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[PhotoShop] DarkShadow's Art II [Sigs, Banners, Avys, FileResize, etc]

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11/24/2013 19:17:21   

Welcome to DarkShadow's Art! Before you make your request, please be sure to read below.

  • DarkShadow's Website: DarkShadows Site
  • Previous shop thread: DarkShadows Art I
  • Though not 100% necessary, I strongly recommend taking any pictures in /join WhiteMap-***** in 'biggest', and try not to cut yourself off (if cut off in biggest, go in 'bigger')
  • You must use the form below, or your request will be ignored.
  • Me and Shadow do have a life outside of AE, so don't get mad/frustrated if you don't get it right away.
  • We are just amateur artists doing this for fun, so our signatures will not be unbelievably amazing and out of this world.
  • We are not hiring any artists, it is invite only.
  • We do not do any animations/gifs simply because PS gif files are too large for the forums.
  • For fonts, I recommend using DaFont.com
  • For image resizing, I cannot guarantee that the filesize will be under the limit.
  • For any questions PM DarkFireKiller or ShadowWhisperer or tweet us via twitter: @DarkShadowsAE

  • Follow these rules always.
  • Use the format given for requests.
  • If you can, save the image just incase it gets removed from the hosting site, or our accounts are full.
  • No inappropriate images.




  • Twitter Header
  • Signature
  • Avatar

  • ImageShack Gallery



  • Twitter Header
  • Signature
  • Signature

  • ImageShack Gallery

    Request Form: (if you can't think of something, or don't mind what with anything below, put N/A)
    [Anything with a * must be filled out, but can be answered with no/none]
    [b]Type*:[/b] (Sig, Banner, etc.)
    [b]Dimensions:[/b] (Please keep in mind the limit for each type)
    [b]Image Hosting Site:[/b] (PhotoBucket or ImageShack)
    [b]Special Request:[/b]
    [b]PM when Completed*:[/b] (Or other way to contact [Specify])
    File Resize Form:
    [b]Current Link:[/b] (link of current sig/bnr/etc)
    [b]New Size:[/b] (Dimensions/Sig/Avatar/etc.)
    [b]Image Hosting Site:[/b] (PhotoBucket or ImageShack)
    [b]PM when Resized:[/b] (Or other way to contact [Specify])

    Clearing Stuff Up [FAQ]:

    Artist - This is just which person (DarkFireKiller, ShadowWhisperer or Maxijack) you want to complete your request [you can put Dark, Shadow, Maxi, all, or N/A]

    Type - Now what you put here is only what you want ~Signature, Banner, Avatar, Twitter Header, etc.~

    Dimensions - Dimensions determine the size of the request. Limits are in brackets: Signature[500x100][50KB], Banner[750x750][75KB], Avatar[95x95][10KB], Twitter Header[1252x626]
    Please keep in mind that this is only for AEFourms, if you are not using it on the AEForums, feel free to request larger size.

    Image Hosting Site - Simply what site you want your signature to be uploaded to (ImageShack or PhotoBucket are recommended)

    Render - In short, it's what picture/character you want on the request

    Background - This is what you want the background of your signature to be, whether it is a colour, or a background you found online

    Text - The text is what words you want (ex. Darkfirekiller, killer of dark fires)

    Font - The font refers to what style (Dafont.com is recommended)

    Special Request - Anything that isn't covered above can be added here

    PM When Completed/Resized - This is just to contact you when your request is complete (Forum PM, Twitter, etc.)

    How do I display the image? - Well simply just highlight the image url and click the image button at the top of the message box (or wrap the link in [image] and [/image])

    What it should look like:
    Or with a link:
    How do I use my signature? - Go to your profile and scroll down to where it says Signature. In the box, put in code covered in 'How do I display the image?' above

    Example Post:

    Artist: Dark
    Type*: Signature
    Dimensions: 500x100 (maximum signature size)
    Image Hosting Site: ImageShack
    Render*: My character
    Background: This
    Text: Darkfirekiller, leader of Shadows
    Font: Amplify
    Special Request: Have the text glow
    PM when Completed*: PM me here on the forums or tweet me @DarkFireCookie

    Happy requesting!

    < Message edited by DarkFireKiller -- 10/27/2014 13:13:38 >
  • AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 1
    11/24/2013 23:37:03   

    Woohoo SHOP 2!! =D Thanks to everyone who has supported us, keep on requesting!!



    AQW Epic  Post #: 2
    11/25/2013 10:12:26   
    dragon wrath


    *MUNCH* exceeds 50 KB file size allowed. See the
    Universal Forum Rules on Signature Guidelines.

    Right so my siggy a bit big can that be fixed ?
    AQW  Post #: 3
    11/25/2013 19:08:08   

    I don't think I can really. The fact that it has a background to it adds a bit to the file size. I may be able to lower the quality a bit to see what I can get, but currently I'm not on my laptop with the file, so I'll get it it as soon as I can.

    Just to show you, this is how low the quality had to go for it to be under the file size, sitting at 48kb, and the other at 150kb. Use it if you wish, I guess, but it isn't much.


    < Message edited by darkfirekiller125 -- 11/25/2013 23:38:37 >
    AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 4
    11/26/2013 8:09:53   
    dragon wrath

    Yeaaah so im not really a fan of the new one

    I dont really know what will help but will loosing the animation do ?
    If not can you use the render and the same line and make the background a bit simpler yet still something related to time ?
    AQW  Post #: 5
    11/28/2013 16:57:44   
    The Dealer

    Good luck with the shop fellas. Here's to another 10 pages, eh?
    AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 6
    11/28/2013 18:41:41   
    How We Roll Winner

    Not really a request.


    Artist: Any
    Type*: (Sig, Banner, etc.) Signature resize
    Dimensions: (Please keep in mind the limit for each type) I'd like this to be resized so it's smaller with nothing cut off (I am NOT using it for AE Forums, but for a different forums.
    Image Hosting Site: (PhotoBucket or ImageShack)
    Render*: http://oi43.tinypic.com/317jcxd.jpg
    Special Request:
    PM when Completed*: (Or other way to contact [Specify]) Twitter @Kittiesmoon
    AQW  Post #: 7
    11/28/2013 18:59:24   

    @Skurge, thanks :)
    AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 8
    11/28/2013 19:00:08   

    @Misty_kitty, here is your resized signature. Let me know if you want it bigger or smaller! :)

    By the way, we do have a File Resize Form located in the first post:


    File Resize Form:
    [b]Current Link:[/b] (link of current sig/bnr/etc)
    [b]New Size:[/b] (Dimensions/Sig/Avatar/etc.)
    [b]Image Hosting Site:[/b] (PhotoBucket or ImageShack)
    [b]PM when Resized:[/b] (Or other way to contact [Specify])
    AQW Epic  Post #: 9
    11/28/2013 19:41:15   

    @dragon warth, I tried my best, really I got rid of the background, and a bunch of stuff that fixed up the lighting/etc., added less frames, and also shrunk it to about 400x100, yet it stayed the same file size as the old one. Here's what I ended up doing if you wanted to see, but it sits at about 148kb, 98kb over the max


    Really sorry, so it seems your only option is the non animated one. Just give me a shout if you want any changes done to that one.
    AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 10
    12/7/2013 8:57:22   

    Artist: First to reply.
    Type*: Signature, Banner, please.
    Dimensions: If possible I will use it on this forum, so whatever size is needed.
    Image Hosting Site: Whatever is easiest for you.
    Render*: http://oi42.tinypic.com/1zdmzux.jpg
    Text: Hey kids it's Morlaw. (Defiant)
    Font: Whatever suits the image best.
    Special Request: None.
    PM when Completed*: Tweet me @MorlawAE

    Sorry if I made any mistakes, This is my first post on BattleonForums, so I’m a newbie.


    AQ AQW Epic  Post #: 11
    12/9/2013 0:24:28   

    Current Link: http://i.imgur.com/I791d7n.jpg
    New Size: I just need it under the 50KB limit
    Image Hosting Site: It doesn't matter. I use Imgur
    PM when Resized: You could just tweet me, that'll be alright.

    AQ DF AQW  Post #: 12
    12/9/2013 17:53:35   

    @Geek Got it down to 48kb I believe. Enjoy!

    @Morlaw, Here it is, hope you like it. Ask for any changes if you want. If you don't know how to use it, check the bottom of the first post.


    < Message edited by DarkFireKiller -- 12/9/2013 18:52:19 >
    AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 13
    12/9/2013 23:39:15   
    Lord Ferret

    Artist: Shadow
    Type*: Signature
    Dimensions: 500x100
    Image Hosting Site: photobucket
    Render*: DragonMoon
    Text: Line 1: Lord Ferret
    Line 2: Dragon Hero's Guild
    Line 3: Shadow Dragons
    Line 4: Branch - Leader
    Font: Old English
    Font Color: #C69E18
    Special Request: Have the text glow if possible. roughly looking the same as my old one
    PM when Completed*: PM me here on the forums Please.
    And thanks for your time.

    < Message edited by Lord Ferret -- 12/9/2013 23:53:17 >


    AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 14
    12/10/2013 9:26:20   

    Is it possible if i can get an avatar for my twitter from the same image?
    Also again thank-you very much.

    < Message edited by Morlaw -- 12/13/2013 11:02:25 >
    AQ AQW Epic  Post #: 15
    12/12/2013 19:56:11   

    Sorry guys, got a new laptop and have not gotten PhotoShop on it yet. I'll do all of them as soon as I get it.
    AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 16
    12/14/2013 11:49:34   

    Awesome, thanks! After this gallery update I couldn't find your shop!
    AQ DF AQW  Post #: 17
    12/14/2013 16:35:53   

    @Lord Ferret, here is your signature. Let me know if you would like any changes made! :)

    AQW Epic  Post #: 18
    12/14/2013 16:55:32   
    Lord Ferret

    Great Job and well done Shadow

    < Message edited by Lord Ferret -- 1/2/2014 22:12:52 >
    AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 19
    12/15/2013 1:20:38   

    Artist: N/A
    Type*: Signature
    Dimensions: 500x100
    Image Hosting Site: ImageShack
    Render*: http://prntscr.com/2b9rkj
    Background: Something suitable for the weapon since it has a lot of colors going on for it
    Text: Nightsever Trigger Activated
    Font: N/A
    Special Request: I would like just the weapon itself on another background and text next to it
    PM when Completed*: Just PM me on the forums

    I look forward to seeing the completed signature and thank you!
    AQ DF AQW  Post #: 20
    12/17/2013 4:15:24   

    Artist: All
    Type*: Signature
    Dimensions: 500X100
    Image Hosting Site: PhotoBucket
    Render*: My character
    Background: This
    Text: MortarKaboom, Cyber Hero
    Font: Airstrike
    Special Request: I would like an animation of the eyes glowing.
    PM when Completed*: PM me on the foums.

    < Message edited by AqwMortarKaboom -- 12/18/2013 6:31:18 >
    AQW Epic  Post #: 21
    12/17/2013 6:00:43   

    Image Hosting Site:PhotoBucket
    Render: here
    Background:up to artist
    Text:danang5,The Lazy Drow(yeah,name with no caps)
    Font:Cloister Black
    Special Request:add at least 3 of my character display
    PM when Completed:PM on Forum,or maybe /w me in game,I usualy at Zhoom Server

    < Message edited by danang5 -- 12/17/2013 6:06:08 >
    AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 22
    12/19/2013 18:32:46   

    @Doomsday, here is your completed signature! Let me know if you would like any changes made!


    < Message edited by ShadowWhisperer -- 12/19/2013 20:45:44 >
    AQW Epic  Post #: 23
    12/19/2013 20:44:00   

    Got it, thanks!
    AQ DF AQW  Post #: 24
    12/19/2013 20:46:01   

    @AqwMortarKaboom, here is your completed signature, I couldn't get the animation in without it exceeding 50KB so I couldn't add the animation. Let me know if you would like any changes made!


    < Message edited by ShadowWhisperer -- 12/19/2013 21:48:30 >
    AQW Epic  Post #: 25
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