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RE: Donation suggestion contests feedback

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9/4/2024 15:04:57   

… I’ll be very disappointed if this continues to be a 2-month long event.

It felt like there was too long a lull period, and I’d like to be able to have it be shortened if not non-existent, corresponding to a shorter event duration that sees greater activity throughout. I dislike rehashing points, but for the sake of completeness, increasing the daily number of miscs given out encourages said greater activity.

Something new I’d like to discuss is “eligibility”.

I dislike the current implementation of “clock a daily battle or donation” to be in the pool for 24 hours (or until reset, it’s not clear to me). I dislike the idea of “clocking a battle or donation” to be eligible throughout, or for a week either, as I think this incentives non gameplay (I.e. I’ll login once just for the tokens). I don’t have an elegant solution, I’m hoping some ideas can be thrown out and considered for future donation events.

Lastly, I think it would be sad if this thread ends with a typical PR “thank you for your feedback”. I hope The Hollow would be able to share some of the feedback that have a fair and reasonable probability of being implemented next iteration, so that at the very least, players feel heard.
Post #: 26
9/4/2024 16:05:17   
Aura Knight

A major issue is that deciding rewards becomes nothing more than a popularity contest. This would be fine if there were no rivalries.

AQ DF AQW  Post #: 27
9/4/2024 16:56:52   

I agree that 2 months feels very long with the current format. I could imagine an alternate format where the process of choosing a set starts and finishes before the donation contest starts, and then the contest just runs for a shorter time. Theoretically other things could be done to make the contest itself more exciting, as typically the first day is fun and the last day is when things "matter" and all the positions get locked in. It's tough for the middle period to be exciting since at that point the event is neither new nor urgent like the first/last days are.

That does remind me though, from what I hear it was more or less an "accident" that the server would cap donations at about 200 thousand per 10 minutes; I think having a cap on donation speed is a good thing, since it does tell players "if you donate enough above the person below you, you can guarantee your spot" which gives both safety and incentive to donate more. The size of the cap would definitely be up for debate though since a 200 thousand cap was a big deal among the top 5 but nowhere else. I have a theory that's probably not worth the effort, but who knows; the theory would be:

Assume donation contest runs for 30 days
- For the first 19 days, no donation cap and donations are as normal
- On the reset between day 19 and 20, snapshot the current standings (current top 5/25/50/100/200). On the leaderboards, add a column for "Final Day 10-minute cap" - this will be the maximum amount that a player can donate in a 10-minute period, but ONLY on the last day. Example caps:
- - Top 5: 100,000
- - Top 25: 25,000
- - Top 50: 10,000
- - Top 100: 5,000
- - Top 200: 2,500
- - Everyone Else: 1,000
- On days 20-29, no donation cap and donations are as normal
- On day 30, the cap is in place; a player's sniping ability is determined by their placement from day 20.

This would come with the assumption that the donation system could gain an upgrade to let a player deposit any number of tokens and have them distributed at the capped pace (or just all at once prior to the last day), so that a player who didn't donate until the last day could throw 10,000 tokens in and not have to manually do 20 installments; same for players wanting to donate a few million and would rather not have to click 400 times (200 times clicking "5000", 200 times clicking "donate again"). Either way, there would also have to be a system recognizing when a player is trying to donate more than their cap would allow them to donate before the end of the contest and would refund the excess.

The logic behind the theory is:
- It gives the mechanic of "donate enough and you'll be safe" to all tiers; if you're in the top 100 you can know that being 2,500 above #101 in the final ten minutes lets you relax.
- It spread activity out: The first days are for people that want to declare intent and to get their participation done right away; the middle will be a boost in the competition from people that want to be best at sniping / resisting sniping at the end, and the final day or two would be when players push to gain/hold their ideal standing. Players would have motivation to participate at multiple points throughout, with multiple checkpoints of "if you donate more tokens, you'll be safer going forward".

I'm sure there's issues with the idea, but overall I do think that caps would be nice to have on the final day for both peace of mind and encouraging more donations.
Post #: 28
9/5/2024 11:23:46   

I dont mind the length of the contest. I think it feels longer because there's a Lull once players obtain the daily prize. This is why in my suggestion, halfway through that the prize should change.

I also think any change to the system shouldn't result in less donations. Now, I'm not talking if it results in 50 million then it's a failure. I view this year as perhaps an outlier. If the system results in 25 million when the last 2 were above that, then those changes would be a bad idea.

I think having some aspects of a competition along with some guarantees it would be a good mix.

Again, if we went to an account-based into the vault system, the only reason to play on all chars is the daily item. But playing on 1 char is enough to make your vault eligible. But the guaranteed tiers would need to expand greatly.

Instead of 2k and 4k or w/e they are, these need to be more like 5k for the shield (this is basically a normal token item) 15k for the misc, 25k for the weapons, 50k for the pet, 150k for the armor.

This years overall tokens were much higher, but this is almost exclusively due to the fight that occurred 1-7. Most of the rest looked much like last year. So having 2 years with very similar results notwithstanding the top, these would look like:

Top 200 (weapon) TY = 8.,125

New Tier = 25k

Top 100 (Pet) TY = 50,550

New Tier = 50k

Top 50 (Armor) TY = 224,550

New Tier = 150k

So the barrier to entry for the lower stuff is a bit more, but the barrier to entry for the higher stuff is lower.

But by making it account based, we will have more players with equal access to token donos. This will make up for the higher barrier to entry on the low end.

Secondly, I guarantee you we have players who WANT to go for higher tiered items but they wait to see where the numbers start to go. Once they see they climb out of reach or what they'd be willing to donate, they decide to keep their tokens.

Keeping their tokens = no need to buy token packages the rest of the year.

With this I think we would see more 50k and 150k donations from many, many more players to get the now guaranteed amount. This will offset the fight between 25-50.

Furthermore, keeping top 25 to fight over Custom gear will still incentivize more token donating. Also my proposal expanded the very top from 5 to 10, with 6-10 being a lower reward than Dev Ticket and more akin to a war reward. (So no custom art)

These expanded top end fights will do 2 things.

1. Going to account based will *slightly* lower players total token donos as more will go to others. SO as an example, I got 200k this year. Maybe with account based, I'd get 170, 180k instead. I'd still get enough to get the base stuff for starters, but the combination of expansion of top 5 to top 10, keeping top 25 a competition, and expanding the number of players spending via the guarantees will offset the token loss, re-igniting it back up to 200k for my account , if not more.

I think the total proposal I out forth is the best path forward. The proposal is a wholistic approach and removing an y one aspect places certain ideas in a vaccum and ends up lessening the entirety of the idea. So it needs to be all or forget it.
Post #: 29
9/7/2024 6:16:36   

I find the length of the Summer Donation contest to be somewhat excessive, particularly given that the token donations are bimodally distributed at the start and end of the event. With that said, I have a much bigger problem with the number of release weeks dedicated to the event. This year, we've already had:
  • 1 x Release for the custom weapon reskins from last year.
  • 1 x Release for this year's donation event.
  • 1 x Release for Warwolf's Weapon, Shield and Pet.

    In addition, we are due:
  • 1 x Release for Warwolf's Armour and Misc.
  • 1+ x Release for the Fungibushi set.
  • 1/2 x Release for the new house.

    As you can see, currently at least five weeks of the annual release schedule are dedicated just to the Summer contest! That's more than Frostval! Between all the other seasonal content, dedicating that much time to just one event seems wasteful, given how that time could otherwise be spent.

    I also want to point out that the tension generated by this contest, as mentioned in my initial post, still hasn't abated. Yesterday, I was accused of using underhanded tactics to support the campaign of a set for a third time by the same person, this time simply for posting in the GBI section on the mechanics underlying one of the sets. To reiterate, this comes despite me choosing not to support any individual set, and even casting protest votes. This kind of polarisation is completely unsustainable.

    < Message edited by CH4OT1C! -- 9/7/2024 6:34:40 >


  • AQ  Post #: 30
    9/8/2024 4:31:54   
    ming shuen

    I disagree with your point on the lack of abated tension. All of this (re)ignited because a giftmaster decided not to share their choice of Golden Dev Ticket item and you didn’t like their reasons. They have the right to keep the item private and out of the spotlight. And well, you do have a tendency to create GBIs and / or propose changes on spotlighted items. For example, when I suggested bringing back Chaos Slayer Clerics, you jumped in and made it spell-caster lean. This was a greatly appreciated example, though there are certainly other instances that are the opposite

    You use your protest vote as an excellent shield, but you did state your intentions in several different discord messages. I am sure you can present it in a manner that goes something like “It is technically not this, though seemingly extremely close to that, but . . .” , like a quintessential academic, and perhaps it may be true, but can you blame people for raising questions?

    Anyway, I am a member of all AQ discords, and I believe I can say that everyone was civil and relaxed until your argument with the giftmaster. Despite my requests and that of several others to not go further and / or end the conversation, you escalated and hence new tension was created. Everything was calm until then

    TLDR: Tension has abated and everything was calm. Your argument created new tension that should not be conflated with previous tension. Hence this instance cannot be used as an example for change. Valid arguments can be made about tension during the contest, and perhaps a week afterwards, but beyond that - I disagree with its suitability. A tad semantical, but it seems somewhat appreciated in this community

    On another note: I agree with you that the length of the contest is excessive. I also agree that having so many release weeks dedicated to this is too much. We are missing out on story-releases and class revamps
    AQ DF MQ  Post #: 31
    9/8/2024 11:45:30   
    And Pun-isher


    Let's not devolve to importing conflicts from elsewhere in the forums. Open as we are to taking feedback, there is a line that professional distance demands that we draw. Much as it pains us, we can see the arguments ourselves when we have to verify the nuance of what is reported. We neither need, nor can allow, player conflicts to be relitigated on official channels.

    The scope of the hostility has not escaped us, particularly in the years of being subject to it as well. Frankly, it's profoundly saddening to see our players fighting. Rest assured, then, that we are thoroughly aware of the unsustainability of the situation, and of the need to find a new balance of how to meet needs while avoiding pitfalls. We appreciate the feedback on how to accomplish that.
    Post #: 32
    9/14/2024 4:19:56   

    This post pertains to the Winter Donation Drive.

    I have to applaud staff for the changes to the Gold donation drive last year. I think they are a step in the right direction, but there is a group of players who are still ostracized from the additional rewards (i.e. the Top 100 Gold donors) — Adventurers who put in the time and effort to contribute to the overall pool. Specifically, those without Guardian+ on the account.

    Why I believe this to be an issue, is that due to the great disparity between how much an Adventurer can make daily vs how much a Guardian+ can make daily (~4x more), an Adventurer’s contributions will never be acknowledged when looking at Top 100 Gold through the lens of absolute values. Indeed, there are no Adventurers in the Top 100 Gold of last year (or even years prior).

    With that in mind. I propose the following hand-in-hand changes:

    – Limit donations to come from max levelled characters only (135 for Adventurers, 150 for Guardians and X-Guardians).
    – Limit Gold Donations to a hard cap of ~120% of Gold Cap daily.
    – Instead of rewarding Top 100, reward those who exceed a benchmark X% of Gold Cap donated (for example, (50 days x 120)% of Gold Cap donated.*

    Point 1 incentives non maxed levelled players to play the game more. It rewards max levelled players for their generosity in putting time and effort into gold capping and donating the gold to active non-maxed characters. Moreover, it has the added advantage of not having non-maxed levelled characters recklessly donate to the point of being unable to afford higher levelled gear as they progress.

    Point 2 accounts for the fact that donations can go to other maxed levelled characters, and prevents characters from donating their entire stash in the first hour or day.

    *Point 3 might influence how the Community Mini-Set is unlocked? I’m not certain on this, but staff should reserve final say on how it will be unlocked.

    My other concerns remain:

    – 2-months feels too long.
    – Eligibility to be counted as "active" should be revisited, or at the very least, stated clearly.

    < Message edited by 1stClassGenesis -- 12/28/2024 1:18:27 >
    Post #: 33
    9/14/2024 10:13:46   
    Grace Xisthrith

    One brief piece of feedback as well that I would like to second is an official staff statement on what makes an account eligible for donations.
    There are some things that the playerbase know work for eligibility, like completing a battle, but there are others that I'm personally curious about, such as watching a ballyhoo video, reorganizing items in the inventory, or buying items. Is there any chance we could get clarification on if any of these other actions that communicate with the server also make a character active?
    AQ  Post #: 34
    9/14/2024 14:09:39   

    If they change this system to something pretty close to what I am suggesting, the requirements in my mind should only be 2. 1. Win a battle on any character of any level 2. The account must have a vault (because this would be where the tokens deposit)

    This cuts out a lot.
    Post #: 35
    9/15/2024 6:48:36   

    As a quick extra piece of constructive feedback, I wanted to bring up a point about staff miscommunication again. I understand this will be due to workload, hopefully in future this feedback is helpful.

    Personally, I'm kind of annoyed that the color custom stretch goal reward happened in the way it did, because given the full information, I probably would have gone for top 25. Hard to say for certain obviously.

    The main point I want to highlight is that players asked about full set CC, and were told in no uncertain terms that this was not happening. I based my decisions off this official staff communication.

    Now, overall, this decision was almost certainly very positive - anyone placed outside of 25-50 has no reason (imo) to be much annoyed by this (and even in those spots, it is not a massive negative, just minorly annoying), so from a player-wide enjoyment perspective, I think it was probably a good decision.

    From a donation contest success (total donations) perspective however, if anyone else felt the same as myself then it seems likely we would have had more total donations if communication was better here.

    So to summarise - better communication/preparedness on this, and related issues, would probably increase player satisfaction, and maybe have better donation outcomes too.
    Post #: 36
    9/15/2024 9:20:36   


    Personally, I'm kind of annoyed that the color custom stretch goal reward happened in the way it did, because given the full information, I probably would have gone for top 25. Hard to say for certain obviously.

    Not to disagree with you that there can't be better communication overall, but they very much didn't have the intent to make color customizable items other than the armor. It was something that was floated as potentially possible, but work constraints and vetting the poll ate up too much time to implement them. Up until the last... 12 hours of the final day, we looked fairly set to barely eek out the 30m benchmark as it was. That takes into account the expected last day bump, but nothing as insane as what happened in this donation drive. Any impromptu stretch goals they made wouldn't have left them with much time to inform people.

    So from here on, the solution seems obvious, right? Let players know of any impromptu stretch goals ahead of time.
    There's an additional problem to consider: where the staff officially set donation benchmarks is very important. If the benchmarks are unreasonably high (and surely 40m given how this contest initially looked would've been unreasonably high), you have the problem of players feeling like they're being expected to meet these unreasonably high benchmarks.
    Further, the problem doesn't actually go away here. People would simply donate based on previous contest precedent regarding benchmarks. Based off that, nobody would've thought a 40m benchmark was plausible until a little earlier than the formal announcement of it this year.

    I think more preparedness on this is worth discussing, I just don't think it's a silver bullet solution given the factors underlying setting official benchmarks that high.

    < Message edited by Branl -- 9/15/2024 10:48:10 >


    IGN: Teryle

    There's a method to my madness.
    AQ DF  Post #: 37
    9/16/2024 0:24:54   
    Aura Knight

    Could stop asking us to decide rewards. It's obvious there's a divide here so surprise us. What can be polled is vague ideas not full player suggestions. This last one was a mess. Until we can get unanimous agreements the players shouldn't be trusted with things like that.

    As for donation itself, custom token amount but limited use option maybe capped to 1m per week. Limit received donations until all active accounts get at least 1. I've seen repeated names too much. Maybe shorten the duration but this means fewer chances. Maybe do it per account not character and put tokens directly to vaults.

    Explain eligibility like others are asking.
    AQ DF AQW  Post #: 38
    9/22/2024 15:18:00   

    Alright so after giving this all some thought, I wanted to put forth what I personally think should occur going forward.

    But first, I want to begin by bringing up a few things that I think are important.

    1. The Summer Donation Contest is likely a massive financial boon for the game. I think that any and all attempts to remove or lower player engagement and hype for this isn't worth some of the petty gripes that get thrown around. So I believe that suggestions for the giftmaster set need to remain. Furthermore, I think we should keep some form of populism in terms of what idea/suggestion gets chosen because this further increases the engagement

    2. I know for a fact that there are players who wait until the end to see if it is worth the gamble to donate tokens in order to get certain benchmarks, only to decide against it and keep their tokens once they see that the item they wanted to go for is out of reach. I believe keeping these tokens after this event contributes to a lack of token package sales afterwards.

    3. If you look at the top 300 list, #300 donated 4,000 tokens. By #150, this has only jumped to 12,500 tokens. By #100, this jumped to 50,000. This drastic increase is likely due to the system. And by that, I mean those with 10 characters above L25 who win 1 battle/day become eligible. So those with less than 10 chars or chars under L25 are at a massive disadvantage. I believe that we have players completely unaware of this. And I believe that most of those under #150 likely do not play 10 chars a day for whatever reason...so their incoming token donos are low. I do wonder, what would happen if this system changed? I have a solution.

    4. I think staff had their heart in the right place with this years adjustments. However, many of these changes was spurred on based on what happened in 2023. Without getting into some dirty facts that took place behind the scenes...As a reminder, in 2023 there was a "most popular set" for the majority of the contest but the last couple of weeks , that had changed. Hollow mentioned that it "makes sense" that the most popular set was chosen, but it so happened that in 2023 that wasn't the case. This is why we ended up with both Wingweaver and Wishweaver. I think if that had not occurred, we would have n to seen much of the changes to this year's approach. I believe some of the approach actually didn't need changed contrary to some opinions, but I also think some good changes did actually occur this year and I would like to massage some of that for the future while reverting some other aspects.

    5. Ultimately, we have those that spend their money in droves to place at the top of this system, and we have those who might get a package or two, and we those who will only donate the tokens they received. When you break down the total tokens donated, the competition at the top carries the lion's share of the total donated. The dev ticket idea has been a huge success, for example. So this needs to remain. But I think due to the fact a dev ticket was given to # 6 and #7 this year, it's time to expand some top end rewards. I'll cover this later.

    6. Finally, the time spent on implementing the contest, developing a functional approach with as little amount of gripes as possible, and developing the actual items has proven to be a challenge due to issues both the players and staff have caused. I think some changes to this entire "way" needs some action plans implemented and I have some ideas that may help decrease staff workload but also create a path forward.

    So here's what I think should be done:

    The Giftmaster and the Community Sets

    1. Keep the giftmaster set as a suggestion from the players. How you go about who wins I'll address shortly.
    2. Remove the community set suggestion, but keep the community set items.
    3. The community set will be 100% made by staff, however, the caveat is it will be based on the winning suggestion from the giftmaster set.
    4. No new mechanics, statuses, etc allowed. This has killed the time spent this year.
    5. Staff will take the same theme, and in some cases, even the same CODE. This will be a slightly different take on the giftmaster theme using a different element and in some cases, perhaps some staff ideas to slightly replace the one used on the giftmaster set. The idea here is giving access to everyone the theme and ideas put forth , by using/copying much of the code such that the process gives everyone access to some of the idea, only scaled down (community is less premium), and this also reduces staff workload from the suggestions process, voting process, and development process.

    The Suggestion and Voting Process

    1. One of the wins this year was the taking of 3 set ideas and allowing the players to vote. The application of that vote , however, was an unmitigated disaster. Also, IMO, the Dev notes part I rather liked and so this should remain the same.
    2. The vote system this time will not involve a poll, but rather only be contained via text inside a voting thread with extremely strict rules. Transparency will be key here and I think it will greatly enhance what was supposed to be ideally
    3. The voting thread will look like this and contain the following rules. Failure to follow rules will remove your vote.
    A.) You must post which set you vote for.
    B.) You must post which character name and character I.D that is voting. This character must be on the top 300 list or their vote will be ineligible.
    C.) No other comments, discussion, or anything else is allowed.
    D.) No editing your post.
    E.) If any rules are broken, your vote will not be counted.

    Change the system to account-based instead of character-based

    1. This will lower total donations being divided out to those who are taking advantage of the 10-char system, and increase donations to those who aren't either because they refuse to or are unaware. Those gaining upwards of 200k tokens during the event are likely to balk at this change, and understandingly so. But I will lay out a plan in an attempt to offset this such that those players may still get the the same or near the same amount of tokens.

    2. Alter the player requirements to have to be 1. Any level 2. Be eligible for token drops (30+ days old) 3. The account must own a Vault

    3. Tokens donated will be deposited into the vault. Any character on the account who wins a battle will be notified of the token donation.

    4. Remember the top 300 list I mentioned, and how #150 was only in the 12k range? I believe many of these players don't use 10 chars and this new system will give all of these players a lot more tokens. And I believe they will be donating in much greater amounts with this change. Its the 150+ (Really, 100+) that may see less token donations, so let's work on increasing overall donations

    Change the base items (non color custom, or special items) to be guaranteed at specific donation amounts

    1. Increase the base items to 5k (shield), 15k (misc), 25k (weapon set), 50k (pet), and (150k armor). Remember, while the shield, misc, weapon set will be more expensive to get than before, we've increased the amount of tokens for many, many players by making this account based. I suspect that #150-300 (and more) will be re-donating miuch more tokens to get these items because they're getting much more. Also, the pet at #100 was 50k this year so this benchmark is unchanged and the armor at #50 was 224k. 150k+ this year landed at #63.

    2. Remember how I mentioned that I know for a fact that many players are not gambling their tokens away once they realize it's beyond their reach, I suspect many more would donate 150k that otherwise wouldn't. I believe this offsets the #63-#50 combined amount.

    Increase the amount of overall tokens donated

    1. I have already mentioned that I think the bottom end would donate more both because they'd receive more and because we've made all of the base items guaranteed.

    2. Change places 1 and 2 to "Custom Dev Ticket". The "Custom Dev Ticket" means the player will design an item from scratch, subject to the Dev's balance rules, as well as get custom art.

    3. Numbers 3 through 5 will get "Art Dev Ticket". This is the same as "dev ticket" now. An elemental clone, with custom art.

    4. Since we had #6 and #7 get Dev Tickets outside the rules, (I think they deserved something, but perhaps not a dev ticket but ultimately no gripe from me) I think we need a new prize a little bit lesser in attraction than the Dev Ticket. 6-10 should have their own fight. This should be an elemental clone of something with the SAME art , but a color reskin or color custom tag (whichever staff thinks is easier)

    5. Top 25 get Color Custom on all of the items

    6. Top 50 get color custom on everything except the armor

    Since the top competition is carrying the total donated, let's expand the competition at the top while guaranteeing the base items at specific higher benchmarks. Remember. this should be fine because we've changed this thing to account based and many more players will be able and willing to donate. All of these changes IMO will increase overall token donations such that those who are worried that their overall tokens they get will be lower in the future, won't be b because again, we've increased overall donations

    7. Lastly, I believe the daily-item reward (frostval crown, moontide bracer) should still be based on character. And I think halfway through the event, a different item should be awarded. There's this period of time once people get that item where those 25 token donations come to a stop (unless you were one of the ones donating in 25's to prevent giving players high amounts which may snipe you)

    I firmly believe this collective change would:

    1. Increase donations for many players who aren't using the 10 char system for any number of reasons
    2. Keeps token donations pretty similar for those that are
    3. Increases overall donations
    4. Reduces staff workload compared to now both from a forums and dev time aspect
    5. Provides a transparent voting system

    Editted to change the top 2 spots to get a *real* dev ticket. Designing your entire item. Then making the 3-5 spots the same as now

    < Message edited by Sapphire -- 10/3/2024 14:33:48 >
    Post #: 39
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