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RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting.

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2/27/2007 2:43:05   



I think this is a bug.. Fire orbs turn into Ice Crystals if paralyzed..

*No..that's not a bug. They simply transform when frozen. It's been that way since they day they were introduced into the game..3 years ago.*

REENS i think he knows that, but he said they turned into ice crystals when PARALYZED, not frozen.
AQ DF  Post #: 126
2/27/2007 6:06:56   

i think this is a bug my puingun from cristmas heals the junior zard pack
Post #: 127
2/27/2007 7:06:16   

Spamming Sunray (-700% light) enough with a light attack, forcing him to have uber health sometimes sets his hp to instant 0.

That is fully intended

< Message edited by Radagast -- 2/27/2007 11:35:04 >
AQ DF  Post #: 128
2/28/2007 4:57:30   

i was battling mech zombie, then when it's hp reduced to 4.6, it turned into 4.60000000000000000000000000000000000000000! i was using hybee spear, wering necro cloak, with Jacques guest and light gatta pet.

A math bug with HP-scaled monsters. It will be fixed when HP scaling is removed.

< Message edited by Chii -- 2/28/2007 10:20:00 >
AQ  Post #: 129
3/2/2007 6:46:04   

When Deadeye Cupid does his paralyzing attack on NightBane, NightBane says:

" *Crack*! Foolish creature, mere ice cannot contain such as I "

< Message edited by U_Neek -- 3/2/2007 6:50:01 >
Post #: 130
3/2/2007 21:35:29   

I couldn't figure where else to put this... I was fighting a The Horror (2), and died on purpose using Necro Heal so I could get to Sir Pwnsalot. I clicked on Death's hourglass, and it loaded up a battle with a Savvy Merchant!
AQ DF  Post #: 131
3/4/2007 0:36:47   

Mondrogor does not make sound on element x attack
AQ  Post #: 132
3/4/2007 8:13:06   
The Terminator

nightbane's regenerating attack. Is a darkness sound but a element x icon.
same as void dragon. Earth sound and fire icon.

Sig removed, no signatures here.

< Message edited by Radagast -- 3/4/2007 19:34:01 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 133
3/4/2007 15:50:36   

when you paralyse the fire orbs with supid, it turns into ice cristals too

Sig removed, no signatures here.

< Message edited by Radagast -- 3/4/2007 19:34:10 >
AQ  Post #: 134
3/7/2007 12:17:48   

instead of gaining stats you lose stats

Happens when you use a misc item or stat altering abilities against stat altering monsters. It is therefore reccomended that you don't use such things against those monsters. The stats should revert on log out.

when i was fighting the plasma dragon soilder(new Graphics) the old face showed up instead of the new why?

Double post merged.

< Message edited by linkman88 -- 4/6/2007 8:34:53 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 135
3/8/2007 18:04:36   

Shirrigs still do their secret ability when they are paralyzed. That would seem to be a bug since they are supposed to be able to move...
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 136
3/9/2007 14:39:28   

I was facing a Herdmaster, he is a lightening element, but had no defense against it but he had a defense against darkness.

Not a bug. Base element doesn't determine defenses.

< Message edited by Chii -- 3/11/2007 0:42:37 >
DF  Post #: 137
3/10/2007 18:32:20   

I couldn't cause any damage to the boss of the battle chamber Phlox. Which ever weapon I used it came up with 0? damage caused like I was attacking with element X. I have no idea why, it was a little annoying because I killed a few monsters to get to the fight.

Phlox is immune to everything except spells.

< Message edited by Chii -- 3/11/2007 0:42:14 >
Post #: 138
3/11/2007 0:39:56   

When i was batting symphom vamp,i killed her and i grow a level,it says (U have grown to level 79)then i check my level it was level 78??then i go to the stats trainer ,they says i have no stats POints left!!! and i have to get my exp up again

Your character page shows you as level 79. Logging out and logging back in should fix the problem.

< Message edited by Radagast -- 3/12/2007 11:10:30 >
AQ DF  Post #: 139
3/11/2007 11:14:19   

when i was u "Un-training" my stats sir pwnsalot's special attck (where his sword spins around your head) did no damage

happends constantly
AQ  Post #: 140
3/11/2007 12:53:48   

i was battling green nasty and the old icons still appear above his head

< Message edited by zero94 -- 3/11/2007 12:55:15 >
AQ DF  Post #: 141
3/11/2007 19:55:00   
Nex del Vida

not sure if this is an only-tree-clearing bug, but when I was clearing a plot of land, the gold reward of every monster I fought was 10.

That is fully intended.

< Message edited by Radagast -- 3/12/2007 11:03:49 >
AQ  Post #: 142
3/11/2007 20:02:18   

when I was battling the "forest pack" (the owl, beaver, rabbit, and turtle) with gaurdian armor equipped, the fearsome dualight sword and a light vampdragon pet, while I wasattacking the turtle hit the spot where he blows up (I was on the other side of the screen, but it was when he was supposed to blow up)and it played the animation where you get hurt , but I wasn't done with my attack yet according to the code, so it went to everyone standing in "waiting" position, with no boxes or anything.

it's a timing thing, and it probably can be fixed by making the turtle turn based, (like, he walks forward 25 pixels every turn) rather then time-based (he constantly walks forward and blows up when he gets to you)

you're welcome for a bug with a built in solution! :P
Post #: 143
3/12/2007 13:42:58   
Legendary KoO Snugglebunny

Sir Pwnsalot's special and Fire Orbs becoming Ice Crystals when paralyzed have been added to the Known Bugs list. There is no longer any need to report them eleven times per page.
AQ  Post #: 144
3/13/2007 3:52:29   

when fighting an am-bush today the animation for a hit registered but I did no damage. only perhaps 1 in 10 of my attacks were dealing any damage despite is hsowing a hit rather than a dodge animation. No text at all would come up and the monster would not lose any health. It's defences are not high enough for me to have this kind of miss rate.

Actually, its defenses are high enough for you to miss that much. Am-bush has 1000 luck, which, on its own, effectively increases the monster's blocking capacity by 50.

< Message edited by Radagast -- 3/13/2007 12:37:05 >
Post #: 145
3/13/2007 10:19:47   

When I attacked a necrofiend with my RUB, It did darkness damage to it, here's screenshot to it :-

AQ DF MQ  Post #: 146
3/15/2007 20:43:49   

I think this is a bug...
I was fighitng the woodland pack, and the turtle exploded before I could press attack....
then it kept on walking ( I thought it needs to return to its original position like most monsters does after attacking... but it kept on walking.... making me uneasy...)

< Message edited by UggaUgga2 -- 3/16/2007 10:08:25 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 147
3/16/2007 6:23:58   

I was fighting Alpha Dracowolf. He had a handful of hit points left. I attacked him for ~150 HP and he regenerated 50% of my last attack and came out smelling like daiseys with ~75HP when I believe he should have been pushing daiseys indead. Why does he regenerate HP from a "fatal" attack? Or does he regenerate the dealt HP before they are applied to his HP level? If this is a bug, please fix this.

The maximum damage any hit can do on a monster is equal to its remaining hp. If the damage read is higher than that hp, the difference is reduced to zero.

And sig removed. No signatures allowed here.

< Message edited by Radagast -- 3/18/2007 19:16:23 >
AQ DF  Post #: 148
3/16/2007 10:59:22   

When Fight the Woodland Pack, when you paralyz. Them the Bomb Turtle still moves
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 149
3/18/2007 4:51:32   
Nick Cox

Why is Sylith the Lich so unpredictable? I always fight her first when I log in and sometimes she has high xp and gold but at other times she doesn't. I would understand if it was higher the first time I fought her but lower every time after that, but why is it unpredictable?

ALso a question about the Banshee. When I'm fighting a monster I choose my shield and item according to it's type of attack, but the Banshee attack just says "Mana Drain". So is it Melee, Ranged or Magic??

< Message edited by Nick Cox -- 3/18/2007 5:14:28 >
AQ  Post #: 150
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