Honk! Trobbleshooting Legend!
Something seems to be wrong with the attack rate formulas for the Nerfkitten pet. The level 10 pet has a training difficulty of 40, so it needs 110 CHA to attack 100% of the time. Yet, with the formulas given in the entry, it would already attack 100% of the time with only 55 CHA, because with 55 CHA attack 1 has a chance of 50% of happening and attack 2 also has a chance of 50% of happening, resulting in an attack rate of 100%. I think the formulas should be changed to 24% + (0.50% * [Player CHA])/2 for the level 10 pet, 14% + (0.50% * [CHA])/2 for the level 50 pet and 4% + (0.50% * [CHA])/2 for the level 90 pet. That way, they would make more sense and you'd actually need 110 CHA for the level 10 pet to have a chance of using its first attack 50% of the time and its second attack the other 50% of the time. Either that, or you could add the formula x% + (0.50% * [Player CHA]) to determine the overall attack rate and note that each attack has a 50% chance of happening when the pet attacks.