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Worth swapping END for CHA?

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12/4/2024 16:02:08   
Rafiq von den Vielen

Title, basically.

My most played (and I would say best geared) character is a warrior with END because I have and use the full Hexbound set. ( For reference.)
But for the last few days I've been wondering about doing the swap to CHA to get a little more mileage out of the pets... alright mainly just dunamis... that I use. (Legiondeery is literally only there to look good.)

And now that Reign got a full redesign I'm also contemplating to use it. Otherwise I could just Dark Invader but a second opinion would be appreciated.
Post #: 1
12/4/2024 16:10:52   

In my own experience, make sure you have at least some END left. I experimented with 250CHA/0 END vs 200CHA/100 END, and the latter was much better.

My Neko Beastmaster mage struggle to maintain his HP. It's even worse if you have pets or guest that drain HP. If you want 250 CHA, use misc to give yourself a boost or use a class that can boost your CHA(Neko, Vampire etc.).

< Message edited by J9408 -- 12/4/2024 16:12:47 >
Post #: 2
12/4/2024 16:12:42   

CHA is by far the strongest support stat (CHA/END/LUK). It has the strongest item support and general versatility. You also have access to healing Pets/Guests, which could help to cover from the HP reduction. END offers additional strength to HP healing, stun resistance, and status resistance, but all of these can be covered with items if you need them. The only thing you can't easily replace is the higher base HP pool.

You may be using Dunamis mainly right now, but you will want to consider expanding your Pet/Guest arsenal if you do switch to CHA.

Nonetheless, it's worth reading up on what each stat does to know precisely what you're gaining/losing with such a trade.

< Message edited by CH4OT1C! -- 12/4/2024 16:21:48 >


AQ  Post #: 3
12/7/2024 6:52:44   
Doomknight Arakos

I'd say END is the most crucial support stat if you enjoy using FSB items like the Hexbound set. If you want a beastwarrior build I'd swap LUK for CHA. From my point of view LUK is the least crucial stat if you don't mind giving up first turn or don't wan't to rely on lucky strikes. Sure, you'll be missing slightly more, but overall, a 0 LUK build is totally manageable if you get used to it.

Of course, you're also free to mix up stat points and ''experiment'' with your own style.

< Message edited by Doomknight Arakos -- 12/7/2024 8:21:22 >
AQ  Post #: 4
12/7/2024 9:29:50   

First off, the HP's END provides isn't assumed. It's completely extra. This inherently means you'll be fine w/o END. While I think END is at times very underrated, it at the same time isn't needed at all. The chars I have END on quite enjoy it, and an absolutely massive aspect to END is Essence Orb. Those extra HP's = SP. But END is also a psuedo offensive stat if you need it to be if you want to use HP costed stuff. Very underrated. You can purposefully be in less than optimal defense with your gear (like troposhield, amongst other ideas) and excel.

However, CHA can replace END in so many ways. The item support is vast, and some people will claim it's the best support stat. I think that's a matter of opinion personally, but it can provide so much utility that you can specialize in certain ideas with it and then completely do something else with the same stat due to the item support.

CHA can provide healing of all 3 bars, defense via panic/choke/eleshield/dodge, stuns via paralyze/control/fear/sleep/daze, status eaters for heals/damage, DoT's, etc etc so the versatility IMO makes it a more fun stat.
Post #: 5
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