Wow... Skurge himself... This is why I strive for its revival... Yes, I know I'm trying it foolishly, but I was one of OS's biggest supporters. Well, in terms of how much I loved its concept and design... It was like Yu-Gi-Oh! had a baby with Pokemon. The whole catching characters by possessing them, coupled with using them in battle as your own, made for an amazing concept! Sadly, I'm no fool. I know that despite it all, it somehow lost ground despite its huge support from players. Milton had other projects that took priority over it... I still fail to see why it was given up on just like that though... I mean in terms of the feedback... It was praised despite its "grindy nature". I guess Revontheus switching over to ED's side (Ugh, hate that game's trash-talkers during fights...) and Warlic not having the time due to other projects as well... (AQ3D, you killed OS!) Its not about some silly petition... I just question where it all went wrong... I've seen even newer players sign up to this day! I met a nice player just yesterday that said they had only started the day prior. Yes, Solace can get quite empty, but when its not, WOW! I know people on here and even on Twitter that aren't willing to give up on it despite the obvious... I just don't see why that isn't proof of OS's community... That's my two Soul-Gems (Instead of cents. LOL!) Hope to chat with any of you about this. No matter how hopeless something looks in life, never give up! Never lose hope! Its not over until we lose all of that! Even then, we are stronger than that! Remember my Oversouls comrades, as long as OS remains online, there will always be a glimmer of hope...