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RE: =MtAK= You've Encountered An Ice Beetle! What Do?

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9/11/2013 18:55:22   

Maaaaan you guys sure asked a lot of questions! I hope I satisfied your burning curiosities. Thanks to everyone that's commented so far! I had fun answering them :)

I may regret asking this but...*gulps* is there any more you'd all wish to know?
AQW  Post #: 26
9/11/2013 19:18:05   
Wolf Rider


That's all for me! Congrats again, and good luck!
Thank you, sempai :) Also, cute puppy!

You'll get away with it this time, but Blaze is not a puppy.
Ack sorry don't eat me! You're a big, strong scary wolf!

Why a beetle? Are they your favorite insect IRL, or is there a different reason?
It's because I use an Ice Beetle as my primary character for PvP. He's got a strange deck, where half the time he's terrible, but the other times he's a terrifying Ice beast, and it all depends on luck. I loved how such a little bug could occasionally take down some of the biggest and most powerful characters in the game xD

That's all, I think. And, yea, MTAKs are a blast. They're about the most fun you get to have as an AK. The rest of the work is, well, work. :P Satisfying work, but still work all the same.
I see... well bring it on! I knew it wasn't always gonna be fun Q&A with friends :P Thanks again for dropping by!

< Message edited by Lord Beck -- 9/11/2013 22:45:33 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 27
9/11/2013 19:34:57   

Ohaider. It's me. Again. Your stalker. Or maybe I'm the prey who's being stalked? Who knows. What I know is that a) those didn't count as questions and b) that I have more for you. So let's get to it, shall we? ...also rather or not I am British or not shall remain a secret just as my being Swedish or not. And that didn't count as a question either. LEGGO
-- MY EGGO! ...sorry couldn't resist xD

1) Of what nationality are you?
I'm American!... from China. But there's no such thing as an American-Chinese dual citizenship, so I'm American!

2) What is one thing that really annoys you when a person does it?
When someone uses emoticons -- and ONLY emoticons -- to reply to things I say. We are typing. You can use words. Use them to talk, not to draw! >:0

3) What is your 'catchphrase' or motto? Or both. Or one of the two. Y'know. Whatever.
I've got several that I've borrowed from various places, because I admire people who are clever with words and can convey complex thoughts with only a few short phrases. One that I'm quite fond of is "'It's easy once you know the trick to it!', said the crocodile as he learned to fly." (If you can place this quote, then wow, you did some random readings in junior high" xD
My other quotes are a lot things Albus Dumbledore said, plus random books, and some games... Basically if I start talking funny, I'm probably quoting someone xD

4) If you could go anywhere, where would you go?
Anywhere in the world? For free? Go visit certain people in various parts of the world, and complete my dream tour of Europe... which covers a few of the people I want to visit, actually xD

5) If you could go to any one day, and live out the day, what day would it be?
You mean in history? Ooooh difficult. The thing is, many days aren't that remarkable; It's only certain portions of the day that are. I'll go with the day that McDonald's went public I guess. I'll being my $100, buy a looooooooot of stocks, deposit that in a bank, and come back to today to become a millionaire.

6) Favourite non-Artix game?
The World Ends With You, because I love the combat, love the story, and love the characters. Square Enix, why can't you make more games like this??

7) Favourite and least favourite class (in school)?
Currently? Favorite class is Anatomy, and least favorite class is biochemistry. I wanna learn how the big pieces work, not the little pieces!

8) Favourite animal (non-insect)?
Well I've got lots of favorite animals. What I like to draw the most? Wolves. They're incredibly expressive and also cool looking.

9) What langauges can you speak?
English, and I'm not gonna pretend to speak anything else, because I know I'd fail horribly. I wanna learn at least 2 languages though... just haven't worked up the motivation to devote myself to it xD

10) If you were to be stuck on an abandoned island with three of your friends, who would they be and what would happen?
Oh glob... If I could choose any? My friend who's a boy scout, the princely Asa, and you, Rin Rin. The boy scout guy can probably build us a boat/radio, Asa would make people actually WANT to come rescue us, and we'd keep each other sane xD
Also between us all, we could probably come up with a pretty awesome D&D campaign, to pass the time.

So there's your next ten. G'luck getting to another page, in which case I'll give you more. <3
I doubt we'd get to that point, but if we do, I'll look forward to it!


< Message edited by Lord Beck -- 9/11/2013 23:26:35 >
Post #: 28
9/11/2013 20:03:13   

Beck, people are just really curious about you aren't they? xD
They MUST be. Or just very bored. It's hard to tell!

I'm pretty curious too... Here goes

Do you wear glasses?
Yes I do. I'm blind as a bat without them, sadly...

Sure! With friends. Though I often feign ignorance of the basic rules and make comments until they either see the absurdity and highly contrived nature of the event they are watching, or they send me out for snacks. I do not return with the snacks xD

What's your favorite non-AE game?
A repeat question! So I'll give you a different favorite. Kingdom Hearts, because despite the questionable turn(s) the point has taken, the combat and basic premise of the games continue to pull me in.

What's the most precious thing to you? (Don't answer this one if you don't want to)
I suppose that would be my memories, and I try to hold on tight to the things that are associated with those memories. So a big part of my precious things are my friends. Friends make my days better, and share my joys and trials with me. Best of all, they each change me, and leave parts of them with me to make me a better, more whole person. Tell me if this is starting to sound like a speech from Kingdom Hearts xD

What's your position on Weasels?
The animal? Love 'em. Tough little guys! Bite all the things!!
See you next page! :D

Thanks! <3
If I DO have another page, then yes, see you there! And hey, I should be the one saying thanks!

< Message edited by Lord Beck -- 9/11/2013 23:25:44 >
Post #: 29
9/11/2013 20:24:45   
The Finnish Phoenix

This is very exciting! My internet access has been limited to library sessions lately since I just moved, but this is certainly an awesome thing check in to. I'd like to profusely thank whoever appointed you for making an amazing choice!
That would be Mritha, aka the Purple Lady, aka the Boss. Thank her! And uuuhh... we'll see about the amzing choice thing :P

Oh, and I guess I'll pester you a little. ;)
Go for it!

What's your second favorite element? (Your first isn't as mysterious xD)
That would be Earth. It has a very similar playing style to Ice, but is more versatile, I think. What can I say, I love my defense!

Would you support the implementation of a Wind element?
I wouldn't be against it, but I'd have to hear more about the specifics of how it's set up first.

If Cosoma were to get a Legendary evolution, what should it be called?
the Cosoma Colossus xD Someone suggested that name a while ago, and I've always loved it.

Welp, my library internet's set to boot me in 51 seconds and counting down so I guess I'll have to end it there but good luck as an AK and I'll be sure to be less rowdy knowing that an errant post means a horn to the face. See ya around!
Thank you for stopping by. See ya!

< Message edited by Lord Beck -- 9/11/2013 23:31:08 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 30
9/11/2013 20:34:29   
The Void Calls

I'm beck (back) has anyone ever made that terrible pun?
Oh yes, on twitter mostly xD But I approve of puns, so it's ok~

Can you play any instruments?
I can play the ocarina, and "play" the piano with one hand xD Nah, I'm mostly musically untalented, though I am quite proud of my whistling skills.

If a monkey caught a train a 3pm on Tuesday afternoon in Space Australia how many hours would it take for him to reach Dimension 72?
Trick question because there IS no escape from Space Australia!

^Close but the answer was actually Blue. Come back next time for your chance to win a brand new car.
Aww darn D: I could've used a car...

Do you like the wolf of lightning?
Oh yes, and even better now that there's CC, so I can make them shoot bursts of lightning from their mouths every other turn. Very satisfying!

Are my questions odd?
No I feel they're quite even.

What do you think of Void Knight evolving into a Grimlord?
Why not? They look cool :)

Last question.....can I have your soul see I'm running low I only have about 6 left over and as you know a minimum of 7 is required to power a trans dimensional space time continuum flux capacitor, now hear me out by giving me your soul you are granted free health care, wifi, and the best one of all (at least IMO) all the pie you can eat, sweet deal right? Just sign on the dotted line..... here......and here...... and you mothers maiden name.
Nope sorry, I've got my soul on consignment. *rattles AK chains*

That's it I'll be leaving now *tips hat*
Thanks for stopping by again, and also, thanks for the colors/bold! That was very thoughtful of you :P

Edit: Have you ever listened/watched a Welcome to Night Vale podcast?
No... should I? Will they change my life?


< Message edited by Lord Beck -- 9/11/2013 23:36:38 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 31
9/11/2013 20:45:14   

*comes out of a pillar of flames*

Hey Beck! Been awhile! I'm quite busy nowadays, but I checked the forums and noticed that you became an AK! I'll ask you some questions like I did to most AKs... *handcuffs Beck to a chair*
Oh dear... this escalated quickly xD

1) Why is the sky blue?
Because waaaaay high up, past the airplanes but below the low earth orbit satellites, are where the Ice Beetle migration paths are. Sunlight scatters across our scales and paint the whole sky blue.
The sky looks red in the evenings because a few of us fly too close to the sun and catch on fire.

2) What is the first thing you thought of today when you woke up?
I believe it was something like "Blaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrggghhh why is it 6:30am?!?" :P

3) If you had a super power, what would it be?
The power of perfect, instantaneous teleportation! I could save so much time if I never have to commute anywhere...

4) Do you hate any bugs? (You know... non-beetles..?)
I rather detest wasps. As I've mentioned before in a previous answer, I think they're just evil Beedrill evolutions out to ruin our day.

5) If you were suddenly the leader of your county, what would be your first official act and why?
My first act would be to fire all of congress, every one of them, and hold brand new elections. Candidates must post 10 min or less campaign videos on Youtube, and the winners will be decided after 2 months via Reddit.

That's all for now, good luck with your shackles (and my ultra unbreakable handcuffs! *leaves Beck stuck to the chair and leaves a cookie that is just out of reach from him, whether he flies or not*
D: But but but cookie!!

< Message edited by Lord Beck -- 9/11/2013 23:43:27 >
DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 32
9/11/2013 21:52:01   
The Dealer

- *Flails arms wildly* Beck! Beck! It's me!
Yes you! I pick you! Way in the back with the steampunk and the awesome!

- So time for some seriously personal normal questions!
ooooh boy :P Fire away!

1) How did you first find out about AE? What about OverSoul?
I first found out about AE through an ad, and I found out about Oversoul through AQW. Decided to play a year ago and have't been able to stop since.

2) How did you come across the Forums?
I think just from playing Oversoul :P The forums were where all the cool people were hanging out, trading release information. It was fun, and I met some seriously great people here.

3) How did you first find out about the Ice Beetle and all it's glory?
When I went back to try and capture all the Ice Beasts, and Ice Beetle was one of the ones I was missing. Then I got him to level 10, and started PvPing, and it was just the bestthingever so of course I kept at it! :P

4) How did you find out about me?!
On the forums here, silly. You're included in the above "great people" comment.

5) Oh yeah! I remember that. Pshh. Of course.
Uhuh. tooootally xD

- Would you look at that!
Huh? *looks away*

- *Flails hands* Bye!
*looks back* Oh darnit... *puts away Bestest Pals Cake*

< Message edited by Lord Beck -- 9/11/2013 23:49:25 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 33
9/11/2013 21:59:12   

I have returned, as promised. I'm a man of my word after all.

First of all, I am very pleased by your answer to my third and final question on the last page. Very pleased...
Errrr... yay?

So then, more interrogation friendly, harmless questions!

1. If you could combine two OS characters, both in art/theme and in cards, what would they be?
Ice Beetle + Rev Egg = Cosoma Titan. I mean look at him. Just look! It's like the Titan broke into Rev's house and stole a bunch of his armory xD

2. How would you define your attitude towards life?
Hope for the best and plan for the worst!

3. Have you noticed how my questions switch between the general and pointless, and the philosophical?
Well I sure noticed it now!

4. Do you like They Might Be Giants?
Didn't they do the theme song to Malcolm in the Middle? I LOVE that show! So yes, yes I do like them :P

5. Might you be a giant?
Not really, I'm quite small and harmless...

6. Were you raised by non-humans? (Bats, beetles, Chuck Norris, etc.)
I was raised by other Ice Beetles but then I wandered off alone, and was taken in by many other strange characters who decided they were my friends. They are all as human as can be, yet are not. Isn't that wonderful?

7. Can I borrow part of your soul, just a tiny part you wouldn't miss anyway?
Sorry nope, it's on consignment~ *hides behind AK chains*

8. How many more pages do you think you'll get on this?
Well I didn't even think we'd make it past the FIRST page, soooo... I'm thinking this is it xD Unless you people have lots and lots of free time on your hands you and just felt like pressing a beetle for answers all night long.

9. Assuming the multiverse theory is indeed true, how does it make you feel to know that in some dimension you are an orphaned criminal, struggling for each day?
Thankful, because wow, I sure have it good!

10. Do you like waffles?
Love them! Especially when other people make them for me.

Well, that's all for this page. I might return!
Haha, thanks, and I'll look forward to it if we make it to another page!

< Message edited by Lord Beck -- 9/11/2013 23:55:20 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 34
9/12/2013 0:03:35   

Hello again Beck.
Hello Megaknight :)

Time to give you more questions so you won't feel bored.
I don't feel bored when I don't get questions... I just feel flattered that I DO get asked them :P

First off, red dragon shall burn your beetle, cosoma and cosoma titan to ashes! RWAHAHAHA!
Well that's not very nice of him! *Shields 2000* *Freeze* *Ice Orb*

Ok, seriousness now. I have no more questions after these last few.

1)Which of the OS characters (other than Beetles, Cosoma and Cosoma Titan) are your favourites?
I've already answered this multiple times in different forms, but I guess my most recent favorites are Queen Aegea (who is even a bigger wall than most Ice characters), and Earth Elemental.

2)Which elements are your favourite?
Ice, Earth, Light, and Lightning. Repeated questions...

3)Do you love OS and why?
Yes I do, for the pokemon playing style, the people associated, and the art. I just wish it'd get more love...

4)Would you love to kill in-game Dage the evil for daring to betray Nulgath?
Nah. I'm more of a "live and let live" kind of beetle. Plus, he draws awesome stuff. How can I wish for his demise?

5)Is Rev your artist idol?
Rev's my friend, and a frequent inspiration do try to improve my art. I wouldn't say he's my idol though, lest that gives him too big of a head xD

6)Would you love to work alongside Rev in drawing more creative characters? I would love to see that since you are one of those with talented in drawing.
I would love to collab anything with him, but alas, his capabilities often vastly overwhelm my own. Plus, he's too busy for that sort of thing. Oh, and I still think you're being to generous with your words xD

7)Which of the void/fiend characters who are minions of Nulgath such as blood fiend, void knight, void reaper, hex void, frost void, dread fiend, infernal fiend are your favourite?
Actually I don't really like the looks of the void/fiend characters all that much. Too many random faces. If I had to pick a favorite though, I'd say Void Reaper.

8)Who do you think the Old One really is?
Miltonius xD

9)Will you play OS forever?
Probably not forever, but for as long as the staff work in this game, yes. Which I hope will be for a while to come.

10) The final question, you complete every questions I gave to you! Good Job!
That is not a question! Question Police, arrest him! *blows whistle*

Enjoy being AK!
Thank you, and see ya later!

< Message edited by Lord Beck -- 9/12/2013 0:03:35 >
Post #: 35
9/12/2013 18:05:15   

Hello again! I always ask more than once, when I get the chance. :P
Go for it!

1. Why isn't there any Pit Grinders in OS? D:
What is a pit grinder? Someone that searches for Poison Drakes a lot? If it's a monster, why not suggest it?

2. If you could describe yourself with one word. What would it be?

3. Can the Cossoma Beetle fly?
Of course it can! Battle me some time and I'll show ya the epic flying 5-hit hug~

4. Will you watch "The Fox"?
No, I'm not usually into random internet memes.

5. If the earth got frozen very fast, would you be happy or mad?
Mad? How about sad that we'd all die?? On the other hand, that's how the story of Adventure Time starts sooo.... guess I'd be happy too :P

6. Is Vagaran (Vaggy) really not on your side? Can I call you my ally?
Errr... sure? I mean it's not like Vagaran and I are great rivals or anything. I remember having some very fun duels with him in the past.

7. What is your favorite food? (Spicy, sweet or sour?)
Ooooh, hard pick. I like flavorful foods. Right now, I'm craving some nice hot curry.

That's it. :D
(Might start being more active on the OS forum too, just don't know how to play the game... :P)
It'd be great to have you! And you should really give Oversoul a try :)

< Message edited by Lord Beck -- 9/15/2013 23:26:28 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 36
9/12/2013 20:11:39   

Time to break the new guy in with some questions.
*gulp* Ok senpai...

1. What is your stance on the color blue?
I like it! Very soothing, and also beautiful.

2. Who's your favorite girl in the Tenchi Universe?
Err... I don't really have one? The blue haired one, I guess.

3. Are you an "Autobots Transform and Roll Out!" or "Decepticons Rise Up" person?
Autobots, because their name seems more trustworthy than the Decepticons. Plus, I like protecting people better than ruling them :P

4. Kamen Rider franchise has lot of awesome humanoid monster types. Which type of Kamen Rider monster you think would feel right at home in Oversoul?
But I don't watch Kamen Rider D: The only way I know of them is through Detective Conan, where they reference them sometimes.

5. Whats your favorite character from league of legends?
I don't have one because I don't play LoL... yes I AM in fact the lamest person ever.

6. What is your favorite version of CM Punk?
Err... sorry no dice again xP I think I'm failing this test.

7. One of my fellow AQWorld mods, Sparhawk and I have been having a friendly rivalry in Oversoul to keep us motivated. Where one of those rivalries is total actually character amounts. Where we only count the actually character number and not previous form choices. Where Found character counts as 1 instead of 4. Sadly it be a while before I can catch up with. So my question is do you feel confident in your total character amounts to challenge him to a total character max race for fun?
Oh, quite so. I have all non-SG characters, and quite a few of the SG-only ones as well. Tell him to bring it on!

8. Do you think you can beat my main Character Level 20 Alexis?
Mhm~ My level 19 Ice Beetle could definitely give her a run for her money! If you ever see me in-game, feel free to ask for a duel... or just use your AK powers to track me down and I'm game :P

9 & 10. From my character suggestion to oversoul. Which one did ya like & think I should resubmitted with update/different backstory?
Err... I read quite a few of them. Was yours the one with the lady in a bar who shot snakes from her mouth? Cus that one was fun. Though I'd suggest coming up with a whole new character to submit, since that's more fun than entering the same ones each time.

< Message edited by Lord Beck -- 9/15/2013 23:35:01 >
DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 37
9/13/2013 12:16:38   

Hello again Beck!
*waves* Hello there!

How did you find Oversoul?
I found it being advertised during the Dage vs. Nulgath war in AQW. I'd beta'd for AQW, and then stopped playing for around 3 years, and came back just in time for that event, so I guess it was quite fortuitous that I found OS at all :P

How would you say a energize but for another element, say water?
Fresh Start? xD Charging cards do exist for other elements.

What would you say if weapons are introduced in OS and can make a gameplay change?
I'd say that sounds like Artifacts, and we've already had many discussions on how cool Artifacts could change up the combat.

Do you have any tips for using a 40 soulgems?
I'd save 20 for SG characters/evolutions, 16 for Card Packs, and 4 for capturing characters.

What if there is a more powerful variant of legendary?
This depends entirely on your playing style. If you favor Defense above all else, I'd go with Queen Aegea. If you love attacking, try Evil Jim. If you just want to look cool and be a giant dragon of doom, buy some SG's and get the Black Dragon.

If you could choose any character to include in OS what would it be.
...at the risk of sounding hopelessly self-centered, I admit that I'd love to see my Ancient Shrine be put in the game. Unfortunately with Rev leaving for ED, that's highly unlikely to happen now.
Besides that, I'd like to see more player suggestions implemented, since I believe the OS community is so great, and that including their suggestions would be a great way to reward their loyalty to this understaffed game.

What is your opinion about using more than 1 character per fight.
Like when this happened in Pokemon, I'd say it'll be a revolutionary change. Everything would be very interesting with 2 characters!

Does Odsey seems like a Chinese name for you?
Not at all. Why? Is that what you were going for?

Thanks, and have a nice day!(Drop a beetle food).
*munches on food* Thx!

< Message edited by Lord Beck -- 9/15/2013 23:43:42 >
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 38
9/13/2013 17:29:58   
Grixus Faldor

Heyyyyy! :D Congrats and welcome, beetle!
*flies in a circle* Thanks senpai! :D

How're the shackles?
Snug, and kinda tingly. Still quite comfortable though!

Need warmers? (Purple only )
Sure! Purple is a lovely color~

Which novels are your favourites?
Harry Potter is my obligatory mention, since I basically grew up with that universe. My other favorite novels recently are the Temeraire series (war and dragons and gentlemen!), and The Fault in Our Stars, by John Green. It made me cry. I'm a big enough beetle to admit it. But it also made me laugh and love the characters, which is how you know it was a great book.
Other books I've enjoyed in the past are the Artemis Fowl series ("I'm the nut! I'm the nut!" xD), The Seventh Tower series (wonderfully original magics), and the Way of Shadows (dark and magics and politics)

What are your favourite films?
Favorite films? I don't have many of these, since I don't watch movies all that often. The most recent one that I watched and liked was Terminator II though. A friend found out I'd never seen it before and corrected this travesty :P

Got any particular author or director you like?
Aside from the wonderful Ms. Rowling, I love the authors of all the books mentioned above, and have read many of their other works as well.

What games do you play outside of Oversoul?
I don't have that much time for gaming in general, But I generally enjoy RPG or puzzle games, or games with great stories like Ghost Trick or Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney. I absolutely stink at shooting or racing or fighting games though, soooo yeah... that removes the majority of major console games.
Hmmm... that's all!

Congrats and welcome again :D

< Message edited by Lord Beck -- 9/15/2013 23:58:04 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 39
9/15/2013 3:54:06   

Hey again Becky two Shoes!

I'm starting to suspect this is your motto, yes xD

2) Would you like immortality?
Nope, that sounds infinitely boring. I would like it if I could make 1 or more people immortal with me, though, and if I got to choose when I could not be immortal anymore.

3) How cute are cats?
Very cute! You know, when they're not scratching me/shedding all over the place.

5) Do you secretly snuggle cats before you sleep?
I don't own a cat, but if I did... yes.

6) Why are you so awesome?
I'm not awesome, you're just fell for my spell~

7) Cats? CATS?

8) Dogs or Cats (Warning: Choosing dogs can get you assassinated by 30+ cats)?
Uhhh... cats?

9) Are you having fun being AK?
Well so far, all I've done is learn some rules, socialize a bit, and get to know the others. Sooo... yes xD

10) Dance with me?
*flies in a circle above your head* How's that for dancing? :P

Have a great day now, Beck!
You have a good day too, cat!

< Message edited by Lord Beck -- 9/16/2013 13:57:34 >
Post #: 40
9/15/2013 22:04:03   


Welcome to your doom the team!

Hope the shackles fit nicely!

Congratulations! :D

Thanks senpai! I look forward to actually being useful to the team.

< Message edited by Lord Beck -- 9/16/2013 13:58:25 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 41
9/16/2013 5:24:02   
Tower Knight

Well, congradulations aside you would probably do best if you put an end to this becuase believe me, these comments will not stop, especially if the user is all giddy about getting a direct response. Me included. So to that extent I better put up my own question in response, the newbie that I am, to this post. Don't wear yourself out answering everything.
But of course I have to reply to everything! :0 You guys took the time to stop by and say hi; it would be rude of me to not answer when I can :P

1.) Was the Hard and sharp-cornered road to ArchKnightship a difficult one for yourself? Do you feel as though you have accomplished something as the result of your endevours and if so how do you fell (besides the obvious)
You make it sound like I set out to be an AK or something xD Honestly, I just stalked the forum lots, tried to be honest and kind in my comments, and then one day, as I was minding my own business, this pack of crazy people threw AK shackles at me and invited me to join. It was weird :P But I'm happy about it, and I'm gonna try and do my best to help out around here.

2.) Was it ever your intention to become an ArchKnight? Or perhaps did you just simply have the urge to help others?
See above question xD Basically they ambushed me. And of course I like to help others! That's how you make friends and have a good time~

3.) Now that you are an ArchKnight, what will be your latest development in the upkeeping of the Oversoul Game? What role do you hope to play?
Role? Basically try to keep the community alive, and support the team/players in whatever way I can. Remember, ArchKnight is just a fancy title for a recognized forum helper, it doesn't give me any power or extra knowledge about the game itself.
What it DOES mean though is that if you ever see me in-game, you can ask me lots of questions. And if you get frustrated with other AKs, you can beat me up in a duel and feel better :P

4.) And Finally how do yo- *crash* Mother of Zards! A wild BrutalCorn!? Here!?, Now!? Time to prove your mettle Sir Knight! :
Brutalcorn?! >:0 *Shatter* *Shatter* *Shatter* *Freeze* *Shield +2000* *Ice Orb*

< Message edited by Lord Beck -- 9/16/2013 14:05:44 >
Post #: 42
9/16/2013 10:56:05   

Hello Beck, I'm back again.
Hi again :)

Why do you think Tharr wields an axe when Sword Warrior has a Sword?
Because Tharr is the best of both Warriors, and plus PUNY HUMAN, BARBARIANS SWING AXES NOT SWORDS. THAAAAAAAAARRRRR!!! <--- best barbarian rendition ever

On a scale of 1 to 100, 1 being the worst 100 being the best, how good do you think Evil Jim is?
I'd say a 70. He's easily one of the most offensive characters, and can devastate opponents at low, sometimes even high levels. However, I'm pretty sure I can beat him with my little Beetle sooo... yeah xD

Hope those shackles fit nicely, you'll have them for awhile.
They do match my shell very well. I sure hope they stay for a while!

Sword, Axe, or Mace?
Mace! Mace in your face! Make space for mace!

Well that is all, and I hope you have a fun time being an AK.
Thanks man :)

< Message edited by Lord Beck -- 9/16/2013 14:15:30 >
DF  Post #: 43
9/16/2013 11:53:28   

Beck! *hugs*
Wolfy! *hugs back*

Firstly, congratulations on your new position!
Thanks :) It certainly made my week last week.

1.I'm sure Mritha had small enough shackles for your, uh feet?
Oh, she has ways... *shivers*

2.Why the colour bloo?
1) Blue is ice and ice is nice! and 2) I inherited it from you~ ...Hope you don't mind.

3.How have you found being an AK so far?
Well since I've only seen the fun parts of the job so far, it's been great! Been waiting for the other shoe to fall. *Shields +2000*

4.How do you feel about your dragon being entered by Rev?
...yeah that's not happening anymore. Rev put on his Deputy hat and got dragged away to EpicDuel. He doesn't have the time for making anything, let alone my dragon anymore.

More questions will come, so Be prepared! <-Hopes you get that reference
Of course I get the reference xD And yes, if we do reach another page, bring it on!

< Message edited by Lord Beck -- 9/16/2013 14:22:09 >
Post #: 44
9/16/2013 14:31:34   
Legendary AK!!!

*snugglehugs the beetle!*
Ack! Balu, hug with your heart, not your aaaaarms! *is slightly crushed*

congrats on your new forum position! :-)
Thanks senpai xD I'll try to be worthy of it.

standard question i ask everyone (don`t worry it`s an easy one):

what`s the meaning of life?
That's a silly question. You mean "what is the point of living?" To make the best story ever, obviously. Add to the beautiful complexity of the human experience~

Quick, list the top three movies that most people have never seen but are awesome nevertheless?
1) Clue: the movie, made in the 1980's, 2) Batman: Under the Red Hood, featuring Jake the Dog as the voice of the Joker, and some dude named Neil Patrick Harris~, and 3) Disney's Treasure Planet, which I realize some people might have seen, but more people should recognize it's brilliance and surprisingly great similarities to the book xD

what is your opinion on the color green? *grins in anticipation*
Green is actually my favorite color! Expecially the green of summer grass in the sunlight. It's such a fresh color, and I don't get to see it often enough in my daily life xD

can i has some grinding music?
Grinding music? Ummm... the theme song to Pacific Rim, anything by Lindsey Stirling on youtube, and lots and lots of instrumental/jazz covers of famous anime songs. That's what I listen to, anyway xD

that`s it for now. see you around! :-)
Thanks for stopping by, big guy!

< Message edited by Lord Beck -- 9/16/2013 14:31:34 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 45
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