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RE: =AE= BATTLECON AE Q&A: We Need Questions

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10/3/2013 12:58:50   
Heroes of the Scape

One thing I have always wanted to know is: How many of the AQ staff members work at the Secret Underground Lab? I only ever hear about the AQW staff being there.

To my knowledge zero at least of the regular game staff.

< Message edited by Falerin -- 10/29/2013 19:51:58 >
AQ  Post #: 26
10/3/2013 15:17:53   
Legendary Loremaster


ORIGINAL: In Media Res

Hey! So I had some questions, but I ran them through the Bad Translator. What I want you to do is to answer the questions, but run your answers through the Bad Translator so that we're all speaking the same language.

Return to Canada?

Why is it, when the sound of a duck?

What are you talking about?

To avoid this, but I'm radioactive This time, Radio rights. «««In fact, the atomic number?

Ninja? My fault?

Falerin responds to IMR thusly:

"I Love Canada. I used specifically to ensure that Toronto. Unfortunately, it was destroyed when he was cleaning in Toronto."

"The sounds of anitra that charms. I adore the anitra with a side of the caviar. "

"I never have rare ideas that around every one conversations. "

"It wakes, feels I that in my sufficient bone at the expression you systemize it, cleanly the reception to the new aiguilles to the new aiguilles to make"

"Obvious. The pirates are also his errors. "
Post #: 27
10/5/2013 21:19:40   
RevzZ the Optivus

One question which I'm sure has been asked but:

Artix: Which was the earliest memory which inspired and sparked the creation of AE? Did you think of it by yourself or as a team? If it was a team, then who was involved? Was there a sponsor to fund the beginning project or was it completely self-sustained from your own pocket at first? When and how did such an idea become an actual serious thing to change into a career path? Were you originally thinking of following a different path before creating AE? Could you describe a brief path of how the idea of AE went from speculation into reality? Any suggestions/advice for people who are interested in creating/joining a game company?

Sorry...I'm naturally curious. I hope that wasn't too much for one person...I think that was a little to much...


AQ DF  Post #: 28
10/6/2013 23:56:09   
Lord Markov

@ any of the staff who know
Where did Artix get that awesome metal armor he was wearing at DragonCon?
AQ  Post #: 29
10/7/2013 1:36:54   
  Grixus Faldor

@Artix: When did you develop the initial concepts and ideas behind AdventureQuest? Who did you begin your project with?

@Galanoth: What does your role entail?
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 30
10/7/2013 11:59:16   
Heroes of the Scape

@Artix: What was your biggest roadblock in the early stages of your company?
AQ  Post #: 31
10/11/2013 6:40:52   

So, here it is, the 11th. Nothing in the in-game news. Nothing new in the Design Notes. Nothing in the Events map. Nothing in the Battleon lobby. /Joining 'Battlecon' or 'convention' don't go anywhere.

Is BattleCon delayed? Or just hidden? Or did I wake up too early?
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 32
10/11/2013 7:23:48   

Just a few questions:

@AQ team: Can you describe from start to finish how a typical weekly release comes together?

@AQ team: With many staff members not working at the underground lab, how much of an influence does this have over the game as a whole?

@AQ Artists: Can you describe your design process for creating AQ items? Do you sketch onto paper, sketch on the computer or go straight into a piece? How long does a typical piece take?

@AQ Artists: Will you ever consider doing live drawings?

@Lord Barrius: If by a complete random coincidence you saw Elbhe with approximately 600 billion “loose change” gold pieces, what do you think Elbhe would be inclined to spend it on?

@Hollow: How did you get involved and start helping with AQ, what’s been your toughest challenge?

@To the monster description writer/s: Do you research and write several descriptions picking the best, or do they come naturally?
For me, they come naturally. The only thing I really had to research was the Chillax Crusader's description, since I saw a burning crusader armour and the first thing I thought was WoW: The Burning Crusade. But I've never played the game, so I had to look everything up and ask my friends who played.

Oh, and anything with alliteration. *snuggles Thesaurus.com* ~IMR

@ Eukky/LB: With a Truphma camp so close to the Veil, and the expansion of Ultimon’s storyline what would happen if the two sides met. I’m not too versed on the shadow converting process; however is it possible for a shadow creature to be dulled? Also what effect would it have on the landscape?

@Lord Barrius: Although shadow creatures can take on many forms, what is their composition actually like? Do weapons go through them? Are they solid masses or gaseous beings? Is this true for all Shadow beings meaning snugglehugs with Elbhe are same as touching a shadow blecch?

@Staff without NPCs: What would your respective NPCs be like, can you describe them? Is there a chance that we’ll ever meet them in game? (I think I recall IMR saying something about being a rogue though I'm not sure.)
I'm still waffling about whether or not I want an NPC, since I don't like the spotlight. If I do, then s/he'll be a Rogue so that I can make a bunch of jokes that no one else will get. :3 ~IMR

@ Clyde: Working close to Kammy I’m sure you’ve seen plenty of his inventions, if not been a part of them! What is the wackiest one to date?

@AQ coders: Is there anything from another game AE or not, that you’d like to bring or see more of in AQ?
Random dungeons/mazes, and "permanent" warzones (like Paxia, but less sucky). ~IMR

< Message edited by In Media Res -- 10/11/2013 8:12:33 >
Post #: 33
10/11/2013 8:52:11   
Doomknight Arakos

@anyone (I don't really care who answeres)

Is AQ one of the best AE games you guys created?
Is there anything about AQ which you guys feel you could've done better?
What inspired you to create AQ?
What is or are your favorite thing(s) about AQ?
What is in your own words, the coolest MC set you've released in AQ and why?

AQ  Post #: 34
10/15/2013 12:21:22   
Lives to Slay Dragons!

for those of us that do not play AQ worlds or was not able to attain the event will we ever get any of these answered ??

You will get as many as possible answered. ~Eukara

< Message edited by Eukara Vox -- 10/15/2013 13:31:37 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 35
10/16/2013 1:22:03   
Eukara Vox
Legendary AdventureGuide!


Questions for Euky: Like Eukara Vox in game, do you believe that you inspire creativity in others and if so, how do you go about that? Are there any situations/circumstances where you would find yourself agreeing with Xov's ideals of creativity being inherently evil/useless? And if you really could transport yourself and others to a place in history just by imagining it, where/when would you go and why?

1) I like to think I do. For 5 years I taught homeschool secondary students creative writing, collegiate essay writing, poetry, mythology and ancient cultures, literary analysis and research techniques and research paper writing courses. I was always told by the parents that I was the favourite teacher and their kids always begged to be able to take at least one of my classes each semester. I have had teachers tell me when I substitute that I have a unique way of teaching where the children are eager to participate. I am an advocate for teaching writing on all levels, not just your basic, "can write paragraph, can pass test". I believe whole-heartedly that children who are taught to be creative will be better equipped to succeed. Creativity is the basis to problem solving.

As to how I go about it? I am very enthusiastic about my teaching. I am usually very exhausted by the time I am done teaching. I like to engage in discussion with my students, asking them to probe and look into ever nook and cranny in each topic. I challenge them to look at everything from several angles, even angles that may not make sense at the time. I love having students put themselves into the shoes of whatever they are writing. I once had a class of perspective and they had to choose an every day object or animal and write a story completely from that perspective. EVERYTHING had to make sense. It meant, for many of them, they had to research to get it right.

And... who else is going to set aside one class period to learn how to write fight scenes via LARPing and creating your own weapon for use in said LARPing.

2) There are times when I do agree with Xov. Humans can be horribly cruel creatures and our techniques for hurting each other are bound to our ability to imagine. We can be creative in our ways of hurting and creating pain and torture. Government, bad or good, are a result of our imaginations and creativity. So, yes, creativity without morality or boundaries can, and will as we have proven, be exactly what Xov believes.

3) Where would I transport myself? My gosh... I can only say one? Now, see, I have to choose between my choices based on my faith and my choices based on... everything else. To be safe, I will just choose other, so I don't end up offending anyone.

If I could travel anywhere, with my NPC's abilities, one of the places I would go would be to the 6th century BC and watch Cyrus, King of Persia, defeat the Babylonians, set up his rulership and then sit in on his councils as he pondered how to build a great empire and end my stay watching the Cyrus Cylinder engraved. That would have been a phenomenal adventure.


Eukky: Why do you like dragon flies? Is it because you are one?

Of course I am a Dragonfly! Rawr!

Why do I like dragonflies... I've been asked that so many times. Well, let's start with the physical. Dragonflies are so diverse in their build and colour and ability. I love how their wings are on display all the time, unlike damselflies, butterflies and moths. There is no false colourings, no fake decoration. What you see is what you get. The colours are striking and bold. Their mobility is striking and makes for an efficient and ruthless hunter. They are like flying jewels.

Though beautiful, they are voracious hunters. They pose a very real threat to anything equal to, or smaller than, them. They are also efficient hunters.

I often feel that there is something almost magical and otherworldly about dragonflies, like I expect, at any moment for them to reveal themselves as fairies watching over our world. Or taking over it...

And, here I may wax a bit religious, but this plays into my love of Dragonflies. Many people compare the Christian life to a butterfly, but I see it more like a dragonfly. Butterflies take one season (in most cases) to go from egg to butterfly. One season, a quick succession from beginner to learner to master and perfect end product. Yet, that isn't how it goes in reality as a believer. Most of the time, it takes decades to "get it" or you don't "get it" until the very end of life. A dragonfly spends most of its life developing, growing, learning and living as a nymph in the water, before developing into the beautiful adult. That is how I see the Christian walk. A lifetime of learning, stumbling, getting back up, triumphing and "getting it" that lead to the beautiful end product.

@Tha Killa

How do you guys work out how to get releases done, do you guys all meet up in one place, do you send each other emails or what?

We have a set number of things we have to release each year, so that gets put on the calendar. Then, once we know what is available, each writer proposes about how many of their stories and fillers could be reasonably finished in a year's time. The calendar is then slowly arranged and filled with the proposed content. Once we know the general schedule, we can work out ways to collab if needed.


how did you get the idea for using paxia with the truphma?

I knew the Paxians had been waiting for a long time for anything game-related. I knew the rocky past and present of the members too, alongside the opinions of outsiders. And, I needed Xov to have something to escalate into. I knew where I needed her to go, and Paxia came through... far better than I had hoped.

I need to go to bed, but I answered some... I will answer more tomorrow!
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 36
10/16/2013 2:07:00   
RevzZ the Optivus

No....you can't be. You sound EXACTLY like a teacher I had once. If you don't mind me asking, which side of the world do you live in? As in which continent? This is going to be really strange if it's the answer I'm looking for...
AQ DF  Post #: 37
10/17/2013 12:11:05   
Eukara Vox
Legendary AdventureGuide!

RevzZ: That would be quite scary if the probability of you having me was higher. Though, I have met a student who played AQ, who I had for a couple of years through substituting. But I know you aren't him. I am a US citizen, daughter of the Republic of Texas, and am an avid Spurs fan.

@Tep Itaki

How long have you been into the literature scene and how often do you write stories?
I have been a lover of writing and reading for as long as I can remember. My mother said I was an early reader and would prefer sitting in trees as a child to read or write than anything else (besides catching wild creatures for my lego zoos...). I wrote competitively for my school in academic competition from the age of 10 until about 15, read poetry competitively from 11 to about 14. That dropped off when I began competing in the sciences. High school was the time period when I switched to science as a passion, though I still wrote poetry here and there. I have two poems in one of those generic anthologies from when I was in high school.

It wasn't until I graduated college and had my older son that I returned to writing. Mostly, it was because I was a stay-at-home mom and finally had the time to enjoy writing again. I spent 5 years teaching homeschoolers writing and literary analysis because I had found that the education system here was sorely lacking in the real instruction regarding these things. The public school was set in its ways and deviants were often reprimanded in they didn't follow the school district's guidelines, so I turned my talents towards the homeschool community while my children were in school. (Yes, I understand the very odd contradictory nature of what I just said. I didn't homeschool because I know my children and myself very well. At least one of us would have been miserable and one possibly possible involved in WW3... And neither desired to be homeschooled. So, I did what I could to teach them properly at home during homework time.)

As to how often I write stories... I don't write them nearly as much as I used to. There was a time when I could churn out a story a week.. or in a case with my DF Clan in an event... a chapter a day. But, as time progressed and my duties here became more, and my family got older, I lost more and more time. I have a lot of stuff in L&L, though not everything. I am desperately trying to rectify this issue, but it is not easy. One day, one of the 5 books started in my library will be published...


Will we see more interactions between your NPC and Vephoma?

Ah, I knew someone would ask this.

Trying to figure out how to answer it. The original lines that caused this... seems to have been a practical joke on me. I never wrote the "Eukara Fox" silliness in that quest long ago. Imagine my reaction when the DN thread for that release became a "What? Eukara and Vephoma?" conversation. In all honesty, the members of Order of Moravion are not supposed to engage in any type of romantic relationship. Not because it would interfere with work, but because... of the emotional turmoil it would cause. People in the Order live very long lives, some have been recorded to live over 500 years. To be romantically involved with someone would mean so much pain for both parties. That's not to say that the people of the Order haven't fallen in love, but they are supposed to practice restraint.

I've continued to entertain the insistence that there is something between them because the players seem to enjoy the speculation and discussion of the possibilities. I will not confirm or deny the existence of something between Eukara and Vephoma, because that would take the fun out of the writing and your speculation discussions. I enjoy the discussions, so I guess we will just have to wait and see.


What would be your favorite book?

This is a hard question. I can't just pinpoint one book, or any one author either. So, I will briefly discuss the books that have very special meaning to me. Well, I will try to discuss briefly. We'll see.

Great Expectations by Charles Dickens.
I read this a LONG time ago, I think in middle school. It struck a chord in me because I related to Pip as a child. I came from a very poor family, where people didn't really expect you to do anything grand except whatever got you by. College? Only if I got a full scholarship. Tradeschool? Only if I worked a meager minimum wage job for a few years, saved enough and could go. I also knew someone who had hope for me, who wanted me to be more and encouraged me to push harder and be stronger. Said person wasn't a rich individual, like Pip's benefactor, but the person was just as insistent I do everything to be better than what I came from. Thankfully, though, my adult life wasn't as... sad as Pip's. I placed expectations on myself that I could attain and weren't someone else's design or what I thought... would impress others. But the book has been a heartfelt favourite for a long time.

The Crystal Singer Trilogy by Anne McCaffrey
This is the first book(s) that provoked intense emotional reactions from me. I remember the first time I read it (have read it 20 times in the last 15 years) how I cried, grew angry, felt pity, laughed out loud, spoke to the characters as if they were sitting with me, etc. My husband was thoroughly entertained... he had never seen anyone do such a thing. The complete rollercoaster of life that Killashandra Ree had to go through was at times heart wrenching. Sometimes I was just so angry with her for doing the things she did, and others unbelievably astonished at the love she could give and then broke with her when life tried to kill all that she was.

Memory, Sorrow and Thorn Trilogy by Tad Williams
This trilogy I borrowed from my future father-in-law in high school and was the first true, high fantasy novel set I had ever read. I devoured this trilogy fairly rapidly, if I remember correctly, read all 3 books in about a week's time, then reread them because I was so fascinated by the incredible world that the writer had spun. I had been a non-fiction reader most of my life, loving the natural world and ancient history/mythology as my reading loves. I have to say Tad Williams is the writer who drew me into the world of Sci-fi and Fantasy.

@Heroes of the Scape

How many of the AQ staff members work at the Secret Underground Lab? I only ever hear about the AQW staff being there.

Amazingly? None of us.


With a Truphma camp so close to the Veil, and the expansion of Ultimon’s storyline what would happen if the two sides met. I’m not too versed on the shadow converting process; however is it possible for a shadow creature to be dulled? Also what effect would it have on the landscape?

I can't answer this. LB and I haven't really talked about this. I know we have talked about collaboration between our sagas, but nothing as of yet has been established.

OK, I think I answered the ones I can. If there are ever more, and I can answer, I will.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 38
10/17/2013 17:25:32   
Legendary Artist!


Tep Itaki
Clyde: You've been improving and what would your next secret project be?
Thank you! :) My next secret project, huh? Unfortunately I don't have one at the moment *blames school*. Soon as I come up with something I'll be sure to tease you all relentlessly. :p



@AQ Artists: Can you describe your design process for creating AQ items? Do you sketch onto paper, sketch on the computer or go straight into a piece? How long does a typical piece take?

@AQ Artists: Will you ever consider doing live drawings?

@Staff without NPCs: What would your respective NPCs be like, can you describe them? Is there a chance that we’ll ever meet them in game? (I think I recall IMR saying something about being a rogue though I'm not sure.)

@Clyde: Working close to Kammy I’m sure you’ve seen plenty of his inventions, if not been a part of them! What is the wackiest one to date?

1. I can't speak for anyone else, but my process usually involves training pigeons to hold a pencil and chaining them to the desk until something is made. If that doesn't work I either sketch it paper or in Flash until I make something I kinda like. The time it takes usually varies, some just happen instantly, while others might take longer.

2. Funny you should ask because I've been talking to Hollow about doing them. If we ever do one we will definitely let you guys know!

3. I'm not going to say anything :D but yes, if I ever get my butt in gear you will meet him probably next year.

4. Kamui made me sign a NDA in blood, never ask me this again!


NZpower Is there anything about AQ which you guys feel you could've done better?

For me? All the time. I think I can always do better, but I'm trying to not to get so hung up over the past. Keep moving forward! Inspirational stuff! Confetti!
Post #: 39
10/27/2013 16:29:48   
Mr Popcorn

This question is for Yergen, if he's out there:

Hi Yergen! I've always loved your work and you've inspired me to make AE art! Could you explain your Drawing and shading technique?

~Mr Popcorn
AQW  Post #: 40
10/27/2013 16:35:50   

So... When are we going to get Arch-Mage?

AQ  Post #: 41
10/29/2013 19:53:07   
Legendary Loremaster

I have answered all questions put to me directly inline as responses.
Post #: 42
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