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RE: SapphireCatalyst2021's Suggestions

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7/12/2023 13:25:54   


Fire Element

Clicking the guest brings up a menu instead of automatic toggles.

There will be 3 options.

A. Burn Mode
B. Control Mode
C. Armor Mode

Burn Mode- "THe Fires from Down Below"Pays 75% of it's damage for an appropriate power burn. I want this to be the highest burn out of a guest in the game. This will have a -20 save
Control Mode- "Possession" Pays 100% of it's damage for an appropriate power control. This will have -20 save, and this specific control will ele-seek.

Armor Mode- If you select this, you are requesting the guest to possess you. This is an armor summons via the guest slot. The guest then disappears. Re-equippoing this guest, de-equips the armor. You cannot have both the guest and the armor used at the same time:

Demonic Entity in the Flesh Armor:

Nuetral Lean

The player is inflicted with a renamed disease that is permanent as long as they're in the armor, called Possessed Lethargy

Fire Element, standard blocking. Excessively weak ice and water and light elemental defense.

All DoT's gain +25% damage and ele-seek and Control and control-like effects gain +25% damage and they ele-seek and this is paid for via the excessively weak ice and water and light resistances.

If you inflicted an earth burn, an ice poison, and a bleed...all of these would ele seek.

2 Toggles:

Toggle 1-> All attacks, skills, spells inflict a 2 turn disease and a 2 turn control. This toggle can select either one, or both, with an SP upkeep. All are Main-stat vs END. -10 save.
Toggle 2-> This toggle adds fear inflict to all player, pets and guest attacks. Can also select one, 2, or all 3. (player, pet,guest)These will always scale based on the element the player, pet, guest use. All of these will be -10 save, CHA vs CHA.

< Message edited by SapphireCatalyst2021 -- 7/12/2023 13:43:49 >
Post #: 126
7/13/2023 8:40:22   


Wind Element

-25 to wind
+10 blocking over normal

Toggle, sp upkeep--> Heal MP equal to 80% of an expected Melee attack if you block all your foe's attacks. Hits/misses formula where 80% is all dodged attacks. (Chrono Paladin effect on a shield, but for MP)
Post #: 127
7/15/2023 12:08:25   

ARMOR and WEAPON Token Package



This is a play on LoTR's Radagast the Brown, a Wizard who has an affinity for animals and nature.
Description: A slightly decrepit-looking Ghostly Rat in a Radagast-like outfit, with a Radagast-like beard. Dirty looking.

Lean: Spellcaster
Flavor: Pay's 10% Spell damage (SO the lean changes to x1.275 for spells) to boost pet and guest damage by an equivalent amount. (10% Melee each?)

Effects: A. Comes with 2 Toggles.
Bard of War abilities. But
1. Inspire Pet- Lowers Defense from x1.25 to the same as what Shadowfall Raiment got
2. Inspire Guest- Guest pays upkeep twice


Passive effect->Boosts all spells by +9%, takes -15% damage on all attacks

Comes with a toggle to exchange between 2 skills (similar to Tritent)

1. Skill 1 is a 653 MP spell. Earth Element. Pays 50% damage (100% Melee) to split into 2 effects equally. 1. Luck steal (like Rhubzard) and 2. CHA steal (Like Rhubzard, but only with CHA)
2. Skill 2 is a MP costing sPell. Auto inflicts (so gets .8 penalty) Disease. (160% Melee) This disease lasts for 4 turns, but this version actually Siphons 50% of everything healed..HP/MP/SP sort of similar to Essence of Wind Dragon but applied based on the functionality of Disease.

Mini FSB- The damage of the weapon skill 1 gets elecomp or the Disease of skill 2 gets elecomp in power.

< Message edited by SapphireCatalyst2021 -- 7/15/2023 13:26:01 >
Post #: 128
7/16/2023 16:23:49   

Beastmaster class armor feature idea

Armor starts out FD. But the armor's defense moves to FO (takes in x1.25 damage) to make guest upkeep free.
Post #: 129
7/22/2023 12:44:53   


Water Tome, The tome is covered in crystal clear deep blue colored sapphires

3 options other than draw mana

1. UNDERTOW'S RETRIBUTION- Seeing Red Clone. Panic Spell.
2. SAPPHIRE'S PROTECTION- Gandolphin clone, but costs a turn. Mana barrier.
3. SAPPHIRE"S CORRUPTION- Chrono Seige Clone from Infinite Dark Caster. Poison spell that heals 50% of damage to MP
Post #: 130
8/1/2023 12:43:02   

Suggestion for Luck's style bonus. I feel that some of the proposals put forth were not as fleshed out as the others, and I do think they need to be actual luck based.

I know that the nuclear option and some ideas surrounding Sp have been suggested, and there are those opposed as they feel that Sp should remain build agnostic.

I think Sp is going to be a massive sticking point in the future with the increases involved with guests, and some builds reliance on Sp, justified or not.

So, here's the suggestion, which isn't tied to warrior, ranger, or mage, but tied to luck as a style bonus.

You normally regen 98 sp/turn at L150.

So this is a lucky strike to the Sp regen of sorts, but it works like this:

10% of the time (1 turn in 10, and random. Can happen multiple turns in a row, or not for 30 turns. Depends on real life luck with the RNG..

But you gain SP when it "strikes" = to your current luck stat during that turn. 250 luck = 250 added SP to the 98. If you happen to have a +50 luck misc equipped, then it's +300 if it happens.

But at 250 luck, this amounts to 25sp/turn on average.
Post #: 131
8/2/2023 22:34:53   

Change to stat training costs:

After leveling up some characters for the first time in years, I feel as though gold accumulation is an issue until you can reliably kill 1 of 2 unnamed house guards. And the fact that ballyhoo's outdated ads is the recommended gold accumulation method is quite appalling IMO.

The reward for leveling, in part, is the ability to train a stat. You already have to pay for new gear that meets your new level. And even that IMO is an issue of sorts based on some decisions I can only guess as QoL for staff, but anyways that's a separate issue..but Stat training costs are crazy for low-level players, and meaningless for max-level players.

I propose cutting stat training costs by at LEAST half, if not outright by 75%. I'd vouch for FREE if it weren't for the stat trainers inside the estate. But since those exist, keep some cost. But make the ones at the estates FREE, completely FREE. You paid tokens to make them free, IMO. The new stat training system inside Battleon is actually FAR more convenient than even the estate ones. A stat wipe and retraining for everything is faster, and in some small way, removes the estate version's discount sparkle.

So, to recap:

1. Cut stat training costs by at least half
2. Make the estate versions free

< Message edited by SapphireCatalyst2021 -- 8/2/2023 22:36:58 >
Post #: 132
8/8/2023 22:41:43   


-24 to Wind
+MRM to compensate for flavor
SP toggle to add the following effect:

For every monster hit that you dodge, you gain 12.5% heal resist, capped at 4 hits/turn..this lasts 1 turn.
Post #: 133
8/11/2023 23:47:31   



Spellcaster Lean

Wind Element

Standard blocking, resists, etc etc, except pays weapons damage to always have Omni Status Potency 10.

Normal attack animation is 2 hits.

Comes with 1 spell and 1 skill.

Spell-> Wind Element. Gets elecomp to damage. Pays 100% Melee damage to inflict a 50% Melee wind elevuln and 50% wind ele empower . The ele empower pre-fires before the spell lands.

Skill-> Quick Cast--> Consume 108% worth of *any* status on the monster, and this will trigger "Cloaking Winds" effect: In order for the effect to work, you *must* cast a spell. (Summons, quick casts not included) Once the the spell fires and the animation is over, the armor uses whatever weapon is in it's hand and it does a 4 hit version of it's 2 hit attack. Effects from the weapon remain active as well as any imbues. This isn't a celerity, it's an add-on weapon attack that occurs so quickly because the monster is dealing with the "cloaking winds" and doesn't see you. This effect is attached to the armor and unequipping the armor removes the effect.

The reason why it eats *any* status is the following gameplay synergy/scenario.

If a player takes the time to inflict a status at the beginning of a battle (this is why it has status potency), it can then cast spells and/or use weapons with the same exact (or even a different) status.

So it can eat a status to get in an extra "follow up" weapon attack, which if inflicted a status, then next round it can repeat this.

For example, I inflict choke turn 1. Next turn I eat it for "Cloaking Winds", and so I cast a choke spell while holding a choke weapon. This spell fires and chokes the monster, then the armor follows it up with a choke attack from the weapon it was holding when you casted the spell.. So I'm eating a status to further inflict more status and damage, only to continue to eat a status and inflict more status and damage...and this can be done with any status combo I choose.

< Message edited by SapphireCatalyst2021 -- 8/11/2023 23:52:23 >
Post #: 134
8/13/2023 1:13:11   


Fire Element

Blocking and elements mostly resemble Doomlight armor, except there is only 1 secondary and gets slightly higher blocking compared to Doomlight


Pays MC and MRM for 3 toggles, each toggle costs an appropriate amount of SP per turn

Each of these toggles Backlash's a DoT
1. Backlash Fire Poison, 2 turns
2. Backlash Fire Burn, 2 turns
3. Backlash harm Bleed (standard assumptions)

All 3 will backlash scaling with damage intake just like normal backlash.


Has 2 modes:
1. Pays half damage to inflict a harm poison
2. Pays half damage to give your pets and guests harm poisons


Pay SP to be able to backlash omni elevuln, 2 turns

FSB: +25% damage to all DoT's

< Message edited by SapphireCatalyst2021 -- 8/13/2023 1:14:28 >
Post #: 135
8/23/2023 10:52:55   


Wind Element

Standard blocking and elemental spread.

MC pays for 1 skill and 2 toggles (if MC cant pay for this, -6 MRM)

Skill: Once per battle (carries forward battle to battle) Change lean between Full Offensive and Spellcaster
Toggle 1: Dominion Control: Backlash. Instead of upkeep, it is paid for via a damage reduction to all attacks/spells. This backlash works differently. This is a Siphon version. The way it works is like this.
Half of the backlash damage to the monster is removed. It only harms monster HP by 50% of what a normal backlash attack would do. The other half is in the form of a MP and SP heal. So that other 50% is split in half. So MP and SP are healed by 25% of the backlash damage, each.

Toggle 2: Dominion Deflection: Dodgelash. Pays HP's for per turn upkeep. This toggle cycles between on/off, MP, and SP modes. This dodgelash works differently. It will heal MP or SP (whichever is selected) equal to the normal HP dodgelash but x1.5 for MP and x1.125 for SP. Again, this costs HP/turn for upkeep.

< Message edited by Sapphire -- 8/24/2023 17:35:11 >
Post #: 136
8/31/2023 8:59:45   


The status doesn't matter, but I wanted to suggest the following idea.

Pets are worth 40% Melee, right? Eater effects are capped at 2x the value of the type of item eating it. So for pets, this is capped at 80% melee.

Auto-hit takes a 20% damage penalty.

For a pet, if it is auto hit, it would do 32% melee instead of 40% to be auto hit. 8% less melee, over 10 turns is 80% melee. Just like the capped eater effect.

So the idea is to do a 1x per battle status eater. This *only* occurs once the status is at *least* 80% melee, or higher. Once the status reaches this, the pet eats the status and gets auto-hit for the remainder of the battle at no damage reduction. So it consumes 80% melee status to get back 8% melee in damage for autohit, and because rest of battle scenarios are assumed to be 10 turns, this equals itself out.

< Message edited by Sapphire -- 8/31/2023 9:02:17 >
Post #: 137
9/13/2023 20:18:08   


A MP costing spell, overcharged. +50% MP cost for +25% damage.

The spell does no damage.

Instead, it will randomly select 4 elements. This means the entirety of the melee % assigned to this overcharged spell is then split 4 ways.

It will attempt to inflict a random element poison 4 different times. This can actually, at times, select the same element multiple times if the RNG happens to do so.

All of these poisons are poison siphons. These get the 132/109 multi element bonus. This means the power of the poison is halved to pay for the siphon part. This will be for 2 turns.
Post #: 138
9/25/2023 0:39:43   


One for each element

Armor can choose 1x per battle to be FO or FD Lean, pays for this IDC how.

Both modes have the same skill.

This skill is called "Invasive Fire/water/wind/ice/earth/energy/light/darkness"

For an SP upkeep *and* increased incoming damage, all weapon attacks (including 100 proc), skills, and even spells are changed to the element in question. These then all gain elecomp.

In addition to this, any status effects attached that scale based on element get changed to scale based on the new element.

This means that if a weapon or spell was earth element, and inflicted a scaling effect based on earth, this now scales based on fire for the fire armor, wind for the wind armor, etc etc. Earth burns become fire burns. Earth elevulns become fire elevulns. Harm element becomes fire . (the element in question)

The elemental overlord is pure element, so the concept is that it can imbue everything and make it scale on it's base elemental element.

Post #: 139
9/28/2023 21:22:36   


Spell, HArm element. Standard damage and cost at it's foundation.

MP and SP variants. SP variant is CHA stats.

Pays half damage (100%) melee to give pet and guest celerity

Pays another 50% melee to inflict 1 round of 125% omni elevuln on the monster. Int/Luk vs CHA/Luk on MP version, CHA/Luk vs CHA/Luk on Sp version.

Post #: 140
9/30/2023 19:44:49   

I'd like base Class Armors to act like Subrace Armor, a scaling base armor you always have equipped as your class, frees up a slot, and allows buyable class armor to be more unique and niche, like for example Base Dragonslayer and Golden Eclipse Dragonslayer
Post #: 141
10/5/2023 16:55:26   


Wind Element
Pays 90% Damage
5 Hits
180% Melee to work with, so this spell does 1 round of blind per landed hit, so max 5 rounds. Similar to Mandate. Scales vs Wind element.
The other 90% Melee grants the player 1 round of dodgelash per landed hit, max 5 rounds. % Melee of dodgelash calculated by staff.
Post #: 142
10/5/2023 16:58:49   



Darkness Element

MP and SP variants, but in both cases, CHA stats

Pays Half damage (100% Melee) to give the guest and pet double damage for 1 round. (the attack that immediately follows)

< Message edited by Sapphire -- 10/5/2023 17:21:46 >
Post #: 143
10/7/2023 15:13:50   


Darkness Armor
Nuetral Lean-----> However the armor takes in 25% more damage to give pets and guests +25% more damage. So output is 1x, intake is 1.25x.
Standard Blocking and elemental resists

Comes with 2 skills

Skill 1: Soul Possessor- This is an imbue. Quick cast. Costs HP. A menu comes up, and you choose the SP or MP target. All weapon attacks are locked to darkness and gains elecomp to damage and attempt to inflict a permanent darkness poison siphon that damages monster HP, but that heals player MP or SP based on target selected. Locks you to the armor for that turn.
Skill 2: A Toggle that costs SP/turn. This locks all pets and guests to darkness element. All effects scale with darkness from pets/guests. (A la Diamyo rider) Pet and guest upkeeps gain elecomp to cost. (reduced upkeeps instead of damage increase)

< Message edited by Sapphire -- 10/7/2023 15:37:26 >
Post #: 144
10/7/2023 15:28:01   


Pet and Guest

Harm Element

2 Modes

Mode 1-Pays half damage to Inflict Disease like Underwyrmling

Mode 2- Pays half damage to attempt to steal 50 INT from the monster and give to the player. The player receives +50 INT , and where appropriate, MP according to 50 INT. Successive hits, like on a celerity adds turns instead of stacking to get more INT.

Post #: 145
10/8/2023 8:50:18   

MTWSGA- Make The Weapon Special Great Again set of weapons. One for each of the 8 elements.

Names are:


etc etc

This is a standard 20 proc weapon with neutral BTH lean. The special is 6 hits.

So going to take the doomlight weapon idea, which is


Melee/Ranged/Magic swap Wind Sword/Spear/Sword, Sword has no base/rand or BtH lean, Spear has a 2/3 random lean and +3 BtH lean. MC effect has these weapons deal +5% damage, they also cause you to take +(15/1.4)% damage and deal +15% damage with your weapon/special attacks. The Magic version has the +15% damage component have a /0.75 multiplier for the weapon/special component. So in total the Melee/Ranged versions deal +20% damage, and the Magic version deals +25% damage.

For my weapon idea, instead, the 5% MC and +15% damage (+20% for magic) is entirely rolled into a 20 proc special.

Since 20 proc means 1 in 5 attacks on average, here we would take the +20% damage for melee/ranged and +25% damage for magic and the special, being 20% proc (1 in 5) gets multiplied by 5.

The Melee/Ranged doomlight gets +20% damage per turn. So in 5 turns it gets +20%, +20%, +20%, +20%,+20%.
MTWSGA gets 0% in 4, and all of it on the special. So in 5 turns it gets +0%, +0%, +0%, +0%, then +100% when the special procs.

The Magic doomlight gets +25% damage per turn. So in 5 turns it gets +25%, +25%, +25%, +25%,+25%.
MTWSGA gets 0% in 4, and all of it on the special. So in 5 turns it gets +0%, +0%, +0%, +0%, then +125% when the special procs.

Then this weapon has a toggle, that turns on an SP cost. This costs 20% Melee/turn (78sp for melee/ranged) and 98 sp for magic (on average) but the cost doesn't get removed per turn. It only gets removed when the special fires.

This means with the toggle on, if the special fires then it charges 392 SP for melee/ranged and 490 sp for magic to do a further +100% damage on the special. If there isn't enough SP available, the normal special occurs w/o this boost.

Post #: 146
10/8/2023 10:07:29   


Harm Element

2 hit attack on both modes

The pet has a toggle for 2 effects.

Default mode- Pays 22% melee for harm elevuln. 1 round.
Other mode-Pays appropriate amount of damage for 2 effects:
A. Pays damage to inflict fragile, for 1 turn per landed hit.
B. The pet "steals" 6.75% heal resist per landed hit (capped at 12.5 per turn, so celerity will not increase this, but if it lands 50% of hits on both celerity turns it can still cap at 12.5)
The monster then heals worse, the player then heals better. This effect is only applied until the end of the following turn. The monster's next turn, then the players.

In this mode, I'm not sure how much overall damage needs to be paid but if the overall damage needs to be low , like 5% melee for the pet and 8% melee for the guest or something, then that's fine.

< Message edited by Sapphire -- 10/8/2023 10:09:39 >
Post #: 147
10/9/2023 12:20:27   

A different take on "efficient spells", and the benefit to this change.

At L150,

Normal spells cost 125% melee (653 MP) for 200% melee damage.

Efficient spells cost 40% melee (261 MP) for 125% melee damage.

The following status called Regain Mana is as follows:


Regain Mana

Regain Mana, Level «LEVEL»
Regain Mana equal to the cost of a spell of the level of the effect when you next cast a spell.

Regain Mana equal to the cost of a spell of the level of the effect when you next cast a spell of the «ELEMENT» element.

The next time you cast a spell, you gain round(38.1 + 2.3375*LEVEL + 0.01125*LEVEL^2) MP, and the status ends. For this to work, the Spell needs to deal at least one hit (so, no, guest-summoning spells won't work) whose Type is Magic.

If it only applies to spells of a specific element, then it only applies to spells whose database element -- like, what it shows in the shop or in the quick-cast bar -- is the proper element. For example, Spellcraft will NEVER get the bonus, since it's Neutral.

Now, that status may need a retooling for this idea to work, but it's essentially utilizing it.

But the different take on efficient spell here is a re-tooled Mana Regain status always gets casted/pre-fires similar to how it was implemented on wizard robes. So what you do is you make the MP cost a lot higher than 40% Melee in MP initially, but the Regain Mana status ends up healing MP back to = 40% Melee in cost. On paper, with standard assumptions in place, the end result is no different.

Until you, as a player, begin to implement heal resist into your gear .

This then further heals MP a touch, making use of the feature. I think this would further encourage the use of spellcasting, and in particular, efficient spellcasting for those who wish to employ the ever growing repertoire of heal resistance buffs.

< Message edited by Sapphire -- 10/9/2023 12:21:56 >
Post #: 148
10/10/2023 12:34:42   



SP upkeep proportional to how much more damage you'd average if using a 20 proc weapon.

When equipped, increases the proc rate of weapon specials by +50%.

10% proc becomes 15%. 20% proc becomes 30%. 30% proc becomes 45%. 40% proc becomes 60%.

This includes any weapons with the new age proc.

And if a weapon has multiple specials that are broken down with mini-rates, it effects the total and mini rate proc.

Can exclude some specials, such as PWD and maybe if need be, the VOID burn from eternal champ's weapon .

Damage remains the same.
Post #: 149
10/12/2023 16:45:35   

SUPREME LOCO ARMOR (Loco armor remake)

Nuetral Lean

Energy Element

Flavor-Pays increased damage to 1.25x damage intake to backlash paralyze. Paralyze backlash happens at a 50% clip, and is a +0 save when it does attempt, and major is weapon type held/luck vs mob CHA/luk.

MC pays for 2 skills

Skill 1: Essence of Mischief- This serves as a sp/turn toggle. 78/turn for melee/ranged and 98/turn for magic. This toggle increases weapon special damage by +50% and increases weapon proc rate by +50%. So 10% rate becomes 15%, 20% rate becomes 30%, 30% rate becomes 45%, etc.
Skill 2: Maniacal Ambition- Toggle-On/Off When a weapon special goes off, *if* the player has 392 sp for melee/ranged or 490 sp for magic, the special will get half damage, but it will consume a monster's freedom status for 2 turns and give it to itself for the rest of the battle. After 2 turns, the freedom status returns to the monster. This also causes the player to intake +20% more damage for the rest of the battle. If the player has already stolen freedom once, then the second time the special goes off and the monster has freedom, the weapon special gains an extra harm damage hit that targets the monster HP and heals player SP = to the damage dealt. If the special hits against a monster w/o freedom, it inflicts a perm prismatic burn. If the player doesn't have enough SP, it charges nothing and downtriggers the total damage from weapon specials to 90% of the damage it would have done.

Post #: 150
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