First, FD doesn't automatically mean using 100 proc. While that's been the longstanding "best case scenario" or "accepted norm", there are some playstyle cases that one could justify using other types of weapons. For example, weapons that inflict strong DoT's are some good examples, especially if a proc doesn't exist for certain elements or specific DoT's. Another example IMO is havarti blade. A 50% chance to get both pet/guest celerity for a beast build IMO makes it more valuable than any 100 proc in the game for a beast build. Since Bard of War has it's pet/guest toggle, it's not really FD anymore, anyway. That's how it pays for the companion celerity. (And should remain that way IMO) The weapon, as Dizzle pointed out, it boosts pet LS rates. When used with Optico misc, this is pretty significant damage. It's going to be more damage than some 100 proc, for sure, when you account for pet/guest damage. Also, it boosts all pet/guest damage even when not in BoW armor, but when in BoW this gets amplified by the pet/guest celerity. It's quite good. I'd suggest ignoring that old, tired narrative of FD=100 proc always.