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RE: =AQ,Dev,Bugfix= Minor Fixes

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11/15/2024 22:14:44   
 Hashire sori yo Kaze no you ni!

Fixed a bork on Kinstaff of the Tide-Swept Ones, basically the built in spell was incrementing the hit counter twice, so it'd go 1/3/5/7, and thus the 3rd hit on weren't triggering the Poison status properly. Similar issue was on the Magic Reingbringer, so that was fixed as well, whoops!
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 76
11/24/2024 14:48:28   
 formerly In Media Res


- Removed the end scene from this year's Harvest Festival, for plot reasons.
AQ  Post #: 77
11/24/2024 14:57:08   
And Pun-isher


- Abyssal Champion's Rebuke shields are now prefixed with the first letters of the stats in their drive: [SD], [DI], and [SI].
Post #: 78
11/27/2024 12:39:31   
And Pun-isher


- Harrowing Dunes and Surtr's Promise should now be swappable between MP and SP in the account manager by 'upgrading' the top level version of each to that of the other.
Post #: 79
11/29/2024 19:51:11   
  The Hollow Roaming
AQ Lead

Ballyhoo's area in Battleon has been updated to include the following prize shops:

Nightmare Queen's Regalia
Vector, the Betrayer's Bite
Sinister and Bloodthirsty Protean Predator Sets
Paintbender Battlemage (upcoming AE coloring book)

< Message edited by The Hollow -- 2/27/2025 11:55:36 >
AQ  Post #: 80
11/30/2024 1:03:16   
 formerly In Media Res


- Rolled a new version of the status engine that should fix most of the bugs with Sinister Protean
- Removed the pointless clickable area on the weapons
- (I've noted that the Sinister Protean shield has some design issues and am working on a fix)
AQ  Post #: 81
11/30/2024 21:17:06   
 Hashire sori yo Kaze no you ni!

The Reign's Memory misc item has been adjusted. The STR boost the click skill gave was a bit too strong, it's been reduced to 1/3 of what it gave before, and the Burn it inflicts has been adjusted to be ~25.79% Melee per turn, lasting 3 turns now. Still has the 1 turn CD, so you could power it up over time.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 82
12/2/2024 0:00:07   
And Pun-isher


Unraveling Nightmare versions are now prefixed by [MP] and [SP] tags for ease of distinction.
Post #: 83
12/5/2024 20:23:19   
And Pun-isher


Giftbox faces now have [F] and [M] tags to avoid any confusion about which to purchase.
Post #: 84
12/11/2024 14:51:22   
 formerly In Media Res


- Updated the Sinister Protean Maw shield so that it stacks with the Sinister Protean Protector armour.
- Updated the Strength Drain status to be named Strength Sap instead.
AQ  Post #: 85
12/14/2024 18:18:50   
And Pun-isher


- Airenal's Lance was missing a spear tag, it has now been added.
Post #: 86
12/17/2024 0:41:00   
 formerly In Media Res


- Master Mage: Swapped out Lightning Barrage for Concussive Waves.
- Sinister Protean Slicer: Increased the damage penalty on the Magic version from 10% to 11.25%.
- Sinister Protean weapons: lowered the buy level from 150 to 0. This shouldn't affect anything about how they work.
- Ice Wizard Tome: Fixed a bug where Bloodcurdling Gaze was doing more damage than intended. Removed the 5% penalty for when the mob isn't Bleeding, because I forgot that mandatory effects like this don't need a penalty. Fixed a typo so that it's consistently called Bloodcurdling Gaze.
- Book of Love: Removed the 5% penalty on Love Bomb, as above.
- Festive Legionary Sword/Spear: Removed the +5% bonus damage while the toggle is off, because I forgot that the inclusion of the toggle *is* the MC.

< Message edited by Ianthe -- 12/17/2024 10:30:51 >
AQ  Post #: 87
12/17/2024 3:07:14   
 Hashire sori yo Kaze no you ni!

Festive Legionary Athame and the Aqua/Frost Warcaster Staff weapons now only activate their effects for spell hits that match the weapon's element.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 88
12/17/2024 16:18:03   
 formerly In Media Res


Warcaster Staves: Now work with other offensive elements, but you gotta pay [67.5% Melee] in SP (265 SP at level 153). That's *1.5 the passive's cost because it really shouldn't be working with other elements.

ETA: Some FAQs! Using the Water staff as an example:
- Yes, it still follows the mob's Water resists, as appropriate.
- Water spell gets the full effect with no SP cost.
- Yes, the weapon still takes the same damage penalty as before (-10% additive and /1.08 multiplicative weapon damage).

< Message edited by Ianthe -- 12/17/2024 22:59:13 >
AQ  Post #: 89
12/18/2024 14:33:21   
 formerly In Media Res


- Updated Fan Cameo guest to currenet standards, and to work with Ferocious Strikes. Also fixed an error that could cause the game to crash.
AQ  Post #: 90
12/19/2024 12:27:59   
 formerly In Media Res


- Oh, right, boosters aren't supposed to get FSs. Fixed that bit. ^^;
- Updated the numbers on Festive Legion Scorpio's booster mode. Incoming Darkness attacks now take -25% damage (up from -21.4%) and Panic Potence has been reduced to -20 (down from -24). Also fixed the trigger.
- Fixed the scaling on Infernal Angel's Liberation.

< Message edited by Ianthe -- 12/19/2024 12:55:21 >
AQ  Post #: 91
12/26/2024 17:56:32   
 Hashire sori yo Kaze no you ni!

- Chrono Phoenix spell/skill now has an outleveling penalty. Each player level past the item's power level has a just under 1% chance to cause the Celerity from the spell to fail, which blocks the damage penalty and such as well. This way if you're using it as a Celerity source, you need to keep it up to date for reliability if nothing else. This is done to prevent players from using the Lv 10Z version at lv 150 to get a super cheap turn of Celerity for themselves and their pet/guest.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 92
1/6/2025 19:52:14   
 Hashire sori yo Kaze no you ni!

Fixed the Magic Sleighguard weapon charging SP cost even on weapon attacks while its toggle was active.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 93
1/7/2025 18:01:40   
 Hashire sori yo Kaze no you ni!

Fixed the Sleighguard spell/skill not having the x0.85 on the healing/barrier component as intended.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 94
1/8/2025 10:16:18   
And Pun-isher


- Fixed missing colors on second through top titles of the Delivery War.
Post #: 95
1/14/2025 18:20:40   
 formerly In Media Res


I really shouldn't code things when I don't have my glasses @_@

- Fixed the Festive Legionary Guise to be FD instead of FO. Copy+paste error.
- The Regen is now always 2 turns, and now properly gets half of the eaten Panic.
- Fixed the SP cost on The Many and One.
- Fixed the pop-up on Inexorable March to display half the eaten Panic value.
- Tweaked the eleComp value a bit.

< Message edited by Ianthe -- 1/14/2025 18:45:21 >
AQ  Post #: 96
1/14/2025 18:44:37   
 formerly In Media Res


Hey ignore the thing about it being FD. Me and Kam coding two different armours at the same time is a good way to get our wires crossed.
AQ  Post #: 97
1/15/2025 14:42:37   
 Hashire sori yo Kaze no you ni!

Fixed the Festive Legionary guest not actually boosting player res like it was supposed to if the enemy was Panicked.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 98
1/16/2025 13:42:05   
 Hashire sori yo Kaze no you ni!

One Storm Armour
- Fixed the armour's damaging skill not properly getting boosted damage when eating Barrier.
- Fixed a typo in the Psion's Sacrifice skill name.
- Fixed the armour not actually having its -(15/1.4)% DmgTkn vs Darkness and Energy.
- Fixed an accidental testing popup that was left in the armour.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 99
1/17/2025 10:52:09   
 formerly In Media Res


Underworld Archfiend armour:
- Halved the bonus to Bleed damage (cuz the armour also inflicts Bleed).
- Fixed Deathly Encroachment so that it's properly only toggleable once per turn.
- Deathly Encraochment now only applies its -END effect during battle.
- Switched Archfiend's Betrayal to cost SP instead of MP.
- The Bleed inflicted by Archfiend's Betrayal now gets an eleComp boost to damage.
AQ  Post #: 100
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