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RE: =OS= Oversoul Questions & Answers XII (Read the first post)

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11/29/2013 14:30:44   

Flesh void and void cowboy are both great! PLus they're both free to master! If you have the time you should get both!
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 226
11/29/2013 14:34:50   
The Finnish Phoenix

I would go for Flesh Void since Cowboy has no Poison, Flesh has three 500s and two 200s where Cowboy has three 200s and two 500s, and Flesh has an extra Defend which is efficient and always handy when you have cards with HP costs.

There's no ETA on Chaos monsters yet unfortunately but it may take a while as their skills involve coding complications.

< Message edited by The Finnish Phoenix -- 11/29/2013 14:35:28 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 227
11/30/2013 2:19:21   

So, owners of Cyber Voids, what are your thoughts on it, after a week? Is it worth the cost of 12 SG?

Edit: Plus the post-release change regarding shadowfire and meteorite among others; do they affect you at all, gameplay-wise?

EditEdit: @below Apparently, there was a change after the release that allowed people to apply super charge on those specific cards on top of their natural damage.

< Message edited by Kiazz -- 11/30/2013 4:23:18 >
Post #: 228
11/30/2013 4:04:10   

What ARE the changes to stuff like Shadowfire or Meteorite?
DF  Post #: 229
11/30/2013 4:30:39   

Supercharged is capable to boost up shadowfire and meteorite! Shadowfire is able to deal 1500 damage and Meteorite is able to deal 2000 damage due to supercharged. Cyber Void and Mana Guardian are the only character that is capable to deal that much damage without using too much cost.
Post #: 230
11/30/2013 5:00:04   

Is there a specific way to use petrify? I'm not sure how it helps, as the one turn might as well have been a 500 attack and a one-turn charge for the opponent. Linking two, like with taurus, isn't useful either, as it just depletes 2 charges in addition to making you draw again. Freeze covers you, as you draw again, but not petrify. So, how should it be used? Any specific scenarios?
Post #: 231
11/30/2013 5:36:18   

You can use petrify after you used mountain strike to ensure your opponent won't use shield. Using Taurus, he had 2 petrify and 2 mountain strike. It cost a total of 24 energy to deal a total of 3K damage. However, using 18 energy, you can use 1 petrify with 2 mountain strike, it will stun your opponent to ensure he won't use shield, and then use another petrify which will allow 2 mountain strike to deal 2K damage. You will need luck to obtain those 4 cards in your draw but you can save it when your opponents' HP is below at least 3K.
Post #: 232
11/30/2013 9:41:17   

What character(s) has(have) the most healing? Excluding legendaries.

Ok, thanks!

< Message edited by Teserve -- 11/30/2013 14:57:35 >
MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 233
11/30/2013 10:21:06   

Water Tick, Water Wing, Golden Lycan, Priest Of Ver.
Post #: 234
11/30/2013 13:20:19   

@Teserve Ogre Shaman, Priest of Ver, Water Tick
DF  Post #: 235
11/30/2013 20:10:50   

Been hunting for chars for a while now. When I do find them it usually takes many many tries to get them.
So this is my question:
Is there a place/website/anything where I can see the encounter/possession chance for all characters?

< Message edited by WingedNightmare -- 11/30/2013 20:11:39 >
Post #: 236
11/30/2013 20:12:11   

Hey guys,I have one question:
How can I get fast gold?

@below:Thanks Bionic Bear!

< Message edited by Apeiron -- 11/30/2013 20:16:39 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 237
11/30/2013 20:12:36   
Bionic Bear

Not that I know of. But it depends on the character and their rank, usually. For example, Poison Drake is at veteran rank, and is mindbendingly hard to encounter and capture, while voidknight at apprentice rank is almost guaranteed to capture.

@Above use your highest level character over and over in a certain place with easy monsters. I use solace.

< Message edited by Bionic Bear -- 11/30/2013 20:13:11 >
Post #: 238
11/30/2013 20:13:43   

So apprentice ranked characters are easier to capture than higher ranked chars?
Post #: 239
11/30/2013 20:14:27   

There isn't, since character possession rates are some sort of secret... for some reason. However, if you have a question about a specific character's possession rates or encounter rates, you could ask them here.
We can tell you if something is easy (like only takes 1-5 tries on average), average (about every 10 tries), uncommon (like 20-30 tries), or super special rare... like Poison Drake, who's encounter rate is about 1 in 100 or so battles, at least.

Apprentices are not necessarily easier to capture, since the apprentice versions of some characters are just as difficult as their evolved forms.

Other times, you have characters that are very hard to encounter, but are very easy to capture, like Ogre Maiden. It really varies and you should ask about specific cases. General rule though is that older characters (things that came out months ago) are harder to capture.

< Message edited by Lord Beck -- 11/30/2013 20:16:34 >
AQW  Post #: 240
11/30/2013 20:19:08   

I have some of the harder chars. PD and Kruger I had to use SG's to capture.
Orc Rogue I have only encountered twice after countless attempts. But currently I guess I'm having bad luck with capturing the seasonal rares.
Not sure if the seasonal rares are harder than normal chars, but they seem to take me at least 50 battles against them for capture.

Well, guess I just have to keep trying. Thanks for the encouragement Lord Beck!

< Message edited by WingedNightmare -- 11/30/2013 20:22:33 >
Post #: 241
11/30/2013 20:21:02   

The seasonal rare characters are of the older crowd, so they average around 20-30 tries to get. That doesn't mean some people haven't gotten them first try though xD
Orc Rogue is one of the hard to encounter, easy to possess characters though, so you'll probably get him next time. Good luck!
AQW  Post #: 242
11/30/2013 21:14:51   
The Finnish Phoenix


So, owners of Cyber Voids, what are your thoughts on it, after a week? Is it worth the cost of 12 SG?

I personally don't consider it all that viable as a competitive choice for reasons you've seen me state, but it is fun to play and experiment with. I generally wouldn't recommend it, but I know you don't need SG's for cards (you have the best CC's of anyone as far as I'm aware) so unless there're other characters you'd rather spend SG's on then you might as well get it if you want.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 243
12/1/2013 2:03:06   

Cyber Void is a fun and exciting character to play with. A number of players enjoy and prefer Cyber Void over Void Champion. However, some still prefer over Void Champion because he had 4 DoT card which will be very helpful in dealing high damages over time. I personally do love and enjoy Cyber Void a lot for he is really unique character with pure attack card, also a part of my Void Champion character and the true variant of Void Champion since I don't have and will never have Void Champion.
Post #: 244
12/1/2013 12:23:21   


However, if you have a question about a specific character's possession rates or encounter rates, you could ask them here.

What is the encounter and possession chance of Mana Guardian?

And what elements typically fare well against Shadow Chars?

< Message edited by Teserve -- 12/1/2013 12:25:30 >
MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 245
12/1/2013 12:33:54   
The Finnish Phoenix

Neutral is the best element against Shadow chars since most Shadow chars rely on DoTs which you can predict and absorb with Iron Hide.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 246
12/1/2013 18:12:45   

I don't usually play OS too often; I just go on and off whenever I'm bored and have nothing else better to do... so with that said it's kind of weird how I've spent over $100 on SGs already. Honestly, I don't even know why. It just doesn't make sense to spend real money on a game you don't even play that often. But now, I've somehow ran out of SGs again, and I still got 13.5k Artix Points left.... Should I get some more SG for the upcoming things or not?? I'm so tempted to, but is it really worth it?
Epic  Post #: 247
12/1/2013 18:14:46   
The Dealer

NDB: Your money, your account. If you feel like you want or need to buy SG's for the upcoming events - feel free.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 248
12/1/2013 18:30:14   
The Mango

Is Father Time worth it?
AQW  Post #: 249
12/1/2013 18:32:17   

@NDB I say get the sgs
Post #: 250
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