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RE: =AQ= [FGC] Farming Guide Compilation Discussion/Requests

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5/27/2017 4:40:28   

farming place: am-boss
build: adventurer level 101 beast warrior
note: i am looking for a place with good xp, gold isn't important.

< Message edited by OverLordOfDeath -- 5/27/2017 4:43:54 >
Post #: 126
5/30/2017 19:15:57   

Which place in the game is the best for farming XP in, from levels 90 to 135?
I need a place that is not Guardian-only, so a place that an Adventurer can access.
Build: FO Pure Ranger Adventurer
character page
I currently farm at Draconnan's generals, at the 10th Anniversary Event, but I need a better place with monsters that give high XP.
stats: 150STR, 170DEX, 0INT, 0END, 0CHA, 130LUCK.

< Message edited by Windstar -- 6/12/2017 20:25:04 >
AQ DF MQ Epic  Post #: 127
6/1/2017 5:15:18   

Level 54 Pure Mage Adventurer

Character Page

Currently farming: Queen Hybee for EXP, no place for gold.

Looking for an EXP and Gold farming spot. Hybee is only giving around 400 exp though I typically kill her in 1-2 turns. For gold I've mainly been relying on Ballyhoo to get money for stat training.
AQ  Post #: 128
6/1/2017 5:34:58   


Level 54 Pure Mage Adventurer

Character Page

Currently farming: Queen Hybee for EXP, no place for gold.

Looking for an EXP and Gold farming spot. Hybee is only giving around 400 exp though I typically kill her in 1-2 turns. For gold I've mainly been relying on Ballyhoo to get money for stat training.

You could try Drakath, the Undead Dragon. Travel Map > Zorbak's Hideout > Twilly vs Zorbak.
This should do you nicely up to the early 80s. All you need is a decent Darkness armor / or Pyromancer's Robe, a Darkness Shield, and Destruction Burst(Which you have).

Just spam Destruction Burst and use potions if needed. This quest involves alot of dialogue option, so clicking alot will be needed, but Drakath does give quite alot of EXP.

EDIT: After you've killed Drakath, more dialogue is coming, so best to just refresh the browser, login and redo it.

< Message edited by Xonuss7 -- 6/1/2017 5:37:17 >
AQ  Post #: 129
6/1/2017 7:34:05   


After a touch of testing I need about 8/9 health potions and 2/3 mana potions depending on how many hits miss. Used punisher's maxim and the darkness shield from yulgar. Unfortunately, I have no idea how much gold or exp he gives but it should be a lot since he's 100. Thanks for the help.
AQ  Post #: 130
6/2/2017 0:48:12   

Level 35, Mage


< Message edited by crackufug -- 6/2/2017 2:56:17 >
AQ MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 131
6/2/2017 7:04:09   


I recommend farming Magmus (L30 General) of Drakonnan's Generals until you can grab Destruction Burst. He's a quick fight, should be 1-2 turns and gives ~400 exp which will take a while but shouldn't be too bad because of how easy he is. At level 40, quest for DBurst then start killing Drakath. Frogzard Hunter Part 3 and Triple Challenge will all be incredibly useful to stockpile potions. It'll be rough but you should be able to do it with the help of potions and you will cap extremely quickly. The Osiris set pet and misc will be useful if you can get it(level 45) as the chance of fear and bonus stats make the fight much easier.
AQ  Post #: 132
6/2/2017 11:02:07   

also where can i farm for gold bcuz i cant keep up with the gold so i can train my int
AQ MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 133
6/5/2017 0:58:24   

Level 50 mage, cant fight drakath anymore not sure where to farm until I can
AQ MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 134
6/10/2017 19:56:39   

Just to check, out of all the events which are currently accessible to the players who've got their hands on all of the rare paintings and anything else that's needed to access content that other Guardians can't, is Zardnado the best farming spot for level 150s? I've seen it recommended over Hybee a number of times, but I've never seen it declared as being the best spot in the game.
AQ  Post #: 135
6/12/2017 20:23:46   

Which place in the game is the best for farming XP in, from levels 94 to 135?
I need a place that is not Guardian-only, so a place that an Adventurer can access.
Build: FO Pure Ranger Adventurer
character page
I currently farm at Draconnan's generals, at the 10th Anniversary Event, but I need a better place with monsters that give high XP.
stats: 160STR, 180DEX, 0INT, 0END, 0CHA, 130LUCK

< Message edited by Windstar -- 6/14/2017 15:38:52 >
AQ DF MQ Epic  Post #: 136
6/13/2017 13:27:50   
Aura Knight

I have 3 characters I'm trying to level up at the same time. One's a level 101 mage, the other a level 44 warrior and the third a level 12 that I plan on making a ranger. Only has 50 DEX currently.

For the mage I'm using the void dragons from dragonspine. Fighting in the void gives lots of xp. If I get Sarah the Nerfkitten, that is easy to beat and I get over 700k xp. The problem with that is I can cap too quickly and there are monsters which could beat me before I can flee.

I'm using drakonnan's generals for both my other characters but I wonder if there's someplace better.
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 137
6/19/2017 5:31:10   

I've finally farmed out the tokens that I'll need to buy the Zardnado painting when it rereleases. As a 150 Poe mage, what items should I grab in preparation for farming it? Is there anything similar to the Blackbones for Zardnado farming?

EDIT: Also, Pyromancer's Robes or Pyromancer Bloodmage? I've got both.

< Message edited by mu695 -- 6/19/2017 5:45:07 >
AQ  Post #: 138
6/19/2017 6:36:52   


Zeruphantom on how he farms Zardnado:

bloodmage skill
strongest is pyromancer robe with d-burst however i just can't be bothered switching out items
you can still kill in 2 turns regardless
they all kill in the same amount of time

Just best to try it yourself but thats what an experienced Zardnado farmer says. The new magestaves at warlic's, mage class quests, mage class shop are great for boosting spell damage of a single element but they will each take up a weapon slot so you may want to store the one you use for Zardnado when you go questing. I believe they are available at many level tiers and for every element.
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 139
6/19/2017 8:14:23   

Thanks, I'll keep that in mind. Do we have any idea what the optimal setup is?
AQ  Post #: 140
6/29/2017 21:28:05   

Which place in the game is the best for farming XP in, from levels 113 to 135?
I need a place that is not Guardian-only, so a place that an Adventurer can access.
Build: FO Pure Ranger Adventurer
character page
I currently farm at the Void Dragons war, but I need a better place with monsters that give high XP.
stats: 190STR, 200DEX, 0INT, 0END, 0CHA, 175LUCK.
AQ DF MQ Epic  Post #: 141
7/7/2017 1:09:18   

Where is a good place to farm experience for a Warrior? I'm level 127
AQ  Post #: 142
7/8/2017 15:51:25   

farming place: drakath?
build: Hybrid warrior 82
note: i am looking for a place with good xp, gold isn important.
AQ  Post #: 143
7/17/2017 10:56:30   

Farming place: Terrestria at aq 10th anniversary
Build and level: 114 beast warrior
Goal: Just xp, gold isn't significant.
Post #: 144
7/24/2017 9:00:52   

For anyone who hasn't caught the announcement, Zardnado is being rereleased soon so make sure that you've got the Z-Tokens for it. After all, it is allegedly the best farming spot that anyone's got access to.
AQ  Post #: 145
8/5/2017 17:57:15   

Farming place: House-> Visit Neighbor
Build any, Lvl any ( 80+ might be smart), but the more HP you got, the better.

Idea find a high lvl guard to kill with ally assist Zorbak + Artix.

Best Guard to kill: Mighty shadow Roc: 2290 hp, high defences, but Ally Assist autohits.

Very High xp 3,22 million. Downside hard to find, fleeing when encountering gold guards is encouraged. On low lvl on average very very fast. It's possible to overcap by many times the cap.
Equipment: You need a house, shadow equipment, offence is not needed: Shadow of doubt, luminous shield, crystal of restless shadow or similar. Ready inventory before battle is a good idea
AQ  Post #: 146
8/27/2017 14:12:07   

What are the best farming places/monsters for a Mage Adventurer since the tyrant king isn't available to them? For levels 119-125, thank you.

Edit: For XP.

Also what monsters give the most xp around those levels?

< Message edited by UKTone -- 8/27/2017 14:14:07 >
AQ  Post #: 147
9/30/2017 11:48:05   
Skull Kid

@UKTone: I think Queen Hybee from the 10th Anniversary SeekRat head quest would be the fastest for a mage especially. She's nice and easy to farm as a glass cannon.

Is there an alternative spot to farm gold/tokens with Dragon Blade for a Warrior? I'm getting bored of 10th Anniversary Dragon fights, looking for a quest spawning Lvl 150 dragons consistently.

Skull Kid.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 148
9/30/2017 12:25:08   

@UKTone I'm not too sure which one exactly it is, but its either Queen Hybee or Ambush for adventurers, after Drakrath in the early game till level cap
AQ MQ  Post #: 149
9/30/2017 23:25:05   


Is there an alternative spot to farm gold/tokens with Dragon Blade for a Warrior? I'm getting bored of 10th Anniversary Dragon fights, looking for a quest spawning Lvl 150 dragons consistently.
if you want constant 150 dragons could go to dragonstone quest for the dragonblade and do the essences they should all be lvl150
AQ  Post #: 150
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