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"A few" suggestions

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8/15/2018 19:10:58   
.Lord Ginger.

My friend sdfsdfs suggested that I make another forum post, so here it is.

Even after the tech TM nerf on Monday, 2v2 is still a tech TM party and it’s tough to beat.

Mercenary and Blood Mage have bunker and plasma cannon which both have decent damage but a cooldown of 3, but the damage is +40 of what it used to be. I consider this a nerf to be honest and I would like the turn to be back down to 2 and possibly a damage buff, maybe +60 instead of 80.

If this doesn’t happen, plasma bolt and fireball do more damage than the plasma cannon and the bunker buster with their respective technology/strength and their cooldown is only 2 each, which hurts the mercenary and blood mage. Even if a blood mage goes first the tech mage can still get off 2 plasma bolts before the blood mage can get two cannons. Same with fireball as a BM to a bunker.

That being said, I’d like the 2 turns back personally, but I think the plasma scaling needs to be decreased but have a starting buff so that tech isn’t as good, and focus can thrive.

With supercharge I’d like a damage buff but a defense ignore nerf, maybe 20% defense ignore. A focus TM can beat a focus build with a bolt, but the supercharge and the HP regeneration helps it beat strength and support builds, that’s why I’d like to see the damage buff so that it can do more damage to these builds.

TM focus has been extremely weak to support and strength for a while and I’d like that to change.

Super also needs the base buff and scaling nerf so that tech builds are hurt and focus can thrive, and hopefully 2v2 won’t be a tech TM party. I honestly had a 30+ round 4 tech TM battle yesterday, and that’s not fun.

Tech can still be good, just not broken.

Strength blood mage is basically the viable strength build right now because of how good fireball is, some people say it’s not OP, but since it makes BM basically the only viable/ good win % strength build, I beg to differ.

Strength as a stat isn’t really that good. The thing that made str TM good was the malfunction, which I’ve talked about how I want the scaling to be different.

More support scaling, but make it weaker near the top levels, and have it start off lower so strength can’t abuse it.

Would like this same thing with BH smoke

Say the smoke starts at 40, it can go like

1: 40
2: 43
3: 46
4: 48
5: 50
6: 52
7: 53
8: 54
9: 55
10: 56

So it’s still good for focus but weaker for strength

(The strength smoke may start at like 20 or something and the cap would be like 36 which seems more reasonable).

I’d like a fireball nerf but an overall strength buff so that strength builds for other classes can be good again (since gun to dex was a major nerf to strength builds so now any str but TM and BM are vulnerable to either a tech or dex build).

The fireball defense ignore may need to go since the damage is pretty nice.

Parasite may need the damage nerf again to keep it in check with other strength builds, not 100% sure. This would also help focus builds because the damage will be hurt more than it would be by a focus build. Same percentage but strength has a bigger primary damage (obviously).

Focus needs to be good, so I think the debuffs buff for focus can help a lot, especially while nerfing strength (but the stat itself will still be good). I’d also like to see more requirements for skills to help get away from the stat spam builds, such as TM mega tech or mega strength that could possibly murder focus. Or have like an extra perk for each level of focus, that’d be nice.

People may complain about robot damage but currently focus isn’t really an option and there needs to be a way for focus to have an advantage in damage, or at least not a disadvantage. It’s an all around build but a stat spam build can consistently do damage that a focus has to wait a couple of turns to do.

Support CH and BH are also extremely used right now and they need a nerf. I’d say put this to massacre, because that’s what they both have in common. They can trap you with poison and they get enough energy to do things, so that is also why I’d like to have a strength overall damage buff to help balance these builds, but focus can beat strength so it can be sort of a circle. I’d also like the same thing for a cyber malfunction change, because the malfunction is really good with the support build.

At this time there are obvious counter builds, sure counter builds are okay, but I think these builds are more like hard counter builds, which is really frustrating. You can be weak to someone, but I don’t think it should be a sheer win. Robots nowadays help with hard counters which is a good and a bad thing. Kartherax, hawk, cyber yeti, etc...

If the strength meta tries to come back it’ll be put away by Kartherax in a month, so I’d like to see the sidearm back to strength, and bring back strength based 5 focus builds, but that may be a struggle.

Currently though, I think strength mercenary needs a buff, double strike and berserker. I hate having to rely on a stun, that’s why I don’t like maul, but the defense ignore touch is pretty nice for that skill.

If you’ve seen the Cyber Hunter EMP grenade and plasma grenade, they’re way behind. The EMP needs a better start up and some more tech scaling. Plasma grenade needs the same thing, but we still need to keep tech cyber from being too good. Also the plasma armor needs to rebuffed by 5%.

Shadow arts itself also isn’t good so I’d like an energy reduction with a small buff in damage reduction.

The only class that doesn’t incorporate these changes is basically tactical mercenary.

I think tactical can be good honestly, especially with atom smasher being a club, maybe a blood shield buff though to help against malfunction (especially the cyber one). So I don’t know what buff it needs right now to be honest.

Since supercharge and massacre need to use the class specific weapon, I don’t know why tactical and mercenary don’t need their club, however making this makes them stuck with a club, even though they’re basically sword using classes right now.

I enjoy the chairman’s fury buff, I think that was nice.

Honestly the bio Borg is a bit much so I’d like to make the damage reflect to be 60%, but it can stay 4 turns.

I still think the black abyss bot necrosis needs to be a bit better, but that may be me.

I would like to see more versions of the Infernal Android.

P normal and E special (original)
E normal and P special (inverse original)

With the infernal, I liked being able to do the other kind of damage, and now it’s left to the gamma bot which is rare so that sucks. Hurt some focus builds for sure with this change, so I’d like it back.

This way people could choose what kind of attack for that robot they want. The infernal was nerfed so I think it’s fine to do this, especially how focus is kind of meh right now.

That’s all I have now besides the underdog and 2v2 change that I’ll keep bringing up until there’s a proper fix

2v2 matchups with ranks give the highest rank the lowest rank even if there are a rank 1, 2 rank 80s and a rank 246, the 246 will always get the lowest.

Also, we will get same matchup every time if the same 4 people are in every battle, which I think should be changed to mix up the battles.
Ranks don’t matter than much in 2v2 in my opinion so I think this matchup system should go away. Should just be a random chance, randomize the opponents.

Still would like the underdog first chance to go away so the higher ranks don’t get robbed of some wins that they should get.

Higher ranks mean less diversity because we need to pick the build that uses the most of our legendary points or we’ll get underdog messed up because of the go first chance. And we still can get messed up by underdog.

I am an Elevel 45 (rank 80+), an Elevel 40 (rank 1-7) will go first 75% of the time and I’ll go first 25% if the time (I feel like they have a higher chance than this but this is how levels work) and if they’re smart with the same build and weapons, they will win 3/4 times, (especially with the meta right now) which makes the person who worked for their ranks and their advantage a little angry.

Also with the go first chance with support in general, the go first chance should be squeezed in because a strength build going first with way less support can cause a loss if there are no blocks or a counter robot (karth, pyro, cyber yeti)

Of course bringing back passives would be a crowd pleaser and I'd still like to see this happen, that way energy skills won't be problematic to fixing balance in the future.

EDIT: I think this is very important to also add on. If we buff strength like we should, there should be more diminishing returns on it so that people can't spam strength and get away with it. Maybe another one after the initial 85. Like maybe 3 up to 140: 100, 120, 140. Just helps us be able to get more balanced strength builds and prevent spamming being a working disaster.

< Message edited by .Lord Ginger. -- 8/18/2018 22:34:30 >
AQW Epic  Post #: 1
8/16/2018 12:14:44   

2 cooldown on plasma and bunker can be too spammable
Post #: 2
8/16/2018 12:15:55   
.Lord Ginger.

It used to be 2 and it was fine.

Especially compared to BH and CH with the smoke and malf... BM kinda needs it and so does Merc

Also because of the powerful surgical with a tactical and a super with a tech TM (especially in 2v2 because 2v2 is tech TM palooza), being able to pump out 2 powerful attacks and a robot can be very useful against these tech builds and I think will make these classes lose if they can't, or atleast have the option to.

And if str becomes more viable and these ultimate moves still prove powerful, we will have more HP and different builds, so it won't really be that bad.

EDIT: I can't really spam a move that takes 270 energy.

Even with fireball, it's only used like twice in a battle...

< Message edited by .Lord Ginger. -- 8/18/2018 22:39:22 >
AQW Epic  Post #: 3
8/16/2018 14:51:33   

a 2 turn cooldown is still too low for 400+ damage, if passives returned i can see it happening but not with all the energy nonsense that goes on now
Post #: 4
8/16/2018 16:17:32   
.Lord Ginger.

I guess you are entitled to your opinion.

But when one can have a tech build and plasma bolt you then supercharge for good damage before a foc build can bolt twice because of the 3 cooldown you want to have because the focus go first, then maybe you’ll see it as a problem seeing as the focus will probably lose.

With the energy meta, there’s no way you’re using cannon 3 times in a battle. The balance was fine when the cooldown was 2, and the cannon and bunker were nerfed and should have been buffed.

< Message edited by .Lord Ginger. -- 8/16/2018 16:56:24 >
AQW Epic  Post #: 5
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