Zoltan, I'm cashing in on your offer. heres my tutorial.... Hello. I’m Valgaera. You may have seen my Flash Gallery/Shoppe in which I make weapons and reanimate AQ armours. Recently, I was PM’d asking how I do my armour animations. That made me decide to write this tutorial. It is divided into sections, as follows TABLE OF CONTENCE 100- Starting 200- Colouring 300- Animating 400- Rotating 500- Rotating with a hinge 600- Key 700- Questions 800- Closing To quick jump to a certain section, use the find feature (hold CTRL, and hit F) and search for the number of the section. 100- Starting Start by importing the picture of the NMP to the stage (File-->Import--> Import to Stage). Then, add another layer, and named it LLeg1. On it, draw the Lower Leg 1. After you draw it, make it into a symbol (right click--> convert to symbol-->movie clip) and named it LLeg1. Do the same for the rest of the body parts ( AQ armors have 12 body parts- Lower Leg 1, Lower Leg 2, Upper Leg 1, Upper Leg 2, Body, Upper arm 1, Lower arm 1, Upper arm 2, lower arm 2, Head, foot1, and foot2) Make each one a symbol on its own layer. The hardest part to do is to draw the "invisible" parts. What I mean is, in the picture, a small part of the body is covered by the arm. You have to imagine how it would look if the arm wasn't there, and draw it like that. The trick is to make it look as similar as possible. You have to do that for every part of the body that is even just a little hidden. 200- Colouring After you do that, start coloring. To do shading, use the line/straight line tool with a width of .25(the line width can be change using the properties tab window-->properties. For regular lines, I use 1.0) Try to use as close a colour to the actual picture as possible, and use a darkened version of the colour to do shading. This makes it look very similar to the original. 300- Animating After all your colouring/shading is done, start animating (using either 12 fps or 36 fps) For demonstration purposes, I'll tell you how I do it in 12fps (to change the fps, click on the box under the timeline that says the current number of fps. The box that pops up also lets you change the bkrnd colour, the proportions of the stage, and the ruler unit). I insert a keyframe at frame 30, and then another at KEYFRAME 15. Then I put the part of the body at the 15th frame in a different position. The way I do this is.... For the BODY, I move it down and right 3 hits* For the U Arm1, I move it down and right 3 hits* I also rotate it, from the shoulder, so the elbow part of the arm moves forward. For the U Arm 2, I move it down and right 3 hits* I also rotate it, from the shoulder, so the elbow part of the arm moves forward. Move this one slightly less than U Arm 1 For the L Arm1, I move it down and right 3 hits* I also rotate, from the elbow part, so that the hand moves upward, but it stays attached to the U Arm by the elbow For the L Arm 2, I move it down and right 3 hits* I also rotate, from the elbow part, so that the hand moves upward, but it stays attached to the U Arm by the elbow For the HEAD, I move it down and right 3 hits* For the U Leg 1, I move it down and right 3 hits* I also rotate it, from the knee, so that the upper part of the U Leg moves slightly forward. For the U Leg 2, I move it down 3 hits* Then I rotate it, from the knee, so it remain at the same point of the body. For the L Leg1, I rotate it so the top remain connected to the lowest point on the U Leg, and the bottom remain attached to the foot. The L Leg and The Upper Leg should form a ‘point’ at the fifteenth key frame. I also move it down a few hits* For the L Leg2, I rotate it so the top remain connected to the lowest point on the U Leg, and the bottom remain attached to the foot. The L Leg and The Upper Leg should form a ‘point’ at the fifteenth key frame. I also move it down a few hits* For the Foot 1, I do nothing. It remains still For the Foot 2, I do nothing. It remains still 400- Rotating To rotate the piece, you start by selecting it with the rotate/resize tool. Then, a box with points at the corners and middle of the sides will appear over you item. If you put your mouse right next to one of the points, you will notice that it becomes a circular arrow. If you click and then drag your mouse around, the item will rotate. No matter which corner you are at, it will rotate the same way. 500- Rotating with a hinge When you select an item using the rotate/resize tool (Column 1, row 6 of the Tool toolbar. Looks like a square with points at the corners and middle of the sides), a white dot appears in the middle of the figure. That dot is the point at which the piece rotates around. It can be dragged so that the piece rotates around a new point. For example, when I say rotate the Upper arm around the shoulder, you select the upper arm with the rotation/resize tool, and drag the white dot to the shoulder. Then when you rotate it, it rotates around the shoulder. 600- Key * If this is next to the word ‘hits’ it means to tap the arrow in the said direction ^ If this is next to the word ‘hits’ it means to hold the SHIFT key and tap the arrow in the said direction. 700- Questions This is the section for questions. I will add the questions as they are asked Q- Where purchase/get a trial for Flash? A- is the official site for flash. Check it out; Flash is a great program. 800- Closing Well, that’s it! That is my method for animating a Adventure Quest Armour. If you ever use it, I would hope that you give me credit for it. It’d be nice to be recognized. Regardless, I hope this helps you learn to animate just a little better in Flash.