the problem with the current balance is that the system is too complex, here is what i mean: -constantly worried about your energy, limiting the use of a few cores and skills, pushing people to abuse abuse strength or other stats so it would be simple enough for them to play. -most out of the 6 classes are just not powerful enough to compete with the few powerful ones. we are lacking versatility -removal of passives is the main reason that juggernaut is now a broken battle mode, sure passives are not necessary but making them something that is somewhat useless just don't cut it. -weapons should have at least somewhat of a difference in stats even if it's just minor, subconsciously i don't like seeing stuff that looks deadly having the same stat and damage as a wooden stick. personally that is just destroying diversity not improving it. -sometimes i wonder if it is really aimed at a younger audience or an older one, people below 18 just wants to have fun and see stuff go boom, surely the earlier epicduel in beta or gamma wasn't balanced in the least, but each class can counter one another depending on which build you are using. just try to make it simple because in the end it's just a game not some rocket science, i'd rather have each class being overpowered running around destroying each other than only having 1 class that is actually flexible and playable. if we got past this unfruitful attempt to balance the game then we could actually get some exciting/fun content(and try to release as many cores as you can without trying to balance them or think that they aren't good for the game, because who is gonna abuse a few powerful cores if we have heaps of uber useful and powerful cores? you never know unless you try) i think that the devs have a different definition for fun than we do, we don't want something outrageously ridiculous, but we do want to have 'lots' of 'usable' options. all that the testers care about is making sure that everything ingame works but are not thinking about if the game is actually fun for players or not.
< Message edited by TRizZzCENTRINO -- 5/20/2014 2:18:47 >