The alignment-feature can be implemented despite the amount of creatures, depending its mechanic. Question is, what it determines: - ability to capture - ability to play with It was stated alignment based on fight can be changed, so characters residing in the inventory should not effect the decision. There are currently 127 wild creatures, 7 gold-only creatures, 8 permarare characters, some seasonal and several SG-only characters. This is not an amount unreasoned alignment appear on them all of a sudden, IF the amount don't incrise too much further. Anyway, my choice of aligment would be: -45 for Cthulhu + Hydra (did u know they are spouses in the Lovecraft-universe?) and Beholder (Behemoth is also attractive) or -40 for Strigoi, Hast**, Cthulhumanoid, Fenrir
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