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RE: =AQ= Top Giftmaster Prizes

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2/6/2025 8:23:41   
Grace Xisthrith

I love the the art for both sets of gear, gorgeous items. I also love the gingerbrute mechanics and the sovereign nightmare weapon mechanics, some fun stuff I'm hoping to fit in my build.

Lorekeeper suggested the Sovereign Nightmare Shield was going to be changed at some point on discord, while I don't think spending a lot of time on perma rares is a perfect policy, if that's already happening, I think it would be cool to pay for more power for its effect like Protean Maw does, which reduces outgoing player damage. I think it's a cool penalty that we don't see often enough on non weapons, so it would be cool to see it on another shield.
Thanks for the release! My favorite part overall after the art is the healing on the Sovereign weapons.
AQ  Post #: 51
2/6/2025 23:23:04   

By any stretch could we get a variant of the Gingerbrute Magic Weapon that is simply a mechanical clone of the Melee Weapon?

As discussed on Discord, Mages have been painted into a corner (unintentionally by design) post-stat revamp, due to the fact that they require 4 different Weapon Types (0-Proc, 100-Proc, Tomes and Spellboosters) to satisfy item-support-wise.

Whereas, Rangers only require 2 Weapon Types (0-Proc and 100-Proc) and Warriors only require 1 Weapon Type (0-proc). This implies that just due to the fact that AQ has a small team, STR builds will inevitably end up with the most viable item support by far, while Mages will often have to wait literally years for the items their builds need.

The Gingerbrute Weapon is an extremely rare case of a recent donation item, by sheer chance, actually lining up with my build theorycraft. And it's extremely unfortunate that I'm unable to use it purely because its effect has been forced into being spellcaster-oriented.

I'll refrain from making gambling analogies here because my intent isn't to unironically bash on AQ or its developers, but those analogies have already been made plenty of times by others.


“Thus, because the wise do not find that an illusory horse and elephant are a horse and an elephant, they do not qualify as nonexistent, but because they are found by fools, they qualify as existent.”
Post #: 52
2/18/2025 1:49:55   

It looks like the nightmare queen weapons (testing with melee and ranged versions) now charge a sizable amount of sp per attack when in hp healing mode. Not sure why this is happening, seems like a new bug popped up somehow.
AQ  Post #: 53
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