restructuring your government. Don't go crazy, but let me know what you want added to your descriptions in the Paxia FAQ as well, and please let me know when you get more members, then we'll talk about putting you guys from "Overthrowing dead old regime" to "restructuring" Nocturu: In the same boat as Igneus, some older members have popped up and are willing to help revive, so y'all are also "restructuring". Decide who has what position, let me know if you hear word from the other two inactive Renevents/Scions... Your goverment section is also blank as I'm allowing y'all to change stuff up too, let me know if you like your description in the FAQ Aerodu: Holding elections, stable, Paxia FAQ fine Geoto: Stable, will get elections running, giving Oliver the duty of updating FAQ for Geoto Dynami: Stable and lurking, asking them on Private forums for input LUcian: Also stable and lurking, Theosenia willi udpate the FAQ. And that's it for the Paxia front for now. Aerodu needs to update their own threads AND I need to finish my suggestions thread so I'll be workin gon that, but please post here with anything else. Also, if you are bored: Paxia Post, the old newsletter we used to have, needs a revival. :P
< Message edited by Ultrapowerpie -- 7/3/2013 17:59:27 >