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RE: =OS= Oversoul Questions & Answers XII (Read the first post)

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12/10/2013 9:43:42   

I suppose the storyline will start as soon as Nulgath and co. have a chance to work on the game more. That sounds lame, but that's basically all we can say about everything; until then, wait and see.

Ancient Shogun is a fun, fast brawler that relies mainly on doing moderate amounts of damage consistently, fast. At level 20, He may struggle against opponents that can use DoTs or have many shields, but at lower levels he's quite strong.

AQW  Post #: 301
12/10/2013 16:26:42   

When the revon and 1st upholder are release will the element for CC rotate?
Post #: 302
12/10/2013 19:05:25   

I just bought 3 10% 1 week X-boost, when I win a battle, at the top of the xp/gold screen, it says: X-boost, you won: +0XP +0Gold. Is this normal? Do I still get bonus XP?
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 303
12/10/2013 19:07:32   
The Void Calls

@Relom Logging out and back in should fix the problem.
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 304
12/10/2013 19:15:55   

@Axel459 That fixed the problem! Thank you!
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 305
12/11/2013 1:31:27   

Just curious, what dco you guys think are some fun chars to use that I may not have yet?
DF  Post #: 306
12/11/2013 1:41:04   

Cyber Void and Mana Guardian are very fun character to use and they are really strong provided using properly IMO.
Post #: 307
12/11/2013 2:28:37   

I find Templar fun to use. Quite OP at times I think.
Kruger is another fun char that I think you may not have....(I could be totally wrong) .
Kruger's animations are quick unlike X-mas Fiend and Cosoma Titan plus those 3 shatters + lots of attack cards + freeze makes it pretty strong in my opinion.
Post #: 308
12/11/2013 6:32:33   

What are some good CCs for cyber void?
Post #: 309
12/11/2013 7:08:49   

Cyber Void is already good without any CC. As he is a character that focus on pure boost up attack, so that's why I never suggest for any DoT cards. If you want to add some shadow CC, you can add some shield and Life Drain to increase his defence and survivability in battle.
Post #: 310
12/11/2013 7:45:46   

@Jacke: I use a neutral 525 attack card, a shadow 525 attack card, Tazer and 1 Life Drain. You can either use the neutral/Tazer cards to cast Energize during battle.
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 311
12/12/2013 7:16:50   

Do I need SGs to level Ghysophila all the way up to her Legendary rank?
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 312
12/12/2013 7:32:15   
legend knight

Yeah, you need a total of 10 SG to level up from Ghysophila all the way to Frost Queen.
Post #: 313
12/12/2013 7:34:59   

Yes, its free to evolve Ghysophila to Princess Ghysophila at level 4, after that, you need 6 SG to evolve princess Ghysophila to Queen Ghysophila at level 10, finally, you need 4 SG to evolve Queen Ghysophila to Frost Queen at level 20.
Post #: 314
12/12/2013 7:36:51   
legend knight

Thats a very clear explanation than mine. xD
Post #: 315
12/12/2013 7:40:29   

Thx. xD At least your explanation is short and still simper to understand.
Post #: 316
12/12/2013 8:29:18   

@Assassin: As other forumers have stated, you need SGs to lvl her to her legendary form, but I consider Queen Ghypsophyla has a more versatile deck than its legendary form. It can easily be mixed with CC and it doesn't haves too much unblockable cards, which can be an extra waste of energy if your enemy doesn't shields. Queen Ghypsophila has a total of 3 unblockables, x2 100 unblockable cards and 1 ice needle while Frost Queen has x3 100 unblockable damage and x3 Ice needle. Also you give in one Frostbite for a Shatter when you evolve from Master to Legendary. I think having different DoTs is better due to any situation needed.

I lvl up my Queen Glypsophila to lvl 20 and still have as a good chance to win AS if you were using a lvl 20 Frost Queen. At last, I will leave that decision to you and regardless of the decisions, enjoy this strong character.

< Message edited by DeathGuard -- 12/12/2013 8:30:16 >
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 317
12/12/2013 9:13:22   

Thanks for the answers guys. Too bad I don't have the SGs.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 318
12/12/2013 9:26:59   

They are strong ice characters like Queen but need a bit of CC to reach its potential:
  • Frost Lycan is a really offensive character and its deadly with CC, but lacks a Freeze card due to this offensive advantage.
  • Barbarian is a starter but one of the most defensive and strongest Ice characters, using Snow Orb and shielding again is easy if you equip defensive CC and 1 or 2 Snow Orbs
  • Cosoma is a strong character which has a small deck and has great chances of drawing Freeze which will give you an edge over your foes.

    These ones are free to lvl up so don't worry about you not having SGs.
  • AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 319
    12/12/2013 9:40:38   
    The Death Angel

    Might be a stupid question, but is it worth to actually upgrade a character to legendary? It will be reduced to lvl 1 if I do so, right?

    I won't gain 400 gold per match then, and it's an insane way to get fast gold. I'm asking since I'm less than a half bar left to 20, but I've started to question the worth in actually doing so.
    DF AQW Epic  Post #: 320
    12/12/2013 9:46:48   

    Depends really on the character, e.g. Light Guardian to Templar is worth due to having its deck's power increased x2.
    Important questions to ask yourself:
  • Which character are you considering evolving?
  • Will you train it?

    My advices:
    If you aren't thinking on training it, don't evolve it. Keep the lvl 20 master instead.
    If you are considering evolving a character, check the decks and make a comparison in the deck's power, if you think you can't know if the deck is stronger, ask here about the experiences others players have got with the character. Hope that helps.

  • AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 321
    12/12/2013 9:49:50   

    depends on the char like what deathguard said is it void knight cause i think i saw you like 10 minutes ago then go ahead its worth it
    Post #: 322
    12/12/2013 10:18:22   

    @DeathGuard thanks. I'll start the hunt for Cosoma.
    AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 323
    12/12/2013 10:42:49   

    @Assassin: you're welcome, if you need anything you can pm me.
    AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 324
    12/12/2013 15:39:09   
    The Death Angel

    Yeah, it's my Void Knight and I'm definently going to further train on it. Thank you very much, also a quick question now that you guys are talking about Cosoma.

    Is cosoma rare to sight or am I just looking at the wrong spot? I went on the OS wiki to look for the spots Cosoma has been spotted, but after many hours I've yet to see a single Cosoma.
    DF AQW Epic  Post #: 325
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