Dwelling Dragonlord
 ArchKnight AQ / OOC / L&L
Roland and his squad met at the gryphon stables, Kid was the first to arrive even before Roland while Simon was the last, looking like she had just woke up minutes ago. woken Just a question, but have we ever seen the Rose use gryphons in-game? quote:
Simon's tardiness explained her record while Kid arriving before anyone <> was unnerving to Roland. It was almost like he was trying too hard to be a model soldier. else quote:
"Nice of you all to finally make it," Roland began. "As you all know, in a few moments we will be departing for Amityvale. And should you have read the dossier, none of this will be new to you, but anyway, our first objective is to consult the Rose members stationed in the town and interview townspeople and gather all information available. Aside from the town of Arkham, we have information on the town of Miskatonic which is where a university is. Assuming it does exist, we will consult the university staff for information on Arkham before continuing. Any questions before we depart?" , interview townspeople and pursue any other avenues to gather all information available You may want to think about Roland suggesting ethical or unethical routes and depending on how moral of a character he is himself. Whatever the case, if you wish to use this idea then my proposed section should be adjusted to account for Roland's worldview. quote:
"Greetings, sir," a Rose stable worker said, followed by others as they work to bring in the gryphons and aid their riders in dismounting. worked quote:
Unsurprisingly, Sight and Simon were listed as being adept in information gathering.leaving him with Kid to talk with the magus stationed in the town. Either a "," or start a new sentence. quote:
"Those guys are so boring, but you and your friend here if he's up for it look like the type that could satisfy a girls needs. girl's quote:
"And by change, you mean occupy," the adventurer with an axe said. the (Given that the axe is this person's main descriptor.) quote:
Roland and Kid entered the office of Magus Neron who was in the midst of his research on curing lycanthropy. Upon seeing the two enter, Neron gathered his notes, including a letter from Chaney into a neat stack which he promptly put inside <> his desk. of quote:
Magus Neron looked over <> Kid who stood at attention, his eyes boring through him and beyond. Despite everything he had seen since coming to Amityvale, nothing was as unnerving as this recruit. Even Z's golems displayed more humanity than him. to (If my mind's eye is correct in that Kid is standing at the doorpost or something.) quote:
Inside were only a few sheets with some brief notes. Miskatonic was somewhere down the west road as stated by multiple adventurers, all of whom have also said they heard <> the town has a spider infestation. that, had quote:
There were even fewer mentions of Arkham, not even a general direction of where it is only that those who made mention of it were considered 'unwell.' was quote:
Each mention was dated with one mention of Arkham being only a week ago and while it was unlikely, there may be a possibility that the adventurer who mentioned it may still be in town. was, was still quote:
"Is the whereabouts <> the one who most recently mentioned Arkham known?" Are, of quote:
"I'm afraid not," Neron began. "I did have him administered to the inn, but they somehow escaped in the middle of the night. The townwatch did not open the gates for anyone, so we do have reason to believe <> they're still in town somewhere, but no leads as to where." that quote:
"Is there anything else <> you can tell us about this person? What they looked like perhaps." that, ? quote:
"That's the thing, they were just so...forgettable. Beyond their mumbling about the town, they really didn't look any different than anyone you may have already seen since entering the town." from quote:
Roland and his squad eventually gathered outside <> the town hall to give their reports. Hands and Cry had similar reports, Miskatonic is somewhere to the west and has a spider infestation that attracts adventurers hoping to make a name for themselves. of, was, had quote:
Sight shared her discovery that there is evidence that Arkham exists west of Amityvale, Roland and her squadmates sans Simon having to huddle around her to hear. was