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[GIMP][PS]Star Signatures XII[Sigs, Avis, Banners]

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5/19/2014 9:23:28   

Happy Requesting!

For those requesting signatures with their AQW character: It would help the artists in this shop greatly if you used a screen shot from either a /join whitemap (in the biggest room) or yulgars customization area. Please remember to save your screen shot as a .png and upload it to an image host like photobucket or imageshack. If you need help taking a screenshot please check out this helpful site: click here.

FYI, A render is an image with no background similar to our logo up there! Good places to find those are: Planet Renders (You will need an account for that one if I remember correctly), Renders Graphiques (Though the site is in french its not hard finding the render you want and you don't need an account), Baka Renders (will need an account to download but not to link I believe), and lastly google! Just type in what you want and put render next to it, renders are always .pngs. so for me I'd search say "Black Rock Shooter Render" and find .pngs to use.

Shop Rules
1. Please get your own photobucket or imageshack account to upload the finished signature on, image hosting isn't cheap and my free photobucket account is starting to fill up. I may need to start deleting things off my account.
2. We're not machines, making signatures isn't a short process especially for the more complicated ones. If you don't get your signature as soon as you'd like, don't complain. As we all have school and mainly do this for fun and practice.
3. Please use the request form specified.
4. Outrageous or excessively time consuming requests can and will be rejected. We don't have to make anything for you. Especially if you ask for too many signatures, banners, and the like or just generally have a bad attitude.

Shop Owner
Quick bio: I've worked in several shops on the forums, so I've got a good amount of experience. When I'm not on here I'm probably running my clan, LycanFang.
Programs Used:GIMP/Blender
Activity 6-8
Makes: Signatures, Avatars, userbars, banners (not the youtube kind anymore) I personally do not make plushies, maybe in the future but not currently.
Example GIMP Tutorial - Make sure annotations are turned on, this was made by request.

Forum Name: Ze Mage34
Program(s): Photoshop
Makes: Signatures, Banners, Userbars and Avatars
Activity: 0 Monday to Friday, 10 Saturday and Sunday
Example One
Example Two
Example Three

Forum Name: Geek
Program(s): GIMP 2.8
Makes: Attempts anything thrown at me
Activity: Activity? I'm guessing that's how active I am? Mostly between 8-whenever PM
Examples This one...
This Two...
This Three...
This Four...
This Five
This Five and Final

Forum Name: black knight 1234567
Program(s): Photoshop CS2, GIMP and PAINT.net, VirtualDub for GIFs.
Makes: Signatures, GIF avatars/signatures, I also do cropping. I've been messing around with GFX for a about 3 months now.
Activity: I'd say about 6-8.
I didn't ask for this.
Did I ever tell you the definition of insanity?
Vroom Vroom
New 1

Forum Name: Spikedinosaur
Program(s): Adobe Flash, Photoshop CC
Makes: Plushies, Avatars, Banners, Signatures
Activity: 5 During School week, 8 on Weekends
More Examples/Speedarts here

Request Form:
[b]Specific Artist? (If it doesn't matter just put "No Preference" [/b]
[b]Type of Graphic (Avatar, Signature, Userbar, etc): [/b]
[b]Font (Please pick something from Dafont.com or if you can't pick just put "No Preference"):[/b]
[b]Notes (If you have any special requests):[/b]
[b]PM when done?:[/b]

Fun fact: If you want a specific avatar style (Say something similar to the AQW DN avatars the mods use?) just say AE Styled Avatar.

Hiring Form
[b]Forum Name:[/b]

< Message edited by xShadowHunterx -- 2/15/2015 13:54:00 >


DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 1
5/19/2014 11:11:18   
black knight 1234567

12th and still going. Here is to another 10.
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 2
5/19/2014 11:21:32   
Chaosweaver Amon

Congrats on the...*does a quick google search* 12th thread! Should I re-post my request from the last thread?
DF  Post #: 3
5/19/2014 13:39:51   


Amon@ Hmm..I think its also one of those cases of things being too squashed together, but I can always give it a shot if you want. I'll hopefully be done with Legendium's by tomorrow.

No need. For quick reference it'd be easier to just link it. Oh and I don't think you ever said yes to having Knight finish it.

Hopefully we can keep this going for 10 more threads :D
DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 4
5/19/2014 14:22:52   
Chaosweaver Amon

Well yeah, I would like it done, if it's not too much trouble.
DF  Post #: 5
5/20/2014 15:37:07   
black knight 1234567

Alright, I take it. What do you exactly mean by blurred like the forum, though? I mean the rest of the request is simple enough, but that part has me stumped haha.
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 6
5/20/2014 15:52:02   
Chaosweaver Amon

Basically, I want the edges the same color as the forum background; but if that's too difficult, it's not necessary.
DF  Post #: 7
5/21/2014 22:28:11   

I'll give Chaosweaver's request a shot.


AQW Epic  Post #: 8
5/22/2014 5:58:49   
Warmonger DragonJax

Specific Artist? (If it doesn't matter just put "No Preference" Spikedinosaur
Type of Graphic (Avatar, Signature, Userbar, etc): Plushie
Render: LINK
Font (Please pick something from Dafont.com or if you can't pick just put "No Preference"):nil
Notes (If you have any special requests):can you keep the ungodly Reavers in the plushie
PM when done?:Yes
Post #: 9
5/22/2014 19:23:48   

@Warm I'll get to it.
AQW Epic  Post #: 10
5/25/2014 10:32:57   

Specific Artist?: No preference
Type of Graphic (Avatar, Signature, Userbar, etc): Avatar
Render: Tomix's Plushie
Background: -
Text: -
Font: -
Notes: Actually I made my own plushie. I just can't export it in the proper dimension and proper file-size without making it blur-y. So I need someone who can fix this.
PM when done?: Yes, please:)

Thanks in advance
AQW  Post #: 11
5/26/2014 10:09:04   

^PM Sent!

DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 12
5/31/2014 20:54:04   

Congrats on yet another, amazing shop!

Specific Artist? (If it doesn't matter just put "No Preference" No Preference
Type of Graphic (Avatar, Signature, Userbar, etc): Signature
Render: Skywee955
Background: Battleontown
Text: Skywee955 (In Large) Underneath it will say, "The Glacier Lord" (In small to medium font.)
Font (Please pick something from Dafont.com or if you can't pick just put "No Preference"): No Preference
Notes (If you have any special requests):
PM when done?: Yes, please!
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 13
5/31/2014 23:34:09   

As promised, I'm back I couldn't resist to not come back, sorry.

Specific Artist? (If it doesn't matter just put "No Preference"): Shadow
Type of Graphic (Avatar, Signature, Userbar, etc): Signature
Render: The Cyan ArchMage^^
Background: N/A
Text: Zackaf
Font: No preference
Notes (If you have any special requests): Please make the special effects in cyan, light-blue, and white.
PM when done?: Yes, yes, please:)

Thanks in advance

AQW  Post #: 14
5/31/2014 23:45:46   
Warmonger DragonJax

@Spike:May I know when I will get my Plusshy avvy
Post #: 15
6/2/2014 10:24:14   

I'll take Zackaf's, Knight can you take Sky's?
DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 16
6/2/2014 13:10:43   
Chaosweaver Amon

I figured I'd better re-post mine, just in case it gets forgotten.

Specific Artist? (If it doesn't matter just put "No Preference" No Preference
Type of Graphic (Avatar, Signature, Userbar, etc): Signature
Render: http://i.imgur.com/i7NwLJf.jpg
Background: http://i.imgur.com/2dubEhI.jpg
Text: "Chaosweaver Amon" and underneath it "The Dragons Dirge"
Font (Please pick something from Dafont.com or if you can't pick just put "No Preference"): Black Chancery
Notes (If you have any special requests): None.
PM when done?: Yes, or Tweet me @GrimlonAE
DF  Post #: 17
6/2/2014 13:58:52   
black knight 1234567

Spike's working on yours Chaos, sorry for the delay and all. And sure, i'll take Sky's
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 18
6/2/2014 15:00:13   
Chaosweaver Amon

Oh, alright. I just wanted to make sure. :)
DF  Post #: 19
6/2/2014 15:12:49   

Taken care of, PM sent!

@Knight, Don't worry about Amon's request.

< Message edited by xShadowHunterx -- 6/2/2014 15:13:18 >
DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 20
6/3/2014 10:51:21   
Warmonger DragonJax

May I know when my request will be complete
Post #: 21
6/3/2014 15:33:48   

Yes you may! *consults the magic 8 ball* *8 ball says "You'll get it when its ready."* There's your answer. In a more serious tone, Plushies are a lot more difficult then signatures which are a lot harder then they look and further more Spike is probably swamped with work or on vacation.
DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 22
6/3/2014 23:24:51   

@Chaos and Warmonger,

I'm working on Chaos' Signature first and then finish your plushie Warmonger. Currently I have a lot of projects this week and haven't had time to get to any requests, but hopefully by the end of this week I can finish both of your requests!
AQW Epic  Post #: 23
6/4/2014 0:10:31   
Warmonger DragonJax

Thanks,I just wanted to know !
Post #: 24
6/5/2014 23:33:46   

Specific Artist? (If it doesn't matter just put "No Preference"): No pwefewence
Type of Graphic (Avatar, Signature, Userbar, etc): Avatar/plushie resize (again:3)
Render: The Cyan and The Blue Archmage
Background: N/A
Text: N/A
Font: N/A
Notes (If you have any special requests): Please, resize it to a Battleon forum avys.
PM when done?: Yes, yes, please:)

Thanks in advance!



AQW  Post #: 25
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