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RE: Graphics Bugs - read the known/reported bugs BEFORE posting.

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7/4/2017 3:13:58   
 formerly In Media Res


Tsk, I think you're right....

Anyway, plan B. I added another layer of bubblewrap to it. Hopefully that solves it.
AQ  Post #: 726
7/9/2017 17:47:35   

Equipping the Ancient Dragon Knight's Crest and the Fruitcake Berserker at the same time makes it so that the Crest is overlaid below the Berserker armor, making the part of the helmet that reaches into that area appear below the leftside (the character's left) shoulder spikes of the armor. And it isn't exclusive to the Ancient Dragon Knight's Crest or even just the Wyrm Knight's Crest series but seems to happen with every misc item that both appears on your character's model and is displayed on the model in such a manner as to "come into contact" with the Fruitcake Berserker armor because pretty much the same thing also happens when you equip the Horo-Show Void Visor with the Fruitcake Berserker as well.

Although, this bug happens with the forward pointing "tip" of the chest area of the Nulgath armor as well. So maybe it is the case with more armors and such misc items instead of something that is unique to these few interactions?

< Message edited by RedEyedDrake -- 7/12/2017 12:01:02 >
AQ  Post #: 727
11/4/2017 14:54:01   

With Cleric of Carnafex if you have a non traditional face part of the hood covers up your face and looks weird it's an even bigger issue with light lords cleric as it does the same thing on top of attempting to cover your existing face with another one I think making both of the armors hoods toggle-able would solve the problems sufficiently
AQ  Post #: 728
1/25/2018 16:48:35   

1. face colour doesnt exist. When I changed the hat colour the face colour changed too and there is no variation of the original colour.
Now he just look sickly.

also the pet shows after leaving shops if default pet.

Image removed, please just use links ~afterlifex

< Message edited by afterlifex -- 1/25/2018 16:54:47 >
Post #: 729
1/25/2018 19:56:58   

Psionic Vamp looks like Blue Blood. I'm using Google Chrome, and yes, I cleared my cache.
https://ibb.co/iOXLuG Skills are labeled as Blue Blood skills but do the Psionic Vamp effects.
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 730
2/18/2018 5:07:26   

When you use the new Summon Aquella-Spell (which is obviously an art-changed "Summon Gaiden") the flashlight that appears shows in batman-like style a huge G (Gaiden) just like it does with Gaiden.
Shouldn't it be changed to a huge A as well?
AQ  Post #: 731
2/18/2018 5:13:16   

^The huge G isn't exclusive to Summon Gaiden. Other summon/call spells have it too like the Call Nezujimbo, Summon Infernal Skull, contract spells, etc.
Post #: 732
2/18/2018 10:06:50   

Hmm never noticed that. What does it stand for then? "Guest" in general?
AQ  Post #: 733
2/18/2018 10:40:05   
 formerly In Media Res


Yes, G for Guest.
AQ  Post #: 734
2/19/2018 13:28:31   

Today when I used Galactic Void Katana and its special, the game froze, I get shockwave plugin not working.
Post #: 735
4/2/2018 14:10:23   

After creating a new character, my characters heads are enlarged and turned upside down.
I can reset it back to normal when changing my face at warlic's shop, but as soon as I go to the main area screen, this happens.


Any clue for a fix?

< Message edited by ToastyKovu -- 4/2/2018 14:13:12 >
Post #: 736
7/28/2018 18:19:01   

Hello! Cleric of Carnafex seems to have a coloring problem inside of the cowl. It's white instead of red, and is consistent across hairstyles - otherwise a sick armor. Images attached below. Thanks!

Hairstyle 1 - Cleric of Carnafex
Hairstyle 2 - Cleric of Carnafex
AQ  Post #: 737
7/29/2018 20:10:41   
Legendary Ash

In the Chessmaster: A Cavernous Chronicle, when it is Terrapin's turn to act, two duplicate graphic files of Terrapin which are just slightly off center from each other are made apparent during its attack animation.
Its either Terrapin by default has two files loaded but becomes only slightly off center during its attack animation or the idle animation when its the players turn is one file but loads two attack animation files on Terrapin's turn.

Fixed. Clear your cache. Thanks! ~IMR

< Message edited by In Media Res -- 7/30/2018 14:45:52 >
AQ  Post #: 738
8/14/2018 19:58:59   

Hi! Regarding the Cleric of Carnafex armor, I realized it might be an issue of face layering on hoods, rather than hairstyles. The white around the head is very jarring, and the hood isn't toggleable so it's just there all the time. Any idea what the technical root might be? Or is it just an artwork issue?

Here's a reference image: https://imgur.com/a/gDxy2dx

Thanks for your time.

Wow, that was an obscure bug - the mask came with some default code on it that was making it bork :o

ANYWAY it's fixed, clear your cache to get it. Thanks! ~IMR

< Message edited by In Media Res -- 8/15/2018 14:05:02 >
AQ  Post #: 739
1/6/2019 14:42:16   

The Spark of Serenity armor has a graphical glitch on its side between the chest piece and waist piece flashing rapidly.

reference gif: https://gyazo.com/8c1629009b6132cc2c9c3c8a4b3fc440
Post #: 740
1/8/2019 14:07:23   

Lucky strike font is no longer green

Post #: 741
1/19/2019 12:04:33   

In the custom weapon quest, after rescuing the old man my character was covering the screen when he shouldn't be visible blocking options. I was wearing the Golden Horror armor using the level 10 skill.


< Message edited by PlayMyTrapCard -- 1/19/2019 12:05:05 >
Post #: 742
3/20/2019 23:29:29   

font changes on launcher. flash version is

clearing clache and reinstalling doesn't seem to clear this

Post #: 743
4/1/2019 7:26:00   

Using the game options menu to change armor/weapon/shield while in a dialogue will make my character invisible until the dialogue ends or switches camera angle or position. Making the game reload these assets as soon as the options menu is closed would fix this.
AQ  Post #: 744
12/16/2019 18:54:06   

Hi, i have noticed that the"festive frostval hat F" face shows the male body instead of the female.
Post #: 745
1/18/2020 12:36:16   

Each time I enter PAXIA Clans and fight 4 monsters, game will lock up and I cant play Paxia Clans no longer

I am lvl 97 regular character and I don't understand why I cant play Paxia Clan any longer.

Removed email. Please do not post personal information on the Forums. -Digital X

< Message edited by Digital X -- 1/19/2020 5:31:06 >
Post #: 746
4/11/2020 10:58:29   

The armor from April Fool 2020's shop(Deceiver's Fortune) seems like has a minor inconsistent on player's sprite when player get hit by enemy, the hit effect just not applied to the player's face part(not changed to full-white and translucent-red), well it's not big deal and I can barely noticed sometime...


Yeah, normally you won't noticed that unless framerate went down badly or just stopped the game by accident...

< Message edited by playerlin -- 4/11/2020 11:04:07 >
Post #: 747
9/22/2020 10:32:52   
Phlox Lover

Just for visibility, the Bloodmage armors do not correctly bipe the player head model, causing very strange clipping on all graphical settings, and on both servers;


< Message edited by Phlox Lover -- 9/22/2020 10:33:25 >
Post #: 748
10/17/2020 6:22:17   

Face layering seems to be off, my chest overlays my face, hiding beards etc.
Post #: 749
11/19/2020 18:43:06   
Keno Chao

The layering of the character's face is off on the Yellow Pirate Costume ( https://imgur.com/sn5v25Q ). With this particular face the hair is shown over the top of both the armour and the weapon
AQ  Post #: 750
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