The Wyrm Knight's Crest series (or maybe it is just the Ancient Dragon Knight's Crest specifically) occasionally replaces your character's face with an additional image of the Crest when you equip it (though, I'm not sure if it is possible to activate this bug if you equip it outside of battle) while not having any misc items equipped (or maybe it is limited specifically to misc items like itself that are supposed to replace your character's face). By this I mean that the head of your character on the character's actual model gets replaced with an image of the Crest both when you have a Crest equipped and when you have no (such?) misc items equipped. On top of that, your character's face near his/her stats gets replaced with an image of the Crest both when you don't have (such?) a misc item equipped and when you do, so that the character's face is replaced with an image of the Crest being overlaid over another image of the Crest while you have the Crest equipped after activating this bug. Oh, and this entire situation persists for the remainder of your current login session with the only way to "fix" the bug being relogging. Granted, this bug doesn't trigger more often than it does but this is still a thing that happens once in a while. I know of this bug, but I don't know what's causing it or how to reproduce it. ~IMR Additionally, the Blunderlass occasionally gets stuck in the middle of it's animation for when the extra damage effect occurs. As in, instead of having the weapon play out the entire animation that is supposed to play out when the effect to deal extra damage occurs it instead reaches the point in the animation where the entire weapon flashes white and then gets stuck in such a state until the next time that said effect to deal extra damage occurs or until you re-equip the Blunderlass.
< Message edited by In Media Res -- 7/4/2017 1:25:04 >